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A NOTE FROM THE AQUARIUM Our little Aquarium group tries valiantly to mediate betweenthe many forces acting in the revolution of consciousness that isunderway on the Earth. This revolution involves an exponentialleap of human consciousness, out of the prison of our materialworld and into the expanded awareness of the true, nonphysicalnature of reality. Worldviews are literally colliding. We arewitnessing the effects in terms of increased encounters with theparanormal (ET abductions, angel visits, Marian apparitions, cropcircles, near-death experiences, shamanic journeys, etc.), andwidespread belief in earth changes. A traumatic transition couldliterally bring about the End Times. We at the Aquarium are trying to avert collisions, and providecontinuity from the old to the new. We seek to facilitate theexpansion of consciousness. In doing so, we have been drawn intoarguments between members of the so-called Aviary, a collection ofpeople with different agendas who are on the periphery of secretgovernment projects related to the paranormal and UFOs. The mere existence of an Aviary and the secret projects seemsto give credence to the conspiracy theorists who see a global,monolithic, evil empire that is on the verge of enslaving us allinto its new world order. We don't subscribe to the idea of amonolithic evil empire; nonetheless, there is an old order, and itis hanging on tight to the material world. However, closerinspection reveals that what is going on is not a consolidation ofpower, but a Gotterdammerung, a twilight of the gods. The variouscontending powers and principalities of the old world order arefighting among themselves for the last crumbs. In fact, many ofthe sensational conspiracy rumors are likely the attempts of thenearly obsolete old guard to puff itself up, and to manipulatethrough fear what it can no longer control by more subtle means. The immediate concern of the Aquarium is that there stillremains a great potential for harm as the old order resists itsdemise. The unravelling of the old conspiracies is inevitable--part of the cosmic plan to bring about a new heaven and new earth.But this plan could suffer a serious set back if the old powers,realizing their imminent end, decide to go out with a bang ratherthan with a whimper. It is important that we not inadvertentlyprovoke them into even considering such an idea. That brings us to some recent conversations with our erstwhileAvian colleagues. We've heard that factions in the old order areattempting to blow the whistle on other factions who are perceivedto have their hands deeper into the federal cookie jar. We'vefurther heard that a prominent private citizen, who is veryknowledgable about the federal government and the paranormal,recently met with a prominent member of the Clinton administration.The purpose of this meeting was to raise concern about thepossibility of billions of dollars of black budget funds beingsiphoned into projects involving the paranormal and UFOs. Andfurthermore, there is the concern that no one is in control.Perhaps not even the ETs, who are alleged to be mixed up in thisactivity, know what's really coming down. Obviously theimplications are far more serious than mismanagement of funds. What is going on here? Is it a bunch of boys playing dungeonsand dragons with each other, and with any one else who stumblesinto their game plan? There are a lot of taxpayers out there whomight not be amused. The same taxpayers may also be having theircows mutilated or their daughters abducted, and are spending theirSundays being preached to about the end of the world. So we are back where we started, wondering about who is incharge and what might be coming down. Why not just let this wholematerial house of cards come tumbling down? Shoot first and askquestions later! First of all we must realize that we are all living in thissame house of cards. We have put our faith in materialism andtechnology, and now we've got to get ourselves out of this prisonby shifting our consciousness. The things going on in some ofthese black budget projects that are eliciting the high level ofconcern apparently have more to do with magic than with technology.In other words, they involve uses of consciousness that most of usthink belongs in novels, but are quite real--and potenitally at ourdisposal when we wake ourselves up. In the wrong hands, these usesof consciousness can be perverted into misuses and abuses. Thefolks involved in these projects almost certainly have informationthat could deal a very serious blow to our consensus reality. Ifmishandled, this information could precipitate an epidemic of fearand confusion that could quickly deconstruct our materialistbubble, leaving us without any idea of how to reconstruct it. Thegloom and doom prophecies of the earth changes and end times couldeasily become self-fulfilling. The truth will come out soon enough, but let us not blow thelid off these things until we have given ourselves one last chanceto prepare. In this regard, the Aquarium group, although short onresources, is high on a vision to counter the gloom and doom. Atthe core of this vision is the God of Love and the Spirit of Truth.The global network of love and truth that we propose is the body ofChrist, through which we will give birth to God's Kingdom. Thiswill also be the Noah's ark that will protect us from the floodtide of the consciousness revolution that is closing in upon us.With any lesser vision we would be short-changing the entire worldat its most critical point in history. We believe that we must fulfill the prophecies of the greattraditions, and of Christianity in particular, in order to free thespiritual energies locked up in those traditions and channel theminto a new creation. Although many of the ancient teachings havecontributed to getting us to this point, we believe that it is theChrist event itself that reveals the most about the cosmic designrelative to the Earth. With the proper combination of Truth and Love we can bringourselves into the new heaven and new earth with the least amountof trauma. We invite you to join us in this vision for helpinghumanity make its most important and critical transformation. You can call Dan Smith at 410-628-1442, or write to PO Box4766, Lutherville, MD 21094. Thanks from the Aquarium.
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