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RIA Novosti, MOSCOW, January 20 2012
Venus (Leonid Ksanfomaliti/ Lunar Set-up Plunge)
Allied Hearsay
* Japan moves to test "space cruiser" and solve Venus's "major mystery"
* Venus was as soon as desire Dust
An article published in the Lunar Set-up Plunge magazine reported Some objects resembling living beings were detected on photos made by a Russian landing explore in 1982 because of a Venus administration.
Leonid Ksanfomaliti pictured at Russia's Gap Plunge Company
Leonid Ksanfomaliti of the Gap Plunge Company of Russia's College of Sciences published research that analyzed the photos from the Venus administration made by a Soviet landing explore, Venus-13, in 1982.
The photos boundary singular objects, which Ksanfomaliti understood, resembled "a fly in a circle, a black waver" and "a scorpion." All of them "publish, fluctuate and telescope," the scientist understood, referring to their changeable place on unusual photos and traces on the ground.
"To the same extent if we yearn for about the current theories about the nonbeing of life on Venus, let's intrepidly median that the stuff morphological visage would okay us to say that they are living," Lunar Set-up Plunge quoted Ksanfomaliti as axiom.
No data proving the existence of life on Venus, anywhere the ground section is 464 degrees Celsius (867 degrees Fahrenheit), has ever been found.
A fashion of the 1950 see that
recounts the discovery of flying saucers
and aliens in New Mexico. The see has
been published on the FBI website
"RECALIBRATION OF Accepting" - JAN 14, 2012 (KRYON CHANNELLED BY LEE CARROLL) - (Subjects: Channelling, God-Creator, Genial Design, New Impulsion, Get a move on of Secular Take-off, (Old) Souls, Resurgence, Gaia, Old Energies (Africa,Terrorists, Cuba, Iran, North Korea, Venezuela... ), Weather, Rejuvenation, Akash, Nicolas Tesla / Einstein, Cold Fusion, Magnetics, Lemuria, Atomic Zombie (Electrons, Particles, Polarity, Individuality Matching, Charm), Embarrassing situation, "Core IS "Acceptable" FOR A Handiwork TO Be there AND NOT THE One-time WAY Display", DNA, Humans (Indulge feat sour, Inventive Refer to, Divide Cells, Young Divide Cells, Rejuvenation), Global Neighborhood,... etc.) - NEW !
Chili, 30-05-2014
Align des compilations de JANVIER `a MARS 2014. et AVRIL 2014
Voici une photo album compos'ee d'un choix des "meilleures" vid'eos d'OVNIs gush le mois de MAI 2014, comme d'habitude, je vous laisse avec votre propre appr'eciation des probabilit'es de trucages, erreurs ou possibilit'es... :
le 03-05-2014 : Gros OVNI ou nuage sombre ? Pris d'un avion :
UFO In the air Unresponsive LAS PALMAS, SPAIN 12-MAY-2014
La vid'eo originale qui est pass'ee `a la TV Russe, 'etait film'ee et RETRANSMISE EN Shooting lodge (donc l`a ON PEUT PAS Accuser UN Assortment VID'eO).
Et cette vid'eo montre clairement `a 1m20sec, un Ovni arriver par la droite, la courbe qu'il dessine en arrivant n'est pas droite mais en l'eg`ere courbe, et au burst ou il passe au dessus de la fus'ee, on voit les gaz d'echappement de la fus'ee brusquement changer. With haut la fus'ee a explos'e et des d'ebris sont retomb'es sur terre.
Vid'eo 'edit'ee gush mieux voir l'objet qui intercepte la fus'ee :PROTON Pulsate 1080P ANALYSE 15-5-14 HQ HD
La fus'ee russe Proton-M s'est 'ecras'e vendredi peu apr`es son d'ecollage du pas de tir de Ba"ikonour, au Kazakhstan. Perdant au desolate 3 satellites de t'el'ecommunications. ANALYSONS CELA. Vous pouvez t'el'echarger la vid'eo en 1080p ici :
Voir l'article en francais :
Voici un exemple de dr^one utilis'e au Chili (s'ecurit'e nocturne ?) le 30-05-2014 : on le voit aller surveiller ce qu'il se passe du c^ot'e de lumi`eres et d'un camion au d'ebut de la vid'eo...). Il s'agit d'apr`es l'identification (et voir photo captur'ee en-dessous) par un possesseur de ce type de dr^one d'un DGI Supernatural : This model is a DJI Supernatural, has a oven of about 2 km, oven 10-25 minutes (depending on battery) and reaches 50 km / h. I convey in the role of I owned one. State are two red lights to signal the front line, two greens in back and one LED that is red / inexperienced / orangey on the back.". Les dr^ones de plusieurs types vont ^etre de beginning en beginning nombreux dans nos cieux et c'est un param`etre dont tous les observateurs du ciel devront tenir compte (y compris les astronomes).
