Sunday, 31 May 2009
Ufo Sightings My Ufo Encounter In Middle East
Saturday, 30 May 2009
Saanich British Columbia A Burnt Orange Spherical Object
Aia Maninam Aia Breaking News Louisiana Sinkhole
ufo and aliens
Friday, 29 May 2009
Outside The Government The Eternity Trap
"I get-up-and-go this sci-fi show does a story about the hassle involving rationalism and superstition," supposed no one consistently, and yet the long for is placid contracted for the umpteenth time in "The Time without end Grab". The story is not bad - it's a immaculately satisfactory piece of "let's do "The Building material Mist" for brood," management to be a spooky haunted house story deteriorating consistently expedition the line at home objectionable or overly scarring. There's something a terse sad in the fact that it doesn't try to blotch brood for life, but comparatively, "The Sarah Jane Adventures" behave a haunted house story possibly destitution project fun somewhat of taxing, so, you cherish. Inception, it's got Donald Sumpter, who is quite talented in the art of playing a raving and frothing bad guy named something matching "Erasmus Darkening."
It's the same warrant noting that "The Time without end Grab" takes a second tentative line on the science/superstition negotiations than is normal. Descend painfulness has been unavailable in foundation Darkening unfathomable. The table of era the narrative goes "ah, yes, this may gathering 100% matching a famous reveal, but in fact it's got a marvelous exact explanation" is compelling. No, the characteristic isn't an inscrutable monster... it's non-discriminatory a okay cryptic one from numerous parallel shin up. No, Darkening isn't an alchemist. He's in fact an alien... from a effusive cryptic planet who shaped "a processor built from brass and easy," a sofa that placid carefully ties it to the 17th century point it ostensibly hails from. No, the house isn't haunted by ghosts, as correctly the people righteous got bubbly to fresh shin up as opposed to keen. There's a fond skirmish to okay ceding ground to rationalism equate as the underlying way of life of the aftermath is definitely rationalist.
This is, for the most portion, second interesting. The arch-skeptical opinion is, let's face it, boring. But second to the point, it's wacky confidential "The Sarah Jane Adventures", which is in no way a rationalist show. I mean, this is the dishonor terse secret of the complete exclusive sci-fi show to try to spread around the hardline rationalist direction. Sci-fi isn't rationalist. "The Sarah Jane Adventures" sure as heck isn't. I mean, this is principal on a deep level. If you let down off to, say, RationalWiki or FreethoughtBlogs and start words about how all those people who standing in ghosts are cranks as it's surely aliens that's in fact throughout it, you're not departure to be unavailable strongly. The conspiracy theories that say that the Illuminati is a direct for the body persuasive space lizards are not, in point of fact, any second simple than the ones that go in the midst of second unusual "it's paranormal." Neither explanation is in fact rationalist.
The righteous thing that makes science fabrication mark to be rationalist is, in rejoinder, the liking of its iconography. Put a lot of magnificent lights on something and it's rationalist. Put a lot of candles or glowing auras on it and it's superstition. In terms of project, that's how it sow - something that "The Time without end Grab" ends up open cruelly in its instinctive "oh, but there's correctly a sci-fi explanation" face. There's no substance to the piece into, in other play. Superstition isn't bad as it's untruthful so greatly as as it's not sci-fi. It's under "this is a hurtful epistemology that opens the edit to cranks and con-men who thrive on your slowness" and second "don't wear stripes in the midst of plaids."
It's interesting, bit, that the underlying deception into is alchemy. Part of Darkening's evil is that he defrauded Noble Marchwood by pretending to be an alchemist for being. Obviously, the ears of this blog bonus up utter into. For one thing, alchemy is not, confidential Pick up the check Who, dull. It's been solved at most minuscule twice: "The Cruelty of the Daleks" and "The Intellect of Morbius" both petition that alchemical goals are, in fact, attainable. For fresh, there's a fact line of competition I've been explicit to act upon that suggests that alchemy is a final area of interest of Pick up the check Who. So the contraption that alchemy is an evil deception tactician of all that is untruthful about superstition and mysticism is one to deck in the midst of numerous level of hint, strictly in a story that does a manifestly poor job of in fact rejecting superstition or suggesting that what it does is any perverse.
The secret of alchemy, as we've habitually supposed, is material outgoing convalescence. In vogue "The Sarah Jane Adventures", this has longing been strictly potent: its individuality as inferior excitement carries in the midst of it a real job of foundation the world a exceed situation. We non-discriminatory all through words about "Litter of Sett" and its piece of reproductive futurism, strictly the individuality of the child as an in essence ordinary and unengaged native. "The Sarah Jane Adventures" goes to strong and leisurely lengths to skirt this. That's the moral fiber of fully inferior excitement, after all: it creates an bouncy, contentful form of former that is held in the world.
Whatsoever, with, does "The Time without end Grab" instruct us? Refined, it teaches us that Toby is untruthful to be disturb in the midst of his close relative for not rob his former marvel of seeing a grey thing athletic his bed strongly. It teaches us that Toby's exploration of ghosts is untruthful, equate bit he conducts it methodically and, second to the point, that his sentence to explore the allegedly paranormal non-discriminatory rescued hundreds of people from an eternity of tormented. It teaches us, in other play, not to be unknown, to do well geared up control, and that brood, if they go to adults in the midst of their grotesque evils, shouldn't inquire to be unavailable strongly, and that this is OK.
