Tuesday 21 April 2009

Ufo Encounter In La Grange Georgia 1996

Ufo Encounter In La Grange Georgia 1996
Likeness by SW/LITS

Likeness submitted by Perceive.

Map (overhead regard) submitted by Perceive.

A make a note recalls a 1996 UFO sighting, of a disc-shaped UFO. This band took site as the make a note was leaving work at the Milliken Perform Forefront in La Grange, Georgia.

All over is that report as it was submitted to MUFON. At hand are no corrections.


MUFON Organizer # 29988

Date: 1996-12-15

Time: 17:48

City: LaGrange

State: Georgia

Shape: Compact disk

Duration: 00:01:30

Vallee Index: CE1

Summary: UFO Get together at MDC


Everything in this report is 100% smear and really. I squeeze no resolution to heaviness up or proposal what, I squeeze no other resolution other than to try and cultivate what I saw on this day, and the magnificent confrontation that it has had on me all these abundant sparkle subsequently. It is not my aim to try and influence the gloomy Gus and nonbelievers, but I motion be open and law-abiding sooner than the accomplishments that transpired on this day. People can carry out what they motion from this, but the inhabitants who convey me, convey that I am not blameless of age band up stories, or lying for that field of study. Why did I perform to settle down now after so abundant sparkle squeeze approved, or for that field of study to ecstasy it up at all? By chance it is all the accomplishments leave-taking on in the world permit now. At hand are so abundant unusual accomplishments scheduled all over the planet. It is no secret that spare and spare UFO sightings are scheduled on a coagulate establish. I'm correspondence this report for my own have reasons. The inhabitants that I approval to amount this sooner than motion most doable be close associates and dynasty. I squeeze no resolution to try and get any form of notoriety, and unquestionably not looking for any delightful of prominence or situation. While I nonetheless can, I willpower to capture this band as skillfully as prospective, and sooner than as very much detail as I can take out. One of my regrets is that I did not go diametrically community and settle down down the rigorous date that this occurred. In the last 10 sparkle or so, I squeeze been keeping very exact files of day to day accomplishments, especially skipping any. Pitifully indoors this time spell, I didn't continue very much load to such important and afterward did not sell up sooner than niceties. As far as my largest sorrowfulness sooner than this encounter, would squeeze to be the fact that I did not squeeze a camera or video recorder in advise to keep my story. If unaccompanied I did, they would most unquestionably be selected of the most discovery up close and in shrill detail, as customarily witnessed by character. I say this not to grasp, but to ascetically state a fact. I squeeze seen probably hundreds of videos on You Sluice, selected totally channel, selected bad, others down permit unintelligent or a hoax. I am up that what I saw would squeeze afforded me a think it over from the so called "Men In Black". It would squeeze been that fabulous, and set the prevalent by which all skeptics would squeeze to admit- Whatsoever WAS THAT? The abovementioned is the pole of my story. Whatsoever follows motion be the time line of what happened on this forward day, one that I motion never pass on.

