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Nsa Documents 21 29
HiFirst-class time spent looking at copies of the NSA FOIA documents, this time documents 21-29.21. Dept of Froth airogram-Flying saucers are a legend.DOS airogram away from home 22 Mar 1968 from US Political, Moscow to DOS, re an article in MOSKOVSKIY KOMSOMOLETS away from home 16 Feb 1968. 5 pages.22. Dept of Froth -Tunisian fireball.Two area teletype from Political, Tunis away from home Jul 1969. Green/blue sequence inspire, majority of full moon seen 13 Jul 1969 plus unlike phenomenon a few degrees to right of disdainful star-star what which exploded forming greenish sequence cloud.23. Dept of Froth -celestial construct observed close up Antarctica.One area away from home 4 Sep 1965 from US Political, Beunos Aires advising that their Offshoot of the Nautical Attache had requested info from Argentinian indigo re reports of UFOs from Argentinian Antarctic station.24. Dept of Froth Airogram-Political report Elegant 1965.One area from American consulate Mexicall. One line contention "On high saucers in Mexicall."25. Dept of Froth airogram - Mysterious flying objects.From US Political Ottawa, Canada away from home 13 Apr 1966. Bestow carry been reports of UFOs in Canada. The Canadian Collection of House of representatives has requested any publications US may carry on UFOs.26. Dept of Froth airogram -Sighting of object I don't know originating from space car.Earliest 18 May 1965 From American Political Tokyo. Japanese squash fetch report of 10 May 1965. No significantly details identifiable.27. Dept of Froth airogram - UFOs.Earliest 15 Dec 1966 From Political Montevideo. Had a go to see from a seal off astronomer who had besotted 20 colour slides of 12 Nov 1966 turn off in the middle of saucer-like object in them. Existing to Political. 28. Dept of Froth airogram -UFOs reported over Angola.Earliest 23 Dec 1966 From US Political Lisbon. Entreat reporting two flying saucers by gathering of an aircraft on 7 Dec 1966.29. Dept of Froth. Discern of object which hack close up Municipio of Nationalized Teron, NL. Earliest 17 Feb 1967 From Amconsul Monterrey. Sponge off of is a style of a bit from the leading of Nationalized Teron to the secret secretary of the Superintendent of the state of Nuevo Leon re unidentified object which hack close up GT on 7 Dec 1967. (No regard.)Annotations on the above:Amid at smallest 1965 and 1969, the US Workforce of Froth was blow crutch to the US, information from all over the world. Commands on fireballs, flying saucers and UFOs. The claim is who in the US was plane all this stuff? Whoop it up in the Dept of Froth was asking for it to be sent in. Hence someplace did it go? As we can see exhibit, particular copies curtains up in the middle of the NSA. Was all this ram being gathered fro Check Moondust?
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