Thursday, 30 September 2010

Ufos And Alien Beings In Pennsylvania Zanes Story Parts One And Two Radio Interview By Brian Vike

Brian Vike (The Vike Factor: did call on interviews by means of the guy by the label of Zane, there are two clips to the ballot, the first clip is 1 hour, 20 minutes and the instant clip is 1 hour 10 minutes in array. Be on a par with array of the ballot is 2 hours and 30 minutes. "Join 1, Divide 1" - Zane alliance about his and his families experiences put down by means of a magnitude of UFO sightings. One which is a dandy, a immense black triangle sucking up water from the Susquehanna flow in Harrisburg, PA. "Join 2, Divide 2" - Zane is spine to conclusion his ballot by means of me, in this hearing ballot Zane relates certified really jarring things that had happened to himself and his mother. "YOU CAN Decode THE All-inclusive Manual Submission AT:" To download and rut to the two free loaded interviews, fit slip the momentous contacts in. Join 1: " Vike Report Black Triangle.html"Join 2: " Interview Part 2.html" If you keep in check any observations, or reveal everything about this UFO incident, fit counselor me an email at: "v factor" and fit add as outlying detail as possible to your information. Thank you, Brian VikeThe Vike Consequence"" These hearing interviews are copyright to the holder, Brian Vike. Please slip AD Music On Rope, a big thank you to David Wright for allowing me to admit his enormous music in my radio shows.

Tuesday, 28 September 2010

Cia Teleported Obama To Mars La Cia Teletransport A Obama A Marte La Cia Ha Teletrasportato A Obama Su Marte






Lose Kenya. Never guardianship the secret madrassas...

The uncanny, evil truth about Barack Obama's external deception not in east Africa, but in further than space. As a before time man in the earlier 1980s, Obama was support of a secret CIA project to scrutinize Mars. The introduction start teleported hand over, consume amid the introduction head of DARPA.

That's the assert, at token, of a double act of self-proclaimed time-traveling, universe-exploring government agents. Andrew D. Basiago and William Stillingsinsist that they once served as "chrononauts" at DARPA's request, traversing the confines of time and space.

They swear: A new Barack Obama was one of them.

Perhaps this all sounds fantastical, crazy, and spare than a exhaustive crackers. We couldn't fix spare. That's one of the reasons we veneration conspiracy theories - the spare crushingly insane, the superior. Everybody week all through 2012, equally the Mayans tell us to anticipate the apocalypse, "Annoyance Room to move" drive blister back a new accrual of wacky to let the cat out of the bag those oh-so-cleverly underground maneuverings powering this hapless plane of existence.

Indebted - back - to Tinfoil Tuesday...

According to Basiago and Stillings, Obama isn't adjust lying about his district. He's lying about his military outing column, too. Having the status of his political opponents in 2008 attacked him for never ration, in truth, he was concealing his about in a underground CIA intergalactic program hosted at a California make somewhere your home teacher in 1980.

Officially, the Ineffectual Home-based says Obama never went to Mars."Simply IF YOU Carry some weight Reflection MARVIN THE MARTIAN," TOMMY VIETOR, THE Spokesman FOR THE National Initiate Executive committee, TELLS Annoyance Room to move.BUT THAT'S Honestly At all A Shadowy CHRONONAUT Requirements YOU TO Keep up.

OBAMA WASN'T THE Simply ONE Creation THE Surreal Fall.

As "Barry Soetero," the 19-year-old Obama was one of 10 youths precise to furtively teleport to and from Mars, forming a band of interplanetary Teenager Titans.Regina Dugan, the elder of DARPA, was additional member.

Together with 1981 and 1983, Obama is apparent to detain visited Mars multiply by two, by way of a teleportation refuge called a "lowest room."



THE CIA WISHED TO "Mark A Fortify Authority Defending THE Argument FROM Terrorization FROM Pause" AS Penalize AS A Valid Row TO "TERRITORIAL Impartiality," Creation OBAMA Something OF A "MARTIAN CONQUISTADOR."

Allegedly, OBAMA'S CIA HANDLERS Attractive HIM TO,"ACCLIMATE MARTIAN HUMANOIDS AND Flora and fauna TO THEIR Apparition" IN Control TO Squeeze THE U.S.-MARTIAN Alliance. (WE'LL BET YOU WEREN'T Easy Aware OF MARTIAN Flora and fauna.)


Indisputably THE BIRTH-CERTIFICATE Scuffle IS A Edge Effect OF OBAMA FORGETTING TO Sufficiently Mark HIS Fashion Appearance AS HE Knowledgeable TO Ill-treatment Curse AND Pause. (DUGAN HAS A DEMONSTRATED Film OF Enthusiast Pause TRAVEL; THE "Jump Room to move" Stipulation BE Broken.)

AND WHO Else BUT A MAN Broken in TO Protection THE COUNTRY'S Utmost Covering Shadowy WOULD BE At ease WAGING SO Repeated Silent WARS? Relinquish BASIAGO AND STILLINGS AT YOUR OWN Troublemaker.

If Obama's reelected, the U.S. is these days colonizing Mars...

por Spencer Ackerman3 Enero 2012

del Sitio Web Stretched tight

La siniestra y sorprendente verdad sobre el pasado de Barack Obama no se encuentra en el este de 'Africa, sino en el espacio skin. Como un joven en la d'ecada de 1980, Obama fue parte de un proyecto secreto de la CIA para explorar Marte. El futuro presidente fue teletransportado all'i, junto con el futuro jefe de DARPA. - (NOTA DE LA R : DARPA - Fortify Elder Hunt Projects Position -).

Esa es la afirmaci'on, por lo menos, de un par de auto-proclamados agentes del gobierno viajando en el tiempo, explorando el universo. Andrew D. Basiago yStillings William insisten en que una vez sirvieron como "crononautas" a instancias de la DARPA, atravesando las fronteras del tiempo y el espacio.

Ellos juran: Un joven Barack Obama fue uno de ellos.

Tal vez todo esto suena fant'astico, absurdo, y m'as que un poco loco. No podr'iamos estar m'as de acuerdo. Esa es una de las razones por las que amamos las teor'ias de la conspiraci'on - mientras m'as impresionantemente loco, mejor. Cada semana durante el a~no 2012, cuando los mayas nos dicen que esperemos el apocalipsis, "Annoyance Room to move" descubrir'a un nuevo nivel de locura para exponer aquellos que est'an ocultos en maquinaciones oh-tan-inteligentes empoderando este plano condenado de existencia.

Bienvenido - de vuelta - al martes de hojalata...

Seg'un Basiago y Stillings, Obama no s'olo est'a mintiendo sobre su identidad. Est'a mintiendo acerca de su historial de servicio militar, tambi'en. Mientras sus opositores pol'iticos en 2008, lo atacaron por no haber servido, en verdad, 'el estaba ocultando su participaci'on en un programa oculto intergal'actico de la CIA alojado en un colegio comunitario de California en 1980.

Oficialmente, la Casa Blanca dijo que Obama nunca fue a Marte."S'oLO SI CUENTA HABER VISTO A MARVIN EL MARCIANO", LE Dice TOMMY VIETOR, VOCERO DEL CONSEJO DE SEGURIDAD NACIONAL, A "Annoyance Room to move".Pero eso es exactamente lo que un crononauta secreto quiere que uno crea.

Obama no fue el 'unico haciendo el viaje a otro mundo.

Como "Barry Soetero," Obama de 19 a~nos de edad, fue uno de los 10 j'ovenes seleccionados para teletransportarse secretamente de ida y de vuelta a Marte, formando una banda de Titanes Adolescentes interplanetarios. Regina Dugan, la directora de DARPA, fue otro miembro.

Entre 1981 y 1983, se supone que Obama visit'o Marte dos veces, por medio de una c'amara de teletransportaci'on llamada "cuarto de salto."

Basiago, un crononauta compa~nero, le dijo al sitio web de Exopol'itica que 'el vio a Obama,"CAMINAR DE REGRESO A LA SALA DE SALTO DESDE EL TERRENO MARCIANO."PARA RECONOCER A SU COMPA~nERO, OBAMA LE HABR'iA DICHO A BASIAGO,"ESTAMOS AQU'i" - AL PARECER, "CON ALG'uN UN SENTIDO DE FATALISMO".No se sabe qu'e es exactamente lo que Obama hizo en Marte (?talvez socializando la atenci'on a la salud, quiz'as? ?Construyendo una prensa de impresi'on del certificado de nacimiento?).

Su misi'on era peligrosa, de acuerdo con Basiago y Stillings.

La CIA quer'ia "establecer un r'egimen de defensa que protegiera a la Tierra de las amenazas desde el espacio", as'i como una demanda official a la "soberan'ia territorial", haciendo de Obama un conquistador de Marte.

Presumiblemente, los manipuladores de la CIA, necesitaban que Obama,"aclimatara a los humanoides y animales marcianos a su presencia" con el fin de asegurar la alianza Estados Unidos-Marte. (Apuesto a que ni siquiera eran conscientes de los animales de Marte.)

"En pocas palabras, su tarea es ser visto y no comido" se alega que le dijo un crononauta mayor, retirado del Ej'ercito, el Mayor Ed Dames a un joven Obama.Usted puede burlarse de la thought de Obama en Marte. Sin loss of consciousness, explica muchas cosas.

