Saturday 27 June 2009

Comments Reports Reptilians And Other Phenomena

Comments Reports Reptilians And Other Phenomena

Lon - I understand your story on the encounter in Carthage, Missouri. I maintain heard of and seen Reptoid beings in the area 5 miles east of Phoenix, Arizona. The Superstition Mt's maintain been an area of encounters and is held to maintain all an alien base and laboratories under it. The military as well maintain an underground base acquaint with and act as a go-between on experiment's with the aliens.

In the vicinity of 20 living ago I encountered an hold that not here time exploring one of the old mines in the area. He had passed on for months at an earlier time I ran arrived him again. I ask him someplace he had been all this time. Now is his story.

He spotted a mine vestibule on the west side of the chief Mt. side. He held that the mine looked to be in fierce shape, so he started walking in the impediment. He had misplaced about a unfinished mile in in the function of he saw a sign that held no vestibule very this piece. The mine impediment was unflustered in fierce shape, so he went in a 100 yards. He told me that club seemed to ooze out of the protection of the impediment. Men in black uniforms questioned him and as a consequence took him to a holding area in Mesa, Arizona for 72 hours. They questioned him again and found out that his environment was in Colorado. They gave him a plane regard to Denver, CO and told him never to ooze turn around to the Phoenix area. He asked me not to tell qualities that I had peal him. He hunted to select up immediate bits and pieces that got vanished much-lamented. I maintain never seen him after that.

Acquaint with are other stories of estimate hunters separation arrived old mine shafts and wisdom holographic protection in the impediment. They did not try to enter the area much-lamented the wall as they feared that they may not be able to get turn around out. They told me that they took a round rock and rolled it blunt the screen and heard it wind speed for one detach. One of them reached blunt the screen with a shine light in his hand. He turned the shine light turn around near the screen, but could not see any light. He held that he withdrew his arm as he had the brainchild that one thing was turn around acquaint with and he didn't force it to grab his arm and tow him in. I asked the men to bring about me up acquaint with and show me the mine. They all held no way they were separation turn around in acquaint with. We got a topo map out and they showed me the area that they had encountered the wall. I did go arrived the area to search but was never able to identify the mine. This is not exotic as other club maintain found destiny and plain the vestibule with a pyramid of colossal rocks and vanished to get lights and elder club and equipment. Such as they got turn around, the rocks are unflustered acquaint with as they had stacked them, but the vestibule is gone!

Acquaint with maintain been sighting of reptoids about 9 feet tall in that area. As in a while as they direction that they are being watch they perish. The public maintain as well seen lizard beings about the prominence of a man with bat because wings and a tail. They fly out to destiny in the cliffs at sunset and as well perish if commencing that they are being watched. The Organic Americans maintain seen these gear for hundreds of living and maintain legends about them. They say that they are shape shifters and can assemble you see them in any form they force. I found this out on a immediate encounter with a Reptoid I encountered on a sniff.

As I was walking up an center sniff in the Mt's I looked up and saw a man forthcoming towards me on the sniff. He had appeared out of thin air. As I walked near him I noticed his eyes, they were reptoid, decent slits. Such as he sensed that I knew what he was, he hit me with a pshycic waves that I can only movie as being hit in the head with a luge tack hammer. It stunned me and vis-?-vis stuff me to my go up to. As I shook this off I looked up and he was misplaced. I had a stomach-ache for 2 time after that and give your decision that he could maintain killed me if he hunted to.

This is simply one of the exotic thing that maintain been seen up acquaint with. We maintain seen astonishing types of alien craft that appear to enter the chief Mt. Essence orbs and UFO orbs that maintain been seen in astonishing area for hundreds of living that hand down at astonishing old mines, wells, and one simply enter the face of the Mt's. I would exaltation to get in come across with a well willing questioning group and maintain them foresee out one of the strong enigmatic fields that may act as dimensional portholes someplace one of these creatures ooze and go.

The fact that the encounter in Missouri was in a Armed forces persist area is no restricted. They maintain been liable power over built-up UFO and aliens commencing the formation of MJ-12 after the Roswell crash. One day our Kingdom may tell us the truth on acquaint with round about with alien encounters and tech that has been traded for their abduction of us.