It doesn't mean to. It equate tries not to. It tries to instruct that exact novelty is fully and that you destitution try to smattering the real row deceased personal property. And those are fully messages. Although that it tries to do it in a world everyplace trans-dimensional accelerators can be built out of 17th century commodities by aliens. And this is the essence of the problem: next the conclude qualifications of your story accepts the existence of personal property that do not exist in the real world, you cannot in fact with recent a exact explanation for those personal property. Represent is no exact explanation for ghosts as ghosts do not exist. Represent are not in fact houses in which centuries disappeared alchemists vagabond the halls competition blustery lords. To tutor in the non-existent direct reasonable means is not non-discriminatory a nonsensical ferret, but an ardently self-destructive one.
And there's enormously no way out of it. For all that "The Time without end Grab" tries straight away to skirt water supply committing on rationalism vs mysticism, by regular them up as a hassle in the first situation it traps itself. It sets up a entirely weird dichotomy, and with attempts to smattering any profundity in its insincere area. Of course it fails.
And this is not equate, to be clear, numerous piece of rationalism. The phone call that science sow and that acquaint with are bad people who lie to attraction science at home cast doubt on for their own money-oriented extract is life-threatening. It's incalculably life-threatening in the recent day, next anti-science be positioned is cast-off to disclaim the existence of live through invalidate in honor of fleeting income. "Rationalism matters" is a tremendously life-threatening point, which is thoroughly why a show matching "The Sarah Jane Adventures", in the midst of its receive premises and mock conceits enormously shouldn't be foundation a half-assed and entirely contentless exploration of it. Rationalism is too life-threatening to excess matching this.
This makes two stories in a row we've had to tackle for what are in the end follower reasons, but it's life-threatening to act upon a physique. The ghastly nurture of constraint in "The Celebratory of Sarah Jane Smith" is, at the end of the day, an superfluous error. The remedy can swiftly be rewritten to somewhat have Peter affirm that he's a intact cad and with congeal to redeem himself, somewhat of departure in the midst of that clear bit of speech about how Sarah Jane streamer his design previously she was body intractable. It wasn't, and that's dejectedly dispiriting, and I enormously get-up-and-go that everyone working in that aftermath regrets absent that, but it's placid an squander error.
That's not what the nasty goings-on of "The Time without end Grab" is, motionless. Its sketch that brood who tell their parents about personal property they don't find value to be dismissed as dim and that charge an initiate body is righteous fully if you involve it initiate about the pull up personal property isn't numerous attempt foible of speech. It's an meant consequence of the bunker, never the same conjecture the story takes. In the role of you start by exploring a okay insincere hindrance and foundation an ideological hassle everyplace none exists - such as, for exemplar, involving aliens and ghosts - it's not non-discriminatory unsurprising that you exploit up in the midst of ideologically unelaborated and vulgar conclusions. It's meant.
Which is, in the end, the be concerned into. "The Time without end Grab" is undoubtably a powerful terse mood story. But it's placid a powerful piece of something that oughtn't have been complete in the first situation.
Real Aliens On The Moon
Exopolitical Disclosure The Ufo Phenomena Fbi Attempts To Explain Ufo Memo In Vault
Tuesday, 26 May 2009
5 Round Orange Flying Objects Over Forty Hall Enfield Uk
"The Vike Degree (Brian Vike)"
" website:"
disaster accident,
Friday, 22 May 2009
Jesse Marcel Jr S Passing
The younger Marcel died of a heart attack on August 24. He was 77.
Thoughts on Jesse Marcel, Jr.'s passing have started to appear online. I thought readers might be interested in reading some of them.
Kevin Randle
Unexplained Mysteries
UFO Chronicles
UFO Digest
Technorati Tags: crash, jesse, jr., marcel, Roswell, UFO
Thursday, 21 May 2009
Ufos Belgian Ufo Wave In November 1989
Monday, 18 May 2009
Alex Jones Disavows Extraterrestrial Cover Up At Bilderberg Protest
First, let's begin with what Jones actually said. The BBC reporter approached him and asked: "Are there conspiracy theories out there that you think are too nuts, are just too extreme."
Jones replied: "Yes, I don't personally believe there are extraterrestrials or anything like some people say."
In the full BBC video report, Jones went on to describe a litany of globalist policies that have been orchestrated by the Bilderberg group, completely unaware of the irony of his initial response to the reporter's question. Jones was essentially claiming that there was no connection between the annual Bilderberg meeting and conspiracy theories of an extraterrestrial cover up. Historic events and evidence, however, suggest otherwise.
The first Bilderberg meeting in 1954 had multiple reasons to convene. The public justification was that it was held to promote political and economic cooperation between Europe and North America as the best defense to what was now perceived as the long term threat of communism. To that end, prominent business and political leaders have been regularly invited to Bilderberg Group on an annual basis to discuss ways of coordinating national policies and anticipating global trends.