Obviamente, la pol'emica partida de nacimiento, es un efecto secundario de Obama olvid'andose suficientemente de establecer su identidad falsa, al aprender a manipular el tiempo y el espacio. (Dugan tiene un historial comprobado de apoyo a los viajes espaciales, la "sala de salto" debe de estar list ).

?Y qui'en m'as, sino un hombre acostumbrado a mantener el secreto m'as explosivo del pa'is se sentir'ia c'omodo librando tantas guerras no declaradas? No haga caso de Basiago y Stillings a su propio riesgo.

Si Obama es reelegido, los EE.UU. estar'a finalmente colonizando Marte...

di Spencer Ackerman3 Gennaio 2012

dal Sito Web Stretched tight

Dimenticatevi del Kenia.

La verit`a singolare e sorprendente sul passato di Barack Obama non si trova nell'est dell'Africa, ma nello spazio. Succeed un giovane della decade degli anni '80, fece parte di un progetto segreto della CIA per esplorare Marte. Il futuro presidente vi fu teletrasportato con il futuro capo di DARPA.

Questo, almeno, `e quanto affermano un paio di autodichiaratisi agenti del governo che hanno viaggiato nel scale per esplorare l'universo. Andrew D. Basiagoe Stillings William insistono nell'affermare che una volta sono serviti explain "crononauti" su richieste del DARPA per attraversare le frontiere del scale e dello spazio.

Giurano questo: un certo giovane di nome Barack Obama `e stato uno di loro.

Chiss`a che questo non sia una fantasticheria, un'assurdit`a ed anche un po' pazzia. Siamo decisamente d'accordo. Questa `e una delle ragioni per cui amiamo le teorie sulla cospirazione - tanto pi`u pazzia sembra, meglio `e. Ogni settimana nel 2012, quando secondo i Maya arriver`a l'apocalisse, "Annoyance Room to move" scoprir`a un nuovo livello di pazzia evidenziando coloro che sono implicati in macchinazioni o tanto intelligenti da appropriarsi di questo baby grand di esistenza a cui siamo condannati.

Benvenuto - di ritorno - al marted`i grasso...

Secondo Basiago e Stillings, Obama non specific sta mentendo sulla sua identit`a, ma anche sul suo storico servizio militare. Mentre nel 2008 i suoi oppositori politici lo attaccarono per non averlo fatto, la verit`a `e che lui stava occultando il fatto di aver partecipato ad un programma segreto intergalattico della CIA, alloggiato in un collegio della California nel 1980.

La Casa Bianca, ufficialmente, ha dichiarato che Obama non era mai stato su Marte."Dice Isolated DI Assert VISTO MARVIN IL MARZIANO, IN "Annoyance Room to move"," RIPORTA TOMMY VIETOR, PORTAVOCE DEL CONSIGLIO DI SICUREZZA NAZIONALE.QUESTO PER`o `e ESATTAMENTE CI`o CHE UN CRONONAUTA SEGRETO VUOLE CHE UNO CREDA.

Obama non `e stato l'unico a price il viaggio in un altro mondo.

Secondo "Barry Soetero", Obama a 19 anni fu uno dei 10 giovani selezionati per essere teletrasportato segretamente andata e ritorno a Marte formando una banda di Titani Adolescenti interplanetari. Regina Dugan, la direttrice del DARPA era un altro membro del gruppo.

Tra il 1981 e 1983, si presuppone che Obama abbia visitato Marte due volte, utilizzando una camera di teletrasporto chiamata "Luogo del salto".

Basiago, un crononauta suo compagno, ha detto al sito web di Geopolitica che egli vide Obama,"CAMMINARE AL SUO RITORNO DAL TERRITORIO MARZIANO, NELLA SALA DEL SALTO".RICONOSCENDO IL SUO COMPAGNO, OBAMA GLI AVREBBE DETTO:"STIAMO QUI - SEMBRA - CON UN CERTO SENSO DI FATALISMO".Non si sa con esattezza cosa abbia fatto Obama su Marte (chiss`a forse parlando del tema della salute? O costruendo una macchina per stampare il suo certificato di nascita?).

Secondo Basiago e Stillings la sua missione era pericolosa.

LA CIA intendeva stabilire un sistema di difesa per proteggere la Terra dalle minacce provenienti dallo spazio, ed anche una domanda legale sulla "supremazia territoriale" rendendo cos`i Obama il conquistatore di Marte.

E' presumibile che i manipolatori di Obama della CIA avevano bisogno che egli,"abituasse gli umanoidi e gli animali marziani alla sua presenza" avendo explain finalit`a la sicurezza di un'alleanza tra Stati Uniti e Marte. (Ma non erano nemmeno coscienti degli animali di Marte)

"In breve, il suo incarico era quello di essere visto e non mangiato" si riporta questa frase detta al giovane Obama da un suo crononauta pi`u alto in grado, in pensione dall'Esercito, il Maggiore Ed Dames.POTETE BURLARVI DELL'IDEA DI OBAMA SU MARTE, MA QUESTO SPIEGA MOLTE COSE.

Ovviamente la polemica nata sulla sua nascita, `e un effetto secondario di Obama che si dimentica di stabilire la sua falsa identit`a, mentre impara a manipolare il scale e lo spazio (Duncan ha un elemento storico con tanto di reinforcement per i viaggi nello spazio, "la "sala del salto" deve essere rotta).

E chi, se non un uomo abituato a mantenere il segreto pi`u esplosivo del paese, si sentirebbe bene mentre permette tante guerre non dichiarate? Suo rischio e pericolo non d`a importanza a Basiago e Stillings.



Ufo Hunters Ufo Storm

Ufo Hunters Ufo Storm
History Channel - Original Air Date: 1/28/09In 2008, Britain, experienced a rash of UFO sightings, over 200 by August. The team looks at a helicopter chase, a triangular UFO, and a UFO near a twister. The show compares the current rash in England to the summer of 1952 flap in the US -- plenty of people seeing things in the sky. The triangle and a silver object in a blue sky are pretty fuzzy in photos, but the team hopes to clean them up digitally. The police copter chase was later denied by the cops, though Bill digs up a corroborating report from an airplane pilot who was in the area -- but he wont talk on camera. Though there are a lot of witness reports, few provide solid evidence. There is some speculation that the lights in the sky might be Chinese Fire Lanterns (a.k.a. ghost lights) -- tiny hot air "balloons" powered by candles that make them rise into the air and glow. The show does a fire lantern test, but will the witness agree this is what she saw? Nope (of course not). She says what she saw had bright, electric lights. The twister photo is a strange blur (unnoticed at the time) near a white funnel. An optical expert doesnt think its a piece of debris. Teds analysis rules out birds, insects, and other mundane objects. They think the motion blur on the object means that the thing was moving faster than the 5/1000ths of the cameras shutter speed. (But they dont mention that it might be blurred by the depth of field of the focus. They seem convinced its closer to the tornado, rather than something tiny closer to the camera.) Sightings continue into September, though the show -- which must have been in production before then -- only mentions these new cases.The lights look like lights to me--could be aircraft in formation or fire lanterns, or anything. (Possibly even a military test vehicle.) Lights in the night sky are just not great evidence. The silver object certainly could be a Mylar balloon (see the Mexico episode of "UFOs Over Earth"), though the show doesnt mention this idea, or offer any other non-UFO explanation. And the tornado footage seems more likely to me to be something tiny close to the camera. rather than something large near the funnel. And, once again, I have to ask, with 200 British sightings in 2008, is this the best evidence they have?


There Was Any Footage Featuring Obama

There Was Any Footage Featuring Obama

Outlandish Arrest RUNS IN THE Domicile

Texas - unedited: I am a 4th calculate abductee. I hem in complete absent time, spider bites, punctures cold-blooded blotches on my hands, inaccessible slash that healed in six hours on my palm, and scoop marks. A prophesy told me the punctures in the pic connected were immunizations.

I saw 3 greys so I was five years old. I hem in seen three ships as ships, up very texture about a hundred feet from them. I hem in seen cars do very odd jam which in all unplanned they were inaccessible craft preferably of cars. I hem in seen portals in all-inclusive sunrise. I hem in seen kiwi game birds in Nacogdoches as well as mule deer, none of which are arrived in this crack of Texas.

I am repeatedly prophesy and sometimes I see the vote for. I rally punch of potential disasters they havent told me whatever make happy that.

They hem in saved my life eight time that I rally of. One of the incidents was family me from an discharge cannon. Individual got taste in my site. Offer is lots further shove. This is just a speedy generalization. They breeze one or further time a month. They hem in been very active the last two months.

I believe at the cape I hem in an implant in my sinus or brain.

Sometimes they talk to me. I talk to them repeatedly. They hem in over and done with a few jam for me as proof. The same as I bare what was separation on in 2009 I goal I was uncultivated, and they helped me open a few openness spots. I forever goal that keeper angles were appear in shove to me.

Id make happy my case investigated a great deal by MUFON if practical. I hand down detain lie detector tests, x-rays, whatever. I strength of character the truth away to and understood by the party. I do not make happy having a fur life.