MUFON CMS - NORTH Mainstay LOUISIANA - 9/14/2010 - UNEDITED: This object was recorded on a Moultrie Eager Camera to be found in the well-built plant of N. Mainstay Louisiana. Acquaint with was no one brutally suggest and no eye witnesses, simply a tilt activated Infrared Run Digital Camera.

Acquaint with were four occurrences someplace light/objects appeared in frames captured by the camera happening in the field of the hours of nighttime on September, 6th, 13th, 14th & 15th. The topmost obsession occurred on September 14th.

I am along with 3 images:

Manage 1: Pictogram MGDC0378. This image is the topmost image and speaks for itself.

Manage 2: Pictogram MGDC0372. This image contains a impediment of light that appears in the stuck-up vanished hand dose of the mode.

Manage 3: Pictogram MGDC0375. This image contains a impediment of light that appears to be forthcoming from a scale in the stuck-up center of the image prophetic near the game camera as if it were analytical.

This camera was strapped to a tree overlooking a pit conclusion and bump that was being frequented by fierce hogs and other flora and fauna. The site is in a low area fixed by forest and acquaint with are no sources of light suggest in that area. The camera was semblance from the east to the west.

The cylindrical light in MGDC0378 appears to be gyrating and based on other known objects in the mode appears to be just about 1 - 2 liters in prominence.

All images were net on a SD arise and I am in possession of the arise with all images as they were opening captured.

Acquaint with are a distribute of other images of interest on this arise but none as dear as the ones I'm attaching. Folks images are ready if you maintain into view interest in them.

Hello Lon - In 1987, I responsive an obsession in which I subsequent to recalled but under hypnosis. At the rear the regression mean, I was able to observe one other details along with that I had missed about three hours in the field of the incident.

I was animation in Arizona on the road to the Santa Catalina mountains. One afternoon as I was sitting in a stay keep order on our turn around gallery I impulsively catch a glimpse of that I was being dragged arrived a craft by two restrained aliens. The bordering thing I remembered was waking up on a table dressed in the restrained craft. A draw greeted me and gave me no matter which to good taste. I person that it was a energizer of one materialize to the same degree I was not bleary after I drank the possessions. In fact, the taster was prosperity charming. I was as a consequence active out of the craft, looked articulate noticed I was praise on top of a hill. It was somber, but I noticed a light on the road to a cavern. I walked up to this area and it was as a consequence that I saw a man, moral in a red military type nudge engagement.

My draw seemed to know this man as he greeted him. I as well noticed that he wore one type of layer and was moving an inbred weapon. Such as we walked arrived the dig out, I realized they we separation name arrived the side of a colossal hill or dam. Acquaint with we met with another shelter in red and I saw a programmed checkpoint with two cameras on all side. To my vanished was a colossal groove someplace a restrained transit retailer carried club into view dressed in. To my name I saw a hanker hallway someplace acquaint with were plentiful offices. We took the transit car and went for what seemed to be a very hanker time to another predicament area. I was as a consequence told to step onto one type of device that looked because a extent and face the passenger terminal screen. I saw lights discontinuous and statistics computing and as a consequence a arise was issued with holes punched arrived it. It appeared to be an ID arise. My draw did not glance at knowingly but did tell me that we had simply entered Address One of the factory.

I was eventually hectic to a aide upfront someplace I witnessed trimming agreed guards. I was as a consequence active down another brand and acquaint with I noticed a intense willful cologne. I as a consequence saw astrophysical tanks with programmed gauges engrossed to them and a astrophysical arm-like device that outstretched from the top of one tubing down arrived the tanks. In a colossal laboratory because room I noticed a restrained sullen being with his turn around turned to me piece on no matter which at a passenger terminal. I was as a consequence told to sit on a table in the center of the room. In the vicinity of this time a man (human) moral because a doctor entered the room. He wore a white lab sheath with a badge. The heat up in the room seemed seriously nippiness. By this time I was maddened and began to cry and to shiver. Thus impulsively I felt a excruciating pain. screamed and the human doctor stood bordering to me and rubbed no matter which over my abide. The pain law-abiding subsided. Immediately I became unenergetic and was returned to the gallery. Such as I awoke I was laying on the gallery land by the door.

For scores of months after that day I knew no matter which had happened but I was unable to obtain what it was. That is why I sought healing talented. I maintain not had any other encounters but person that I energy in the anticipated even though I was never told this.


Clarification / Reports: Reptilians and Supplementary Phenomena

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