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Ufo Sighting In Grundy Center Iowa On June 3Rd 2013 Circular Shaped Lightobject At 45 Degrees To The W
This case is being reported by Investigator Beverly Trout following a lengthy telephone call to this investigator. On Monday night, June 3, 2013, at 11:09 p.m. while standing looking at the sky in the backyard, a female Iowa resident, her visiting out-of-state daughter and daughters boyfriend saw a circular shaped light to their W at about 45 degrees, then watched as light/object SLOWLY, almost floating, traveled nearly overhead to NE, appearing to correct a bit to the NNE as it moved beyond their position, sometimes appearing to zigzag a bit, and also to very briefly hover at times during the 2-3 minute transit. When beyond the town boundary, which is only some 5 blocks distant, light/object was seen to stop and hover briefly, then lower its altitude STRAIGHT DOWN at least two times. Both witnesses lost sight of light/object beyond a nearby treeline after these altitude descents. Location of witnesses was near northern boundary of small town of some 2,500 population, and the altitude descents are thought to have occurred just beyond the town boundary, although it is acknowledged that LAND DISTANCE to the light/object at the time of descent could have been further away than 5 blocks.
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