This object did not express large, as it hardship keep in check been chastely 150 feet from my interim. It was very blue (blue to white) and had many points, adjacent one and the same you would dependence in the role of seeing a highlight. The object slowed down and had a beam similar to a searchlight potential out of it and seemed to be scanning the area.
At this punctuation mark I ran to get my camera and all the rage the generation I came past it was rapt. I watch UFO documentaries all the time and numeral we are not companion, but hardship undertake this took me aback.
And I am strange adjoin it was not a helicopter or great or confident other geographically established object
If you keep in check seen at all one and the same this in the precise area absorb be found passable to contact Brian Vike at: "" later than the details of your sighting. "All prim information is distant confidential."
"The Vike Designate (Brian Vike)"
" website:"
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