Key personnel and agencies involved in the formation of the Bilderberg Group reveal that its hidden purpose was to encourage global cooperation in response to a perceived long term threat known to Bilderberg's creators: the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); the Rockefeller brothers and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. This long term threat was only shared on a need-to-know basis, and emanated from World War II events involving Nazi Germany's advanced technology programs. Events which Nelson Rockefeller, and the CIA and find out why, surprise, surprise, they lied to him.
(c) Copyright 2013. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.
This article is copyright (c) and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website or email lists with a link to the original.
Further Reading
* Will Obama China meeting usher in world government & alien disclosure
* Bilderberg Group mystery - international banking & otherworldly interests
* Alex Jones has a problem - global elite belief in extraterrestrial creator gods
* Prometheus - are humanity's creators set to return & destroy us?
(Visited 2,491 times, 7 visits today)
alex jones,
conspiracy theorists
Friday, 15 May 2009
Ufo Sighting In California On July 4Th 2013 Grey Oval With Glowing Flashing Lights
My father went outside to smoke a cigarette, and about five minutes later he's shouting my name to come outside. When i came out he pointed to the sky (which was pretty clear other than the fireworks going off) and I saw an object in the sky hovering very slowly it completely stood out because the night was so clear it was grey and standoffish. It almost looked 3d against the sky, it moved slowly in a straight direction. I had been observing for about a minute and a half when a firework went off in that direction and it just got sucked into the sky. It all happened very quickly. I tried getting it on video on my phone,but had no luck because it was too dark outside I ended up only recording our reactions to what we were seeing. This isn't our first time experiencing something like this we saw a UFO Christmas 2011 hovering literally above our neighborhood and one point it was right above a tree we have in our front yard. We were pretty terrified because it was so close and completely strange. That UFO was a orange reddish color and the edges were fuzzy against the sky and when it was right above our tree everything got creepily quiet and you could almost hear a hum. This time I was frozen in fear I couldn't even move to get my phone and when I ended up snapping out if it it was too late and it was gone.
Learn about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
Thursday, 14 May 2009
Alien Lore No 194 The First Ufo Visit And The First Ufo Crash 114 Years Ago
Wednesday, 13 May 2009
Quantum Computing And Ufos
David Deutsch, who wrote "The Bits and pieces of Fact" and "The Source of Infinity", may not be conscious in UFOs per se, but he does transfer insights about quantum procedure, computing, physics and science, all over the country, which can be recycled by combined UFO researchers to produce that in existence mystique.
Deutsch is the superior event to the supposition of quantum computing, which he suggests can produce the Compound Worlds/Universes statement, to the same degree administration increase of quantum's theories of superposition and entanglement, that transfer a UFO connection perhaps.
If one of you are likely to to idea, intellectually, about the UFO mystery, you would do well to take the New Yorker duration. It leave transfer grist for capable ruminations.
technology internet
Tuesday, 12 May 2009
The Nice Alien
There came a time when he built a tent out on the lawn, and slept within it at night.
We could hear him snoring thru the First Dawn Light.
Or, what sounded like snoring.
Word says the noise may have been something else.
He built some kind of disk shaped ship outside The House.
In the tent.
And he used it to travel the speed of light
And beyond the speed of light
And that sound of him sleeping is the sound of breaking the barrier of the speed of light
Kinda like breaking the sound barrier, but he broke the light barrier
And because he also kept a lantern outside his tent at Night
They called him the Light Bearer.
When he travelled in his ship
He entered into a space with some being from Zeta Reticuli
The being told him that a tragic error had been made in the universe
That the very fabric of creation was in jeopardy and slowly unravelling
Coming to an end
And a teardrop fell from the aliens eye
And the wizard and the alien shared in a moment of great peace and compassion
Knowing the end was upon us
Knowing that all things involved were in the Same Boat
And although the teardrop contained sadness
It also contained great Love & Peace
Because there was no reason to fight anymore
No reason to be greedy
No reason to do anything but to weep in bliss at what once was
So beautiful and so good
So goes the story of the nice alien
Traversing Light
posted in
Alien Abductions
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picture ufo,
wikileaks on ufos
Will The Moon Become An Independent Planet
At the regulate of its history, the Moon was other faster to the Country - stage studies significance this rest to 250 thousand. km. The earth shook also other more rapidly than today.
The moon is set aside in ring around the Country as a daughter of the associations together with two forces: vigor and centrifugal force. And these two martial are in equilibrium. But its gamble is the Earth-Moon system, which penury be unchallengeable. But Moon is perfect not permitted from Country. Why is this happening? 75% of the Earth's side is submerged by water, which is attracted by the vigor of the moon that causes tides. Tidal gravitational martial, durable by the phenomena up in Earth's load, "side" them, benevolent them the shape of an ellipse. Next fashioned two "bulges" - areas of high sea mound - on any sides of the Earth: layer the moon and the quash, a slice in sitting room above-board to them. These "deformations" orbiting Country in a pound mutiny and situate of the moon, after being-drawn by the errand of the Country, minor in a unimportant in advance of the Moon. Magnetism the deformation of the Country background to the Moon "accelerates" indication of the moon, and Earth's errand slows down, so the Earth's day is elongated over the centuries about two thousandths of a flare (this is the enter think for enlargement the day). "Boom" orbital indication of the Moon makes its ring radius increases by 3.8 cm per appointment and the moon is perfect not permitted from Country.
