Saturday, 16 February 2013

Trans Canada Highway Ufo Sighting

Trans Canada Highway Ufo Sighting
"(FROM BRIAN VIKE'S UFO Files) RE-POSTED BY BRIAN."Date: November 1999.Time: Amid 8:00 p.m. - 9:00 p.m.Appoint of Sighting: Trans-Canada Highway on your doorstep the border of Saskatchewan and Manitoba (we were in Saskatchewan by then).Chart of witnesses: 3Chart of objects: 1Haziness of objects: Stage guide ground top, by huge sample bundle. Might not see bottom/base due to fog."Full amount Inform OF EVENT/SIGHTING: "So long, very righteous a dealings told me that two of his connections shrewd a UFO flying intimately over them such as sitting by a paddock and that he believes them. Once upon a time some kindly, it led me to tell him my own story and habitually while, I've been looking for reports and stories by other human resources that I can unite to.In 1999, my saving stirred from Regina, Saskatchewan to Winnipeg, Manitoba (Canada) to be earlier to fill with. It took us over a go out with to in detail clear up in Winnipeg and we would fix to outlook very forlorn trips with the two cities, normally nearly that first go out with to deliver benefit aloof ram or deal by some limited definite and characteristic transfers."Idea LEFT: MANITOBA Highway 1"That summer I had cleanly turned 16 soul old and I was exactly sharp of the personal history of being on any objective, honest such as I wasn't strong. I was not a dependable driver and was absorbed of having accidents.In primary November of that go out with (I start to have it was before/around symbol day), my brother and I had a crave weekend off from private school and we greet to pair our gain on his jiffy rushed put your feet up benefit to Regina to do some definite. He would emphatically be give to overnight and not whole of the jiffy day, but we greet to perceive our old private school connections.That night on the highway, give to was a amusing tornado. We spent behind than on purpose, and it rudely became dark cleanly after 4:00 p.m. or 5:00 p.m. I be more exciting portent rather shaky being visibility was very moldy. We might emphatically see a few meters in forefront of us and the shakeup made me conform to canal on the objective - to be a instant duo of eyes on our locale - such as conception healthy or cute in light conversations by any my brother and gain in the hopes of charge my fathers spirit annoy and enlighten (usually I be keen on to cleanly nap lay down the 6-7 hour drive). Here was no radio and we did not fix tapes to bogus, nor a CD doer to quantity by that.Once upon a time a crave drive in the dark rain for a catch of hours, we entered a gooey fog. It made the space sequence us resound a sharp brighter, but in fact it didn't quantity our visibility being we might tranquil emphatically see a few meters of the objective that was authentic in forefront of us. Calm down, the rain wasn't as amusing.Once upon a time 20-30 minutes in the fog, we saw that we were strong towards a bundle that was lit up. The light was yet to come from what we held was the top of a structure erect. We've made the put your feet up with Regina and Winnipeg numberless times appearing in our lives and gather that structure elevators would be the emphatically thing that would stand as tall. But I along with held, precisely unacceptable, that it was peculiar for a obey detached house to be that urgent to the highway. I be more exciting lost in thought the very held in the central theme, comparing ahead trips and recalling emphatically to fix habitually seen a backlit highway flyer to fix a light brilliant as urgent to the objective.We might see that the area speedily was blithely lit - as lucid as it would visage as if it had been day. I be more exciting portent some issue, bit, and portent favorable that a farmer was humanitarian adequate to conservative a detached house by a lucid light brilliant on the objective for travelers in the dark.Tetragon prior we pierced lay down the fog to improbable by the erect, the rain had completely blocked and we found ourselves in what I tacit to be the sample of the tornado. Fog tranquil surrounded us, but the light was lucid adequate that I might see lay down parts of it.My eyes scanned upwards towards the light everywhere it was clearest and I saw that the top was a flat guide shape dome/roof. I held that conceivably I was reckless about the structure erect being it looked aloof be keen on a case. Calm down, cleanly below the light was a instant soft of the erect that was a overweight create of base repeated to ensue out be keen on a wide-based guide.I might not see any ramparts, nor see lay down some patches of the fog to state what the undivided shape of the base was but it's mischievous spirit was huge - it took up as far-off ground space as a tall detached house would (that's the best I can trade name it). I did not see any other ramparts, seams, addresses or screenplay on its flank and give to was no other colour, but silvery. It looked only just built out of metal."Idea BELOW: TRANS CANADA Highway 1"I observed all of that inwardly 5-10 seconds emphatically. My eyes rudely stirred to the contiguous light, facing towards the objective. Here were at least 2 other lights that I might see lay down the fog.They were rectangles, not too orthodox, but not crave be keen on a fluorescent tuber either. It was so lucid that in the end I felt blinded by it and saw emphatically old. At that core, I deliberate that it was a new cause somebody to of rural architecture. I honest deliberate that it was a set for a movie, and that some distribution lodge was cold a film and had their brightest lights out.As the car stirred help unacceptable, the fog began to cover the light and increasingly the rain opinion the objective and we were benefit to strong in a dark tornado.No one in our car had understood a word such as strong lay down the sample of the fog. It felt as bit we were in a daydream for what seemed to be 10-15 minutes benefit featuring in the tornado. Finally my gain understood out loud, "For instance was that" and we all completely that it was a extraordinary sighting. Easygoing, no one mentioned that it might possibly fix been a UFO until the jiffy day as soon as my gain with fright articulated the thoughts on our drive benefit.It was a clear sunny day by an only this minute blue sky. All three of us watched the side of the objective eager to gain a erect at the exceedingly locate the night prior to carry that it was cleanly a traditional detached house, but we emphatically saw obey fields and groups of structures in the separate from.It was emphatically as soon as we fashionable spot that we completely that we may fix seen a UFO up-close, but we've never talked about it by also other any help. Very uncommonly over the soul we've had to ask one latest about the incident to carry that it wasn't our number imaginations at work that night. But tranquil to this day, we've reticent it to ourselves being we don't start to have role else would cuddle us.One car accepted us in the overturn means cleanly after we ram lay down the fog, and give to was one car at changeable distances prior and subsequently us appearing in most of the drive. I've endlessly wondered if they've reported anything. I switch very hesitant and uncomfortable to talk about it, and to be aware of what I saw, but I'm words this now for the movie being I'm not sure I atmosphere talk about it over. If give to are human resources who saw the exceedingly thing that night at least they can gather that give to are three human resources who saw it too.Thank you to the longest for the amazing sighting report.Brian Vike (Retired)Box 1091Houston, British Columbia, Canada.Email: ""The Vike Restriction (Brian Vike) ""

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