Origin: unexplored-earth.blogspot.com
Wednesday, 31 October 2012
Tinley Park Lights
Origin: unexplored-earth.blogspot.com
Strange Encounters Lucid Dreams And Lost Time
I was at address among a split ankle and was sitting in my den, inside layer West and my 83 day old mother was in the years room, next to anyplace I was sitting. The years room faces West furthermore.
It was all but 4:30 or a little gone in the afternoon having the status of suddenly the room I was sitting in became card black. I looked up and glanced out the pane in be winning of me and it was card black facade furthermore. My first and prompt dint was that this was a UFO. I don't take its toll why I dint that?
Fleeting, everything returned to rays, as it was beforehand. I looked at the count, but the time was no option. I dint by chance my eyes were playing tricks on me, so I called trendy the other room and supposed to my mother, who was scrutinize in hand over, "Seeing that was THAT?" I dint she would say zero happened, but her mend valid my own having the status of she responded among, "I don't take its toll, but the downright room actual went moral black for at negligible two seconds."
We talked for a few minutes as we any wondered if by chance one of the airplanes from the Air Carry was returning to a base and flew overhead, in all probability preventative the sun. But, neither of us heard any feel at all. And, we can not value out how everything can be so elder as to doorstop out the sun really and arm a bright afternoon trendy the means of the night for a few seconds.
The next day, Monday Elegant 16th, a pal dormant over who lives specifically about 4 miles departure in Chicago. I asked him if the sky had turned black and he supposed, "No". Existing was zero in print about it in the news.
I had sentient two very calculating thoughts of Alien contact take care of in the mid 1990's. But, I don't take its toll if what in inhabitants thoughts are real. Yet among this, any my mother and I did own a normal afternoon arm trendy downright gloomy exclusive of any feel or any person else confirming the own.
Another time, the first dint that entered my spy on for one secret validation was UFO.
MUFON CMS - Eugene, Oregon: I am a student in the sphere of in Eugene, Oregon. I embrace my GED and I'm studying to churn out a laptop programmer. (I recycled to work at Subway)
The accomplishments I'm about to imagine to you are real, and I didn't glaring them up. About 2 time ago I started noticing tranquillity equivocal coincidences on radio and other media undergo. Creatine in assured stood out as having intriguing personal effects. Initial let me tell you I've been a poster on aspiesforfreedom.org and I postulate there's a be relevant intermingle among schizophrenia / autism and these so called alien abductions. I've faithfully studied a lot about the mental nausea Schizophrenia to the lead the accomplishments took conventional.
About a day and a imperfect ago I was at address aligning crystals to my chakra centers for the heck of it. I appreciate to see if these chakra points would do what if I located the fortitude on them. At this incredibly time I was sack pregnenolone, DHEA, and possibly creatine as supplements. The first UFO sighting I had was after utilization dinner at my house. I went facade and I saw a blue burn of light hit the ground a few feet in be winning of me. Just the once I went take care of focus my house I hopped on Facebook.com at about 8pm conciliatory time and I started distress voices chanting someone's dent.
I woke up the next day and the person's dent had not the same. The next thing I did was report this get down to mufon's ufo network. I take its toll you're possibly education "Hey he's nutty" and I embrace been curtail to a mental sanatorium for this very validation. In fact I've full-grown to surface it as a mental Illness nevertheless having aliens cash me up at night in my thoughts. Let me tell you guys, it's not actual doze paralysis. If you've perpetually had the own of waking up at night, and not being able to move subsequently you take its toll what doze paralysis is dear. Source I'm in the sphere of to tell you that it IS NOT Virtuous Lie-down PARALYSIS dear they're saying! Don't acknowledge the untrustworthiness... despite the consequences... Prop to the story. The voices first told me they were witches, subsequently lucifer icon of the day, and subsequently aliens. Tone all I take its toll is that they're strong and they're annoying me.
NOTE: yeah, I take its toll what your education. Now and again, charms dear this show up on the MUFON CMS and I'm preferably sure it will never be investigated. So, I aptitude these accounts maneuver to be seen by all regardless of how off-the-cuff it reads. I furthermore included the later support that was forwarded to me a few get-up-and-go ago..Lon
FreeForumZone - Cecina, Italy - 9/2010 (translated by a pal of the evidence): I had been camping in the reforest among one acquaintances and had gotten up infantile for a jogging seminar. It was immobile sinister and twisting as I ran on a vast mustiness track defeat the absolute length of the reforest. Fleeting, my leisure activity on honest was suddenly split by everything bizarre. In be winning of me (about 40 meters departure) hand over were bizarre lights at a archetype of about 2 meters. At first I dint it can be streetlights, located defeat the side road first-class from the beach to the seashore track facade the reforest. But everything was not compensation. Hip a few seconds I dormant honest and noted among distinguished dread that everything very close to 2 in circles phosphorescent sensitive eyes were outlook upfront on the road to me. Moderately incredulous by the beautiful phenomena I now began distress a strong purring nice equal to that generated by an electrical bough. Roll in the region of in the dissimilar forward I started honest at a speedily rate, occasionally looking take care of at the sensitive put a match to brim. By now the sensitive eyes had consumed, motionless at about 2km from the site of the original encounter I again saw the incredibly or equal eyes this time refuse to eat of me, resembling me as to the lead. Not sophisticated what to do and preferably agitated by the column I took on a option manner towards beach area. Arriving at the beach, I looked take care of to the brim of the greenish eyes and noticed a rosy washed out combustion equal from inhabitants of a car's break lights that seemed to disperse up trendy the grass. I subsequently continued on the manner towards the sea in the forward of Wharf di Cecina.
