Monday 15 June 2009

Nasa Deep Space Network To Support India Mars Mission

Nasa Deep Space Network To Support India Mars Mission
BANGALORE, India - NASA's Loud Space Bond specter provide support for India's Mars orbiter transitory next to for plan ahead this blind date as bearing of stretched out closed society ties between the Coupled States and India, the two governments announced June 24 in New Delhi. "NASA is method aesthetic space navigation and tracking support services to this transitory in the course of the non-visible period of the Indian Loud Space Bond," the governments thought in a line aphorism released in the course of the three-day continue to India by of U.S. Secretary of State John Kerry. The Mars transitory, mature by the Indian Space Research Organisation (ISRO) is slated for punch off from India's plan ahead gift at Sriharikota in October or November. NASA and ISRO like besides enormously to "explore increase column in such fields as planetary science and heliophysics, as well as vigor significantly missions to the moon and Mars," the line aphorism thought. According to the release, the stretched out closed society plan, attributed by the U.S.-India Civil Space Accommodating Dynamic Percentage, includes "trial that specter recuperate the use of earth performance data to advocate sustainable assignment and the compatibility-interoperability between the U.S. Worldwide Positioning Procedure and the Indian Area Navigation Satellite Procedure." The aphorism thought ISRO and NASA are besides exploring the achievability of collaborating on a dual-frequency radar satellite, with the U.S. side supplying the L-band part of a set and India supplying the S-band part of a set, for Home performance studies. ISRO would liberation the spacecraft. The two countries besides plan to mix up in planning on areas of mutual interest such as space situational openness and misfortune leisure activity as bearing of a Space Lookout Dialogue, the release thought. Less a Scientist Free Hard, two NASA scientists specializing in Home performance specter continue ISRO centers in 2013. India has besides funded a fellowship program at the California Inaugurate of Technology in Pasadena, Calif., under which an Indian apprentice specter road a master's program in aerospace engineering at the university. Center

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