While I don't convey the rigorous date that this occurred, I do convey that it was the winter of 1996, cry November or December. I convey this in the function of the days were depressed, and all the plants had fallen off the trees- this I convey for sure. I was in action at Milliken Perform Forefront in LaGrange Georgia. My normal work hour was 8:00 - 5:00 o'clock, Monday nonstop Friday- a stockpile office cast. It was not unfamiliar for me to work over an extra hour when on earth customarily advantageous. On this thorough day, I secure down my mortal and gel to haven the villa at on the ball 5:45pm. I take out a guy walking hunger strike of me, physically 50' feet or so. He exited the side parking lot door first, a few seconds subsequently I did the precise. He prior to had a head control leave-taking to his car, which was towards the left as you walk out the side doors. My car was parked spare to the permit as you walked out the door. I motion try to continue a insinuation as to somewhere his car was, as apposed to mine. It was at this feature (after leaving the villa) that I first saw the unidentified flying object sooner than my peripheral vision. At that very feature the object had composed came from the permit put back into working order of the villa. It was at a very low flat, physically 80' - 100' feet in the air. It was traveler from a SW aim (215^0 azimuth), leave-taking in a NE aim (35^0 azimuth), at a line sight cope with of physically 35^0- 40^0 degrees. It was touching at a very low rate of strip, suitably pliant me large quantity of time to look at it. It made justified no highly at all- none no matter what. By chance the one thing that caught my eye first was the big well-built light on the beneath of the craft. It was so well-built that at mature it was snappish to examination at. The top dollop of the craft was shiny hoary overstated. I take out preoccupied how unusual that this craft had appendages sticking seeming from the sides, mysterious statistical sizes and shapes- whatever thing that I would subsequently abate to as probes. Of course I can't be 100% percent sure what they were, but that is what it appeared to me as. As mentioned more, the craft inspired or hovered slowly from a south westerly aim leave-taking towards the north east. Bearing in mind it came more accurately over the parking lot, I possibly will see it plainly, age band out the distinctive shape and manage girth of the craft. At the time of this sighting, I fill a 1980 Ancient Cadillac Fleetwood Brougham. The girth of this model car is 18.5' feet covet. Resolution this fact and judging the apex and estrange of the craft, and the nearness to somewhere I was standing- I likely the object as being physically 25' feet in verge. It was not a big craft by no means, but was unquestionably blameless of being maneuvered or wanton by selected delightful of skillful life form. As the craft hovered slowly over the parking lot and outside over the vegetation in the despicable, separating really two parking lots, it continued touching in the north east aim. I never took my eyes off the object the hum time, and as it inspired on with a leg on each side of the parking lot and in effect over the formerly avenue in head start of the office highly developed, it did whatever thing that defied all explanation of physics. It went from touching slow, let's say 5 mph, to an accelerated strip so press out, the unaccompanied way to call it would be: "bombardment a slug" out of the drum of a gun- mainly a stroke, subsequently it was entranced. I squeeze log on ending cases of flying objects discharge duty the precise thing as I squeeze described hand over. All one has to do is go to You Sluice and type in "UFO", it wouldn't gain covet to capture selected videos vetting ending military exercises. An prototypical would be to type in the term on You Tube: "UFO Over Pour out In Italy", subsequently you possibly will find out the time by which I am recounting. I am up that America nor any other territory on this planet has what in its military arsenal that possibly will gain close to what I witnessed. Let me say for the record: this was not an flat, jet, helicopter, distend or what else of this earth. I unquestionably don't guide to be told that it was "swamp gas" or the planet "Venus", or what else that would cruelty my skillful. Whatsoever I saw was real, it totally did subsist, it took site on the ball as I squeeze outlined hand over, and no I am not furious by a covet shot.

Summary: The guy walking out the door hunger strike of me to his car never saw this object. As fast as I saw this object, I popular to request to this guy and say: "hey man, do you see that", but I was reasonably taken aback, the inscription would not gain out. I was so in awe at the sight of this UFO, that I composed possibly will not gain my eyes off it- not silver-tongued for a flash. The jocular thing about this hum scenario- I possibly will take out meaningful myself that "this is a real UFO that I'm looking at". I composed knew right what it was, but at the precise time I couldn't be attracted to that it was permit give to in head start of me, in all its source of pleasure and mystery.

Note: On July 2nd, 2011- I did drive aid to the site somewhere this band took site and took nearly pictures. I second hand the aid of my old compass in advise to get an exact approach on somewhere I was status, in finish equal to what aim the craft was traveler. Hold up in human being these photos were lovesick in the standard of summer, sooner than the vegetation deep of plants, not to mention these vegetation squeeze fully developed sizably over the outside 15 sparkle.

I squeeze second hand the aid of "Google Map" in advise to show a satellite regard from space, the office highly developed somewhere I worked at the time (MDC). I silver-tongued squeeze a picture of what my ashy Cadillac looked prefer in advise to continue selected load to the girth of this object. The UFO was distantly portly in verge than that of my car, but it was the unaccompanied thing at the time that I possibly will insinuation in recounting the objects girth. In the end, I found a picture on the internet that more accurately familiarly resembled the object in issue. Humor citation that I did use software on my mortal (MGI PhotoSuite IV) to delightful far-flung improve the photo. It was my aim to show a truer comparison to what I saw on that day. It is not rightly the precise in some detail, but unquestionably very close. One release import mentioning hand over is that the photo that I squeeze is darker, the substantial UFO was very shiny and overstated on top. The band was more accurately darker than the top due to the elucidation outdoor, rescue for one big light in the middle- this was superbly exciting.

The information that I squeeze provided is faithful. This report is mainly for my own have recollection. If other inhabitants log on this and are inspired- that would shrill. If others log on it and upmarket its hog-wash, that's OK too. It is not my aim to heaviness inhabitants be attracted to me. I do upmarket inhabitants requisite stretch out their minds to the likelihood that we humans are haughty, if we upmarket that we are the unaccompanied skillful beings in the universe.

Date: July 3rd, 2011

Image be neck and neck 1

Image Share 2

Image Share 3

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