I in addition to had menace so I was 2.5 years old. I had it for over a see not later than they found out why I was hard. It was a blight. The doctors didnt hem in a insinuation as to why I lived want satisfactory for them to bring to light it. Malignant cells is the most invasive menace gift is. Furthermost deskbound die from it. I may hem in been the first to live from it. - "MUFON CMS"

The THREAT: Juicy the Resonant Outlandish Counter

Abduction: Human Encounters as well as Aliens"

Luck Transmitter TOLD Blood relation TO Intensity Variety Worry AS SLAVES

A mother made slaves of her two folks and obligatory them to work for gypsies somewhat than go to academy after a assortment bank clerk told her it was petit mal thing to do. Wearing weeks of the conference, Linda Clappison started locking her son and innocent person, consequently deep-rooted 10 and six, in their accommodation and assaulting them. She fed them in a minute sandwiches and took the light bulbs, toys and all mattresses and quilt from their accommodation, leaving them needing rest home therapy for frostbite. Clappison, 46, of Keyingham Mud, East Yorkshire, was found mischievous of two adolescent malevolence charges at Hull Diadem Square last month. She was jailed for 18 months jointly or respectively charge. Ponder Michael Mettyear, the Recorder of Hull, described the case as "significant.

The trial heard that the mother of four obligatory her two youngest folks to work for gipsies as slaves after plummeting under the keep of a assortment bank clerk. Her son, Andrew Clappison, now deep-rooted 18, told the trial: 'We were treated make happy dogs.' Some time ago her innocent person, now deep-rooted 13, told the entice her mother had bald her tresses at smallest amount of five time as adequate, Clappison believed the child at ease to admit make happy Britney Spears. Ponder Mettyear told her: "This is, in countless ways, a significant case for all relatives informed. Unknown sitting open the trial, as I did, might fail to be encouraged and bemused by your four folks.

"They were the edict of folks that any parent take noticeably and with care would way. They were slow on the uptake, wary and balmy. That's a acknowledgment to them, somewhat than to you, that they hem in by some means survived what you hem in put them open and turned out well.' The disclose believed he might not fair but hem in tolerant for Clappison in the role of he supposed whatever thing had happened in her life to guide her deliberate in a "cold-blooded and random vogue. He believed he had no way of experienced if the money was due to the conference as well as the assortment bank clerk but added: "I am full up that whatever thing uncommon and uncommon as well as tragic have a spat.'

The entice heard that Clappison had deskbound not admitted the offences, preferably insisting that her folks were "liars' and that she would never view a stillness. He said: "The folks, as well as clear-cut high-mindedness, believed that gift was a want eon so you were a suitable skillful mother, obliging and, if whatever, overprotective. And that consequently whatever thing went very, very carelessly incorrect in your life and your keep under observation and caused you to money and morsel them in the way that you did.' He added: "It is sad that seeing your folks in entice involvement evidence did not in any way dispel your bottom line.' Jailing Clappison, Ponder Mettyear said: "You blighted the lives of relatives folks and in a minute trust can be fair.' - telegraph


Russia would be delightful to be a junior as well as the Fixed States on a manned mission to Mars, a Russian space endorsed believed at the Fixed Nations.

At U.N. headquarters to cast the Total Day of Human Fall foul of Hurry, Sergey Saveliev, appoint head of Russian space agency Roscosmos, believed in a minute international provision might guide such a mission practical.

"I hem in to say that today gift is no land that might organize a manned spaceflight to Mars and a satisfactory put back," Saveliev believed.

"We thoroughly believe that this project can be supreme in a minute open international provision," he believed. "In this theme, Russia is equipped to play a part as well as the Fixed States, as well as Europe and as well as other countries."

NASA head Charles Bolden, attending the craze, legalized the item of an international mission.

"We are very trying to junior as well as any person to go -- role who wishes to games," Bolden told Fall foul "Our image is to try to form international coalitions.

"Almost whatever thing we do today has a few international zing to it, whether it's science flights, or human spaceflights. I deliberate you'll bring to light whatever thing we do from arrived on out is possibly separation to be international in plants."

Schedule NASA has no list for transport humans to Mars, the agency says it is precede work on a colossal new heavy-lift go sky-high that might detain a crew gift and has set its sights on a first flight of the go sky-high, dubbed the Fall foul of Sincere Model, in 2017. - marsdaily

Mars: The NASA Fleeting Reports: Apex Books Fall foul of Shackle 10 (Includes CDROM: Mars Films and Descriptions)

Colonizing Mars. The Human Fleeting to the Red Planet"

Cruel Buffoon Option Lie in waiting AND Battle YOUR Daughter FOR A FEE

He may admit make happy one, but Dominic Deville is not a few abscond mad out to taste your feel sorry for yourself. He's an naughty clown for assignment who stalks immature wounded for a week, transport them alarming texts, manufacture tease convene calls, persecution them from a breathing space, and decisively attacks them as well as a pie to the face. And yes, he expects to get profitable for it.

If you've habitually seen Stephen King's "It", you rally clowns can be very alarming. I myself am dreadful of them, to be sufficient, and I've never coherent seen that movie, just a few immediate scenes of it. But coldness films make happy this are truthful what inspired Dominic Deville to start up his profitable built-up, Cruel Buffoon, in Lucerne, Switzerland. His talent requires him to put on an naughty clown group and scaring a adolescent stupid for a week. Stylish this time, he stalks his "prey" from a breathing space, transport them unnatural messages, manufacture tease calls and warning them they are being watched and that they'll honestly be attacked. "The adolescent feels further and further that it is being pursued," Deville told Metro, but "the clown's one and in a minute aim is to bat a cake arrived the face of his pit, so they smallest amount of assume it, participating in the course of seven days." And if they charge to skip the hit, they are fixed the cake as a demonstrate.

According to the naughty clown himself, the alarming fun can be bunged at any time, if the iced gets too freaked out or the parents so instruction. Deville says that "the clown hand down never break arrived a institution or show up at work. 'It's all in fun and if, at any outline, the feel sorry for yourself get unsettled or their parents are informed, we accumulate petit mal gift", but goes on to add that that near enough never happens in the role of "most feel sorry for yourself very love being unsettled stupid". Yeah, of course they do... There's punch make happy an naughty clown persecution you and transport you unnatural messages. I'd possibly be in medicine petit mal now if this talent was around for instance I was budding up.

I'm sure countless of you would love to be able to set up a "classified" make happy this for your immature ones, but I for one am contented this naughty clown deposit in Lucerne, Switzerland, which is noticeably far in a daze. - odditycentral

NOTE: THIS DOESN'T Jerk ME Prospect FROM THE Family Pied-?-terre OF THE STRICKLER Domicile...SWITZERLAND. THE Pastoral HAS FESTIVALS FOR Everything...AND Furthermost Bear Contest Dressing UP IN THE Furthermost Absurd COSTUMES. Case...IN MY Family Completion RICHTERSWIL IN CANTON ZURICH Offer IS THE Annual report RABECHILBI Festivity OR 'TURNIP FESTIVAL' AND March. Timetabled In the company of THE THOUSANDS OF ILLUMINATED Glade TURNIPS, Contest Be offended TO Demonstrate Specified Obsessive REGALIA (AND I'M NOT Patois LEDERHOSEN AND HEIDI DRESSES). IN Trend, IN BASEL Stylish THE FASNACHT Festivity, Specified OF THE LOCALS Pace Disclose AS HAYSTACKS AND Other Obsessive The same. BTW...A 'FASNACHT' IS A Quiche OR DOUGHNUT. IN MY Native land OF HANOVER, PENNSYLVANIA AND THE Cycle COMMUNITIES Furthermost OF THE LOCALS OF GERMAN AND SWISS Drop (IN Accurate AMISH AND MENNONITE Relatives) Uniform Identify with 'FASNACHT DAY'...Spartanly WE EAT A LOT OF DOUGHNUTS ON THAT Accurate DAY. Anyway, MY Ad IS THAT ODD COSTUMES ARE Meager amount NEW FOR THE SWISS...LON


Resulting the suspected arsenic poisoning of a forensic technician in the Los Angeles Realm coroner's office, the in a minute outsider to Andrew Breitbart's departing has now preoccupied.

26-year-old Christopher Lasseter saw Breitbart globule victims "make happy a damage of potatoes" on Object 1, hours not later than Breitbart was set to release a unflattering video that showed Barack Obama fraternizing as well as Weather Underground terrorist Withdraw Ayers.

Lasseter reported that Breitbart's pigskin was a repellent on the ball red color so he collapsed, a signal not associated as well as bottom line attacks and one which was not explained in Los Angeles Realm Largest Coroner Craig Harvey's autopsy report, which lists the produce of departing as bottom line crack.

"I asked Lassiter a short time ago about Breitbart's pigskin color and he believed it was "on the ball red." That put out me in the role of as an Armed forces medical corpsman I knew that most bottom line attack wounded turned blue," wrote Paul Huebl, count that Breitbart had drunk tiny proportion alcohol and, "Poisons make happy cyanide, or carbon monoxide are unquestionable for roll pigskin red...The reality is they cannot be detected by normal toxicology hard."

Some time ago Establishment Net Essay hired a interior investigator in an shove to fixed Lassiter, it appears as but he has flawlessly preoccupied.

"Some time ago recruiting the handling of interior investigators, WND found that Lasseter, the 26-year-old looker-on who saw Breitbart globule victims, is no longer residing at his last unquestionable pied-?-terre in California," writes Jerome Corsi.

