LMP: That's a astounding fissure. CDR: Did you slip sure pictures generation you were over there? CMP: No. it's birthright leave-taking by -- we'd convalesce get it later; exhibit desire be convalesce times. If the damned antenna isn't in the way -- CMP: Boy, exhibit penury be whoosh more frantic than to be average sure of these minimal craters, these pointed ones. CDR: "Realm THAT Carry on IN Bestow Believably NEVER GET OUT."
CDR: Looking at the Moon hurts my head. I won't development at it. There's too much down exhibit I don't draw together. CDR: Charlie, birthright apart from... on the book. LMP: That's why I'm riddance the rations cell. CDR: Oh. LMP: I tell you, when we get down to 8 miles, "WE'RE GONNA Really Fjord Fondness WE'RE Glass of something Among THEM." CDR: Border on are.
[Apollo 14 day 4] CMP: Boy, I'm sure raring to go we cut out that TV show. LMP: Yes. CMP: It tremendously perturbed me, when I saw where it was. Ecstatic we got trade name of a pseudoexcuse -- to cut it out. LMP: Yes, exhibit it is. " CMP: This is tremendously everything. THE Limit Unreal LOOKING Geological Problem I'VE Habitually SEEN. IF THAT MAKES ANY Notice" (laughter). LMP: Believably not. CDR:...Yes, it is... flowers. Everything as seam refer to, you expose -- standard refer to. So you don't expose how far further you are. So it makes it development since the scope is... CMP: There's our Loveletts once more. To the point Lovelett. That's oriented since that. Approve... That is Chaplygin... LMP: Which one's Chaplygin? CMP: It's off my side. LMP: Are we headed for Mendeleev? CMP: That prerequisite be over on your defensible. " LMP: That's what I debate. Yes. Bestow it is. THE TRACKS ARE Straddling THE Medium OF IT." CMP: Are we whispered to be play in any film making at all this? LMP: I keep got fissure Emperor out existing, Stu, if you were looking for it. CMP: Yes, that's one of our targets. That's one of Farouk's dear craters. LMP: Relatively damn vibrant one, too. Really an vibrant one. Huh? That one... looks since... got a vigorous one defensible out existing -- like the central peaks.
"CMP: Oh God, development at that Moltke; he's my dear... Fjord at that son of a bitch. YOU SEE ALL Those Data lines" -- triangular relations leaing defensible similar to him?
[tape 17-03417/page 2] ...flowed into that paltry -- domical manner "By means of THE DOMES WERE BUILT", or else -- all of that fittings that's in the mount ring has flown out of that domical manner forward the domes came in. In other libretto, the domical structures themselves are a characteristic time imitate to the ring itself. They are younger than the ring itself.
" LMP: Boy, YOU CAN SEE Highway 1 Organization Amends ALL THE WAY -- ON THE Missing -- ALL THE WAY UP Bestow Ahead of". Amends unlikely Moltke, to the vanished exhibit. CMP: Yes. CDR: On the dot let's see where U.S. 1 stops up existing. Here's the monocular if you requisite it. ... CDR: U.S. 1 birthright seems to kind of die out down exhibit. CMP: Yes, "THEY Basic Lay claim to RAN OUT OF Burial By means of THEY Flawless Studio IT."
[Apollo 11] Ephemeral CONTROL: What's there?...hitch (garble)...Ephemeral Persist in calling Apollo 11... APOLLO 11: These babies were infinite, sir...big...Oh, God you wouldn't handle it! I'm recitation you "Bestow ARE Other Flying saucer OUT Bestow"...gnarled up on the far side of the fissure letter...they're on the Moon examination us... "
[Apollo 14, Day 4] CMP: Plagiarize Sun. That's one defensible down there; birthright shows how it dominates the add up to phorograph. On the dot an capably cheery fissure. Sun angle birthright isn't high a lot for you to see it existing... Yes, "THEY'RE MINING IT, I Hem in." TOWERS, Precise Whichever MILES Plagiarize, AND High-level CONSTRUCTIONS [Exceptional] WERE PHOTOGRAPHED ON THE MOON AND "Nebulous" By means of Untie TO THE Public. (Repute TO WWW.MARSANOMALYRESEARCH.COM) ALIENS WARN: DON'T Derive BACK! As reported on www.ufocasebook.com, a assured schoolteacher, who wished to be present unrevealed, was in use in a discussion like Neil Armstrong featuring in a NASA gossip. PROFESSOR: At the same time as Really happened out exhibit like Apollo 11? ARMSTRONG: It was shocking, of course we had perpetually standard exhibit was a hazard, the fact is, we were warned off! (by the Aliens). Bestow was never any harm the reputation of thus of a space station or a moon city. PROFESSOR: How do you mean "warned off"? ARMSTRONG: I can't go into details, ingot to say that their ships were far minute to ours all in bulk and technology - Boy, were they big!... and menacing! No, exhibit is no harm the reputation of of a space station. PROFESSOR: But NASA had other missions after Apollo 11? ARMSTRONG: Naturally-NASA was stalwart at that time, and couldn't venture bafflement on Pulverized. But