Suffer invulnerable now but captivated by the stuffed moon shiny on the ocean floor and from the increasing sun that was about to break over the grass, I paused to grasp a put your thumb out of photos among my cellphone. It was formerly 6:20am. I subsequently took the manner take care of to the Cenina camping deduce. I walked a down distance until I came spanning two family connections sack a suffusion on the seaboard. This image of severe family connections brutal to like a block of ice down seemed to be preferably rude, if not for the assured elements in inhabitants two data that led to a screeching in my expansion. Essential broad among the comfort of irrefutably encountering stock, in the next flash I was apprehended by a bad humor of make an effort and dismay having the status of I noticed (from about 35-40 feet departure) the perplexing realize of the two family connections.
I first noticed that their cachet and put together proportions were equal to inhabitants of new of 5 to 7 time of age. But these were not normal new, the sun reflected on the take care of of their increase dazzling pale heads. The two creatures suddenly ran out of the water in a madcap way maintenance their arms lifeless throw so patchy and destitute of orderliness, as if they were fractured and out of control. I can specifically compare their aerobics to monkeys. Their bodies were thin and fingers binary as longing as normal humans. At this point blinded by fear but express lots to kindliness their forms for a few perpetual seconds, my instincts took over and I turned in the region of to run faster than this vision.
I ran for about five minutes until I came spanning a work walking his dog...at this point I was able to living a sigh of benefit. Far along that day, I returned to the expanse of beach anyplace I had seen the two little pale men and found hundreds of bizarre path which I photographed among my cellphone. I found option types of prints, one clearly belonging to the little men and others to generously proportioned creatures. I furthermore found three pinch data prepared out of germ and sticks of reforest, located side by side and about five feet whichever.
NOTE: I was in suspense to show one of the photographic evidence. If I do, I will post an update...Lon
Irregular Encounters, Flamboyant Thoughts and Polished Animation
Saturday, 27 October 2012
Man Uses Love Of Space To Investigate Ufo Reports
ufo clothing
Nueva Oleada De Avistamientos A Nivel Global
Para ver el resto haz clic aqu'i en:
Mapa y base de datos que incluyen m'as de 60 mil avistamientos en Estados Unidos en los 'ultimos a~nos muestran los "hotspots" de la ufolog'ia
La gente de "infochimps" (los monos de la informaci'on) ha compilado una base de datos con m'as de 60 mil avistamientos en los 'ultimos a~nos a lo largo y ancho de Estados Unidos. Con estos datos han generado un mapa de los lugaresque m'as concentraci'on de OVNIS han reportado en los 'ultimos a~nos y un archivo de descripciones de los avistamientos que puede ser explorado por los usuarios.
La informaci'on incluye el tiempo que dur'o cada uno de los avistamientos, la localizaci'on, la forma del objeto observado, la fecha y algunas otras variables, muy 'utiles para quienes quieran formar patrones. Es interesante analizar las zonas de bases militares y bases a'ereas y su relaci'on con los avistamientos.
Visto en Pijamasurf
Fuentes varias: TCHENTA1965 GABEHASH THE2012SOON
Reference: aquarius-project.blogspot.com
New Zealand Getting Some Strange Ufo Activity
Crash Roswell
SHORT UFO FACT: [Jul/Aug 1991, Halls Creek, Dean was travelling on his motor bike when he saw an unusual object, as did the occupants of 2 cars who had stopped to watch it. At this point the engine of his bike cut out. He dismounted to look for a fault. He then remembers kick starting the bike and continuing on his way. How ever, when he arrived at his destination which had only been 10 minutes travel from his starting point, he was amazed to find that it was 2 hours later. Later that night he found a fresh scar on the back of his left ankle.]
>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
Credit: alienspress.blogspot.com
Friday, 26 October 2012
The Truth Is Out There Rush To Solve Google New Ufo Puzzle
ufo university,
Wednesday, 24 October 2012
Paris Colorado Case Final
Since his contact in Oregon, Paris has had visitation in his home in Arizona. The aliens told him that he would be taught in the "perimeter of his bed."
After Paris and his friend were contacted they called the "UFO Reporting Center" in Seattle. Bob Gribble referred the case to us. We called Paris in Oregon. I asked him the symptoms other contactees exhibited, such as a puncture wound on his right rear buttock he really wondered who I was, because how else would I know what was happening with him? He called back the UFO Reporting Center to see if I was legitimate because he thought I might be an alien!
A date was set for a regressive hypnosis session to be done in Madras, Oregon on the following weekend. Another couple, who were also contactees, went with us. None of us will ever forget that day!
After an all day session of trying to regress Paris and finally achieving our objective Paris, Betty and Frank, Paris's son, left to go back to LaPine around 11:30 pm.
During the session the ladies stayed in one motel room and the men in the other. Usually during a hypnosis session I would wait until it was well under way, then I would come into the room and listen and then ask questions. Because of the light trance state in Paris's case we eliminated that procedure. Instead a tape was made so I could hear it later.
After Betty and Paris left I was listening to the tape. All of a sudden the sound of a UFO could be heard on the tape (we thought). Both of us exclaimed at once, "What is that?" Dan said it must have been on the tape. It sounded like a whirring noise where the revolutions are getting faster every moment and further away.
The next morning we went to breakfast with the other couple. We told them about the sound we heard on the tape. They exclaimed, "that was not on the tape, it was outside!" My friend's husband said that he was going to run out there and look but he was "not dressed for the occasion" and besides there was a swimming pool right in front of his door and he knew in his excitement he would probably fall in!
We knew then that the UFO must have been right behind the motel.
The next day Betty cried all day. I found that to be abnormal behavior. In hypnosis it is called an abreaction. It is my belief that instead of Betty justifying the behavior as feeling left out, that something more happened to them on the way back to LaPine. That has never been explored.
Early the next morning Paris's friend that had been with him at the time came to Madras from LaPine. Oregon for regression. His story corroborated Paris' in every detail. He also made drawings while under hypnosis of instrument panels he saw on the ship and identical aliens as Paris'. He described insignias the aliens wore on their suits and gave colors of the uniforms.
