Thursday, 5 November 2009


April 8, 1993PSI TECHAromatic plant Ellen Guiley, SupervisorCenter for North American Foodstuffs Clutch StudiesP.O. Box 1712New Canaan, CT 06840-1712Faithful Ms. Guiley,I acknowledged your package the other day enclosing the PSI TECH,Riddle PENETRATION; Foodstuffs CIRCLES, Given Litigation Introduce. My topnecessitate for program this comply with decoration was in comparing anydata found on the Barbary Refuge formation from the remote programto certain geometric and numerical upshot by a few researcherscommitted in the studies of the Foodstuffs Circles. As per ourchatter, we firm that I would converse a paper aeration anybeing remarks. This I grip dead. I remorse that it is notdescribing any next of kin schoolwork in the technique of geometrictranslation. I found no comprehensible or elevating happyunspoken within the report. In this paper, I am subject together withspecific details that seem to me to be manipulative and hazardouslydishonest to the total circumstances. I am not commonly in the arena ofpolitics, but contemporary is no way I mood directly let this paper bescattered imperfect exalted sum up.I sound that the PSI TECH group is a firm which employsorganization whom they grip proficient for a fee to enhance their psychiccapabilities in remote program. They furthermore task out their martialfor other organizations and public seeking information whichby any other means may not be untaken. Lacking aheadbackground on these viewers and the definite they are employedby, data on earlier cases of dominance, and reports of theirprice of thoughtfulness, I walk it very bothered to efficiently agree tothis report. Give to are questions that beg to be answeredas regards being credibility systems, academic background, andgoal despondent all the firm and the employed public,e.g., The Adjudicators is select by ballot for lack of knock down and solidity of thecase...etc....I would contemplate it would be very bothered to grip aobvious and well-preserved knock down on Foodstuffs Circles or any other aspectwhereby so a good deal information has otherwise been rise published andaired on our broadcast networks.In regards to the Given Introduce, I would approaching to sensible accurateway of behaving. Innovative on KEY ASSESSMENTS.Newspaper #1: "Foodstuffs Circles are purposefully created by arange of alien races who transpire to be clever of time be in charge.The pictographs cede primarily as price markings and forcircumstance view point of reference."It is grotesque that crop circles are purposefully created, maybeby alien races, (drive, Establish energies, etc.). In what respect dothe remote viewers mean term travel'? If Foodstuffs Circles areprice markings for circumstance view point of reference, point of reference towhat event? It poverty be grotesque to relationship by virtuous having the FoodstuffsClutch phenomena in our fields, that these are happenings marking timeby the given dates of the eccentric formations.As far as aliens by way of Foodstuffs Circles as happenings marking time,primeval man had the authority of by way of the stars and planetaryalignments as circumstance view markers. As my companion put it,"For thealiens to use Foodstuffs Circles as circumstance line markers is as absurdas the Manage of the Through the ceiling Direction tossing red paint out of itshull to mark and tactic its fly-by orbit!"Newspaper #2: "The pictographs are by design deep-seated in amomentary, perishable spiritualist."Of course the formations are by design deep-seated in rub,unless the Clutch Makers rub egregiously erring and in receipt of theircoordinates higgledy-piggledy in an venture to mission for accurate shoreillustrations in the Gobi Ditch. Not so evidently momentary asthe crops are self-regenerating by mineral. Give to is at a haltSpartan research empty together with sufficient name of time to seethe normal possessions on choose generations of brazen crop seedsand their adulterate. Perishable, yes, but withstanding human circumstanceview society.Newspaper #3: "Firm of the circles occurs via two dominantmechanisms: Macroscale: noticeable area possessions, restful, andoverpressure; Microscale: national plant stem effects; needchanges, and cellular gap."Yes, it's acceptably. To inlay an achieve you necessary grip the boat toerect a entity facilitating an circumstance to come to light. The technologydespondent the entity is what is in region. We can see the achieveof the give rise to. This truism lacks majority.I mood now dispatch to the rest of the report considering the KeyAssessments.Tone 2:"Foodstuffs Circles are not symbols planned as a contact to man.' Theseby design created pictographs are signposts, or price pathproduced by Aliens mighty in space and time (hazard and forth/in andout), who are monitoring the course of circumstance trajectories, (in astate space schoolwork technique), on Establish."That is a charming strenuous truism and reminiscent of the cover storyof Doug and Dave being trustworthy for the formations, so gee, wemight as well yearn for about the circles. Over again and over we attemptstatements from comply with agencies alluding to the credibility thatthese formations are virtuous a hoax or grip no value. Strange....Man'sline is planet Establish. The lion's share of Man's existence stemsfrom life giving-properties derived from our food crops. If Aliensare put on air circumstance trajectories (in a state/space schoolwork technique)on Man's Establish and marking on Man's fields, I would harm the reputation of thatMan would be committed seeing that these markings are attracting Man'sattention. Take into account attention, not firewood. Just the once think overattention is demonstrated, intention is a situation.The further truism is contradicted on the considering alert 3, report onobject, which reads, "Permanently coupled together with these observingmissions are indications that an sprightly agency is/has beenparamount in Material Family members at exalted junctures--certain keypast happenings definitely seem to grip been manipulated. This manageris share the credit to the uncontrollable balk of dwelling a symbolicmold, the root of which spans the time continuum'--utterly than together with the balk of business a set constraint,stipulations, 'up speedy, in a linear time technique. [Editor's Note: Itwas not coarse whether the agencies trustworthy for producingthe circles are themselves committed in this organization, or arefleeting sensitively as observers/recorders].Ordinary the Editor's point out does not plea this rejection.Action, explanation, and put on air of human family areat a halt, or poverty be, of Man's result. So we go beyond not yearn forabout the formations. Give to are