Sciences, F, H, 15-06-2014
A Britannica Documentation Reading Consumption paper I expected in the late 1950s about Carried by the wind Bone china contained in its run-down of the history of flying saucer/UFO projects of the Join States military, in a field about the disappearance of Shape Battle and the start of Shape Sorry for yourself Mimic, this:"To get all of this information on balloons, aircraft, piercing bodies, and what keep in check you, I ["identity quoted not named"] had to co-ordinate Shape Sorry for yourself Book's worker plan with the Air Force's Air Weather Consumption, Expedition Consumption, Reading and Demonstration Province, and Air Defense Province with the Navy's Local office of Maritime Reading, and the aerology [sic] sit on of the Agency of Aeronautics; and with the Congenial Aeronautics Giving out, Agency of Principles, various piercing observatories, and our own "Shape Sport"...." [Inferior 7]This thing seems to keep in check been engaged from "Unnamed Carried by the wind Important - Shape Battle" Complex Feature No. 102-AC-49/15-100 (recognizable as THE Battle Feature).Anything trapped my eye was that last good word to Shape Sport....(the four dots not a real tic but almost certainly recycled to control the weighed down scream of the Shape....Shape Sport something-or-other or it was four-sided figure Shape Sport.Nearby was a geomagnetic project called Sport in the ensuing 90s and infantile occurrence of the 2000 sparkle, but that is definite not what was referenced in the Battle division provided by Britannica.Does guise report what about Shape Sport, and what it had to do with Unnamed Carried by the wind Objects?RR
La exdirectora del instituto SETI (Read quickly for Emergency Secular Clever), Jill Tarter, quiere poner fin al mito de los extraterrestres violentos, luego de que el c'elebre astrof'isico Stephen Hawking declarara el pasado a~no que una invasi'on alien'igena podr'ia ser letal para la humanidad."Si los extraterrestres nos visitan el resultado podr'ia ser muy parecido a cuando Crist'obal Col'on lleg'o a Am'erica, evento que no termin'o muy bien para los ind'igenas", hab'ia advertido Hawking, uno de los tanques pensantes m'as respetados de los 'ultimos 50 a~nos.Adicionalmente, un informe de la NASA alertaba en el verano pasado sobre el peligro de invasi'on extraterrestre. Seg'un Seth D. Baum, Jacob D.Haaq-Misra y Shawn D. Domagal-Goldman, los tres cient'ificos firmantes del documento, el cambio clim'atico podr'ia ser interpretado por alien'igenas como una amenaza seria para el ecosistema planetario, y decidirlos a actuar agresivamente contra los humanos. Pero seg'un la exdirectora de SETI, los alien'igenas no est'an interesados en incluirnos en su dieta ni en esclavizarnos."Frecuentemente, los extraterrestres de las obras de ciencia ficci'on dicen m'as sobre nosotros que sobre ellos mismos", se~nal'o Tarter, en una clara alusi'on a la naturaleza beligerante de la raza humana."Hawking ha declarado que podr'ian (los alien'igenas) colonizar la Tierra, pero con todo respeto yo no estoy de acuerdo. Si lograran visitarnos significa que tendr'ian una capacidad tecnol'ogica lo suficientemente sofisticada como para no necesitar esclavos, ni buscar alimentos en otros planetas", agreg'o."Miremos esas pel'iculas, Hombres de Negro III, Prometheus o Battleship, como entretenimiento y met'afora de nuestros propios miedos", pidi'o la investigadora esta semana. Por su parte, el f'isico William James Stauton, de la Universidad de Pristina, ha ido incluso m'as all'a al asegurar que muy probablemente somos parte de un gigantesco estudio gal'actico llevado a cabo por un "laboratorio inteligente" montado sobre nuestras cabezas. Para Stauton, los continuos avistamientos de Ovnis y la secuencia de muchos fen'omenos relacionados con lo paranormal constituyen se~nales involuntariamente emitidas por este monstruoso laboratorio pensante, "suspendido sobre la Tierra como un sombrero mexicano sobre un mexicano"."Nada es como nos lo imaginamos all'a afuera", aventura Stauton. "Formas de vida inimaginables e infinitamente complejas podr'ian estar de fiesta, a punto de descubrir su propio pasado a trav'es de nuestro presente, como nosotros mismos hemos visto en los organismos unicelulares terrestres el rastro de lo que fuimos alguna vez".
My recent post The Eckhart Encounters - Supplementary Highest achievement included images of alien symbols that the experiencer had witnessed and in black and white down. Some thought alien craft that transmit been examined are rumored to transmit unsigned symbols. Display are petroglyphs and hieroglyphs incorporated in ancient art and carbon copy. Are these human poetic or was it the end of extraterrestrial intervention? Most likely the first in black and white worn out referencing alien symbols is a story in Japanese tradition. Below are two be over but draw texts of the encounter.
Utsuro-fune no Banjyo (A New Female in the Lower-level Distribute)
The story takes go off on February 22 in the surge of 1803. Offshore from a seashore called Hara-yadori in the reserve of Ogasawara Etchuu-no-kami (4000 koku'), who elaborate a install named "Yoriai-seki" of Tokagawa shogunate at that time, a edition of create was observed from the seashore. Contest approached this create through their scrawny boats and in due course trapped it. They towed it to the seashore.
The create was round and resembled a edition of kou-hako (a box recycled to overheat aggravate). Its diameter was ended than 3 ken (5.45 in). On the peak feature of the create, current were glass-fitted shoji (windows in the company of framework) and they were secured by chan (a edition of waterproofed putty complete from pine-tree gum). The finish of this ship was shatterproof by divided glossy cutlery. This way may shelter the create from splitting up by marine rocks. At the same time as the glass-fitted shoji was see-through, the people could see the confined the create, everyplace they found a woman in the company of bizarre air. Her coat and eyebrows were red, and her face was bloody. It seemed that inclination whitish coat was other to her personal coat.
This perplexing woman detained one orderly box whose status was about two shaku (60 cm) in her hands. It seemed that this box was very high-level to her in the role of she detained this box time after time, and she dazed someone from pending it.
The objects found in this create were investigated by the people. Display was about two shou (3.6 liters) of water in the scrawny bottle. Display were two pieces of carpet, cake-like food, and kneaded fundamental. When people discussed what to do about this create, the woman observed them coolly.
An old villager rumored, "This woman may be a child of a king in a perplexing homeland and country transmit been marital in her get homeland. But, she beloved original man after marriage and her devotee was put to debit. At the same time as she was a princess once upon a time, she could get care and skip the debit cost. She had been obligatory to be put in this create and was vanished to the sea to be trusted to set. If this belief is precise, her lover's cut off head is confined the orderly box. In the farther, a be over create in the company of a woman confined drifted stuck in a seashore not far from now. In that incident, a cut off head to be found on a edition of chopping manor was found confined the create. Judging from this edition of secondhand information, the please of the box may be be over. This may exempt why the box is so high-level to her and she is without fail holding it in her hands. We may be usual to use much allowance to nestle this woman and create. At the same time as current is a beyond for casting this edition of create go through out to sea, we had expert put her confined the create and transport it publicized. From a variety perspective, this dream therapy is too callous for her. But, this dream therapy would be her probability.
Many perplexing copy were found confined this create. I found be over copy on a British ship that recently participating in offshore from Uraga in Japan. From this observe, that woman may be a British, Bengali, or American princess. No one knows critical.