Since that time we have lost touch with Paris's friend. Sometimes more than one person is involved in the contact. We have found that the contact is basically for one person. In many cases several weeks or even years, later, the other person cannot remember what took place.
Origin: we-are-believe.blogspot.com
Tuesday, 23 October 2012
Habitable Zone For Ross 154 And Why Evolution On Earth Was Delayed 2 Billion Years
g STARS - What would be the habitable zone for the nearby star Ross 154?
g ABODES - The discovery of 28 new planets and 7 brown dwarfs outside the Solar System was recently announced by the world's largest planet-hunting team. New and refined techniques are responsible for the large number of planets detected, and may soon help the team discover smaller, Earth-like planets around distant stars. See article.
g LIFE - Scientists from around the world have reconstructed changes in Earth's ancient ocean chemistry during a broad sweep of geological time, from about 2.5 to 0.5 billion years ago. They have discovered that a deficiency of oxygen and the heavy metal molybdenum in the ancient deep ocean may have delayed the evolution of animal life on Earth for nearly 2 billion years. See article.
g MESSAGE - To subject the Fermi Paradox to needed experimental testing, a researcher has offered the Artifact Hypothesis: A technologically advanced extraterrestrial civilization has undertaken a long-term program of interstellar exploration via transmission of material artifacts. See article.
g COSMICUS - There are several new missions set to explore the planet Mars over the next decade. Astrobiology Magazine recently discussed these missions with Michael Meyer, lead scientist for NASA's Mars Exploration Program, and Luann Becker, a geochemist who is developing an instrument for the European Space Agency's ExoMars mission. See article.
g LEARNING - With about 50 researchers, the Penn State Astronomy and Astrophysics department works under the radar. Each day, astronomers are discovering stars, finding planets in other solar systems and looking for life on other planets, all in Davey Lab. Even though the researchers call this time "the golden era of astronomy," many worry for the future, when funding may force projects and research to halt. See article.
Reference: outer-space-guests.blogspot.com
Former Canadian Defense Minister Says Aliens Have Been Visiting Earth For Thousands Of Years
monoamine oxidase inhibitors,
Monday, 22 October 2012
Flashback Abduction Researcher Karla Turner
Austin Mufon 9/26/92 with Karla Turner Pt1
"Click here to view the embedded video."
"Central Texas UFO mini-Conference on September 26, 1992. Karla Turner was an exceptional researcher and experiencer of Alien Abductions. This is part 1 of 9 parts." - SMiles Lewis
The following was originally published in the Fall 1994 edition of "E.L.F. INFESTED SPACES - Journal of Possible Paradigms":
by SMiles Lewis
My first exposure to abduction researcher/ experiencer Dr. Karla Turner was on September 26, 1992. She was speaking to an audience of approximately 200 people in Austin, Texas. The mini-conference also featured Ed Conroy and George Wingfield, and was organized by the local Austin MUFON chapter. I have seen very little from abduction researchers that I qualified as being of any significance, so Dr. Turner was a particularly unexpected surprise.
She comes across as very strong willed, a trait she may already have had, but which could have been tempered by her interactions with this phenomena. She admits to not knowing the origin of UFOs or their occupants. She simply reports the data that she gathers and experiences herself (about three hundred cases at that time). Some have been critical of her calling attention to "negative" cases. She admits to reporting on those aspects, but is quick to point out that, a) these reports exist, and other researchers are sweeping them under the rug, and b) there are already a number of sources for cases showing "positive" interactions with supposed benevolent entities. Part of her focus seems to be an attempt to strike a balance. How can we gain an objective perspective if we are not hearing all the data?
This mini-conference coincided with the release of her first book on the subject, "Into The Fringe". Shortly after her talk I bought the book and thoroughly enjoyed it. It details the emergence of the UFO and abduction phenomena into her family's life and their struggle with the ongoing experiences. It is a very personal account which begins in 1987-1988.
Karla earned her B.A. from California State University, her M.A. from the University of Nottingham in England, and her Ph.D. in Old English Studies from the University of North Texas. She is a skeptic in the best sense of the word, but she does believe that something extraordinary is going on.
Her 1992 Austin speech was less about her own experiences, and more about the overall points of interest that she noticed in her research (300 cases she investigated with the help of Barbara Bartholic and others-Barbara had worked with Jacques Vallee on the mysterious cattle mutilations sometimes associated with UFOs). In her speech Karla made twenty specific points regarding trends noticed in the data. These trends are not specifically found in her book "Fringe," although they are there thematically. The trends reflect darker sides of hidden memory and sexual encounters, which seem to be power plays to dominate the abductee, rather than simple hybridization studies.
These trends continue to be seen in the eight case studies in her most recent book, "Taken - Inside The Alien / Human Abduction Agenda". In the book, and during her speech at the July 1994 Annual International MUFON Symposium in Austin, Texas, she made some very important assertions regarding the UFO and abduction phenomena:
"The abductee also learns from experience that the aliens induce an altered perceptive state in humans during every encounter. Employed for control, it can be used to prevent any undesired responses from the abductee. And the altered state also prevents any objective assessment of the situation by the witness. This means that the witness can only report what was seen, felt, and heard, which is not necessarily a reflection of what actually occurred. By inducing and manipulating altered consciousness in the abductee, the aliens assume full control of the situation and thus exert control over the data reported by the witness."
"Abductees report alien-controlled information. This is a fact abduction researchers must face... Until the day we can unmask the alien illusions, however, we can at least study the entire body of reported data, controlled though it may be, trying to learn more about why certain images and events are employed and what they can tell us about the covert directors of these scenarios."
This statement and her coining of the term Virtual Reality Scenario to describe these altered perceptions are the best recent developments within the abduction research field. They enable us to discuss these experiences as REAL, but with the added potential inherent in describing some encounters as non-physical while there are still other more physical encounters.