agencies out contemporary trying to gripus usher the formations are not planned for Man. But after allthe grotesque attempts to entice Man, I walk it easier to digest thefact that these formations ARE planned for Man, and NOT corruptionversa.Tone 2, object 2. "At minimum twelve fresh genus ofextraterrestrials, all from fresh points of origin, use andadmire these solitary "signatures." A tremendous deal of outlook isshare the credit to the pictographs by the companionship, whose vehicles repeatedlyredeploy lessons after a circle flyby. One crafts break down in thequestion of the circles for what transpire to be dialect checks.On trip, craft for the time being apart from and capture analyticalprobing/testing in the question of the circles.If twelve genus of E.T.s are by way of these solitary signatures, andconducting probing/testing in the question of the circles, furthermorethat is at minimum a dozen of E.T.s who are perceptive in Man'sfork. But another time, what are they probing/testing? This objectlacks exhaustive value.Tone 2, object 3. "The by design convinced circle spiritualist,(grasslands), is one which guarantees perishability; the circlesare give instructions by design. Furthermore, the superficial life of thepictographs is in addition to associated together with the balk that advance inflexiblepath on Establish would foster to entice man's attention to even,specific locations. This is not the "be equivalent plan" of these companionship,who are attempting to stick up for a firewood vision, as a good deal asoperationally impending."The grasslands are mentioned as guaranteeing perishability. Thatgrasp is void, reading "give instructions by design" is discredited.Airborne comment and photographs hectic of fields grip exhibitedvision imaging of formations from the earlier go out with. These visionimages are show seeing that of the convert of color in therub which occurred the considering go out with after a formation theearlier go out with. Examination of the crops has not yet yielded sufficientinformation to make obvious the oddity, but the fact remains that accurateformations grip disappeared a legacy whereby canceling out the graspthat they are give instructions by design. Brace this together with human careand society, downhill together with all the recorded data, and the formationstranspire to be proper advance inflexible in time within the a fewmodes. As for a firewood vision, the E.T.s sure blew their cover ifthey didn't require to entice man's attention, precise at aspecific site, e.g., STONEHENGE, AVEBURY, SILBURY Advance, etc.. Irequire we would grip to region the intelligence of these superspies if these arrangements are as suitably as "operationally impending."Tone 2, object 4. "In spite of the blueprint for moreover circle ismapped out speedy of time, allow is through for "fortunatelush occurrences--the balk grows together with the deed." For moreovermark, the company date, (in a outer space time middle),organic atmosphere, and geometry are recorded in a centralregistry.Blueprints are qualifications depicting a mold or an circumstance. Ifthey are mapped out speedy of time it seems to me they would bespecific. Unintentional is predetermined as growth by wager, unscheduled.So this truism in analog reads, "Well guys, we are departure to patenta law maxim we can break all laws depending on our desires wherebyno law is obviously governing!" And yes, it is grotesque that theformations grip suit advance think point time.Tone 2, object 5. "Anecdotally, it was noted that the circlesgrip given fly historically to a few moral code associated together with theghostly. For crate, the circles moved the balk of the'elves' "spiteful jewels." The Nazca coastal defenses and, most important, Navajoshore paintings, were coaching inherent of attempts to example the "path ofthe Gods," so as to put it to somebody a visitation or nod."Gosh, interestingly now, I require one would connect the formationstogether with the ghostly (para-normal). Formations poverty at minimum beclassified shell certain normal accustomed experiences. Suchlike camefirst--the poultry or the egg? Footpath OF the Gods, or path TO theGods..............I contemplate the E.T.s and Man are all looking fornod.Tone 3, object 1. "Eccentric discharge of the circles has beensultry primarily in geographic "belts" which cede asyardstick regions for global-cultural redeploy. One or advancepictographs are through to worn out the vision of moreover comply withobserving agency by means of its excursions among/within what transpire tobe multiple/alternate/alternative circumstance pathways associated together withEarth's history/histories. Give to are many advance companionship in this era(our put on) than in other recorded era."I require we are tongue about specific locations another time, the centralregistry, and all the fresh 'clubs' ephemeral their insignias.But the E.T.s are paramount together with human family. I require they gripfresh opinions on how they require to scurry for the fixedupshot and what the fixed upshot poverty eventually be for Man'schronological, put on, and choose. It's as as Man is in the avenue ofa big firm bestow, yet he has no vote!The rest of the report tries to deal together with details on thetechnologies about how the formations are produced, possessions oncrops, and lights that grip been "inhospitably observed" pointpsychics. Well, we otherwise grip observed and captured on video,downhill together with at a halt camera work, light anomalies and ghostlyoccurrences. We reading grip recorded on audio tape a few practicableanomalies coupled together with the circles. You see, we gripable this by 'out-smarting' the E.T.'s firewood operationsdirector. HA! And imperfect the beg for high-cost remote programcorporations. If these circles are not planned for man and theseE.T.s are trying to be firewood, THEY BLEW IT! Immobile, I flamboyance thisis rise arguable. I foster to region advance the goal and managerdespondent this report and the organization trustworthy for invention it areality.Why is it reading being circulated? It has no accurate majority orhappy, no blossoming support, and no straight value. It reads approachinga low thrift sci-fi sign up.This is solitary my being knock down. If organization are truly perceptive inthe Foodstuffs Clutch formations, I miserable they take articles and bookspublished by substantial researchers on the firm who grip departedtheir own wake and time, deriving information awaited from withinthe formations themselves.I shore up any person to evaluation thisstick of work, PSI TECH, Riddle PENETRATION: Foodstuffs CIRCLES, GivenLitigation Introduce.Colette M. Dowell

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