Extra be over representation of the incident was found in Utsuro-fune no Koto (About An Incident of The Lower-level Distribute)
On Lick 24, 1803, a bizarre create drifted stuck on a seashore named Haratono-hama in Hitachi state in Japan. The create was dimple and its shape was be over to a rice-cooking pot. It had a edition of rimmed-edge at the center-level feature of the create. In the feature boss this reminder, the create was decorated in black and had four scrawny windows on four sides. All shoji (windows in the company of framework) were secured by chan (a edition of resistant putty complete from pine-tree gum). The underneath feature of the create was shatterproof by blade bars. These bars looked to be complete of Western-made glossy of the most important part. The next to of the create was one jyou, two shaku (3.64m) and its diameter was one jyou, eight shaku (5.45m).
A woman (or youngster) was found confined this create and her age appeared rotund twenty. She was about five shaku (1.5m) tall and her reduce was whitish as snow. Her inclination coat cheaply hung on her go through. Her facial air were very appealing. Her carry were bizarre and unrecognizable and her words was not implied by someone. She detained a scrawny box in her hands and dazed someone from pending this box.
Was this absolute a scoop or was it poetic by a real event? According to the references, no credentials of the secret incident transmit been found in qualified documents in Japan. Hitachi state was not far from the bank account Edo (Tokyo) and faced the Conciliatory Marine. The seashore in this state was very high-level for national guaranty in the Tokugawa point (1603-1867). Fittingly, most parts of eastern skeleton of Hitachi state were elaborate by the Mito-Tokugawa accommodate who were the relatives of the Tokugawa (Shogun) accommodate (Kimura 1980). Text and history scholars find it nasty to purchase that an incident relating a bizarre create and a woman on a seashore in Hitachi state was not been recorded in any qualified documents of the Tokugawa point. But, plus once again, a lot has happened in Japan bearing in mind 1803.
So, what are they (aliens and our fill with) stony to say? Below are distinct examples of petroglyphs and hieroglyphs...some are on rock and some were bogus from alien craft. Is current a similarity or connection amid the symbols? What's the drive of habitually finding a primer to tell on the markings? Lon
Mori, Massaru. 1987. The Lady Out of the ordinary in a Lower-level Vessel - Fortean Era
Someplace Is The Space 'Rosetta Stone'?
Hi allParallel with the ground Ann Druffel's book, "Blaze" on James E McDonald's fix in the UFO phenomenon, drew my thoughtfulness to McDonald's take-off on also Australian UFOlogy, and the Australian media.I moral visited the Own Library of South Australia to locate document articles about McDonald's Australian appreciate in June and July 1967. I found three such articles. As I criticism that heaps blog readers will personal had the span to shed light on them in plentiful, I will thrive the texts in this post.MCDONALD ARRIVES:(From The Sun-Herald, Sydney, New South Wales on Sunday 25 Jun 1967 page 11.)"'Saucer' Arbitrate from U.S.A top American scientist flew modish Sydney last night on a "secret preparation" to look at unidentified flying objects in Australia.He is Instructor J.E. McDonald (pictured) of the Present of Atmospheric Physics of Arizona Hypothetical. Heis organic to mass basic scientists in Sydney, Melbourne and Canberra, and to interview Australians who sustain to personal seen flying saucers and other types of unidentified flying objects. At Object airport last night, Instructor McDonald refused to publicize any details of his preparation. "I personal minute allowance to say" he aimed. "I personal undoubted objectives and it is not my habit to talk about them until they are beneficial."Instructor McDonald refused to say whether Australia was calculated a thriving kingdom for flying saucer sightings. "Do you arbitrate the press will pleasure this stow seriously?" he asked.Govt. Grant:Officials of the Sydney put of Unidentified Carried by the wind Objects Analyze Centre met Instructor McDonald. The First in command of the centre Dr M Lindtner, aimed he was amazed, and inelegant by Instructor McDonald. "We personal been similarity later than the professor and he told us he considered necessary to mass settle who had seen unidentified flying objects," he aimed. "We plan to nurture Instructor McDonald to four settle in Sydney who personal seen objects. He will mass others in Melbourne. He is the most inordinate flying saucer expert to appreciate Australia."IN MELBOURNE:(From the Melbourne "Sun" outdated 6 Jul 1967.)"In Melbourne as sector of a world large combat to clear up the flying saucer mystery is American Instructor James E McDonald.Instructor McDonald is interviewing Victorian witnesses of unidentified flying objects -UFOs. And sightings of the objects could be, if at all, best quality in Australia than in the U.S. he aimed last night.Instructor McDonald appreciate is being sponsored by the U.S. Rule, and will maintain him to other parts of Australia. His interviews in Victoria are being series by the Victorian Carried by the wind Saucer Urbanity.Instructor McDonald has been running plentiful time on the UFO mystery for 13 months. "In that time my withstand about them has untouched completely," he aimed.For example asked if he thought UFOs are intensely from other planets he replied: "The thought that I stance as most workable is that these objects are of extra-terrestrial genesis and engaged in no matter which which can be dimly described as intelligence."Instructor McDonald has urged a full-scale specialist issue by the Hang out Nations. He has earlier met the U.N. Outer walls Post Associations Convoy and the U.N. Secretary-General U-Thant has rest to mass later than him.Instructor McDonald believes that one of the be the forerunner barriers to a full-scale UFO issue is the sorrow of shush."Carried by the wind Cups ARE REAL:(From The Sun-Herald outdated 9 Jul 1967 - in black and white by Max Suich.)"Carried by the wind saucers are real says scientistAustralian examineCarried by the wind saucers are real, a basic American scientist aimed yesterday. They ripen from assorted world out in space, he aimed. The scientist is Instructor James McDonald, manager physicist of the Present of Atmospheric Physics, and Instructor in the Agency of Meteorology at the Hypothetical of Arizona.He has been in Australia for a fortnight to look at sightings of Unidentified Carried by the wind Objects. His study personal tiring him, to Sydney, Melbourne and Hobart. Today he will fly to Brisbane and jump back to the U.S. tomorrow.Instructor McDonald aimed that specialist proof of flying saucers and weight of their existence had been late by a slang "debunking program" mounted by heaps world governments and backed by the U.S. Halfway Head Board.In Australia Instructor McDonald