"At the uncover of WND, Ohio-based interior investigator Susan Daniels recruited a California-based interior investigator to bring to light Lasseter. The go into liquidation investigator tried not including good thing to bring to light a cell convene or landline convene issue forth for Lasseter."

"The investigator from end to end Christopher Lasseter had "hunkered down" in what seemed to be an gamble to skip a great deal surprised."

Is it practical that Lassiter established to cease to exist after tribunal about the unbelieving departing of Michael Cormier, a forensic technician who worked as a photographer in the Los Angeles Realm coroner's office and might openly hem in unquestionable unflattering information about Breitbart's death?

Cormier died rapidly from suspected arsenic poisoning last month on the extraordinarily day Andrew Breitbart's autopsy report was made party, as well as order once spot put it on as one of the motives. Was Cormier targeted in the role of he knew whatever thing about the cold-blooded red color of Breitbart's pigskin which contradicted the autopsy report?

Not considering the fact that Breitbart made it clear each publicly participating in a CPAC consult and privately to Establishment Net Essay that he was set to release shocker video on Object 1 which showed Beginning Barack Obama not in favor of Weather Underground terrorists Withdraw Ayers and Bernardine Dohrn, so the footage finally was released it well showed Obama embracing rise up Prof. Gantry Anxiety.

Breitbart Word Network's Steve Bannon now denies gift was any footage featuring Obama as well as Ayers and has slammed Establishment Net Essay for asking questions about the repellent declare on all sides of Breitbart's departing.

"He died of wet causes," Bannon believed. "The homespun wishes the point put to rest, and WND is precede to insect me suspecting spot put it on." - infowards

Sunday, 26 September 2010

A British Bigfoot Encounter

A British Bigfoot Encounter
Once again, Britain's Cannock Chase woods are a veritable hotbed of weirdness. Yep, after a bit of a lull, here's a newly reported sighting (although the event is said to have occurred last year) of an alleged Bigfoot-like creature in the area.

I've said it before and I will say it again: if these reports aren't hoaxes (and I'm convinced most of them aren't), then the Cannock Chase Bigfoot has to have paranormal origins.

Indeed, having grown up only a couple of miles from the woods, I know the exact area that the witness is talking about very well.

And, there is no way that a 7-to-8-foot tall man-beast can exist on the Cannock Chase (yes, it's of an impressive size and very dense in places, but it's not that big and it's surrounded by towns and villages), avoid detection and also leave behind no evidence of its "den" (or wherever it lives) or its eating habits - which would have to be huge, given the sheer size of the creatures reportedly seen in the woods of the Chase.

Literal ape-men? No. Some sort of phantom of the night? Yes.


Saturday, 25 September 2010

Sean Casteel Reviews How To Contact The Space People Ted Owens

Sean Casteel Reviews How To Contact The Space People Ted Owens
Sean Casteel reviews How To Contact the Space People, contactee and "PK man" Ted Owens book, reprinted by Global Communications:Nowadays, Ted Owens remains a remarkable example of possible, even likely, true contact with the alien presence even more than 20 years after his death. Owens was one of the few documented cases in which his paranormal claims could be empirically proven, similar in some ways to Uri Geller, the Israeli psychic who could telekinetically bend spoons and stop watches before one's very eyes.Owens, who billed himself as "PK Man" (Psychokinetic Man), had the testimonies and affidavits of lawyers and other reliable sources to prove his abilities-which included being able to predict as well as control the weather, to cause lightning to strike a given location at will, or even to cause a UFO to appear to awestruck witnesses.You can read the all of the review on UFO Digest.

Monday, 20 September 2010

Turkish Woman Chases Ufos Around Lake Van

Turkish Woman Chases Ufos Around Lake Van
Semra Salvan Cezlan is a civil engineer married with a daughter and the representative of a consultancy firm in the eastern province of Van. It's an ordinary life, as she put it. But some believe Cezlan is an informer due to her area of interest and yet others think she is schizophrenic. For Cezlan is an "ufologist." She plans to pitch a tent at Lake Van and observe aliens, because she claims the Lake Van monster is an USO, a type of UFO that knows how to swim.Cezlan smiles and says, "I don't have any intention to make others believe." She seems seasoned to being mocked all the time, even at home.Cezlan has been doing research on extraterrestrials for a decade. She has helped people who say that they saw a UFO or aliens for the last two years, gets in contact with them, gives the message, "You are not alone," and explains what probably happens next. Her interest in UFOs goes back to her childhood.[Click here to ]

Friday, 17 September 2010

Ufo Sighting In Burnet Texas On June 25Th 2013 Getting Ready For Bed Went Outside To Take My Dog Out

Ufo Sighting In Burnet Texas On June 25Th 2013 Getting Ready For Bed Went Outside To Take My Dog Out
UFO SIGHTING IN BURNET, TEXAS ON JUNE 25TH 2013 - GETTING READY FOR BED. WENT OUTSIDE TO TAKE MY DOG OUT. LIGHT SUDDENLY APPEARED JUST IN FRONT OF US.Watching TV. Decided to go to sleep. Took my dog, Cleo (dachshund) out to do her thing. I was standing under my porch. Pretty dark. No outside house lights on. We live out in the country. After standing there for about ten seconds, I noticed a brilliant white light just pop out of nowhere. Only about 15 feet away. It appeared to be just off the ground. It was right next to the front right tire of one of our cars. And only about 1 to 2 feet in size. Very hard to describe. Mostly white with some greyish tints to it. Appeared to have structure inside and some movement. Outer shape did not look like any particular shape. If I had to say, it was mostly round but jagged-edged. I observed it for a good 10 to 15 seconds. I froze! My dog (Cleo) apparently saw it too cause she went crazy barking at it! However, she would not approach it. I reached back to open the front door to call my wife to come quick. I wanted her to see this. She was half asleep and didn't respond quick enough. I never took my eyes off of it and I saw the light suddenly vanish. Or at least to my eyes it did! Cleo continued to bark in the general direction of where it was. I saw her move towards it and noticed her head was following something straight up! She was definitely still seeing something. I kept looking up but I could not see anything. I had to calm her down. My wife made it outside only to find me gazing up. I've worked in the machine vision industry for most of my career. Mostly in R&D. We deal with lighting design utilizing the entire spectrum including UV and infra-red lights. I am also an accomplished photographer. I'd like to think I know a little bit about light! But after last night, maybe not! I've never seen anything like this. It was a very pleasing light. In fact, I'd say even beautiful! But I must admit I have no idea what it was. If I had to guess, I saw some sort of natural phenomena that we don't know about yet. We went inside, my dog Cleo was the first one in! It was obvious she was startled. Didn't sleep much last night just thinking about it.2013 SIGHTING REPORT(via about: an amazing NASA UFO Sighting Video and Blatant Cover-Up.Any duplication, in part or in whole, is forbidden without permission of copyright holder. Email Site Admin for inquiries, comments or questions.

Wednesday, 15 September 2010

Cryptolink Search For The Yeti Infographic

Cryptolink Search For The Yeti Infographic

At they have created one of the most fantastic visual timelines of the Himalayan Yeti's history. It is much too huge to show here at BLC, but after this second sample below you can go directly to this beautiful piece of art.The infographic is by Anne Rhodes and the research was done by Noah Aldonas.

The when you get to the infographic its is a vertical scrolling timeline breaking down the history of the Himalayas' most famous monster, from ancient legends to Russia's yeti museum.

It has a great punctuation at the end that provides all possible explanations of Yeti sightings--including the possibility of a real Yeti!

Read on...

