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Chemtrails And Their Spiderweb Slime
Chemtrails are real. I've seen it both ways -- contrails and chemtrails. I can tell the difference. There are a billion websites which can tell you more about them in depth, but basically, someone is spraying something into the air. It's a planned event where specific areas are covered with a 'grid' in the sky. One rule of thumb: If you see one trail -- ah, chalk it up to contrails. If you see a very precise grid in the sky, it's chemtrails. I live in an airport approach zone, I know the way the flight patterns work, I see on cool mornings how the contrails form, but I've seen 'em the other way too. I grew up in the woods -- literally -- half an hour from a gallon of milk -- and I wouldn't give up my time with nature for anything. In fact, I hope to be able to spend more time with nature in the future, at my childhood stomping grounds. But until I do, my Uncle is there, watching. When I saw watching, I'm not kidding. You see, I grew up in a family which was fairly communicative about UFOS, aliens, bigfoot and the like. My grandmother had a big window in her living room to look directly where she had seen so many UFOs before. Of course there is even my alien encounter story which I can go into another time^aEUR but we believe. But even as believers, we have questions, and keep watching. My uncle saw these chemtrails a while back, and told me how after there is often these "spiderwebs" which form on the grass. Now as I kid, I experienced morning dew many times, and it's so pretty! But my Uncle has seen it a million times as well, and can tell the difference.SPIDERWEBS ON THE GRASS? This picture shows you the strings of "stuff" all over the grass. From the reflectivity of the trees in the background, I'm pretty certain they were coated with this stuff. My uncle tried to touch it to see if it was in fact spiders (cause if it was, he better move!) or some similar "web" -- only to find that it melts away when you touch it. You can click the image to see the original. So, what is this mystery substance on the lawn at my Uncles? He called a friend about three air miles away and they had the same thing on the ground, in the trees and on their car. The entire yard was covered in this stuff, and some strings were up to 3 feet long. The photos were taken around 3 in the afternoon. I've found a comment by a guy named "Jim" on another spraying article who talks about "spider webs" falling from the sky. "Have you the reader known about "spider webs" falling out of the sky? Some will know, others won't, to verify if you have these in your area, do this. Heed my warning, be very careful, watch out for your eyes.Grab your binoculars, and go out side, look upwards. Put the sun BEHIND a western roof line, then slowly bring up your binoculars and look through them, Be very mindful and careful, do NOT allow the sun to appear through the binoculars or you will be blinded. You will be astounded as I was, there was literally millions of "spider webs" careering all over the sky, all in different lengths, anywhere from 6 inches to 40 feet long, the sky was thick with them. You will also see lots of extreamly bright particles floating downwards, some slowly others darting. I have no instrumentation to collect or examine it, maybe there is some bright chappie who can devise a collection method and test it." Here's a video I found of someone with similar complaints that this was after a day of lots of chemtrails. I personally think this person just has siders which are being noticed by the dew on a cool morning, but I could be wrong.
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