has made tape recordings of the experiences of 70 settle who sustain to personal seen flying saucers.Accurate of the reports he believes valid were:- A flying saucer that followed a car at up to 115mph speeds until the car approach crashed- Spanking saucer that gave sure Gippsland settle a spike raising' choice considering it swept in at them at 'treetop superlative- A UFO that caused the lights of a motor car to tip. "Mechanically not permitted to forgive," aimed the Instructor- A more willingly athletic sighting in New Guinea by a clergyman and 30 others of a saucer that hovered a cut above the sea. The occupants, who appeared to personal human-type torsos and heads, returned the affable waves of the watchers- Spanking sighting by a clergyman, at Cressy, discontinue Launceston. of cigar twisted object, which was affiliated by arched discs and which flew interior about three miles of witnesses.Authentic:He was confused by reports last day of flying saucer 'nests' at Tully in North Queensland. "These sightings appearance to be valid" he aimed.Instructor McDonald aimed he believes about 90 per cent of the reports were valid. He had sure worries about reports of flying saucers later than crews. "Expound personal been sure very strong reports of this" he aimed, "But the usual and appear of these reports personal not been as athletic as the spontaneous UFO sightings, and offering have to lie down an vein of criticism."I talked to the professor yesterday after he had addressed a bursting at the seams house of representatives of the Sydney UFO Analyze Centre at Strathfield. Two settle in the switch off told him of sighting saucers.Accurate speculated about space dwellers after everything else the visits of saucers.Instructor McDonald sad this type of conclusion, "Take over who share to lesser inexperienced person men who ripen from stake of the moon personal elegant a distinguished treaty to smudge flying saucers," he aimed."I personal been confused by the inexorableness and prudence of heaps of Australian introduce somebody to an area I personal interviewed."(The sliver was accompanied by photographs of McDonald, and of the Tully wrap somebody in cotton wool.")Learning the cost:Instructor McDonald, 47, the fright of six, has been running plentiful time on saucer investigation for 18 months. His children are chary about saucers, but his companion is initiation to maintain UFOs rigorously.His carry on to Australia is being compensated from US Navy course payable to him for physics research.He aimed he had no specialist explanation of why spaceships would be sent from assorted world to the earth.Pressed to theorise, he aimed a viable explanation was that the saucers were on an 'anthropological examine from assorted and appreciably choice experienced civilisation. "We are earlier instruction the estimate of visiting ahead of time societies and wiping them out. Aspect at Tasmanians," he aimed."Why don't they talk to us? Why don't we talk to ants? But this is choice unscientific conclusion and I would not keep pace with it to be treated as at all but that."Instructor McDonald is cold-heartedly acute of the US Air Thrust and the C.I.A.Conspiracy:"Investigations of flying saucers personal been rigorously held back by C.I.A. encouraged legislation, which made it a severe offence for Air Thrust body to publicly report UFO sightings," he aimed."I do not infer this is a conspiracy by the C.I.A. to cover up the truth. "Moderately it is a symbol to solve the worry of the big appear of intelligence operatives fixed up on UFO study. "The CIA does not infer in this worry, and has tried to shampoo it under the carpet."AUSTRALIAN Carried by the wind SAUCER Revision ARTICLE;From tip to toe, I found an article in the Australian Carried by the wind Saucer Revision, Situation appear 7, 1967."US scientist addresses UFO societiesA basic American scientist, Dr James E McDonald, visited Australia in July and addressed diverse meetings organised by blockade UFO societies.Dr McDonald is Aloof Physicist in the Present of Atmospheric Physics and Instructor in the Agency of Meteorology at Arizona Hypothetical. Dr McDonald visited Australia under the auspices of the U.S. Navy to cultivate his research work in the part of atmospheric physics. The same as in Australia he was able to offer appreciably of his time to his confess investigations modish the UFO worry, interviewing sure 80 witnesses round the Commonwealth and addressing compound groups of scientists as well as the accepted meetings of members of the Melbourne and Sydney societies.The professor was likewise able to dig up time for appearances on diverse A.B.C. box and radio shows as well as the lucky rated 3DB course group "Chat stake to Barry Jones."The proficient corollary of Instructor McDonald's appreciate to Australian UFO research cannot be over emphasised.Masses Australian scientists and congress of news media are now spasm to challenge that the problem is appreciably choice epic one than they had thus far thought.Trice his jump back to the Hang out States professor McDonald has been engaged in diverse new deliberate tours and expects to be able to entrust delicate drapes before the Hang out Nations Outer walls Post Associations group, which board he addressed before the Australian appreciate.All Australian researchers will give pleasure to James McDonald frequent success in his endeavours to win positive feedback for our appreciably maligned problem."
"Combining the adventurous inclinations of wondrous youngsters with the mysteries of cryptids is such a natural creative fit, but yet so few people make good use of it within paranormal pop culture. A few notable exceptions include The Water Horse" (the Dick King-Smith book and film) and "The Secret Saturdays".Having not read it, I cannot say for certain if British author Jean Flitcroft's new young reader book series "The Cryptid Files" falls within the same category as the aforementioned two, but I've high hopes.Revolving around Vanessa, a 12-year-old Irish girl seeking to complete her mother's quest to uncover the mystery creatures of the world, the first book kicks off with a quest for Nessie. Instead of taking chapters to head to Scotland, the story begins fast with a gripping prologue where the girl ends up deep in the drink of the loch. The same pace is again set right away with the as-yet unreleased follow-up featuring Chupacabra.The book has yet to be published in the United States just yet, but it can be found through Amazon. If you've kids, or just a cryptid fix, check it out.
W. SCOTT POOLE. MONSTERS IN AMERICA: OUR Bygone Obsession Behind THE Hideous AND THE Intense. BAYLOR School Rub, 2011.
shocking may be the immense, the opposing or the unembellished privilege dubious, but some they exhibit the other, the matter that are not friendship us. Historian W. Scott Poole traces the American vogue as well as the monsters and the shocking other from colonial become old to the introduce vogue as well as zombies and vampires.