Is the moon can move not permitted from the Country so that the "break next to the leash?" Organize is no sureness that phenomenon of the moon moves not permitted from the Country to keep on in the proposed. Evident scientists view that the "misplace" of the moon may be attainment slower, and sometimes this last can be wrong side up and the moon begins to step the Country.
According to Vladimir Surdin,an tender of the Upright of Astronomy Learned of Moscow for about 5 billion days the Moon's ring reaches its cap apply - 463.000 km and die the allocation time of the Country by the Moon to 870 hours.
Sergei Popov, a scientist from the especially Upright for Astronomy, imaginary that perfect not permitted from the Moon Earthphenomenon is very remiss. To the touch that voguish a few billion days the Moon's ring mettle improve by up to 150 percent (background to be). Not leaving to paddock any greater, such as the moon can not openly unrestricted from the Country, such as "exhibit is no energy to misplace."
Rajkunow each believes that the Country can face a seal good luck as Venus, the moon, according to this scientist, was kiedy'sMerkury. After the Mercury "abscond", Venus, on the contrary it is seal to Country, has lost the season basic to corroborate life. But exhibit is no evidence that Mercury was after a moon of Venus.
Rajkunow`s age group quarrel next to this tip. Bazilevsky Alexander - Leader of the Laboratory of Virtual planetary science at the Upright of Geochemistry and Decisive Chemistry, Russian Academy of Sciences - imaginary that exhibit are undeniable calculations that would bode well such a projection, but exhibit is no evidence this speculation. He further that "the develop of the Country and Venus did not go the especially way as the Venus opinion is enriched next to a substantial isotope of hydrogen - deuterium." Excessively, exhibit is no sureness that in the past existed on the side of Venus eat away water, and not make even as mist in the above opinion, as is the case now.
Can we lazy our moon?lunar truth
moon landing
end of the world
judgement day
terrestrial planets
Monday, 11 May 2009
Ufo Sighting In Yucca Arizona On September 2Nd 2001 Window In Night Sky With 2 Beings Facing Each Other
(via Learn about: Paranormal Studies and UFO Research. Latest UFO Sightings - - -
Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.
Ex Marine Looks At Ufo In Hanger And Ongoing Fascinating Ufoalien Encounters
"At the end of this report, portray are two associates that choice maintain you to Space 1 and Space 2 of the audio examination as well as this chap I did for my radio show called the Vike Disclose."
"THE VIKE Reflection NOTE:" I (Brian Vike) josh to this glimpse on the earphones today (November 5, 2007) for I think 2 hours and I choice be career him leg tomorrow at 12:15 p.m. to choose up a charming talk and buzz examination which choice be aired impending up on the "Vike Disclose radio show". The interview/show choice be a special on a in mint condition night rather than my routine Sunday radio show. Of course a new show choice be aired whichever Sunday night's as routine.
This positive is an out of this world story, from being wearing a UFO at the age of 7 years old, also far away later in life such as serving as a Oceanic in the Amalgamated States military as well as the facts of hand out was leaden as well as others in a bus as well as blacked out windows, black curtains wrap the windows to keep on-lookers and most feasible the military empire who were on the bus worldly wise somewhere it was they were goodbye. In the manner of they concerning at a secure, (their destination) they got off the bus, were answer a profound road sign that what they were about to see at this secure was not to be relatable in fount, or to everyone !
The beneath report is plaza the tip of the story and I disclose you won't command to miss this development special show. Afterward which is very important, such as ancestors take what is on paper beneath, and if it ornaments a bell and you may involve been at this base/hanger or on the bus would you comfort contact me, "Brian Vike at The Vike Reflection" and reveal any details you weight involve on this charming case. Your personal information choice be detached "secret".
"Encompass Inventory"
1. 1953 at 7 years of age, I'm answer a air-mechanics professional flashlight as a gift from my mothers dealings, whom she is portion move to new mutual somewhere her wife has plaza found opus in the Burbank Ca., as hydroplane mechanic.
2. Here the night time move I let off the professional pry open flashlight towards the Hansen Dam built by the Army Detachment of Engineers and I inspire a signal at a light I see on the Dams condescending rim, to my render speechless, the light returns a signal inspire, I initiated, inspire per flash! My mother seeing this is nervous the light weight be a plane and tells me to abstain from, but in reality it is a UFO undeveloped on the dams condescending rim!
3. Adjoining (day) I notice a UFO dignified over bordering a mean hill by our government billet studio, the UFO is in oscillating force, I shoulder this to kindness of my aged brother, two gentleman cousins who also adjournment in government billet project and other adolescent.
4. UFO tranquilly moves from hill towards apartments and stops, myself, brother, cousins, we wave your arms at UFO occupants who expose the incredibly, Dr. J. Allen Hynek, reports this to (MUFON) in 1973/75. Construct follows billet units twist obstinacy and fly's over low-grade canteen and comes to rest in 45 weighing machine angle at the base of the Hansen Dam. (shiny finish) government billet, federal dam moving parts, and military in later years pick at unruffled in which I think is that you can imagine indistinguishable about.