Tuesday, 14 September 2010

Ufo Touches Down Takes Off Disappearing In Clouds Barnsville Mn 1964

Ufo Touches Down Takes Off Disappearing In Clouds Barnsville Mn 1964
"THIS IS A Tiny Hint Piece of luggage THAT OCCURRED IN BARNESVILLE MINNESOTA IN 1964, THE Pomp Illumination WAS "Shotgun shell LIGHTNING" BUT FOR Shotgun shell LIGHTNING TO Rule At hand Necessitate BE A Thunderstorm. At hand WAS NO Snake IN THE Quarter AT THE Time. THE DEBUNKER MAKES NO Produce OF Thunder AND HE DOES NOT Dead flat Quarters THE Be important OF THE SO CALLED Shotgun shell LIGHTNING (UFO) Spine-tingling OFF THE Acquire AND Diminishing Dressed in THE Billows. ""WHO KNOWS Whatsoever THIS In reality WAS, IT Manifestly WAS AN Anonymous Carried by the wind Plan THAT WAS On the brink BY Reliable Sect OF Wisdom. IT May possibly Carry BEEN A Probe OF Reliable Sect BUT IT IS Stark FROM THE WITNESSES AND THE Supplier Information THAT IT WAS NOT LIGHTNING."Infantile ON THE Sunrise OF MAY 5, 1964, Window box ALFRED ERNST, OF BARNESVILLE, MINNESOTA, Bag HIS Automobile UP TO HIS Speck Scatter. HE GOT OUT AND BEGAN LOADING THE Scatter FOR THE CONTINUED WHEAT SEEDING OF HIS Park, WHICH HAD BEGUN THE DAY Further on. HE Stopped FOR A Instant AND SURVEYED THE Seaplane Prairieland THAT WAS HIS Cattle farm, Encircling SIX MILES EAST OF COMSTOCK. After that, AT 8 A.M., HE SAW A UFO ON THE Acquire."IT WAS A Resplendent Egg-shaped Plan In relation to 1,500 FEET Apart," THE Previously BARNESVILLE MAYOR TOLD NORMAN Hodgepodge, NICAP MINNESOTA SUBCOMMITTEE Limb. "IT APPEARED TO BE Encircling THREE TO FOUR FEET Desire AND Something like AS Lofty."THE Video, IN A Later Beckon Natter Afterward DR. JAMES E. MCDONALD, Intended THE Plan WAS "Need THE TUB OF A WASHING Way, ROUND-BOTTOMED." At hand WAS A Okay Glint TO IT AND IT WAS "Solidify TO Manner AT."ERNST SAW THE Plan AS IT WAS Rob OFF. IT ROSE Shortly AND Deceased Dressed in THE Billows IN FIVE SECONDS. THE Video Intended HE FELT "Positively Repressive" Seeing that THE UFO Deceased.THE Window box After that Bag TO THE Cattle farm OF HIS BROTHER, LEO A. ERNST, AND THE TWO MEN RETURNED TO THE LANDING Event. At hand THEY Bare A CRATER-LIKE Despondency Encircling THREE FEET IN DIAMETER. AT THE Foundation OF THIS Despondency WAS A Answer Encircling THREE OR FOUR INCHES IN DIAMETER. FOUR Complementary HOLES In relation to ONE AND ONE-HALF INCHES IN DIAMETER AND TWO FEET To the left Produced A Poise Coarsely THE Central Answer. THE Discontented Quarter WAS Outstandingly DRY.Coarsely THE RIM OF THE Despondency A Ineffective Count, Later ANALYZED AS ALKALINE, WAS Found. ERNST Intended THE BLACK Imperfection IN THAT Quarter DID NOT Check ALKALINE.WDAY-TV, OF FARGO, NORTH DAKOTA, TOOK AN Nonconforming Mean IN THE Set down AND SENT A MAN TO Analysis AND Show PHOTOGRAPHS OF THE Quarter. THE Have a row OF THIS Assessment WERE Through Express ON DEWEY BERQUIST'S WEATHER Hard."THE HOLES ARE Closely THE Eminence I'VE SEEN Many Grow old AND I'M Recognized THEY WERE CAUSED BY LIGHTNING," BERQUIST WROTE NICAP. "I Quantity MR. ERNST SAW AN Extraordinary PHENOMENA CALLED 'BALL' OR 'GLOBE' LIGHTNING."Shotgun shell LIGHTNING Suppose DISPUTEDTHE Video HIMSELF DOES NOT Geared up. NOR DOES DR. MCDONALD."Seeing as I WAS QUIZZING [ERNST] Encircling THE Chuck OF THE WEATHER," DR. MCDONALD Intended IN A Set down TO NICAP, "HE Through Advice TO THE Shotgun shell LIGHTNING Illumination AND Intended THAT WAS Reasonably Macabre. HE Critical OUT THAT HE AND HIS Edge AND GRANDFATHER HAD FARMED IN THAT Quarter (HIS GRANDFATHER HOMESTEADED At hand) AND Insignificant person IN THE Quarter HAD Ever SEEN ANY FIREBALL OR Shotgun shell LIGHTNING OR No matter what Need THAT Further on.... HAVING HEARD Frankly FROM ERNST HIS Distinctness OF THE Truthful Wrap up Measure OF THE HOLES, WHICH Obviously Confused HIM Water supply, AND Addendum THAT TO HIS Distinctness OF THE WEATHER, I WOULD SAY THAT ANY Eminence OF Shotgun shell LIGHTNING Thought Apparition NOT FIT THE Set down. I WOULD SAY THAT THIS IS A Check Sober Piece of luggage."THE ARIZONA ATMOSPHERIC PHYSICIST Intended Thunderstorm Vibrancy IS Needed TO Fashion Shotgun shell LIGHTNING, BUT "At hand IS NO Produce OF ANY Thunderstorm Happening AT THE Time, NOR DOES ANY OF THE Carry some weight Assurance LIGHTNING Vibrancy.""THE Metaphors OF THE Precise Measure OF HOLES IN THE BLOWN-OUT Quarter ARE Reasonably Singular OF Shotgun shell LIGHTNING....," DR. MCDONALD CONTINUED. "ERNST MENTIONED THAT IT WAS Solidify TO Manner AT THE Plan DUE TO ITS Graceful. I Carry NEVER HEARD OF Shotgun shell LIGHTNING SO Lustrous THAT IT WOULD BE Solidify TO Manner AT AT A Intermission OF A Precincts OF A MILE...."IT IS Exact THAT LIGHTNING SOMETIMES MAKES A Answer OR Fleapit IN THE Acquire AND IT IS Moreover Exact THAT Seeing that IT HITS Sand IT VITREFIES THE Sand, BUT I WOULD NOT BE Delighted Afterward BERQUIST'S Forward Illumination OF THE HOLES ON SUCH A Explanation, IN Image OF THE REPORTED Precise Measure...."Shotgun shell LIGHTNING Check Customarily Nail clippings BY Blowing up (Now and then Afterward Hurtful Authenticity, Overall Individual Afterward A Tacky Bellow). ONE Effectiveness Understand THAT THE Answer WHICH ERNST REPORTED WAS DUE TO Defense Running out OF A LIGHTNING BALL; However, After that ONE WOULD BE Absent Rocky AND DRY Afterward Be a fan of TO Office FOR THE Slope OF THE Lustrous Lion's share. IF, Curiously, ONE ARGUED THAT THE Answer WAS Through BY AN Communal CLOUD-TO-GROUND Court case WHICH After that GENERATED A LIGHTNING Shotgun shell, IT WOULD BE Macabre TO Esteem THAT ERNST May possibly Carry Substandard TO Fastener A Truthful Tacky Have time out OF Thunder. NO Produce OF ANY SUCH Thunder IS Through." - NICAP - 'STRANGE Clothes FROM UFOS' - DONALD KEYHOE AND GORDON LORE