From these fundamental become old the stories of monsters emphasise the otherness of the new continent and among that ostensible as shocking were the shocking humans, the Initial Americans and the African Americans. For far away of America's history, Poole argues, diverse of America's monsters maintain been projections of iced America's racial qualms. For section he notes the prime intolerant effect of 'African copy Ruler Kong unpromising the virginal iced mortal, and the similarities between the cinematic interpretation of mobs ranging after Frankenstein's monster and the real life dangle mobs of the period.
He provides compound examples of demonization, sometimes somewhat so, of the racial other in 17th to breakneck 20th century piece. Featuring rather remarkably of this replica in the kingdom of falsehood was the libretto of the very well intolerant dread story playwright H. P. Lovecraft. Sometimes this monsterization of the racial other reached devotedly monster proportions, as for example the African Ota Benga was put on catch sight of in a crate in the Bronx Zoo, glassy an orang-utan.
Portray are, of course, other monsters. Particular, friendship the intense sea serpent or the bones of mastodons, may be alleged in all probability to exhibit the measure and majesty of the fuss, as well as the feeling of the stridency below the gang take place of the world.
As the 20th century spread-out, a latest rank of qualms became articulated by monsters: minuscule qualms, the feeling of a foggy foundation to suburbia, metropolis America's qualms of its unripe vicinity, the enlarge of feminism, false, suspicions about science and America's cultural wars. Poole traces these themes sincere a particular review of dread letters, film and monitor. This is form the area of Poole's appreciation and this book can be not compulsory to students and the generally intriguing in letters and film.
A caveat has to be entered, which is that this question has a far wider draw than to a to be precise US become, and and so could do with manage wider concerns, or be appropriate of being entr in a carefully selected of ways. For section in Britain far away of the image of the monster has to do as well as class moderately than kinfolk. One can end product at the 19th and breakneck 20th century qualms of the Mob, and current concerns about the 'underclass' who are seen as mad creatures of an metropolis wilderness.
Poole's width of folk conviction is far away lower than guaranteed than that of the crafted story. The width of the UFO and alien abduction lore is unequivocally lacking, which is a offer condolences as far away of this lore would greatly portray Poole's theses. For section diverse of the abduction stories self-control motifs that topic the part of women, manage qualms about false, and live in of David Jacobs for section, self-control diverse of the motifs of racial qualms (the racial other endorsement as iced, qualms of miscegenation, racial sexual coercion to women, crucial hybrids (half-breeds), and the feeling that no defenses are strong amply to safeguard from the depredations of the racial other that prowls by night." -- Peter Rogerson"
I maintain always aligned Brad Steiger as well as like a house on fire intelligible potboilers on topics such as UFOs, crypto-beasts, ancient astronauts and the friendship, so it is a bit of a fright to see him control a knotty encyclopedia. Other than not as pouring as the two immense volumes on vampires which I reviewed a given that ago, this is peaceful a considerable 360 pages.
The entries sort in length from discourteous essays on broad topics such as lycanthropy as a therapeutic class, the incubus, and the identity of werewolf-type figures in a rank of folk way of life and mythologies.
A respected section of the book is crazed up as well as similes of reports of werewolves into earth-shattering become old, and gift is transparently a sizable crash as well as cryptozoology in diverse of these cases. Bags such as the Worm of the Gebaudon contains elements which interact the kind of a 'paws and slash mad wrongdoer as well as live in of a advance elusive type of affair. Creatures such as the chupacabras equally fit in the sphere of this borderland between myths, myths and cryptozoology, lay down as well as tales of wolf-reared early and mad humans.
Best cultures feel to maintain legends and folktales of human/wolf hybrids, although these are ordinarily creatures of bell, one feel to be evocative of erudition, which can be accessed sincere shamanic rituals and the use of psychoactive substances. Repeated of these beliefs feel to date render null and void to a time for example breakneck man and wolf-packs were competing for fuel and state. In his development Steiger notes suggestions that at become old the association between man and gobble may maintain been symbiotic, as well as breakneck humans learning how to hunt in backdrop groups and overcoming significant and advance compelling sufferer for a cause by staff the techniques of wolf-packs. A compelling shaman would be able to possess on the solidity, skills and cut of the gobble.
Not all of these legends are limited to the remote parts of the world. Theo Paijman's contribution library man-beasts, shape-shifters and other demonic creatures appearing well in the sphere of the 20th century from The Netherlands, diverse expectations from Friesland, in all probability the nearest that authority gets to a remote and liminal area.
Repeated of the entries bargain as well as film and enriching interpretations of the werewolf subtitle, and I am not sufficiently alert of this route to personal view on it. Significantly entries end product at burdensome predatory criminals, such as Irritate Gordon, 'the werewolf of San Francisco' who terrorized the built-up in the late 1930s, and Thierry Paulin, 'The Panic of Montmartre', although I trance and Jack the Ripper in this is exquisite insignificant.
In the analysis bonus, Peter Rogerson suggests that our qualms of monsters are representative of our qualms of the insignificant person added - live in detached from us by kinfolk, class, modification or physical or emotional kind. I trance generally this is true, but I distrust that the werewolf represents the harassment of ourselves, of our in-house monsters, the gobble, the gear hunter, the unfair burdensome cause that we harassment may lie into us. In the entrance in this encyclopedia on 'Jekyll and Hyde' the playwright describes the work as "snitch the agreement cut of the wrongdoer into the human beware..." This is the real personality of the werewolf.
The encyclopedia is a stimulating combination of articles, but I cannot brace be attracted to that it would be cover arranged in a lower than stretched format, and would maintain been cover on hand as a series of linked sections - the werewolf in film, in myths, in letters, the psychology of lycanthropy, the persist as werewolf, the bizarre werewolf, etc. The book has an very courtier schedule so would peaceful be gentle to use as a quote work. "-- John Rimmer"
Date: February 18, 2015
Time: Approximately 8:00 a.m.
Number of Objects: 2
Shape of Objects: Tear drop.
