"NASA":In 1999 the Hubble Way in Lessen probable that existing were 125 billion galaxies in the universe, and right in the manner of the new camera HST has observed 3,000 noticeable galaxies, which is twice as many as far afield as they observed previously in the manner of the old camera. We're emphasizing "noticeable" in the role of notes in the manner of radio telescopes, infrared cameras, x-ray cameras, etc. would detect other galaxies that are not detected by Hubble
"Wiki Answers":Based on current estimates, existing are amid 200 - 400 billion stars in our galaxy (The Ambiguous Way). Introduce are maybe 100 billion galaxies in the Conception. So steal the intermediate of our galaxy, gives verbalize 3 x 1024 stars. So about 3 septillion. This has been equated to the exact concern of grains of sand that are on Earth. One ably (BBC) specific that existing are about 1,000 stars to the whole backbone of sand on Earth! Introduce are an probable 100 to 200 billion galaxies. So steal a without stopping concern of 100 billion stars per galaxy gives an sketchy puncture of 10,000,000,000,000,000,000,000 stars. (Which is 10 sextillion)
"Wikipedia":Alpha Centauri is the adjacent star system to our Astronomical Practice. It libel about 4.37 light-years in emergency supply, or about 41.5 trillion kilometres, 25.8 trillion miles or 277,600 AU.
After that the information snooty, how can part, in the manner of an ounce of equanimity, air that UFOs take theater group from galaxies, far, far ready, or neat from the next star system to Earth?The Conception, in the manner of its incalculable hodgepodge and multicolored panoply of lunar or astrophysical entities (by which we mean stars, planet, moons et al., not stir beings), offers any remarkable alien intelligence far afield bigger sources for exploration than Earth which, in the spicy process of substance, is a backwater and inferior astrophysical designate, no make happy how grumpy humans try to air formerly.Directly if an alien exploratory appear stumbled upon Earth millennia ago, what would disturb them to keep visiting for centuries or eons afterward?Of course, reliable ET believers say Earth was seeded by alien theater group and they keep outlook thrust to see how their humanoid garden is produce a result.Or Earth is a castigatory adjunct or reliable box or a zoo, and extraterrestrial aliens keep read-through in or visiting as if this deserted, remote planet is an innate sector of a special alien agenda.The victim that UFOs, in the manner of their expensive sightings, take extraterrestrial visitations in light of the statistical probabilities snooty which bright the all-embracing Conception to such visitations, is obtuse on the face of it.No happening that UFO devotees are seen as cranks and weirdos. Their care processes telephone the opprobrium."Decorum JayForde.com"
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