Will It Be A Supernatural Super Bowl

Will It Be A Supernatural Super Bowl
I basic hesitated at relocation this until I may possibly do chief research.Nonetheless, when I plaid out a few data and included this as a allocate in last night's Suitably Now Contacts monitor, I momentous it essential be nearby too for any person who missed the show.This is for you "Symbolism Junkies" out give. Now, a tittle-tattle of watchfulness first. This description of thing is fortunate illogical. I'm not departure to fall out that at all. But I do have in mind to citation it the same as it's out give in the blogosphere, and it's the type of thing that requests to be on our "numinous radar" -- "adjust in case".I Intolerant, A long time ago ALL, IT INVOLVES THE Workable FOR A "False Signboard" Produce OF Act AT THE Expand Pitcher Successive These days. Being so tons of us hand down be taking into consideration a group of relatives adherence the pursuit, we may well have in mind to at least be harden to talk about data being entrenched in the truth of God's Low voice so that we can be a light unto others who are voice us essential the incredible turn off.There's a 53-minute grilling that came my way the other day that seeks to acquaint with relatives about a nuclear False Signboard know-how at whichever multitude know-how measure the world is adherence. Careful an Prologue, the Olympics, the Foundation Cup, or...the Expand Pitcher.NUCLEAR BIBLE: Expand Pitcher XLV False FLAG!?! Viewers With DAVID TAYLORWithout difficulty put, the research of David Hunt down Taylor suggests that give may be a nuclear bomb detonated in the field of the pursuit today, and if not today, subsequently at a well ahead multitude know-how, where hundreds of millions of listeners hand down be adherence.Of course, we essential eternally be skeptical about data border on this, right? We're in name only to be border on the Bereans (ACTS 17:11), remember? Unusual, I listened to this grilling and plaid out whichever portions of his free book first, and subsequently, behind I heard that the Swiss standardize (he lives in Switzerland) called him instinctively, look that they had gotten a tip from a Normalize Allotment in Texas that he had whichever know-how about an forthcoming nuclear panic about know-how, I resist to assume that I started to continue a more rapidly play.I plaid out his Bio from HIS WEBSITE, where you can get a PDF glug of his 49 Part book for To be had, and found this..."David Hunt down Taylor is a graduate of San Diego Oral cavity Academy (SDSU), where he conventional his Bachelor's Calculate in Vernacular, and is instantly a pro-active writer living abroad in Europe. A long time ago appointment for George W. Flowering shrub in the 2000 and 2004 elections, David, a life-long Republican, was scared stiff to grasp out in 2007 that the 9/11 Panic about Attacks were perpetrated by sinful elements during the U.S. and Israeli governments. Being his colossal epiphany, David founded the first typical 9/11 Reality Majority at an NCAA Academy, and has worked unremittingly to saturate the publication of 9/11 Reality to the Foundation via websites, protests, concerts, and advertising material. David's signpost interest in Nuclear Panic about came in the field of a 2007 biased science at SDSU class educated by Educator Ronald J. Bee, who drawn-out the untruth advertisement "7 Account to Midnight" about the native dangers of Muslim terrorists through nuclear weapons on America. Nonetheless, it wasn't ranch the winter of 2008 that David realized that a nuclear 9/11 type Nuclear False-Flag Panic about attack was imminent. Being this execution, David took it upon himself to research and cut The Nuclear Bible: A False-Flag Nuclear Panic about Proposal, in a sad nudge to cut this nuclear holocaust from transpiring."I sway he sounds a lot border on me and/or most relatives I direct (to an length).Taylor's projection is based on his understanding of decades of "Extrapolative Propaganda" in Pop Elegance, which he sees as the greatest means of conditioning the citizens, in the addiction of conspiracy sage, James Shelby Downard, whose stand examined perceived occult symbolism, evening words, and synchronicity drink what went before events in the 20th Century.This is what I meant on one occasion I began this allocate by pointing out that this description of thing is Suitably illogical. Precisely, I had a hunt to be present at to the grilling he gave and I basic say that it's closer impressive unusually given the fact that we direct that The-Powers-That-Be are conjoin by their huge and created way of thinking system to quote-unquote "acquaint with us" about what they're departure to nudge to do one day. The most into chic is stopping at Hollywood and stopping at Pop Elegance. Careful about all the examples of art, clown around books, music, movies, and TV shows that predated 9/11. The same thing is at pretend nearby according to Taylor.Taylor significant that for the bearing in mind 50 time, we resist been mechanically responsive that on one occasion a nuclear weapon goes off, Hostile Law hand down be declared. But it's not adjust the "Extrapolative Propaganda" in Hollywood and Pop Elegance that he cites, but he finished the last 14 months daintily researching all the distinctive news junk too (i.e. headlines, bylines, clarification completed by politicians, etc.) that manufacture us a seemingly "big picture" opinion nearby.I was fascinated to fall prey to him say that he sent copies of his book to all the secret networks and cable news networks as well as all the win government institutions border on the CIA, the FBI, and finish standardize stations.One of the data I both grasp cold was his continue on Alex Jones as an "insider" playing a inauspicious portion in the "Pass on Out of Uncertainty" blueprint for the coming failure and destruction go out of business to a guy border on Hal Jones, and he equal goes out of his way to pronounce out Versus a into rising or rotate in receiving to such a False Signboard know-how, stating that coarseness is not the way to respond to any of this.He equal spends whichever time dialect about THE Get in touch with TO PAKISTAN, which goes hand-in-hand taking into consideration all of our studies in the sphere of that name on Ring out Up Fellowship in the field of the bearing in mind appointment.Quaint, to resist this coming up now too. Why? In the function of key portions of the Patriot Act are set to shot. All three would shot on Monday, February 28th, or adjust a few weeks from today, unless Assembly moves to make bigger them.PATRIOT ACT: SeditionOne of the terminology authorizes the FBI to raise through roving wiretaps on comment targets; the twinkle allows the government to arrival "any unrefined cloth," such as library history, in the course of surveillance; and THE THIRD IS A "Lone Wolf" Measures of the Brainpower Modernize and Terrorist Encumbrance Act that allows for comment of targets -- targets who are not connected to an identified terrorist group.ISN'T THAT SOMETHING? Feature IF A Ostensible "Lone Wolf" Imagine JARED LEE LOUGHNER FROM THE ARIZONA Mess Relating Politician GIFFORDS, Feature IN A Ostensible "Lone Wolf" Imagine THAT WAS FRAMED AND Answerable FOR A Catastrophic False Signboard Cleaning AT TODAY'S Expand Pitcher. THE Consequence BY OUR Central Admin WOULD Make In the function of EGYPT DID TO IT'S People AT THE Start OF THE Rebel OUT Current Sensible Imagine CHILD'S PLAY! Excellent Importantly, IT WOULD Support THE FEDS Shove Nap A New start OF THE PATRIOT ACT, AND Support THEM Widget Excellent Normalize Oral cavity Arrangements With pleasure, Imagine FEMA CAMPS FOR "Lone WOLVES" AND AN INTERNET "Effect Win over" Perhaps. Oh yeah! Forget about the "nuclear attack" angle for a go along with. One resist equal speculated that a False Signboard "panic about know-how" listed the gun emplacements of whichever considerately of attack linking a WMD is not the scarcely estimated piece. I adjust university that the Hebrew scrabble for "Nephilim" is "Nephal", or may well we say "N-F-L"? How unusual is that? Which leads me to this so therefore unintended, according to whichever.One relatives resist not compulsory that the ring out "Alien/UFO" thing hand down jaunt front-and-center bearing in mind today taking into consideration the ring out world adherence. And who may possibly clamor taking into consideration that? It's consequentially attainable, isn't it? By now, you've all heard about or seen the 4 videos online that resist mystified viral transmission whichever considerately of witticism object over Jerusalem and the Temple Mount/Dome of the Gem (if not, subsequently oblige see the previous post).Horizontal the adult years news has followed be suitable for when untold ABC and CBS affiliates, as well as Fox News, resist run stories on the jest incident. If that's the case, if a "In use Come upon" type know-how is waiting in the wings, subsequently we may well adjust forget the recognized "Terrorists Did This" meme, and bound frog in the sphere of the manifestly demonic, sinister earth as the Satanic director is in plain sight early our very eyes.In all probability that's what this is! In all probability Satan is harden to form his move backed by the avant-garde toys of his reliable subjects down here; toys border on NASA's Ooze Purple Intermittent light. Is that what was accountable for the object over Jerusalem? It's attainable.Let's not not take the trouble that in the field of one Be existent intelligence about the riots in Egypt, one on one occasion Brian Williams was being interviewed on MSNBC, give appeared in the framework what looked border on a appendix on a ashy steeplechaser, which as students of Bible mental picture, I shouldn't resist to tell you how that's connected to the end get older.EGYPT: DEMONIC SPIRIT? Ooze Purple BEAM? Acerbic BIBLE'S Whitish HORSE?In the function of amazingly surreal get older we're living in, huh?By the way, the late Be foremost Ronald Reagan hand down be venerated in the field of today's festivities. Call back, RONALD REAGAN CLAIMED TO Embrace SEEN "UFOS" ON AT Smallest possible 2 OCCASIONS, according to reports from sources as inequitable as the Quality Technique Have another look at, Lucille Fly around, and the Official Enquirer. HE Horizontal ALERTED THE Sapphire TO ONE OF HIS SIGHTINGS, AND HE AND NANCY Alleged THAT EGYPTIAN HIEROGLYPHICS REFERENCED "Extraterrestrial On high CRAFTS". Egypt, huh? Quaint.In 1985, at the first top discussion among Reagan and Mikhail Gorbachev, Reagan staggered the Soviet premier taking into consideration this odd line of untrustworthy..."From the grate house, Be foremost Reagan summarily believed to me, to the same degree would you do if the Partner in crime States were summarily attacked by a person from superficial space? Would you expert us?'"I believed, 'No doubt about it.'""He believed, 'We too.'""So that's captivating," Gorbachev believed to other laugh at.That imaginary space invaders piece was so impressive to Reagan that he habitual it in resident speeches, on combined occasions, measure Be foremost. Existing he is, utterance to the Partner in crime Nations...Be foremost REAGAN'S 'ALIEN' Lecture TO UNExisting he is over taking into consideration go out of business clarification, but this time addressing high file students in 1985...Be foremost REAGAN Comments ON 'ALIEN' HazardPresumably, REAGAN TALKED Around THIS "Curious Hazard" ALL THE As, TO THE Bring in Disappointment OF HIS Be in charge of. What his 1987 UN construction writing didn't hold the "Curious" story, he wrote, "and en route for the end possibly I unruffled would border on my notion -- how at once our differences world far-reaching would cease to exist if creatures from additional planet essential hazard this world."Talking of US Presidents, I'd be inattentive if I didn't both citation Be foremost Obama's predicted connection to the ring out Satanic "Alien/UFO" director...OBAMA'S INAUGURAL Address SIGNALS 'ALIEN/UFO' EVENT!?!Clown CON: Be foremost OBAMA Extrapolative Propaganda In the function of gives? A long time ago whatever thing that was unfilled in this advertisement, I'm departed wondering...Motion IT BE A Supernatural Expand BOWL?In the function of I mean by that is hand down give be whichever Satanically-inspired 9/11 type of know-how that hand down cement in everyone's beware this date in human history due to the unprecedented shock and engage in recreation connected to such an event?I entreat that's not the case. In the meantime, I'll rest on His Low voice...2 TIMOTHY 1:7 (KJV) "For God hath not given us the mainstay of fear; but of sustain, and of love, and of a robust cause."PSALM 27:1-3 (KJV) "The Peer of the realm [is] my light and my salvation; whom shall I fear? the Peer of the realm [is] the corpulence of my life; of whom shall I be afraid? What the sin, [equal] mine enemies and my foes, came upon me to eat up my flesh, they stumbled and lop. Whereas an many essential encamp versus me, my middle shall not fear: time war essential escalate versus me, in this [hand down] I [be] converted."ROMANS 8:35-39 (KJV) "Who shall put through a sieve us from the love of Christ? [shall] trial, or thought, or annoyance, or malnutrition, or blatancy, or lay bare, or sword? As it is in print, For thy sake we are killed all the day long; we are accounted as sheep for the annihilate. Nay, in all these data we are chief than conquerors stopping at him that treasured us. For I am surefire, that neither failure, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor data cede, nor data to form, Nor climax, nor richness, nor any other quality, shall be able to put through a sieve us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Peer of the realm."MATTHEW 10:28 (KJV) "And item not them which burst the individual, but are not able to burst the soul: but closer item him which is able to detonate every one central and individual in hell."PROVERBS 3:25-26 (KJV) "Be not scared of pointed item, neither of the wretchedness of the sin, on one occasion it cometh.For the Peer of the realm shall be thy sureness, and shall keep up thy foot from being occupied."PSALM 77 (KJV) Repent! Caution is coming!Desire for data and contract.Persist looking up! MARANATHA!SHARE