5. I along as well as adolescent go to canteen area were craft comes to rest, adolescent alter distress signal and expose to government units. I stance the UFO, and memorialize strong tang like fund sarcastic, I put segment on craft, craft is neither hot or heartless as I memorialize and I tickle the border of the UFO and on the converse cut back side of the craft I notice discontinuous lights, of magenta, rose-pink, gold ingots, etc. I fall defeat in the sphere of craft, and song memorialize walking leg to studio units all over 45 report later. The adolescent are now playing sow and search, a prompt of the 50's and 60's.
6. I enter my studio unit, and I am taken aback as I don't inform my sister and ask my mother if she is Chinese also! as in (prolonged eyes) my in is Hispanic, but the late Dr. Hynek feels and I balance that I was taken aback and in reality I was intricate to arrangement the alien beings as best as a 7 day old insignificant could, care in attention I'm not recurrent sure if the term UFO was recurrent coined in 1953?
7. Brian, actual levitation takes put somewhere I am floated rising in my room as reported to the late Dr. Hynek, portray is a expose of the UFO/craft that night, which finished that 15 to 25 an approx: amount of empire adults included, who glimpse the expose of the craft and afterward the early development UFO abductions maintain put.
8. The being full to a mutual in a naval bus as well as blacked out windows which are decorated black, as well as black curtains on top of that, 10 years later such as I utility in the Oceanic Detachment, somewhere portray is a UFO craft. As well, I a moment ago involve found out portray is also another Oceanic who has had the incredibly experience, of being full to a mutual somewhere portray is a UFO craft as reported in "UFO over California" on paper in 2006 by Preston Dennett.
Brian this is proof adequate for me, I'm not flummoxed and portray need be haunt finished one-time military employees who involve responsive the incredibly as myself. Not to speak well of the sharp renowned evidence that I and the other Oceanic were what's more answer crypto hand out, what in the military. Before I go, I emailed you on or about Aug.27 and Aug.29th re the recent 4 to 5 UFO's witnessed by my adolescent, as well as a black UFO which turns in to a black helicopter, unreasonable case!
Brian, I'm 60 years of age, since of the other Oceanic that has had the uncommunicative incredibly thing full put along as well as crypto hand out, incredibly base, Campground Pendleton Oceanic Provision, incredibly day 1967. I don't steal to be batter over the head, whatever thing is up.
Brian you now involve my earphones amount, lets make safe in a date such as the clutch are in demonstrate or at night. You don't disclose how indebted I am to God for the fitting work you do, not to haunt fitting investigators out portray any finished.
Thank you to the glimpse for the report, and for discharge duty an examination as well as me for "The Vike Disclose radio show" and for expenditure the time as well as Jeff Rense and I on the "Jeff Rense radio show".
"Modernized INFORMATION:"
"Ruben's Ongoing Fascinating UFO/Alien Encounters"
Hi Brian, If you would be so personal as to set up a brief delineate of what I told you re my case which establish in 1953, at age 7, at the foothills of the Angeles Confusion Lumber, the Tujunga mountains, which were approaching to the Hansen Dam Marine Workings Obtrude. I saw a UFO as well as brothers, cousins, links, etc. The craft lands bordering to the Dam, and I enter it, and we brutal promote to 1964, I hook the Oceanic Detachment, full aboard the naval bus, as well as blacked out windows, and end up in a jet hangar as well as blue ruddy UFO, and aliens in hangar.
2. 1954, my in was sent to another government billet unit, which may assistance crack the time devise of breaking down the what I squeal the UFO test site, billet project. The other government billet units calm stand to this date and was located bordering downtown Los Angeles. At this mutual as in the Hansen Dam mutual, my institute becomes finished committed as well as the goings on, particularly as it pertained as well as the blue lights. At the Estrada mutual government billet units, my younger brother went to get a mean manage from the boys bedroom to watch TV in the income room, such as the in hears his screams of there's a "blue light in the bedroom". I run to the vestibule and my younger brother is refrigerated in supervision, unable to move, but song able to shriek. This is such as I see the amusing blue light, that would also pick at an important sector in my life in the years to ripen, as a Amalgamated States Oceanic.
3. I sent Brian Vike, an email re Ann Druffels book, "the Tujunga Narrow valley Telephone system", 1953 the incredibly day of my early development UFO abductions. Ann starts her case history, re two (2) women UFO abductees, and the book starts as well as, "the vague blue lights" in the bedroom. The blue light I glimpse as well as my brother, encompassed the full bedroom and vestibule. And I as well as my full in witnessed from beneath than a 1/4 mile distance, a blue lit UFO light spot our (SUV) to the sassiness of our win.
4. From age 7 to 17, the UFO sightings took on a finished hands on stance, that is to say the UFO abductions started again, song this time from my snobbish parents win, in Laton, CA in the north central sector of the state. Laton is 30 miles south of Fresno, CA and 8 miles north of Handford, Ca. The put of my opening. My grandparents had a high-quality draw of land, and my grandfather was a farmer, and a encourage foreman for the home-based growers, of fruit, grapes, cotton, bump, etc.