Another positive aspect of Taken (in my estimation) is the inclusion of much testimony described as "UFO dreams." Once again we see the flowing together of dream experiences" with "real" experiences and hypnotically retrieved "memories." The results are fascinating! Though much of the abductee narratives could be seen as particularly negative, the overwhelming feeling that I came away with after reading the book, and which the abductees themselves seem to have come away with, is a deep sense of ambiguity and indeterminacy. Even if this seems daunting in the search for truth it could just be the ultimate result of our encounters with the unknown. Perhaps we can take some solace in Dr. Turner's belief that these intelligences are truly "physical, finite and fallible." If this is so, and they are not some aspect of ourselves or God then we may indeed be able to develop defenses against their intrusions into our reality.
Roland, Arkansas 72135
[Uncertain whether above address is still active or not]
See also: www.KarlaTurner.org
"Click here to view the embedded video."
"Click here to view the embedded video."
"Click here to view the embedded video."
"Click here to view the embedded video."
"Click here to view the embedded video."
"Click here to view the embedded video."
"Click here to view the embedded video."
"Click here to view the embedded video."
Part Nine
"Click here to view the embedded video."
Part One
"Central Texas UFO mini-Conference on September 26, 1992. Karla Turner was an exceptional researcher and experiencer of Alien Abductions. This is part 1 of 9 parts." - SMiles Lewis
The following was originally published in the Fall 1994 edition of "E.L.F. INFESTED SPACES - Journal of Possible Paradigms":
by SMiles Lewis
My first exposure to abduction researcher/ experiencer Dr. Karla Turner was on September 26, 1992. She was speaking to an audience of approximately 200 people in Austin, Texas. The mini-conference also featured Ed Conroy and George Wingfield, and was organized by the local Austin MUFON chapter. I have seen very little from abduction researchers that I qualified as being of any significance, so Dr. Turner was a particularly unexpected surprise.
She comes across as very strong willed, a trait she may already have had, but which could have been tempered by her interactions with this phenomena. She admits to not knowing the origin of UFOs or their occupants. She simply reports the data that she gathers and experiences herself (about three hundred cases at that time). Some have been critical of her calling attention to "negative" cases. She admits to reporting on those aspects, but is quick to point out that, a) these reports exist, and other researchers are sweeping them under the rug, and b) there are already a number of sources for cases showing "positive" interactions with supposed benevolent entities. Part of her focus seems to be an attempt to strike a balance. How can we gain an objective perspective if we are not hearing all the data?
This mini-conference coincided with the release of her first book on the subject, "Into The Fringe". Shortly after her talk I bought the book and thoroughly enjoyed it. It details the emergence of the UFO and abduction phenomena into her family's life and their struggle with the ongoing experiences. It is a very personal account which begins in 1987-1988.
Karla earned her B.A. from California State University, her M.A. from the University of Nottingham in England, and her Ph.D. in Old English Studies from the University of North Texas. She is a skeptic in the best sense of the word, but she does believe that something extraordinary is going on.
Her 1992 Austin speech was less about her own experiences, and more about the overall points of interest that she noticed in her research (300 cases she investigated with the help of Barbara Bartholic and others-Barbara had worked with Jacques Vallee on the mysterious cattle mutilations sometimes associated with UFOs). In her speech Karla made twenty specific points regarding trends noticed in the data. These trends are not specifically found in her book "Fringe," although they are there thematically. The trends reflect darker sides of hidden memory and sexual encounters, which seem to be power plays to dominate the abductee, rather than simple hybridization studies.
These trends continue to be seen in the eight case studies in her most recent book, "Taken - Inside The Alien / Human Abduction Agenda". In the book, and during her speech at the July 1994 Annual International MUFON Symposium in Austin, Texas, she made some very important assertions regarding the UFO and abduction phenomena:
"The abductee also learns from experience that the aliens induce an altered perceptive state in humans during every encounter. Employed for control, it can be used to prevent any undesired responses from the abductee. And the altered state also prevents any objective assessment of the situation by the witness. This means that the witness can only report what was seen, felt, and heard, which is not necessarily a reflection of what actually occurred. By inducing and manipulating altered consciousness in the abductee, the aliens assume full control of the situation and thus exert control over the data reported by the witness."
"Abductees report alien-controlled information. This is a fact abduction researchers must face... Until the day we can unmask the alien illusions, however, we can at least study the entire body of reported data, controlled though it may be, trying to learn more about why certain images and events are employed and what they can tell us about the covert directors of these scenarios."
This statement and her coining of the term Virtual Reality Scenario to describe these altered perceptions are the best recent developments within the abduction research field. They enable us to discuss these experiences as REAL, but with the added potential inherent in describing some encounters as non-physical while there are still other more physical encounters.
Another positive aspect of Taken (in my estimation) is the inclusion of much testimony described as "UFO dreams." Once again we see the flowing together of dream experiences" with "real" experiences and hypnotically retrieved "memories." The results are fascinating! Though much of the abductee narratives could be seen as particularly negative, the overwhelming feeling that I came away with after reading the book, and which the abductees themselves seem to have come away with, is a deep sense of ambiguity and indeterminacy. Even if this seems daunting in the search for truth it could just be the ultimate result of our encounters with the unknown. Perhaps we can take some solace in Dr. Turner's belief that these intelligences are truly "physical, finite and fallible." If this is so, and they are not some aspect of ourselves or God then we may indeed be able to develop defenses against their intrusions into our reality.
For information about ordering her research, write to:
PO Box 32
Roland, Arkansas 72135
[Uncertain whether above address is still active or not]
See also: www.KarlaTurner.org
"Click here to view the embedded video."
Part Two
"Click here to view the embedded video."
Part Three
"Click here to view the embedded video."
Part Four
"Click here to view the embedded video."
Part Five
"Click here to view the embedded video."
Part Six
"Click here to view the embedded video."
Part Seven
"Click here to view the embedded video."
Part Eight
"Click here to view the embedded video."