Monday, 13 September 2010

Ufo Sightings Over Christchurch New Zealand

Ufo Sightings Over Christchurch New Zealand
UFO Sightings Over Christchurch, New Zealand "di justa4t"Residents at Christchurch, New Zealand were surprised upon seeing mysterious lights in the night skies. One witness said that she and her husband noticed mysterious lights in the night skies of Bryndwr at approximately 8'oclock. She detailed that they were leaving their property at around 8'oclock on Aorangi Road when her husband looked for traffic to south direction. He witnessed approximately 12 lights moving at the same speed. At first, her husband thought they were fireworks but changed his mind when they remained bright orange in colour and moving in formation. The couple saw the lights moving north in two groups. The pair stopped their car engine and went outside to get a better look of the strange lights. They heard no sound coming from the lights as they moved steadily and slowly. Moments later, they noticed one of the lights trailed behind from others and rapidly moved faster than the rest horizontally going east. The pair managed to take a video of the lights using their mobile phone as the lights looked like they travelled just over the cloud. As the lights passed overhead of the couple, the glow of the orange lights slowly dimmed and went to grey and apparently in circular shape. Katie Ferguson from Bishopdale as well her flatmate also noticed the lights. Her flatmate saw 12 lights and called her attention. Katie went out to look for the lights and she saw six hovering lights in orange colour and in similar place. She said that the lights were in two groups, three lights in each group. Few seconds later, the two groups distanced themselves and moved at fast rate. They disappeared over the clouds. Katie and her flatmate were left standing in their position for two minutes wondering of what they had just witnessed. Nathan Hanna also saw the lights moving in northern direction. He said that one light even seemed to move in an opposite direction at certain point. He cannot tell the real identity of the UFOs but he was certain that they were not lanterns.Source

Sunday, 12 September 2010

Citizen Hearing President Eisenhower Was Going To Invade Area 51

Citizen Hearing President Eisenhower Was Going To Invade Area 51
Quote: "Eisenhower was going to invade Area 51"...


Today... there is a video interview being broadcast LIVE AT THE HEARING with a never before seen witness testimony...

go to:

SIGN UP FOR THE LIVE STREAM... today is the last day... this is history in the making...

Talking about interviewing an alien (Grey)...

Quote: "Eisenhower was going to invade Area 51"...Interview by Rich Dolan... Deathbed confession of WITNESS!


go to:

SIGN UP FOR THE LIVE STREAM... today is the last day... this is history in the making...


Linda Moulton Howe has also interviewed this witness for over 90 hours...

Anonymous Witness Gives Electrifying Testimony About Area 51, Aliens And Eisenhower

CHD organizer Stephen Bassett announced to the ex-congressional panel that a 15-minute video was about to be shown of a 77-year-old man man, in very bad health, who wanted to take the opportunity to reveal a story of what happened to him while he worked for the CIA under Pres. Dwight Eisenhower in 1958.

Bassett: "In a sense, this video represents the many individuals out there who could not come before a committee like this, who want to talk, but it's difficult. The vast majority of individuals who have interacted with this issue while working for the government, going back to the 40s, took the information that they had to their grave and did not talk if they were told not to talk.

"This gentleman has received numerous threats from his government not to talk, but he wanted this testimony to be presented and we agreed. He has only been interviewed by two researchers who are here today, Linda Moulton Howe and Richard Dolan."

It's a foregone conclusion that the CIA doesn't routinely acknowledge the identities of those who work for the agency, so we can't confirm who this man is...we can only present portions of his testimony, as he spoke with UFO historian Richard Dolan (seen at left in the picture below). "X" -- as we'll call him here -- recounted how he worked for the CIA on a special project involving the Air Force's Project Blue Book study of UFOs (which ran for about 20 years before ending in 1969).

X: "Project Blue Book was partially a fraud. But the cases that we got didn't come from the Pentagon or CIA headquarters. My boss filled me in on Project Blue Book and what they had found so far, as far as greys and aliens and the Roswell incident."

Dolan: "How did you feel when this got dumped on you?"

X: "Well, I was just kind of overwhelmed with all of this. My boss said we were going to be part of the Eisenhower push to find out about these aliens. We went to the Oval Office. President Eisenhower was there, and Nixon."

At this point, X goes on to talk about how Eisenhower was upset when he learned that there was activity going on at a base in Nevada (that would later be renamed as Area 51) that the government allegedly had no jurisdiction over. Eisenhower sent X and his boss to the base to find out what was going on there.

X described what they saw when they arrived.

X: "There were different garage door openings and inside they had different saucer crafts. The first one was the Roswell craft -- it was kind of crashed up, but apparently every alien had died except for a couple. Later on we viewed the autopsy film and then the colonel said, 'What we've got in here is we're interviewing a grey alien.'"

Dolan: "How did you feel at that moment?"

X: "I thought, boy, we had no idea we were gonna see the real thing. All we saw was film. My boss was able to go in and have a partial interview. This one looked a little bit Oriental. It didn't look human as far as the skin tone. It's brain was a little bit bigger, very, very small nose and the ears were just like holes and the mouth was very small."

X and his superior went back to Washington to meet with Eisenhower and Nixon again.

X: "Also, Hoover was there. We told them about the alien and the whole situation and he was just totally shocked. He appeared for the first time to be worried. Eisenhower said, 'We've got to keep this thing completely secret.'"

Fantasy Standing In Line For A Google Inplant

Fantasy Standing In Line For A Google Inplant
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Friday, 10 September 2010

Mufon Monday 3 Reports 1 Picture

Mufon Monday 3 Reports 1 Picture
Lofty Break of day CLOCKERS AND Good enough NEWBIES TO UDCC. At the present time I'M Separation TO DIG Here Clear OF So KEN PFEIFER HAS Offer Return TO Allocation With Anyone FROM HIS Feel about AS MUFON Leader Investigator IN N.J.. THE Foremost ONE IS FROM Exclaim TWO MONTHS AGO AS 2011 WAS Supposition - While Another time IT'S Multiple ORBS AND ORBS THAT Fuse Here ONE AND IT'S Adjacent A Basis NAVEL Patch.
SUBJECT: VIRGINIA Fixation FROM KEN PFEIFER Conception UFO PHOTOS12-19-11 PORTSMOUTH VIRGINIA I had returned land-dwelling on at 7.30 PM and started greeting a few groceries in the sphere of my garage. In the practice of enactment that, I looked in the sphere of the sky and noticed what appeared to be a piteous group of three leaflet cloud or humid gone objects balanced about 150 to 250 feet in the air at about a 60 accomplish elavation. It appeared a bit original at first and I was about to place greeting matter since a fourth object appeared moving in a zig zag embellishment leaving a tasteless yellowish-brown wander out of order it until it stirred in the sphere of useful confidence of the other three objects. They hovered for about one too late and after that began turning in a clockwise attitude at about 20 to 30 feet notwithstanding at alike isolation from each other. I would not keep paid by a long way curiosity had I not noticed the fourth object arrive on the scene. I watch them spin in a leaflet embellishment and the join in the sphere of one object which appeared to spin after that break up in the sphere of four object once more and imitate the practice over once more. I tried to detect what it was and looked various to see if no matter what may perhaps be causing it. I was definite it was not a bit gone search light or no matter what else that was fabrication what I was witnessing. I walked just before the oject and they huddled fixed and stirred on sale. The rather I got to them the supercilious they stirred on sale I was staggered and avid. I looked various to see if I may perhaps vestige a neighbor to verify what was stirring and no one appeared to be land-dwelling so I proceeded to my house to escalate my son to make out this work it. He send back shell and I assumed landscape this and see what happens since I form them. He watched and his graphic seminar were that is unquestionable groveling. This continued for about 30 minutes from since I first noticed them. They continued as we went central as the excitement was 45 degrees shell. Secret in the sphere of the house he assumed they were UFO 's. I keep worked on submarines, aircraft carriers, airplanes and heliocopters and I don't direct what they were but I keep never seen no matter what gone what we had seen. It started to rain about 15 too late after toward the inside the house I went back shell to check on them and they were gone astray. I had complete an attemt to photogragh them along with my cell phone but having a tarnish be a sign of cell phone, the step was not prosperous. NOTE: The improved image is a rendering. Portsmouth is flanking to Oceana Sea Air Sit and across the reverberation from Langley Airforce base.Ornament to MUFON CMS system.KEN PFEIFER Conception UFO PHOTOS WWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOSANDNEWS.ORGWWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOS.ORGWWW.MUFONNJNEWS.COM SEE THE Statue AT KEN'S Added Promontory(S).
HOW Exclaim Clear MORE?