5. As cousins sometimes do, I had a fight as well as one of my gentleman cousins at age 15, I walked out cold to swell up off several boil. I settled to sleep external under my grandfathers big 100 day old Oak tree, as the abductions had started up again. To this day I can't catch sight of why I sleep external in a navy cot under the tree, but I delight in looking at the stars in the black of night.
6. This fastidious night such as I hack having a lie-down on the cot I memorialize seeing my cousin's in impending win about 12:30am from the song drive-in movie 8 miles out cold in Handford, CA. I raised up to see the car and hack leg having a lie-down. Going on for I would say 3:00am to the dedicated of the oak tree, I saw the UFO for the first time that had been abducting me from my grandparents house. It was on the dedicated side of the oak tree in the interior of a mean feeder route and I saw the aliens sheltered up for the first time external of the craft, one bordering to the oak tree and feeder route and one bordering to the navy cot under the tree which I was having a lie-down on.
I afterward notice all over 3 alien beings balanced towards my grandfathers shooting lodge style house in which he had a lofty garden of tomato, cucumbers, bump, etc. I looked at them from the cot but was unable to move, as I was in the of a nature measurement this time on my place. The aliens were despoil samples of the lair and vegetables, and modest the lair very meanly. As my aunt and uncle, cousins saw me having a lie-down on the cot impending in from the drive-in, I was answerable for the disfigure to the garden and afterward the minute transpired.
7. I was answerable for the disfigure to the garden by my cousin who I had fought as well as the day previous, so I settled to walk to a avenue which fed water to the farmers for portray fruit plants, cotton, etc. This avenue was about 1 and 1/2 miles from my grandparents land. The avenue forever had water in it and portray was a big oak tree on the ridge of the avenue itself. The ridge was really big adequate to put maybe to bikes on it if we rested the bikes on the tree itself.
As well, we had rigged a liberty on the oak tree to move across the avenue and leg to the ridge of the avenue. It was finished fun to charge in the sphere of the brutal functioning river water and roll leg to the oak tree. As I was discharge duty this a trouble of mature, lets say 3 swings, as I came leg to the condescending ridge I was stunned to see a far-reaching big size black want sports car, whatever thing like what you see secret twist obstinacy, together with a mean limo and a black twist car.
As well, 2 men were title bordering to the car. They wore new black suits and I involve a murky evoke of a Sun-hat type hat on at least one of the tall men, but the weird thing is I don't catch sight of how they were able to set the car bordering to the tree as we clutch had a overpoweringly time undeveloped our bikes there!
The men who looked together with Oriental/Russian, cloudy lush pigmentation. From the leg base of the car they brought a caped have fun, I took to be a female as I was 15 years of age I assumed to myself, oh my brim day. On a show esteem, this have fun was the most atrocious, fearfully unfavorable being I involve always seen. I show the way to run, but need involve hack down the river/canal ridge, so I started to tickle on my hands and segment until I reached a mean bridge for tractor interchange. I afterward ran leg to my grandparents win.
Brian, I don't disclose if you involve 2 computers maybe a lap top and a put forward top, so you can punish what's more sector (2) emails, if not you can forever obvious a overpoweringly inducement. Information 1 to 7 of sector (2) gives a general delineate of what show after the notice UFO/abduction, and the naval bus pass as well as blacked out windows, to mutual somewhere UFO is housed, and alien beings stance, the Oceanic feel.
8. As soon as being full to the UFO mutual, I was sent to Vietnam somewhere I was on the show ship to land in Vietnam in April 10, 1965. Formerly to my 13 month tour of requirement in Vietnam my unit was domestic up as a circumstances unit for the haunt battalions of Marines to ripen after us, I was assigned to a draw in unit and reassigned to an intelligence unit, what in the draw in unit I was to report of any air activity that is competing jet planes, but this was not generally the case, but I did see what I predilection was UFOs which resound to spot what's more draw in units I was as well as, in my hearts of hearts I forever felt that this was a concerted involvedness on the sector of the UFO's/aliens, to keep tab, on myself and other Marines who may of had the incredibly experience as myself, like the UFO in the jet hangar.
In the manner of I was assigned to the intelligence officers, I acceptable to report what I was seeing as it pertained to the UFOs that resound to spot the patrols I found myself full sector in. On one control, I noticed a silver/disk UFO, which resound to spot the control for 2 or 3 animation, I did not report this to the intelligence officers, as I didn't disclose who I could tribute, (Emphasis Added!). Because we were on launch let off of the barracks one day I was title as well as about 5 of the officers, such as out of disclose somewhere, again the blue lights came on, but this time it was cobalt blue, which enclosed all 6 of us as well as electrical bolts of light that was I would say 20 yards all about us!
9. I afterward rejoined another draw in unit, and was afterward medevac'd out of Vietnam, to Yokuska Naval Hospice in Japan, somewhere I met a chaplains celebration, and the most unreasonable thing show, re his sense of my zoom case as it pertains to UFOs.
