Sunday 26 April 2009

Obamamess It Arrived At My Doorstep Over The Weekend

Obamamess It Arrived At My Doorstep Over The Weekend



" A DOCTOR SHORTAGE IS THREATENING TO MAKE THE ROLL-OUT OF THE AFFORDABLE CARE ACT EVEN MORE DIFFICULT - AND IT COULD CREATE LINES FOR CARE AND SERVICES." what we said was you can keep it if it hasnt changed since the law passed.html#.UnhBzabJp0Q.twitter


Over the weekend we received our Insurance Cancellation notice. It informed us that we had until January 14th of 2014 to procure new insurance. We were dropped from Blue Cross because we only had it for a year. My wifey, left her job of 15 years as being a teachers aid-complete with health insurance-to work beside me and be part of what we now do together so this was the reason we had to find other insurance, which we did, on our own, without the help of the weasels in Washington.

We like our plan. We were told we could keep our plan. Our plan worked for us. We didn't and don't need the stupid, bloated, suck-us-dry-for-every-last-nickel-we-own, government interfering with OUR insurance.

Ahhhh, but Obamamess is now the law! Ram-rodded down the throats of American citizens everywhere, and it has come to roost at my door.

I called my insurance agent first thing Monday morning and asked about my options. "I'M ON ASSIGNMENT ALL THIS WEEK AND PART OF NEXT," so after things settle down and I'm home for a while we'll get together and discuss it.

In essence, I am being forced to buy something from the government. If I don't, there will be a penalty. This penalty, is an unjust tax being levied on me if I don't procure Obamacare. Added to this is the creepy feeling that I won't be able to keep the doctor I have had for over a decade.

You may remember when the Supreme Court voted for Obamamess. Chief Justice Roberts fill-flopped and after the vote fled the country for a while!

The roll out for Obamamess was a mess, hence the name. It didn't work, period and this after the weasels in Washington spent a record half a bill on dollars on the web site!

In closing todays post. Where is the outrage from the American people. According to some news stories, upwards of 500,000 Californians are set to loose their existing insurance. What's going on in other states? Where will we all go? How can a government that can't build a border fence-last time I checked it was still uncompleted-mandate and run Health care for 300 million people?

They can't as is demonstrated by the inability to create a website that actually works.

Obamamess arrived at my doorstep and our president lied to us, and to me when he told me I could keep my plan. Guess what? I can't! How do you spell Pinocchio?

Watchers 7 DVD (20.00) and the companion book Further Evidence (24.95) by L. A. Marzulli, with Richard Shaw: Further Evidence - with over 40 full-color photos of UFOs, expert witness testimonies, behind the scene shots, and more!

"This may be the best UFO documentary I have ever seen!" Bob Ulrich - Prophecy in the News!

Watchers 7, is over 80 minutes in length, with riveting, in-depth interviews!

"Further Evidence, "is a 7 X 10 oversize book, with startling UFO pictures, like the "Turkish UFO", which shows "aliens," inside the craft.

See and hear the former Canadian,Minister of Defense, Paul Hellyer, state unequivocally: "UFOs are as real as the airplanes flying over head! "

In depth interviews with:

Gary Stearman - Host of Prophecy in the News.

Stephen Bassett - Organizer of the Citizens Hearing on UFOs in Washington DC.

Cris Putnam - Co-author of EXO-Vaticana.

George Filer - Former Colonel and UFO witness.

Chuck Missler - Author & Biblical Scholar.

Dr. David Jacobs - Abduction researcher.

Jamie Maussan - Host of the weekly UFO program seen by over 4 million people in Mexico each week.

David Stinnett - UFO researcher.

Jim Wilhelmsen - Author and UFO researcher.

Jose Escamilla - UFO investigator.

Dr. Roger Leir - Implant removal.

Steven Colbern - Chief Scientist for A. & S. Research.



(Contest winner to be announced Monday!)

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