Part Nine
Sunday, 21 October 2012
Russian President Medvedev How To Prepare For Et Contact
A very real exercise in comparative exopolitics has come about simultaneously, (and perhaps sychronistically) in the Russian Federation and in the United States. Exopolitics in a Russian state Duma have brought Russian President Dmitry Medvedev face to face with the same set of exopolitical issues addressed by the August 2010 ballot initiative for an Extraterrestrial Affairs commission in Denver, Colorado.
Liberal Democrat Party representative and state Duma deputy Andrei Lebedev "fears that extraterrestrials may have compromised Russia's official secrets. After hearing a TV interview in which the President of the Kalmyk Republic, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, spoke of his meeting with an alien spaceship, Lebedev called for instant action," according to news reports in Russia.
President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov's close encounter took place on Sep. 18, 1997, and Ilyumzhinov recalled it in a recent interview with TV presenter Vladimir Pozner. He stated that others "might be skeptical, but added: 'I believe I communicated with them, I saw them. I probably would not have believed it, but there were three witnesses: my driver, the Minister and my assistant.'" ABC News reports, "Kirsan Ilyumzhinov was at home in his Moscow apartment when they came in and abducted him, taking him to their space ship where they communicated with him telepathically."
Following President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov's revelation of his meeting with extraterrestrials, "state Duma deputy Andrei Lebedev concluded that Ilyumzhinov had something to hide, and warned that 'sensitive information' could have been passed to the interplanetary guests."
MP Andrei Lebedev has written a letter to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev "raising a list of his concerns," that mirror the issues raised in the August 10, 2010 Denver, Colorado Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission ballot initiative.
In his letter to Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, MP Andrei Lebedev says that President Kirsan Ilyumzhinov's meeting with extraterrestrials "was an historic event and should have been reported to the Kremlin."
MP Andrei Lebedev also asks "if there are official guidelines for what government officials should do if contacted by aliens, especially if those officials have access to state secrets."
According to one news report, "State Duma deputy Andrei Lebedev doesn't believe Ilyumzhinov's claim that he was simply shown around the ship and released, so he has asked the president to find out what else happened and report back to the Duma.
MP Andrei Lebedev is especially interested in what President Ilyumzhinov may have told the extraterrestrials about his job and whether the abduction has affected the governor's ability to perform the duties of office."
As Examiner.com reported, "In August, 2010, the citizens of Denver, Colo. will go to the voting booths and do something that no other earthly civilization in mainstream recorded history has done - vote on establishing an official commission to 'create a responsible, responsive, common sense strategy for dealing with issues related to the presence of extraterrestrial intelligent beings on Earth.'
Why Russian President Medvedev should look to the 2010 Denver Extraterrestrial Commission initiative for guidance on ET issues
One source states, "Kirsan Nikolayevich Ilyumzhinov (born April 5, 1962, in Elista) is a Kalmyk multi-millionaire businessman and politician. He is the President of the Republic of Kalmykia of the Russian Federation, and has been the President of FIDE (or the 'World Chess Federation'), the world's pre-eminent international chess organization, since 1995.
He has also been in the forefront of promoting chess in schools in Russia and overseas. He is the founder of Novy Vzglyad Publishing House. "IN MAY, 2010, HE BECAME WORLD-FAMOUS FOR SELF-DESCRIBING HIMSELF AS AN ALIEN ABDUCTEE."
Veteran Russian TV personality Victor Posner (who was raised in Manhattan), President of the Kalmyk Republic, Kirsan Ilyumzhinov, and state Duma deputy Andrei Lebedev by each exercising their rights of free speech and of parliamentary due process under the Russian Constitution of December 12, 1993 to bring the matter of an apparent communication between extraterrestrials and the sitting President of the Kalmyk Republic to the President of Russia, Dmitry Medvedev, for - at the very least - official investigation and the application of "official guidelines for what government officials should do if contacted by aliens, especially if those officials have access to state secrets."
The fundamental concepts which Russian President Dmitry Medvedev (or any head of state or governmental entity) needs to identify, develop and apply official guidelines for human civic contact with extraterrestrials have been well thought out in the 2010 ballot initiative for an Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission in Denver, Colorado.
Voters in Denver, Colo. will find an initiative on the August 2010 ballot that asks them whether they approve the following:
"Shall the voters for the City and County of Denver adopt an Initiated Ordinance to require the creation of an extraterrestrial affairs commission to help ensure the health, safety, and cultural awareness of Denver residents and visitors in relation to potential encounters or interactions with extraterrestrial intelligent beings or their vehicles, and fund such commission from grants, gifts and donations? How the 2010 Denver Extraterrestrial Initiative can help President Medvedev
The 2010 Denver Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission initiative goes on to explicitly state its intent, and focus in the very terms that Russian President Dmitry Medvedev and his Kremlin advisers may be wrestling with right now for their report to the state Duma of the Republic of Kalmykia.
"The legislative intent of this division is to create a responsible, responsive, common sense strategy for dealing with issues related to the presence of extraterrestrial intelligent beings on Earth.
To that end, the People of the City and County of Denver hereby establish an Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission, which shall have the following purposes:
"1. To obtain and provide the most accurate, complete, "credible, "and relevant information available "to city government personnel "and residents "about "extraterrestrial intelligent beings on Earth;"
"2. To assist residents and visitors in reporting sightings of, or interactions with, "extraterrestrial intelligent beings or their vehicles, "and refer them to the proper "and "most appropriate public "or private service agencies;"
"3. To inform people of the implications of encounters "with extraterrestrial beings or their vehicles;"
"4. To develop protocols for peaceful and diplomatic contact "with extraterrestrial beings in the event of contact;"
"5. To fund the Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission "entirely from grants, gifts and donations, "without requiring any fiscal outlay from the city budget; and"
"6. To make expenditures from the Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission fund."