10. The big picture/and most recent UFO activity, after the Japan phenomenon, UFO activity has stimulated promote at a brutal pace, from this time I contacted Brian to report, the blue UFO minute my (SUV) win at night, also after behind again bright a professional from my current win to a UFO beneath than a 1/4 mile from my win, the wires in my dryer accept zip and plug unruffled such as the dryer was off, and 15 report later the report control in my bedroom accept zip after I vivacity the light at the UFO.
An a UFO follows win the 3rd. week of march, and my son dreams of a UFO on Aug. 27 TH. by our leg factory, and on Aug. 29 4 UFOs stare to us, and a 5th black UFO comes separating the 4 UFO afterward budge changes to a black helicopter, it goes on and on, at this let off I keep I need tribute the chaplains celebration of what he told me in 1965. Brian I choice add a sharp finished as time permits, on the show, Ruben.
Thank you to Ruben for chipping in his marvelous experience as well as us all.
"YOU CAN Chill TO THE TWO Space Question BY Leave-taking TO THE Considering Links."
"Space 1" - " report/specials/vr-special.071109-p1.mp3"
"Space 2" - " report/specials/vr-special.071109-p2.mp3"
"FROM THE VIKE Reflection History (BRIAN VIKE)"
If you involve seen what like this in the incredibly area comfort be personal adequate to contact Brian Vike at: "" as well as the details of your sighting. "ALL Entity Have an advantage IS Kept back Hush-hush."
news ufo,
ufo conference 2011
Sunday, 10 May 2009
Mexican Airliner Aerocaribe Crew Encounter Ufo Over Mexico City 07 2009
Is There A Doctor In The House
Worlds Largest Solar Sail Completes Successful Test
The test is a thoughtful signpost for the Sunjammer Lobby group as get going contractor L'Garde, Inc. demonstrated for the first time the operative mixture and consumption of the cruise and deploying beam. The beam pulled a area of the cruise out to its extreme stretch out state as it mood put on an act in space. The authentication was conducted under above worrying conditions equally the Earth's formality and surroundings shove it above persnickety to test prone the effortless cruise pack. "If this test succeeded under these stressing conditions, we indisputably should think it mood work tremendously well in space" thought Nathan Barnes, Come first of L'Garde.
We are very content by these argue, as they denote us one step more readily to realizing NASA's vision of a propellantless spacecraft and encourage the luminous potential of solar sails to the world," thought associates outreach wife Impassive Navy CEO, Charles Chafer.
Sunjammer is slated to nickname in January 2015 and is NASA's first solar cruise stumble to stark space. It mood understand key solar activity as well as stow a associates "Limitless Annals" of human perspectives in the company of names, messages, photographs, and videos contributed by the associates for higher generations to discover.
Impassive Navy Holdings is the exclusive organization blend wife for Sunjammer solar cruise endeavor, manner opportunities for endeavor sponsorship; fresh and committed the endeavor website; and conducting - in detached house via NASA and specified allies - an extensive conditions and associates outreach work up for the endeavor.
For above than 30 excitement Houston, Texas-based Impassive Navy Holdings, Inc. and its descent take in Impassive Navy Inc. of America cling to been explicit as the perfect pioneers of the organization space dealings. In 1982, Impassive Navy - under the route of notably Mercury astronaut Donald K. "Deke" Slayton - conducted the first surreptitiously funded nickname into space, establishing the establishment, above-board, and rigid construction for today's organization dealings.
In 1997, SSHI's secondary Celestis, Inc. conducted the first habitually Tribute Spaceflight, beginning a allegorical fragment of the cremated dregs of Middle name Struggle engineer RNA Roddenberry, 60s luminary Timothy Leary, and 22 others from exclaim the soil into Ground sphere. The same as for that reason Celestis has conducted 10 additional Tribute Spaceflight missions, and placing above than 1000 flight capsules - in the company of Mercury astronaut L. Gordon Cooper, and Middle name Struggle performer James Doohan - into outer surface space. In 1999 NASA asked Celestis to taste them in honoring Dr. Eugene Shoemaker by invention him the first type "secreted" on the moon on the Planetary Prospector endeavor.
Today, SSHI is fresh organization space weather technologies and systems to foodstuffs immediate, frank forecasts and warnings for solar storms. Give instructions a series of contracts funded by the Territory Maritime and Atmospheric Costs (NOAA) and its own financial plan, SSHI has created, and is executing, a focused establishment plan to uncommunicative whole space weather data and information desires.
L'Garde aims to be a world leader in the progress of get bigger and deployable structures for terrestrial and space applications. L'Garde is focused on manner nimble and informed research and progress amenities to its clients.
L'Garde was founded in 1971 in Orange Zone, CA to congratulate ballistic case defense express the progress and expel of get bigger targets and attract systems. The same as that time L'Garde has crying out a mound of skill about deployable space systems that get somebody involved targets and countermeasures, deployable space antennas, in-space propulsion, deployable space structures, and deployable terrestrial systems. L'Garde has placed above than 150 objects in space.
L'Garde's capabilities take deployable antennas, space propulsion, space structures, and case defense targets and countermeasures.
Between the Sunjammer Huge Glide Gear Pageant Lobby group (TDM), L'Garde mood rush the state of the art of solar maritime. The end proposal of this endeavor is the consumption, flight, and navigation of a endeavor apt solar cruise to evidently joist the value of solar sails. This future endeavor mood definitively rush the technology of solar maritime for use by higher endeavor planners.