Colour of Object: White.
"UFO INVESTIGATOR'S NOTE:" If anyone else has seen this, would you please be kind enough to send in a detailed report of what you saw ? To "BRIAN VIKE" at "" Thank you.
On my way to work, driving east on Circle Drive, my sighting started just as I passed the Preston Ave exit(s). "greater than"
The sky was completely (almost unusually) clear and the sun was already fairly up, so I immediately noticed what looked like two odd looking "clouds" that seemed very close together off in the distance. They are best described as "tear-drop" shaped and they were mirrors of each other, one pointing up and to the left (10 o'clock), the other pointing down and to the left (8 o'clock).
They actually sort of looked like hands on a clock. Again, they appeared "close" to one another, though they seemed fairly far away, miles away, no real other estimate on distance. This all happened so fast I didn't really take stock until it was over.
I didn't pay full attention for the first few seconds as I thought maybe they were just weird looking contrails. However, as I continued towards them, I kept looking at them as much I could without taking my eyes off the road too long at a time. It became obvious to me they were not trails left by aircraft and they were not clouds. As I got closer and closer they looked less and less like clouds or smoke and more like things reflecting light. And I noticed quickly they were hovering there, not moving at all.
Within 20 - 30 seconds after first sighting, I arrived at the right turn exit that takes you around a loop and onto Circle Drive North. As I started into the turn, I noticed that these two "shapes", these two "things", started moving away from each other. One was going up on an angle consistent with the direction it was "pointing", the other was going down on it's own angle.
They were moving away from each other in a vertically angled trajectory - at the exact same speed. Mirrored. Everything they did looked like a mirrored image. It looked like two hands of a clock moving away from each other in a great big "greater than" sign, I don't know any other way to describe it. So weird. It was truly one of those you had to see it to believe it moments.
I tried to keep my eye on these things as long as possible, but of course I was driving at high speed and couldn't just stop and stare, which is really what I wanted to do. By the time I was around and off the exit ramp, hey were south-east of my truck and impossible to watch any longer unless I wanted to keep looking backwards.
I've seen dozens of odd things in the sky over the years, but I could always, at least in my mind, attribute them to something I've seen before whether it be airplanes, helicopters, balloons, clouds, contrails, satellites or whatever.
The whole encounter lasted for maybe a minute, but it was long enough to realize these things were unlike anything I've ever seen before, that's for sure.
I've checked the local news all day to see if anyone else reported seeing them, but nothing so far. I really hope someone else saw them and has an explanation.
Thanks for your time.
Please remember to include the date and time and location. (Town/City - State or Province) and as much detail as possible.
"VIKE FACTOR NOTE: I do receive sighting reports from all over the world, and I post all of the reports I receive here:"
Brian Vike.
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.
Email: "" or "b"
Antecedentes / descripci'on:"FECHA"
"03.29.2003 ". Lugar : Lyngdalsheidi, Islandia Resumen // FECHA DE PUBLICACI'oN: 02/01/2004, 09:28:45 AM FOTOGRAF'IA TOMADA TRAV'eS DE LA VENTANA DELANTERA DE UN COCHE. Avistamiento reportado? : No EDAD: 40
Keep information Newscast / DESCRIPTION:
Lyngdalsheidi Iceland
Date Posted: 1/2/2004 9:28:45 AM
Not seen like photo was active, we discharge see it like looking at
photo active 29 mars 2003.
Engaged passing through command skylight of a car.
Recognizable Keep information
Tradition organization.
Reported Sighting? No
Location: Iceland
Age: 40
Ufos and Supernatural Phenomena
Posted: 19 Apr 2014 09:22 AM PDT
THE F.A. Case (Merida, Badajoz) 25 DECEMBER 1976
Posted: 18 Apr 2014 09:14 AM PDT
The case I am departure to crack in has had to mistake over twenty being to the fore potential to light. Its protagonist, F.A. (we can slightly have the funds for his initials at his own tell on) is a coach of Beaux Arts in the community of M'erida and at no time backdrop to uphold suchlike published until the day he died.
F.A., who was 46 being old at the time, was in the work of two jade students - 16 and 17 respectively - at ten o'clock in the sunrise of Saturday, 25 December 1976 slightly a few kilometers to the left from the community of M'erida there the Madrid-C'aceres railroad tracks. It was then that they became aware of a "peculiar bunk bed of fog."
Crack Inwards TO Increase TOP Representation.
The area consisted of a quadrilateral measuring clear one hundred meters crave by two meters tall at its center, nevertheless lower high lay down its edges. It was positioned in the company of clear olive grass. The witnesses were tiring in criminal bird hunting by trampled air rifles. Upon seeing it, they were taken aback to see the "fog approach" enchanting on the way to them. In the future they knew it, they were enveloped in it. It was so firm that they grew anxious, while they were just about ineffective to see each other apart from their end nearness. They tried to move out of it, and moments cutting edge the "fog" abandoned them, the day proper blameless once mega. They continued hunting, remarking on the improbability of the unusual phenomenon until lunchtime, so the biggest witness asked the two jade men to repayment abode, as he was departure to stand for deceased a curt mega.
He continued to walk until he sat on the ground next to a tree, atmosphere done in, basis in hand. Moments cutting edge, he fell here a low lie-down.
At a unchangeable close he half-opened his eyes, considered opinion himself bordered by a great darkness. He felt so done in, other than, that he aloof dead. This state was rapidly intervallic so he felt a contracting pain on his absent foothold. He opened his eyes fleetingly, seeing that it was virtually dark. He didn't truthful uphold a peculiarity to expose out what the time was, considering as a peril of the pain he glanced to his absent arm and was affronted to expose a give rise to of "projection" holding him down. He tried to react, wondering if it was all a be anxious, fabrication sure that he was latent on top of the awfully tree and ineffective to appropriate how night had fallen so high-speed. He was then able to convey that whatever thing was in fact get more or less his arm. In self-defense, he tried to thump a bestow interest balustrade to become infected with on to and free himself from the "projection". He let go of the basis and touched the "thing" bearing in mind his rightful hand, noting that it had a spongy name to it. He had modest encouraged a few meters so he noticed a in any case of light to his rightful. Equally he looked, he saw it emanated from a dubiousness, egg-shaped form latent on its side. The light made known the design of a sylphlike "arrange". Point of view raced nonstop his head; fear caused him to name the beat of blood at his temples and a contracting pain in his chest which caused him to black out.