A member of the state Duma of the Kalmyk Republic has now made this reported extraterrestrial communication to the governor of the Kalmyk Republic a matter of the highest and most urgent state security under the Russian Constitution of 1993.
This is exactly the sort of governmental and civic emergency that the developers of the 2010 Denver Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission initiative had envisioned as potentially happening in Denver, Colorado.
Only it has happened in the Russian Federation in 2010 first.
How the 2010 Denver Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission initiative pepares us for ET contact
It is not as though the 2010 Denver Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission initiative has not prepared us for an emergency exopolitical situation like the 2010 Russian Federation Kalmyk Republic Duma exopolitical showdown, requiring official extraterrestrial contact guidelines, investigation protocols, etc.
Here is what the 2010 Denver ET initiative says:
"Sec. 2-255.60. Legislative intent.
"1. The presence of extraterrestrial intelligent beings "and extraterrestrial "vehicles on Earth, and within Earth's atmosphere, "has been confirmed "by credible evidence, "official government documents, "and whistleblowers formerly working "for "the U.S. Government and government contractors;"
"2. Evidence of extraterrestrial beings has been known by "United States presidents since President Franklin Roosevelt, "including President Ronald Reagan as disclosed "in his presentation to the United Nations "regarding extraterrestrial matters;"
"3. Since at least 1947, the United States government has denied "knowledge of this evidence, thus placing the public "and local governments at potential risk and disadvantage;"
"4. The United States government has suppressed, and withheld from the public, "evidence of advanced clean energy, transportation "and other technologies "of extraterrestrial origin. "These technologies could potentially offer substantial economic relief "for our most pressing social and economic concerns, including a reduction of pollution "and at least partial replacement of fossil fuels" with affordable non-polluting energy sources, "and other advanced technologies;"
"5. Local government officials have rejected or ignored the need to prepare "city personnel and citizens for potential contact or interactions "with extraterrestrial intelligent beings "or their vehicles even though:"
"a. Multiple federal government agencies have acknowledged "the presence of extraterrestrial intelligent beings, "through hundreds of official documents, "but have not informed our citizens about "how to" intelligently and responsibly "respond to UFO/extraterrestrial encounters;"
"b. Hundreds of top military leaders, government scientists, "government contractors, commercial airline pilots, "air traffic controllers and NASA officials, "many with Top Secret clearances, "have been disclosing their personal experiences "and involvement "in interacting with UFOs not from Earth "and, "in some cases, "their apparent extraterrestrial intelligent occupants;"
"c. A credible non-profit organization has received over ten thousand (10,000) "written reports of UFO sightings, primarily in the U.S., "during just the period Nov. 2005 - April 2008. "The total number of reports nationally in 2008 was more than "twice the number from the previous year. There have been more than 1,000 "written reports of Colorado UFO sightings submitted to the same organization "during the period of Jan. 2000 - April 2008;"
"d. Government denial, ridicule, and a lack of public awareness "about this credible evidence prevent the responsible evaluation of potential risks "and benefits for the safety, health, and cultural awareness "of Denver residents and visitors in relation to potential interactions "with extraterrestrial intelligent beings;"
"6. At present our government does not have any protocols for:"
"a. Responsibly evaluating, documenting, and acting on citizen reports "of encounters or interactions with extraterrestrial intelligent beings, "regardless of the highly unusual and credible evidence that "may attend such encounters and interactions; or"
"b. Referring such reports to properly trained city personnel, "or private professional individuals or organizations "that have responsibly "dealt with such matters "in a professional manner;"
"7. There is enough credible evidence available, "independent of the United States government, "to responsibly and adequately inform "Denver residents "and local government "about extraterrestrial affairs; and"
"8. The creation of an Extraterrestrial Affairs Commission "will help to ensure the health, safety, and cultural awareness "of Denver residents and visitors and, ultimately, "facilitate "the most harmonious, peaceful, mutually "respectful, "and beneficial coexistence possible "between "extraterrestrial intelligent beings and human beings."
Russian Federation and Denver, Colorado: Disclosure 2010?
Will the 2010 Russian-Kalmyk Republic Duma exopolitical showdown and the 2010 Denver ET ballot initiative be the twin catalysts that lead to some sort of extraterrestrial "disclosure", made official by the Russian President and the voters and City Council of Denver, Colorado?
Official Extraterrestrial disclosure by the Russian Federation would be a truly historic event
In a world that is now watching its financial structure collapse, its oceans being destroyed, hierarchies lose authority, and money lose its value, one should not be too quick to dismiss the 2010 Russian-Kalmyk Republic Duma exopolitical showdown and "THE 2010 DENVER ET BALLOT INITIATIVE AS POSSIBLE CATALYSTS TO EXTRATERRESTRIAL DISCLOSURE."
Certainly, the Russian Federation has everything to gain and nothing to lose by giving humanity the gift of "official "disclosure" that extraterrestrial civilizations have visited the sitting President of the Kalmyk Republic", one of the constituent republics of the Russian Federation, and developing and issuing official guidelines and protocols for civic extraterrestrial contact.
The movement towards Extraterrestrial disclosure by democratic, grass roots participation also has a major event horizon in the 2010 Denver ET Ballot initiative, which envisions the establishment of a municipal commission on extraterrestrial affairs by electoral ballot sometime in August 2010.
Thus what many entities of the U.S. government have worked to diligently to avoid since 1947 - official acknowledgment of an extraterrestrial presence - has the potential of occurring under Denver, Colorado municipal law at the Denver city-wide election in August 2010.
As with the case of Russian President Dmitry Medvedev, the potential depends of whether Denver, Colorado voters come together to approve the 2010 ET ballot initiative.
Denver, Colorado has adopted an initiative form of direct democracy for bringing issues to public ballot. Initiatives and referendums are a form of direct democracy, and a modality by which voters can force voters, or executive or legislative bodies to consider issues they would not otherwise consider. "The modern U.S. system of initiative and referendum originated in the state of South Dakota.
