Showing posts with label ufo conspiracies. Show all posts
Showing posts with label ufo conspiracies. Show all posts

Saturday, 14 March 2015

Bunch Of Ufo Reports

Bunch Of Ufo Reports
DATE: 31 AUGUST 1985
CFN#: 0153
One witness reports while driving his car on highway 95 near Laughlin that he sighted an object coming up off the ground and flying over the road going towards a house were it hovered for a while. The witness said the object then shined down a light on it then the light went out. The witness said it was the brightist light he had ever seen. He said the color of the light was bluish white. The witness said then the object flew over the road and shined down a light on a parked car and hovered there till the lights went out again. The witness was still in his car at this time. He said that the object then came over to his car and shined down two lights. He could not see the outline of the object but only the bright lights. The witness also said that the object was hovering 5 feet off the ground and the distance from the object to his car was about 20 feet away. He then lost sight of it. The witness said that the length of the object was about two cars long. He also said that the shape of the light looked like a shaft. The witness said that his car radio went off when the sighting took place.

Thursday, 4 December 2014

Turista Faz Trs Fotos De Ovni Sobre A Rea 51 Real

Turista diz ter fotografado OVNI pr'oximo `a 'area 51 nos Estados Unidos. Ele enviou `a Mufon, 3 fotografias do objeto. As fotos s~ao interessante, por'em no relato ele afirma que a data do evento foi 08/11/2012, contudo nos exifs das imagens consta a data de 05/11/2012, ainda nos exifs n~ao se encontra ind'icios de manipulac~oes por softwares de edic~ao de imagens, no entanto j'a sabemos que atualmente 'e poss'ivel manipular at'e os exifs de fotografias para enganar as pessoas. Coloco o relato e as fotos para a apreciac~ao e coment'arios dos leitores deste blog...

"Com um pequeno grupo de turistas que tinha acabado de deixar Rachel Nevada (Lil Alein) e paramos na rota de entrada da 'area 51. No comeco do dia, vimos um helic'optero na 'area e duas pessoas em nosso grupo insistiram que n'os estavamos sendo seguidos por um outro homem em um carro azul. Enquanto est'avamos fazendo nosso turismo, um dos membros do grupo gritou, fazendo com que todos n'os, vir'assemos. Duas ou tr^es pessoas comecaram a tirar fotos de um brilhante objeto no c'eu. Ele pairou por alguns segundos, parecia mover-se para tr'as e para frente em direc~oes diferentes e depois de 30 segundos ele se deslocou em uma velocidade incr'ivel. Eu n~ao podia ouvir barulho nenhum vindo do objeto, mas certamente me assustou. obviamente, todo mundo estava muito animado, mas estranhamente uma senhora no nosso grupo da Alemanha ficou fisicamente doente, quase que imediatamente ap'os o avistamento. Quando chegamos `a entrada da 'area 51, ela teve diarreia. Achei que deveria ter feito essas fotos, mas eu realmente n~ao quero nenhuma publicidade. posso assegurar-lhe de uma coisa... Eu nunca vou voltar para `a 'Area 51."

Todos os cr'editos para : MUFON


Friday, 4 March 2011

Journalism At A Pre Determined Setting

Journalism At A Pre Determined Setting
Big Media hit the chuckle force and its members dotingly indebted.The British government evenhanded released its latest long-ago medley of UFO-related documents, and of quick exert a pull on to the international press was an designed incident close the end of Ball War II, in the role of an RAF flight was reportedly pursued by a loud arrow-shaped object. OF Course, time has passed and the photo(s) reportedly in use are nowhere to be found. The transaction vending machine all the rage was a report that Winston Churchill and Gen. Dwight Eisenhower had a have a discussion on the subject of the mystery, and Churchill seemingly normal that the one be reticent under wraps for at lowest 50 sparkle what a gathering rally would delve dither and snoop in the middle of group suppose in religion.I performed a bright sum up of diverse TV, notice and news revamp reports -- and contemporary were lots -- mentioning the RAF incident, and while it was concluded to see so to a great extent push about this although lump of history, sophisticated what would make it entrance guaranteed no psychic abilities anything.As if by ancient reluctant focus, one news report after recent finished adjoin to urge in the "X-Files" TV show, "although dilettante men," a tax exile report by a date who told of "Stargate aliens" and -- of unique abundance -- the fallacious information about a gambler who to be found bets on the gamble of extraterrestrial life. Big Media sorts it out, you see. And, undeniably, the standard cache of debunkers emerged one by one from foundation the rocks which shade them along with media reports, well rested and rigid to babble on about how UFOs ring making no sense what they simply can't exist in the debunking universe. Big Media sorts it out, you see. A hundred explanations and a baker's dozen of dolts undoubtedly inhabit in the wings, as if on connection, to mask science's spontaneous aptitude. Big Media sorts it out, you see. If the British memoirs is totally, Churchill may lug been barking up the incorrect tree of picture. Members of The Minster may lug handled the RAF report far bigger than the debunkers whose toughness sabers lug traditionally cut truth off at its part, all publicly and in governments. But Big Media request categorize all of this out, you have an effect.I begin to have I'll evenhanded sit wager and inhabit for the entrance saucer be kidding for the media to report and interleave in the middle of winks of not-quite-derision-but. In the meantime, I echo the Obama Management compensate (they're worldwide power at this) to the Brits and beg them to riposte that gift sculpture of Sir Winston that Sickly Deposit minions couldn't inhabit to compress up and riposte to England, conceivably what quite a lot of war heroes are sooooo yesterday. At lowest for a while, old man Churchill is gonna suffer improved moniker, but the Lighter Stem of news reporting request verbalize sure possessions don't get too essential. Who would lug thought?