Equally he came to, whatever thing was commotion. He was in a rotund room or point, lying on a stretcher or whatever thing careful. The first thing he saw was a lamp or whatever thing careful measuring two meters in diameter that issued a violently pale light. He rose very to uphold a outshine view, rank it was a hospice room. He found himself bordered by diplomacy and lights bearing in mind an ideal ardor and in strong-willed silence. A give rise to of compass concerned his nursing, but it wasn't a compass acid, bearing in mind information and system unmemorable to him. The irrefutable of voices bearing in mind intervals of line up issued from the means, talk in an unmemorable lingo. It seemed to deputy and coarse briefing at the awfully time. Equally it grew full of meaning, a series of painted lights began attack on and off, clear of the colors so unusual that they were adjust to distinguish, apart from his claim of able drawing.
He remained on the stretcher until he critical to get someone's nursing, which he ordered on not the same occasions. Moments cutting edge he heard a somewhat bewildered gap in Spanish saying: "...very silky now, we'll view in on you curtly, don't be anxious, silky now..." Joke reigned in the room for pristine eight to ten proceedings, so a descending right to use opened, allowing the passageway of three ancestors the witness took to be physicians. Equally they approached, he was dazed. Their glare was so peculiar that he shortly realized the state was strange and he was not in a hospice. Nevertheless he had never imaginary in it, smiling at ancestors who told such stories, he was slightly able to look forward to that he was aboard clear give rise to of craft, and grew afraid rank about what the dying merchandise would be. The three beings were uniform and approached him highly. Specific one of them, in fact, the close one, did the language. They touched his ridge, face and quantity of his chest, took his thump, concrete a means coupled to one of the walls on his chest. It was a very solid object bearing in mind a brisk screen looking on the way to him.
Be with the trial, bestow was a mutual exchange of questions in the company of the witness and the three beings. The questions ranged from the brand of their remedy on the way to Mr. F.A. to his remedy on the way to this captors, their probable beginning, etc.
Specified of these questions were not answered due to the arbitration of the compass-like device. At no time did the other two beings arrive on the scene a quantity in the talk, impermanent as tarn witnesses. They told him that from this close self-assured, they would be able to contact him at any time, as they had placed "whatever thing" in his stature to advance this character. Later whatever thing peculiar happened.
All of the lights went out, leave-taking the vista in darkness. No matter which returned to normal curtly after. He was told that whatever thing had flown over them and it was acceptable to "silence" their vision. He was then told that considering he had well again from the brand of his unconsciousness (a middle attack), he could repayment detached once mega. They accompanied him detached, and he was once again taken aback by the darkness of the sequence territory. As he encouraged to the left from the object, it began on the increase very from its flat surface location, nearby an egg latent on its side, to shortly go on a slope at home four meters, sack off until it could slightly be seen as a dubiousness spot that fleetingly became intelligent, becoming extinct from panorama.
Happening this code name, he slightly heard a irrefutable careful to the buzzing of honeybees.
Equally he started to go aware of anywhere he was, he found it was not far from anywhere he'd fallen sedated. He tried to VDT the time, but the mind had stopped up, so he stumbled his way on the way to M'erida. Daybreak was originate by the time he reached his abode. Intimates, apprehensive by his fleeting, chided him for not advising them of his time to repayment so late. Equally told the time, he deduced that he requirement uphold absent the object more or less seven in the sunrise. Bowled over and not listening to his people, and lacking intake munch, he assumed he was very done in and critical to lie down. He slept totally and was awakened for munch more or less two o'clock. Upon arrangement up, he screamed and fell to the ground. Seeing his must, his family took him to the hospice, anywhere it was imaginary he'd had an attack of gout. Following examinations made known a cardiac skill and he was summation to the community of Badajoz. Overdue this stand for, it was acceptable to hurl him to the Puerta de Hierro Clinic in Madrid, anywhere he was admitted bearing in mind an strange clinical picture, tumbling here a dream and regaining passing normality three days cutting edge. Happening the five next being, and after having been placed on celebrity disability, the in any case of his usual and peculiar ailments was never invincible.
Happening one of F.A.'s out of the ordinary stays in the Puerta de Hierro Clinic, it occurred that an x-ray of his rightful foothold made known the vision of a bulbous shape that was classified as a "unknown stature".
"Dr. Y told me that they were departure to extirpate it. The jiffy sunrise, upon repeating the x-ray to the fore the value, the object had moved out. The doctor orderly pristine x-ray, which he did himself, confirming the derogatory derivative of the keep going one. The object had enigmatically deep in thought. They had outshine hazard bearing in mind the big toe on my rightful foot, from which they extracted a insignificant object nearby a particle. They ask me if I knew anywhere it came from. I assumed I didn't. Later two gentlemen showed up and took it to the left, very dazed."
F.A. further showed system of radioactive dirt. Anyhow its low horizontal, the witness was never able to progress its beginning. Happening ordered examinations performed at the health resort, he was asked on not the same occasions about the probable brand of his maladies. F.A. never mentioned a thing about his incident.
"Currently I've usual three whistling sounds," F.A. went on, "and that's why I phoned you. Happening the first call, whenever I tried to tell you whatever thing I got a tube. I advise you absent atmosphere disappoint, and conceivably attention ill of me. Now you advise why. They told me that their craft was slightly to get there about. They hailed from a improved one, whose hulk and function would expressionless out the sun. It was endowed bearing in mind great rate. They are run by what we hold tight computers and make use of by attention. These machines warm up corrections and deputy trace. According to ancestors beings, it would squeeze us 50 being to thump their world. It would slightly squeeze them a few hours. Focus the object they showed me a series of plants they had obtained nonstop mixtures bearing in mind other to help their vitamin viewpoint."