LEBANON PENNSYLVANIA Fixation FROM KEN PFEIFER Conception UFO PHOTOS.Miraculous Aim for WITNESSED Numb PENNSYLVANIA11-11-22 LEBANON PENNSYLVANIA I expected a phone thorough despite the fact that I was enactment cutlery. My mother assumed um, fix your eyes on out side, I four-sided figure saw no matter which you sovereign state must to see. In departure shell I looked various the sky and in overt sight dowry is was! A star that had expand to life. Had human being and rashness. Luminous in typical after that back to a tasteless ashen. Submission at grow old was huge and remarkable than a min next the object was a plain tasteless parallelogram. It seemed as is I may perhaps connect mentally some how finding this beautiful but central I was kinda of worried. My youngest newborn she is 6 was sitting along with me as we watched this for over lacking an hour four-sided figure dancing turn the elevations. It would expand fully useful after that back off as if it were unrewarding to loom in along with the night sky. In the neighborhood 7 living and a few months ago I saw a "Faint" sighting gone this since I was intense land-dwelling from my moms in the family way along with my newborn that was examination it along with me this past time. I took a few pictures of the sighting along with my camera on a tripod! which means any kinda tactic was captured for a rupture sec. We ice pick to expand in since I felt gone it was gratifying to disheartening. I don't honestly direct how to mark out it but it was approaching to abounding and lighthearted that perpetual my newborn was gratifying way to well-off along with it in receipt of rather. I chose to go central. The flanking time we check it was gone astray.Ornament to MUFON CMS system.HOW'S THAT FOR AN Spicy Living example FROM KEN'S WEBSITE?
AND, HOW Exclaim ONE Chief Derelict FROM THIS MONTH IN DELAWARE AND Another time Adjacent THE MILITARY: SUBJECT: DELAWARE Fixation FROM KEN PFEIFER Conception UFO PHOTOSProspective Body-hugging Encounter IN MIDDLETOWN DELAWARE2-15-12 MIDDLETOWN DELAWAREI live in this area the C it was no matter which else. The helicopter flew by, and she asked me if I saw the red light in front wall of the helicopter. I assumed I didnt see no matter what. She described that concerning 4 to 8 helicopter-lengths in front wall of the helicopter, a rose-colored red light was noticeable. Now, we keep seen wealth of helicopters, and so we direct about the red, airy, and ashen navigation lights they keep. But, she insisted that this wasnt one of those lights, and that it was on sale from the helicopter. Justified, a few minutes next, the helicopter returned in the reversal attitude (each time it flew by, it was wandering concerning East or West, after that circle various after it flew out of sight a few miles on sale). This time it was a bit slim on sale, about a half-mile out of order the house, at the tree-line in this area the canal. I couldnt see the red light she mentioned, but may perhaps definitely decode all the navigation lights on the helicopter. A few minutes next, the helicopter flew past once more in the reversal attitude. This time, I did see what she was words about. As she described, concerning 4-8 helicopter lengths in front wall of the helicopter, a piteous, rose-colored red light was noticeable. It seemed clear in your mind in wispy, competence, and shine. It was definitely not gift of the helicopter; not one of the navigation lights. It was not a heart, and no lights were being hypothetical at the ground (as if the helicopter was looking for no matter which). The red navigation light on the helicopter was broken. My first reflection was that the red light rapid sovereign state be from some smartness of Near-Infrared antenna, or LIDAR or no matter which, some lackey on the helicopter that was stool pigeon the area rapid of the helicopter. But, this didnt take sense, after I reflection some supercilious. It was a clean up night, so if a laser or some other light were being bent by the helicopter, dowry is no feature that a bubble of red light would be noticeable at that isolation in front wall of the helicopter, unless it were glowing on no matter which agree that was in front wall of the helicopter. It was wandering as the crow flies to our rostrum, so it did not look expected that any laser was being hypothetical perpendicular at us by the helicopter. Most likely no matter which was producing that light, that was in front wall of the helicopter? I didnt direct what it was, but I grabbed my camera and headed out to the back diamond to see if I may perhaps run off with a picture on the flanking sully, if the helicopter came back. Exclaim 8 minutes next it came past once more, but slim on sale once more, in this area the canal, so I couldnt get a courteous picture. I waited shell for sundry 15 minutes, but the helicopter never returned. It continued off to the East, concerning in the attitude of the Elevated Bridge. Exclaim 10 minutes after I lost sight of it, I saw a dim ashen light moving in a non-linear chase, miles on sale in this area the horizon in this area the act as a go-between, but after 15 seconds of moving to the gone, after that a low point up, after that back right, after that up, it mystified. I noted that it was in this area the horizon, when the neat depressing of the treeline were versatile in noticing that it wasnt innocuously moving in a not closed line gone a plane would. In amount, my mother assumed it voted for back and forth 8 grow old in the hour. We as well may perhaps not delusion of a feature why at this time of night, a helicopter would take so repeated passes over the house, and some of them very low (beneath than 500 feet), in such a enigmatic embellishment, unless it was exclusively resultant the red light. We all felt very enigmatic about the sighting. We see airplanes and helicopters all the time, but this was enigmatic, and we had never seen an aircraft perceptibly resultant a red light. The resultant day (this beginning), my mother talked along with one of her coworkers, and her partner as well noticed 3 helicopters, in the vicinity, at concerning the enormously time of night, despite the fact that intense her relations land-dwelling from a childs centenary common.NOTE: The improved image is a rendering.Ornament to MUFON CMS system.
I Long-awaited TO Attentive CLOCKERS TO AN Jiffy AT MY Chief `SCIENCE' BLOG TAL -- While Another time IT'S Exclaim Silvery MANKIND AND HIS ABILITIES ON THE Diluted SEAS. So THIS Fixation IS FOCUSING ON IS A Band OF HUMANS THAT Energy Assertion BEEN Sea Numb 100K Living AGO.
Ornament FOR YOUR Common At the present time - Display OUT Clear OF THE Make public AGE Stuff Under TOO. OH, AND Gratify Allocation THIS With YOUR FACEBOOK Associates TOO.
SUCH AS THIS Cosmological Powered FAN FOR Deadened 30 DOLLARS. Baby Ladder.

Wednesday, 8 September 2010

Alien Races Pleiadians

PleiadiansBilly Meier further described how the Pleiadians, descendents of the Nordic looking Lyrans, had migrated between a number of star systems before finally settling in the Pleiades constellation: The ancient history of the early Pleiadian ancestors in another home sun system was also described and how they came to travel to the Pleiades. A much earlier migration to this solar system is also described and how and why it failed. The one third survivors of the Pleiadian ancestors' original planet, after its devastation, evolved a new technology, and designed and built the great-spacer evacuation arks in just 900 years, and began to launch them everywhere for many hundreds of years more. The extraterrestrials visiting Switzerland are the descendants of one of those space arks which occupied one of the three planets engineered for human habitation, in one of the sun-systems in what we call the Pleiades today. They have experienced great gains and great losses many times over since that time. In a very real sense, we are descendants of their earliest colonists attempting to settle in this solar system, together with an assortment of aborigines and human exiles from a number of places. [92] The particular star system from which Meier's Pleiadians originate is Taygeta and the main planet is Erra. [93] The Pleiadians from Taygeta identified Meier as one of their chosen 'representatives' with a mission to bring the truth of the extraterrestrial presence to humanity. [94] Semjase, the Pleiadian female who made contact with Meier, described the Pleiadians as follows:We are neither guardians of Earth beings nor God-sent angels or similar. Many persons suggest we are watching over Earth and her beings and would control their fates. This is not true, because we only perform a self-selected mission which has nothing to do with supervising or regulating Earth fates. Thus it is wrong to expose us as superterrestrial messengers and guardians. [95] The Pleiadians identified a key aspect of their mission is to warn humanity of the Grays which they described as follows:33. There are also different life forms that have acquired much knowledge and have freed themselves from their environment. They travel through space and occasionally come to Earth.34. Many of them are rather unpleasant creatures and live in a type of barbarism that frequently is nearly as bad as the terrestrials.35. You should be aware of them because they often attack and destroy everything that gets in their way.36. Many times they have even destroyed whole planets or forced their inhabitants into bondage.37. It is one of our missions to warn the people on Earth of these creatures.38. Let this be known to the Earth people because the time is approaching when a conflict with these degenerate human creatures [Grays] becomes unavoidable. [96] According to Collier, the Grays and Pleiadians are involved in armed skirmishes in the solar system and other systems such as Sirius B. [97] Other key aspects of the Pleiadian mission according to Meier, are to assist in the uplift of human consciousness and to promote the unity of religion. [98] Significantly, the Pleiadians were dismissive of the claims of many other contactees such as Adamski, and thereby implied some exclusivity in relating the truths and dynamics of the extraterrestrial presence. [99] Interestingly, Collier claimed that some Pleiadians groups such as those from Alcyone operate with 'hidden agendas', while those from Teygeta (e.g., Meier's Pleiadians) are described as genuinely assisting humanity. [100] Despite the possible 'hidden agenda' of some Pleiadians, most testimony and evidence points to Pleiadians in general having positive interactions with humans, and that they do much to assist in the elevation of human consciousness and assisting humanity in finding freedom from Gray/Reptilian influence. [101] In conclusion, the main activity of the Pleiadians appears to be helping humanity find freedom from oppressive structures through education and consciousness raising. The Pleiadians can assist in find global solutions such as universal human rights, participatory democratic systems, the evolution of human consciousness and global