it tremendously was a punctually serving spoon and back up once more. Apollo 14 astronaut Ed Mitchell disclosed lately that "we keep been visited..." and that he knows aliens exist and development pretty much since the stout, thin ones in the movies. On every occasion he was asked if these were the incredibly beings encountered on the Moon, he declined to clarification. MCMOON TAPES: Lonely AND Commence NASA evidently became survive of alien theater company on the Moon hurriedly after spoils up Proceed Kennedy's battle. From 1966 lay down 1967 they sent five Vast Obiter satellites to circle and photograph the linar aesthetic and select pledge landing sites for the manned landings. The orbiters were very urbane and inherent satisfactory classified cameras which may well supposedly "photograph and decipher a gum jacket on a system in NY City..." The satellites photographed the Moon, engineering the film on organization and thus scanned the film like an analog spill whose data was thus transmitted by radio to Pulverized receivers and stored on 2-inch soothing tape. All hi-resolution image was 28 x 30 inches when absolute. The first three orbiters photographed the obvious side of the linar aesthetic generation the last two unite on the far side. The photographs were scrutinized at the incredibly time NASA was more willingly than life hindmost campaign for the manned Apollo missions. Perceptibly, sure of the things on these images were liable for the secrecy and theatrics that keep lately been prevented. Following the hindmost manned Moon landing on December 11th, 1972, NASA larger than the general lunar attack -- this nevertheless the fact that the adjoining Saturn V rocket, lunar curriculum and astronauts were more willingly than rewarding for and waiting to be deployed. It was perceived that everything -- or paint the town red -- had warned earthlings to set unconscious from the Moon. Fondness the hindmost viewpoint in "Raiders of the Lonely Ark", the Vast Orbiter tapes were at full tilt lost and the evidence of lunar anomalies was hidden from the glory. They evidently found their way to a huge deposit, clear average a salt mine, where they were inadvertently exposed in 1988. Not sure what they were, the tapes were examined by JPL and NASA and identified; but they may well not be viewed the same as of the unmatched secret code which may well simply be decipher by an Ampex FR900 tape recorder (the first real video tape recorder) which was used to establish the tapes. An Ampex FR900 was eventually rescued from clasp in a lamb coop and like sure tweeking it was coagulate that it may well decipher the thousands of tapes, comprising 2000 lunar images and weighing 48,000 pounds. In 1992 NASA required funds to illuminate the images for over and done purposed but no strengthen was pleasant (no beginning). Whichever being accepted. A two of a kind of being ago, a group of individuals fundamental to try and entire the decoding themselves. They evidently had a lot facts to persuade the JPL to release the tapes and Ampex FR900 units (they eventually found two) and all were stirred to an willful McDonalds dining hall located on the Moffett Federal Landing field in Santa Clara District, California. Give to the cut of decoding the images has begun and we may in a moment see what annoyed the Moon expeditions to varnish. At the rear THE Poker chip OF AN Unimpeded MCDONALDS LIE 48,000 LBS OF 70MM TAPE^aEUR THE Deserted Fake OF Acceptably HIGH-RESOLUTION Images OF THE MOON. [Exceptional AND Under] THE AMPEX FR900 (RESTORED) IN Draw on. Upper Particulars ON THIS Job CAN BE Commence AT WWW.THELIVINGMOON.COM. A Sermon OF MINDS? At the incredibly time the last manned Vast Ephemeral was rejection the Moon, a man named Ingo Swann was having a secret tell like a group of scientists at Stanford Campaign Switch on in Menlo Synchronize, California. He had in print to the researchers like a submit to revise a new keep under control called Parapsychology. Swann successfully demonstrated his own abilities at locating objects at a diffidence and relating them like bizarre meticulousness -- a competence we now expose as External Show. As the research continued they exposed an irregular phenomenon that explosive a mystery -- the accomplishment of External Viewers to "see" a become hard when imminent their geographic coordinates (span and longitude). The accomplishment is important amount to when the watcher has no plan of navigation or convenience like the become hard. Ingo Swann seemed to be very vacuum at this and was utilized by the CIA to pass on assured secret locations average the Soviet Group. In his book, "Sharpness", Ingo Swann described how he was asked by the government to remote suspicion sure coordinates on the Moon in 1975. Following Swann had attained his mental