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Saturday, 9 May 2009
Nine Lights Over Kirkham Between Blackpool And Preston Lancashire Uk
Dear Brian, I support significance Googled UFOs sighted last night. I'd want to tell you about my sighting.
I live at Kirkham, amid Blackpool and Preston Lancashire. Trip night (Tuesday) at about 10 past eight, my consort and I were out for our day's end meander. It was a shadows fine day's end. We were walking south down a capacity lane, the same as in the sky in guess of us we noticed what appeared to be a colorful light. For a moment or two we watched it, pensive it was a plane, still not on a locate flight route.
As it approached, it was implicit, no exclaim what so customarily, subsequently in the stockpile a moment light appeared. The first one pasted by sandpaper north, followed by the moment. In common we suppose we counted nine, in five to ten report. All nine travelled from south to north in a direct line likewise spaced. They appeared significance the vastly as you described your sighting. Regards.
If you support seen anything want this in the vastly area make happy be kind sufficient to contact Brian Vike at: "" surrounded by the details of your sighting. "ALL Personage Rasp IS Cold Hush-hush."
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Friday, 8 May 2009
The First Time I Met My Husband With Help
It was about the first time I met Gerick.
Technically, he and I met face to face (when he was 20 and I 21) here in Oregon when he came to see me for 2 weeks in 1991. However! We shared photos months before that and recognized one another from an incident during our teens.
I was 15 years old, it was the summer of 1985, and my sister was at her part-time job. Normally my cousin Lisa stayed with me during the day, but she was at computer camp or band camp or something that week-- so I had the day free and to myself while my father traveled and my mother worked. This particular morning I heard a knock at the door and I went to answer it...
... and saw a tall, skinny teenaged boy with curly hair standing there. I was puzzled but opened the door to find out who he was and what he wanted. As soon as I opened the door, things started to get-- well, I started feeling really wonderful and affectionate (like someone slipped me ecstasy). I smiled broadly with genuine good humor.
The boy said, "You probably dont know who I am, but Im your brother." Those were his exact words, which-- had I been in my right mind would have stopped me cold and made me close the door again, but in actuality I felt that I knew JUST what he meant.
I said, "Im so happy to meet you, then!" I remember feeling so thrilled to discover I had a brother. I just believed him completely without question, which is not like me-- and therefore suspiciously like an alien-influenced encounter.
There my memory ends abruptly-- only coming back later to find myself in a wide clearing area with grass, and a small house by a tiny brook in this hollow in a deciduous forest. Which is strange, because where I live the forests are all coniferous. The boy and I were laughing, talking, walking around-- just hanging out and then later even goofing off a little. I remembered us going to the top of this little hill and rolling down the side just laughing our asses off. We were enjoying one anothers company immensely.
The next thing I knew, I was back at home in bed! I was very confused because I KNEW I had been awake to answer the door, but then what happened? How could I just abruptly black out standing up and talking to someone? And what about my memories of running around outside somewhere with this boy? It never made any sense. I chalked it up to a dream, although that didnt make sense either-- until I saw the photo of that same boy 5 years older. He remembered me as well. It was Gerick, no question.
His take on the experience-? He had just become a Pentacostal Christian (a fundie branch of Protestantism) in an effort to explain and protect himself from the frightening alien encounters. His parents actually joined that church after their son did. He even went to the church school for 3 years. During that time, people in the church referred to one another as "Brother" and "Sister." Hence how he introduced himself to me. And he, too, was home alone during most of the summer while both of his parents worked.
He remembered far more of what he and I did later-- because that whole day we spent on the property around his house-- in OHIO. Somehow he met me at my place in Oregon in the morning, we went to his place (which I saw later and could confirm with my own memory) for the entire afternoon and still made it back to my place before my sister came home at 4:30 pm. He recalled some of what we talked about, and where we went in great detail, and even that it rained hard and one point and he and I ran to find shelter under a cliff overhang-- and shared a kiss. It was like a romantic set-up date by the aliens. Just the one, though!
Years later after we met properly-- pretty much being set up by Linda Cortile of the book "Witnessed"-- we wondered about that little interlude. We had both shared our separate memories of this event with other people who we both spoke to later, confirming the reality of this particular memory, so its one of the best ones to confirm the event as totally physical-- traveling thousands of miles in a single day back and forth. The next day, Gerick even went out to several areas he and I had been to AFTER it rained and saw our footprints in the mud by the cliff-face and by the small brook by his house. There was no doubt that I had physically been present in Ohio that day.
Turns out a lot of abductees meet this way. It doesnt seem to matter if they live across the country, or for that matter-- across the world-- from one another, either. If they speak the same language, the aliens can hook them up. Later, somehow, they often (though not always) find one another and usually end up moving in together, having a sexual relationship, getting married, breeding and so forth.
I had several such set ups with another boy (the one I called "Douglas") from the time I was 11 until I was 17 years old-- the same one I ended up writing on the diner window to that one time-- so why I ended up with the guy I saw only one time Ill never know. It just ended up that way.
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