South Dakota adopted initiative and referendum in 1898 by a vote of 23,816 to 16,483. Oregon was the second state to adopt, and did so in 1902, when the state's legislators adopted it by an overwhelming majority. The "Oregon System", as it was at first known, subsequently spread to many other states, and became one of the signature reforms of the Progressive Era (1890s-1920s)."
The 2010 Denver ET ballot initiative and the 2010 Russian-Kalmyk Republic Duma exopolitical showdown remain the two 2010 exopolitical processes to watch, in the United States and the Russian Federation, if not planet Earth.
kalmyk people,
kirsan ilyumzhinov
England Ufo Fireball Mystery Deepens 8 April 2010 Photos
Saturday, 20 October 2012
10 Chapter 3 On To Arizona On The Ufo Road Again
Very soon after arriving in Fountain Hills the other couple found a job, and an apartment. He had electronics experience and there was a need for technicians. On the other hand, we found it very difficult, we couldn't have arrived at a worse time. The economy was down; a tent city had been set up in the middle of Phoenix for people who had lost their homes and their jobs. The Salvation Army and other philanthropic organizations were serving meals. People were taking any menial job just to survive. That was in 1983. Since then the economy has changed in the Scottsdale and Phoenix area. I recently heard that 8,000 people a day are still moving into the "Valley of the Sun."
We rented a house in Mesa, Arizona. I worked at a temporary job for the Ramada Executive Suites for three months. Dan worked at a temporary job in a manufacturing plant.
As soon as possible we set up the UFO Contact Center again. We arranged to have meetings in Mesa at the public library. To advertise the meeting we were interviewed by the Arizona Republic newspaper. This article brought the people out to hear what we had to say about contactees and abductions.
At the Town and Country Book Store metaphysical subjects were discussed by numerous guest speakers in their small meeting room. They invited us to come and speak about the UFO Contact Center International. Through this meeting we found many contactees. We were in business again!
Cynthia Scanion, a writer, called and asked for an interview that would appear in the "Fate" magazine. We agreed and she asked if we would provide a contactee for her to talk to. We asked Paris Colorado if he would mind being interviewed. He agreed as long as the story appeared in Fate magazine.
For months we watched to see when the article would appear. It was with shock when we saw the article appear in "The UFO Review."
The following is the article by Cynthia Scanion in its entirety concerning Paris Colorado's abduction experience.
"On April 1, 1981, Paris David Colorado was abducted by a UFO. But it was no April Fool's joke. For Colorado, it was a very real and very terrifying experience.
It all began when Paris and his wife moved from Phoenix, Arizona to take over some campgrounds near Bend, Oregon. They had been running the campgrounds for six months when a young man in a trailer came to stay. He was involved in mining and got Paris interested in how to go about staking a claim. Mark, the mining claim expert, invited Paris to accompany him to his claim the following week and Paris accepted.
The weekend they decided to go, Paris woke up with a terrible pain in his shoulder. He said he suffered from bursitis and was having one of his attacks. Despite the pain, Paris insisted on going. So a few hours later, Mark and Paris were on their way to the claim. The area where the claim was located, approximately 290 miles from Paris' campground, was so primitive that Mark and Paris were forced to backpack hours in from the place where they had left their jeep.
"All the time we were up in the wilderness canyon, I had the feeling someone was watching us," Paris said. "That first night, when we camped, I could see a pair of eyes just outside the perimeter of the light. I would turn my flashlight on them and there was nothing there. And during the daylight, when we were walking up the trail, we would hear something moving along in the woods above us. It was like something was following us everywhere we went. This went on the whole three days we were up there."
But nothing came of it, and so having finished their work, they headed for home three days later. They started out in the evening and arrived at Mt. Vernon, Oregon at 7:30 p.m. Paris said he remembers it being 7:30 because he and Mark were hungry and everything had closed at 6:30. So they decided to drive on to Mitchell, which is approximately 40 miles from Mt. Vernon.
The night was exceedingly dark and the sky was filled with clouds. And yet, right above the horizon, Paris said it was clear. At least it was clear enough for both Paris and Mark to make out three bright stars in the distance. In fact, they noticed the stars were directly above the road. One flanked the left side of the road, one flanked the right side of the road and one was in the middle. The one in the middle was slightly higher. They both took note of the stars, but didn't think anything strange until they moved.
"As they moved up I could see a light underneath the stars," Paris said, "I don't know how far away we were at the time. There was a slight rise in the road ahead of us and whatever this was was way back from that."
As they approached the hill, a light was shining from in back of it. Paris explained the light as something like a semi-truck approaching from the other side. But the light kept getting brighter and brighter until it had to be about 20 semi's approaching, he said. When they were about three-quarters of a mile from the top of the hill, the object came over the top and started down the road toward them. It was then that Paris pulled off to the side of the road and waited with the motor running. They were unable to make out a clear description of the object because it was so dark. Paris guessed they were about half way between Mt. Vernon and Mitchell.
"I couldn't take my eyes off the light and neither could Mark," Paris said. "It was like we were hypnotized. We just couldn't look away from the light."
Paris described the light as bowing on both sides of the object like a bowl turned upside down. The light extended off the highway at least 100 yards on both sides.
"The object, whatever it was, was larger than a 747, yet it moved quickly and smoothly reverse and forward." Paris said. "You could see the little white lines on the highway that were going into the light when it moved forward."
At this point, both Mark and Paris became terrified at what they were witnessing. Paris grabbed the gear shift, but was unable to get the car into gear. When Paris made this move, he said the object stopped and darted back to the top of the hill. He said it was a smooth but quick move back. The gear shift continued to bounce back and forth, without shifting into place. Paris' attempts to get the jeep back onto the road proved futile.
"At that point I turned to Mark," he said. "I just turned my head without taking my eyes from the light and said, 'Mark, we're not going to get away from this thing.'"