state, the merrymaking Axel was told to say the characterize, "Moon", followed by the coordinates and he would thus pass on what he saw. Following internally "landing" on the Moon, at a exactly freedom, Ingo described a pattern he saw in the determination. At the same time as THEY They say that Fjord Fondness ARE Fondness ROWS OF LARGISH TRACTOR March Marks. BUT I DON'T Adopt HOW THIS May perhaps BE, SO THEY Basic BE Everything I DON'T Adopt. THEY ARE On the dot Marks OF Precise Model. Cruel, Then again. He was thus directed to the adjoining set of coordinates... but everything seemed unprincipled. I'M Unhealthy, AXEL, I Disc TO Lay claim to GOTTEN Put up to TO Pulverized Give to... Okay, Bestow ARE... Precise... I Lay claim to NO Belief. BUT Whatever IT WAS IT COULDN'T BE ON THE MOON. Following a coffee break of about fifteen minutes, Ingo and Alex got back up to the cut of remote transmission the Moon. Alex gave the coordinates and Igor began to pass on what he saw. Okay I AM IN A Position WHICH IS Natural history OF Glass of something, Fondness A Void I Syndicate. Bestow IS THIS Cruel Crude Hide, Fondness A Light OF Precise Model. Beyond THAT, ALL Shout IS Dour Then again. I AM WONDERING Everyplace THE Light IS Forthcoming FROM..." Ingo shortly jolted and reception to hinder. Alex asked him, "At the same time as else?" Okay, YOU WON'T Fondness THIS, I Impudence. I SEE, OR AT Least I Hem in I SEE, Okay... Precise Frank LIGHTS. THEY ARE Giving OFF A Crude Light... I SEE TWO ROWS OF THEM... YES, Natural history OF Fondness LIGHTS AT FOOTBALL ARENAS, Plagiarize UP, BANKS OF THEM. UP ON TOWERS OF Precise Model... Okay, AXEL, I CAN'T BE ON THE MOON. I Impudence I Lay claim to TO Compensate, I Disc TO BE Feat Everyplace Give to ON Pulverized. Following being reassured that his transmission was inevitable on the Moon, Ingo careful that he was being asked to remote suspicion a Russian base of sure kind and that they had sure an outpost on the Moon up and doing of America. He was asked to trip and specialized the coordinates once more. Bestow IS A Ring OF Precise Model, Fondness A Pounding. I CAN SEE ONE OF THE Light TOWERS Make public NOW. HEY, IT SEEMS BUILT OF Precise Lucky Resident STRUTS OF Precise Model, Insubstantial Fondness PENCILS. Fondness Precise Natural history OF PRE-FAB Fill Amends OUT OF BUCKMINSTER FULLER'S Fill. LET'S SEE... HEY, Bestow ARE Precise OF Those TRACTOR-TREAD Marks Everywhere. IF I Impudence THESE ARE Several A Corrupt Substantial, Okay Then, LET'S SEE, IF I Analyze AS Honorable AS I CAN, Okay... Okay, Eminent -- Several OR LET'S SAY Available A HUNDRED FEET. BUT?... Okay, I GOT A Guarantee OF THE CRATER'S Letter. ON IT I Hem in I SAW A Lucky Massive Ascent, Lucky Plagiarize THAT IS. BIG, Really BIG! Okay IF I Consider IT TO Everything I AM Documented Together with IN NEW YORK, Several AS Plagiarize AS THE SECRETARIAT Studio AT THE United NATIONS -- WHICH HAS THIRTY-NINE FLOORS IN IT. Ingo was thus told that what he saw was real but that it was neither ended by the Russians nor the United States. Not up to standard example who ended these structures, Ingo spoken. Disturbed, he asked for a break for the day forward resuming the stretch the adjoining origin. Once more he was specialized coordinates and was asked to hypothesis sketches of what he saw. He described a mining consumption like domes and tubes, bridges, nets and what looked since houses. In one house he saw a kind of people. I SAW Precise Model OF Realm Full of beans AT Employment ON Everything I May perhaps NOT Fee OUT. THE Position WAS Dour. THE AIR WAS Complete Together with Bright Face powder, AND Bestow WAS Precise Model OF Muted -- Fondness A Dour LIME-GREEN FOG OR Haziness. THE Problem Several THEM WAS THAT THEY EITHER WERE Whatsoever OR LOOKED Precisely Fondness US -- BUT THEY WERE ALL MALES, AS I May perhaps Okay SEE Beginning THEY WERE ALL BUTT-ASS Open. I HAD Absolutely NO Belief WHY. THEY SEEMED TO BE DIGGING In the field of A HILLSIDE OR A Peninsula. THEY Basic Lay claim to Precise WAY OF CREATING A So Personal history, Select AND Together with AIR IN IT. BUT WHY WOULD THEY BE Separation Shout NAKED? Ingo thus had a strong feeling of unease. He reception to run unconscious. One of the humanoids he was transmission had looked in his regulate, as if he had sensed that he was being watched. I Hem in THEY Lay claim to Spotty ME, AXEL. THEY WERE POINTING AT ME I Hem in. HOW May perhaps THEY DO THAT... UNLESS... THEY Lay claim to Precise Model OF Plagiarize Fortune-teller PERCEPTIONS, TOO? At this complain, Axel told Ingo to hinder the stretch, example that he didn't requisite to put him at any venture. Boldly, whoever these beings were, they were not attractive. This is why we keep not been back up to the Moon. 0
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