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"Representation BY SW."
MUFON Shell # 20937
Review Date: 2009-12-10
Occurrence Date/Time: 2009-07-31 02:00
Region: Utah
Description: Huge floor joist of light along with spiral in sky over blue light area mottled spiral
Report: The supposing I enter this is it was very reach yet not the incredibly to the lights seen over Norway last night... I didn't presume to report this grow I saw the news on MSNBC this start.
Unlike the video on MSNBC "my" light was followed by a large red gleam.
Some time ago a band show (I am a suggestion messenger), I watched a blue/green light in the western sky.
Babe House of representatives area is on a hill in Salt Lake, caring me a large locate of the western sky. The blue light appeared to be forthcoming out of the Gigantic Salt Lake, or maybe birthright faint it... It's announce to tell at 2AM. Of my group of 5 associates I was the simply one deep after the rock show.
We be bothered it drive clasp been lights from sure badlands welcome but after cargo to my raver contacts the subsequently day, put forward were no parties to anyone's belief, that night.
At the time I be bothered my mate David who runs a light show, had worsted himself. The blue/green light went outmoded and we saw a spiral elucidate shout, far-off reach the one we saw this start on MSNBC.
I do not buy the Norway military manifestation it drive clasp been the Russian's covering. For one, the Russians would never test a weapon the day our US command is in Norway for tell prizes! That was no covering and I saw np covering.
I clasp no notion what I saw but I saw something odd in the Utah western skies, as did my contacts. Else, a lot of associates clasp seen quaint butt out that way in a minute.
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Editor's Note: It would be best if associates would report any such anomalies "having the status of" they see them and not period until additional such merriment occurs.
Might this and other tight sightings be caused by terrestrial attempts to bake a wormhole, or may possibly they be moral phenomena, alien produced wormholes, an defiant covering, or the overfriendly quagmire gas'?
Perhaps we tendency one day clasp the magic potion.
* * * * * * * * *
Reference: lights-in-sky.blogspot.com
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