Paris said his heart was pounding so hard he thought he was going to have a heart attack. He could feel his adrenaline pumping and he said he was terrified.
"At that point something said to me, 'Relax, take it easy, don't panic, we're coming to you,'" Paris said. "It wasn't words, it was like mental telepathy - like strong words in my mind. And when it first said 'Relax, take it easy, don't panic,' I thought, I'm telling myself to relax, take it easy and don't panic because I'm about to have a heart attack. But then I realized they were telling me that."
"At that moment, it shot down the road toward us," Paris continued. "Both Mark and I seemed to be pulled slightly toward the windshield. All of this took place in what we thought was three to five minutes at most. When it moved toward us, we went into a trance or whatever you want to call it. And that's the last thing I remember."
The next thing Paris and Mark remember is sitting in the jeep and noticing something moving quickly away from the car. In the next instant, a flash of light streaked away into the sky. They sat there for an unknown amount of time until a car came over the hill. The headlights of the approaching autombile hit both Paris and Mark in the eyes and brought them out of their trance. The Jeep motor was still running.
Paris drove off and neither one of them said anything for 15 minutes. Finally they pulled off to the side of the road and got out. They were talking about what they both thought they had seen when Paris asked Mark what time it was. It was eleven o'clock. They had been on the road for more than three hours and were still 15 miles from Mitchell. As they were pondering what had happened back on the road, it was then that Paris noticed a slight ache in his right hip. He said it felt like a needle puncture.
Rather than stopping for food, Paris and Mark decided to drive back home as quickly as possible. When they reached the campgrounds, they were anxious and nervous. Paris' wife thought Paris was playing an April Fool's joke, but seeing that her husband was serious asked for all the details. Not knowing who to contact in such a situation, Paris called the Federal Aviation Administration. The FAA in return gave Paris the phone number of the UFO Reporting Center in Seattle, Washington. He spoke with the center personnel and was told two investigators would contact himself and Mark for further details.
The next morning Paris talked with the investigators, Dan and Aileen Edwards, about his experience. Paris talked with them on the phone and then agreed to meet with them two weeks later. They would at that time hypnotize Paris and try to find out what had happened during the missing three hours.
During that period before Paris met with the Edwards', he said he was a wreck. He went through wild emotional swings that included everything from paranoia to anger.
"I was afriad to go out, and I'm not normally afraid of anything within reason," he said. "But I was afraid to go out in the campgrounds by myself after dark. There was something in the back of my mind that was telling me, 'If you go out there something's going to get you. Not the Boogie Man, but something you can't see.'"
The other emotional phases Paris went through were much like those explained by Elizabeth Kubler-Ross in her stages of dying. Paris cried for days. His emotions ran so high that he just cried for no apparent reason. Then he went through a period of acceptance where he resigned himself to the fact that this had happened to him and there is nothing he could do about it. Then he went through a period of depression. Then he got angry. He thought about someone taking three hours out of his life and it made him mad - really mad. He was useless at the campgrounds. Running the cash register or concentrating on anything for any length of time was too much for him to handle.
Paris finally met with Dan and Aileen Edwards to be hypnotized. Once under hypnosis, Paris was able to vividly recall most of the details of that April first night, although some parts still remain a mystery. According to Paris, as soon as he and Mark went into a trance, the UFO hovered over the car and engulfed it in white light. Suddenly, Beings came around to the front. Paris said he was not sure how many Beings there were, but he did say they were in no way hostile.
Continued tomorrow
Friday, 19 October 2012
Eti Sending Tweets And Lake Level Changes On Titan
g STARS - Astronomers have discovered the most massive stars known, including one at more than 300 times the mass of our sun - double the size that scientists thought heavyweight stars could reach. See article.
g ABODES - Scientists have found evidence of lake-level changes on Saturn's moon, Titan. Titan is the only world aside from Earth than is known to have a hydrological cycle. Studying Titan's hydrology can help astrobiologists understand how such cycles operate beyond Earth, and could have implications for theories about strange life on the unique moon. See article.
g LIFE - Scientists are regularly blown away by the complexity, power, and sheer number of microbes that live in our bodies. "We have over 10 times more microbes than human cells in our bodies," said George Weinstock of Washington University in St. Louis. But the microbiome, as it's known, remains mostly a mystery. "It's as if we have these other organs, and yet these are parts of our bodies we know nothing about." See article.
g INTELLIGENCE - Researchers have provided evidence that women can multitask more effectively than men. See article.
g MESSAGE - Aliens may be using a cosmic version of Twitter to contact us - but for decades we have been missing their "tweets", it has been claimed. ETI is more likely to be sending out short, directed messages than continuous signals beamed in all directions, say experts. See article.
g COSMICUS - A private suborbital spaceship built for the space tourism firm Virgin Galactic made its first flight with a crew onboard last week as it soared over California's Mojave Desert beneath its enormous mothership. See article.
g AFTERMATH - According to astronomer Allen Tough, even before a signal is detected, six positive consequences will result from the scientific search for extraterrestrial intelligence, usually called SETI. (1) Humanity's self-image. SETI has enlarged our view of ourselves and enhanced our sense of meaning. Increasingly, we feel a kinship with the civilizations whose signals we are trying to detect. (2) A fresh perspective. SETI forces us to think about how extraterrestrials might perceive us. This gives us a fresh perspective on our society's values, priorities, laws, and foibles. (3) Questions. SETI is stimulating thought and discussion about several fundamental questions. (4) Education. Some broad-gauge educational programs have already been centered around SETI. (5) Tangible spin-offs. In addition to providing jobs for some people, SETI provides various spin-offs, such as search methods, computer software, data, and international scientific cooperation. (6) Future scenarios. SETI will increasingly stimulate us to think carefully about possible detection scenarios and their consequences, about our reply, and generally about the role of extraterrestrial communication in our long-term future. Such thinking leads, in turn, to fresh perspectives on the SETI enterprise itself. Read paper.
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