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The Case Of Human Alien Truth
* Even When They Tell You Flat Out - You Still Do Not Want to Hear It! I was looking at you tube videos I had stored on my favorites list. I decided to play the video of Dr. Edgar Mitchell being interviewed by an English radio host that I had not really listened to fully the day I saved it. I could not believe my ears, how could I have simply placed this video in my favorites and not given it the incredulous reaction it deserved? Furthermore, how in the world did this interview simply fade away? A Doctor of Science, an American Astronaut clearly stated while being interviewed by the host on Kerrang radio on July 23, 2008 that he knows UFO's exist and that we have been visited many times by Aliens! He did not say he thinks or maybe or perhaps or it could be, this man of science who walked on the moon said they EXIST. In my mind that is a life changing statement and this video a huge lifetime event! I understand that every skeptic on earth as well as media controlled hack immediately went after this interview with the vengeance of a starving shark- but I loved it. Here we have a man who surely felt it was time to just be honest about this subject and laid his cards on the table. During his interview Dr Mitchell said he knows we are not alone and that there is life through out the universe. He said he was privileged to have been let in on the fact that we have been visited many times on this planet. He also described the aliens he knew of as the typical small strange little grays we talk about. Dr Mitchell clearly feels that in time we will all take the knowledge of life exists in other parts of the universe as fact and finally let this become part of the sciences we understand. I was astounded that this radio interview has simply faded away from the public's eye! I understand many will try to discredit this interview and this man. I however am NOT one of them. When a man who has walked on the moon, an astronaut, a man of space and science tells us - yes there are UFO's and aliens- I listen. Being one who already knew that these things exist I am thrilled to hear a man of his credentials stand up and speak up. What I am confused about is why so few listened? Listening to Edgar Mitchell freely discuss how it is common knowledge to the governments of the world that we not only are visited by alien societies but our government has been working with them was a bit difficult to just shrug off. It seems logical to me that our advancements in the last 50 to 100 years has had a helping hand from others far more advanced than the horse riding, fireplace burning earthlings who previously were happy at that level of existence for hundreds of years. What if our sudden genius and advancements of the last century were given to us with our side of the agreement being to allow the visiting aliens to come and go as they please? We may provide open areas for them to keep bases or landing areas. A more sinister side of this agreement could be that the aliens help themselves to a limited amount of humans for experimental purposes via abductions while our governments look the other way. Perhaps a portion of those who go missing and do not return have been chosen by the visitors as specimens they have kept for breeding or other assorted reasons. I could easily find many other unknowns that could be connected to such a union. What about the chem. trails being sprayed all over our skies that so many try to explain away as contrails. At this point those who cannot tell the difference between both are just in denial or truly blind. Could the aliens need a certain atmosphere to function? Maybe they are helping us bolster our atmosphere from an enormous solar flare or gamma ray burst coming our way. Maybe a pole flip could be the reason for all the spraying.I listened with care to the radio show Dr. Edgar Mitchell willingly took part in with the English radio host. It was clear and exact to my ears that this doctor of space and science told us all they are here and we have known it for a long time. Not only do we know it we have worked with them to our advancement and the aliens needs. If you think about this with a clear uncluttered line of reason you can see that the human race was advancing slowly along in history at a rather similar rate for hundreds of years. We managed to stay with horses for transportation and written words transported by horse or ships for thousands of years with most discoveries slow and cautious. However in a span of 100 years we leap from fireplaces and barns to computers, air travel and trips to mars? How is it we became so very advanced in such a short time yet stayed the same for hundreds if not thousands of years previous? It sure looks funny to my simple human eyes.I wonder how we became so very smart yet still have a world full of humans that can not or who barely read and write? How is it we have space stations yet still have a planet where people are suffering in so many places from starvation and disease? How do all this things balance out without question or thought? How did part of us become so advanced while others stay so primitive?I listened to that interview with Dr Mitchell and I thought about all the out of balance pieces of this world. I tried to make sense of the sudden leap of advancement for the few among a world of human beings who naturally advance at a much slower rate. Of course this could be the natural way of life on our planet however it still does not explain the jump in sudden science developments and growth that have accomplished over such a limited amount of time. That is not natural for the inhabitants of this planet. Earthlings have always moved at a far slower rate of advancement. It now makes sense to me how we cannot seem to spread this technology or find a balance of an equal way of life on this planet. We are not natural to this fast progression of things and our out of whack planet proves this to be true. How can one part of this planet be reaching out to space while other areas are still living as they did hundreds of years ago? How can a species' so advanced they have wireless communication still not figure out how to prevent children from dying due to lack of food and water? How can so many of us sit and use computers yet we have no idea how they work or how to build them? We use them as we have been given them but truly as a whole are not smart enough beings to be this technically advanced.It seems extremely odd that those who are the most advanced in military ability and air flight advancements are still driving around in gas fed vehicles and fighting wars over outdated forms of energy. How did things get so lopsided and out of proportion? If we were developing our technology on our own wouldn't the spectrum of genius be spread among all our problems as a natural progression of mankind? I think we were given a great deal of our technology. I think others gave us our huge leap forward that has occurred in the last century. It may have been given willingly or taken and back engineered or worked out as a trade agreement. I do not think we are the intelligent life form in this universe. I think we are the visited life form being advanced by the other intelligent life forms. We earthlings made this an easy road for both the visiting aliens and those working with them. History proves we are easily controlled and follow like sheep what we are told to do or think. As beings we follow the way we are pointed and rarely have the common sense to question or consider what is going on around us. Look at the condition of our economy, the state of the world. We did not just wake up one morning to find crisis all around us. It was hurling at us for years. Just like the UFO Alien subject, we just believed what the TV told us, followed along with what everyone else said or simply did not care to notice!I would imagine that the advancements given to us is limited and done with caution. I think we are given our gifts of knowledge slowly and carefully. We are as a life form far too violent at this point in time to simply hand over anything we could blow up the universe with. Look at how hate filled we are towards one another on matters of politics and world problems. Instead of joining forces for solutions we attack each other with vengeance and rage. Can you imagine if we were given the secrets of the universe? Surely they understand that and keep us at bay and limited until we can reach a far more civilized level.I realize this is a wild essay with incredible theories but what makes my ideas any stranger than having an astronaut who has been in space and walked on the moon tell a radio host in England that without question we have been visited and most of us never ever notice or react to it? Can you imagine what the truth really is on these matters? I dare say it would astound even the most open minded of us. The truth is out there, however our planet full of earthling creatures do not seem to be ready to deal with it! Keep looking up and pay attention to your surrounding. It is only a matter of time for us all to experience a visit into the unknown. With it all around us I think it nearly impossible at this point not to eventually encounter the truth. It is out there right in front of you. You simply have to continue looking.WWW.FTTOUFO.COMHTTP://WWW.FTTOUFO.COM/CHRISHOLLYSPARANORMALWORLD.HTM Edgar Mitchell Interview
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