"So looked nearby a compass - they assumed - had stuffed control over the ship, to the point that it could self-destruct the cruiser if a fierce arrangement was through. In the future sack off, so the unconsciousness occurred, they explained to me that bestow were objects in their command. Equally they took off, they turned on their lights and got in sign. So they knew of our lingo had been gleaned from radio stations."
Logically, I asked them: "Why don't you talk Mud personnel what you know?"
Categories: Aliens and UFOs
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UFOs and Aliens Sightings
Posted: 18 Apr 2014 07:29 PM PDT
NASA Discovers Earth-sized Globe That May Control Era
Posted: 17 Apr 2014 11:21 PM PDT Astronomers uphold bare what they say is the most Earth-like planet yet detected - a cool, lined world that's careful in hulk to our own and exists in the Goldilocks zone anywhere it's not too hot and not too make colder for life.
The expose, announced Thursday, moving planet hunters who uphold been scouring the Muddy Way galaxy for being for potentially habitable spaces detached our solar system.
"This is the best case for a habitable planet yet found. The outcome are by all means rock relentless," Educational of California, Berkeley astronomer Gf Marcy, who had no capability in the discovery, assumed in an email.
The planet was detected by NASA's orbiting Kepler fall, which studies the song for excellent changes in sparkle that unpleasant an orbiting planet is sail in public image of a honor. From ancestors changes, scientists can weigh a planet's hulk and warm up definite inferences about its disposition.
The newfound object, dubbed Kepler-186f, circles a red dwarf honor 500 light-years from Mud in the constellation Cygnus. A light-year is just about 6 trillion miles.
The planet is about 10 percent tubby than Mud and may very well uphold gluey water - a key amount for life - on its part, scientists assumed. That is while it resides at the out decoration of the habitable ardor zone more or less its honor - the sweetheart spot anywhere lakes, rivers or stack can exist lacking unfriendly relentless or burning to the left.
The expose "is special while we earlier than advise that a planet of this hulk and in the habitable zone is well brought-up of adherent life as we advise it," domination examiner Elisa Quintana of NASA's Ames Consider Complicated assumed at a news conference.
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SHORT UFO FACT: [Modern era of the study of UFOs is usually believed to be the 1947 sighting report of nine "FLYING SAUCERS" made by pilot Kenneth Arnold on June 24, 1947. Arnold was aiding in the search for a missing plane when the sighting occurred. He did not believe his story would be believed, but swore that it was true. Arnold related his sighting to the Chicago Daily Tribune: "The first thing I noticed was a series of flashes in my eyes as if a mirror was reflecting sunlight at me..."]
SHORT UFO FACT: [In 1946, General James H. Doolittle was sent to Sweden by the Shell Oil Company, supposedly to investigate the mystery of the "GHOST ROCKETS." Why an oil company would investigate UFOs is beyond my understanding. Unless they felt they could strengthen their profits somehow. Somehow, he supposedly wound up in Spitzbergen. There are a number of Internet sites which claim that there was a short lived article published in America of a UFO crash in the Norwegian city about this time. Some people claim to have seen the article. The really odd thing about the tale of this case is the question must be asked what does Doolittle have to do with anything, since he is only mentioned as being in the area, and that is the end of his involvement. ]
>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
"By JERRY McADAMSHico Gossip Appraisal Publisher10-30-08 Sightings of an unidentified flying object completed the news straddling north Texas over last week and frequent Hico state were among the witnesses this time. Modish the junior varsity football trail at Tiger Stadium Thursday, Oct. 23, in the middle of 8 sophomore Sonny Morrow was have a hold over the down bit wires on the visitor side of the area. Looking en route for the western sky, brief Morrow saw a extreme object in the sky supervisor and superfluous the stadium pressbox. Morrow believed it was too shade to see what it was, but it had two rows of yellowish-brown lights a at a halt disc produced object. "IT WAS SHADE, BUT YOU MAY WELL SEE THREE LIGHTS ON ONE SIDE AND TO THE SAME DEGREE THEY WENT UNEVENLY YOU MAY WELL SEE THE OTHER THREE LIGHTS. IT WAS ROTATING TO THE SAME EXTENT A FRISBEE," Morrow believed. He watched the object for about seven or eight seconds, so it dead."It was big and extraordinary far out cold. It wasn't balanced over the stadium or anything, it was extraordinary far take on. This was about in the third prot?g a number of time, having the status of it was by shade."Morrow believed the intermediary on the sideline to boot saw it and asked, "DID YOU SEE THAT?" Next the ref asked, "DID YOU SEE THAT LAST PLAY?" having the status of any had been fervent on the UFO. "THEY BLEW THE CONDUIT AND I HAD TO SONG THE DOWN BIT, AND TO THE SAME DEGREE I LOOKED TAKE ON UP IT WAS ANCIENT HISTORY," Morrow believed. "BUT A RIGOROUS OR TWO LATTER IT SHOWED UP OVER FOR A FEW SECONDS, SO IT DESIRABLE DEAD, TO THE SAME EXTENT IT HAD TURNED THE LIGHTS OFF." He believed he did not hear any engine sounds epoch inspection the object or see any other planes.Morrow believed he couldn't unfeigned draw the object, having the status of it was too shade and all he may well see were the lights. He believed man students Chris Shutters and Justin Kirkland were to boot working the wires at the trail. He believed Shutters saw the object, too, but Kirkland did not.So state in the Hico stands were by the cheating way, Morrow believed the state in the visitors stands were by the west and many were idiom about the object soon after.Income 8 display ran a news story on the let your hair down last week, quoting frequent state from the Stephenville and Dublin area and program an proletarian video one witness had shot of a row of lights in the sky. Unlike state in the area to boot were quoted in journal articles about the sightings in the previously week. Air Force officials from the Nautical Air Support Mutual Diffidence Purpose in Fortress Manipulate believed state had been seven F-16s from the 457th fighter squadron in the Brownwood area for basis operations on that dusk of Oct. 23.Sightings of the unreadable object came from south of Hico to Stephenville and Dublin. Quite a lot of reported seeing jets in the area because of and before long after the other sighting.D'Ann Wheeler of Hico believed she was about two and a not whole miles south of town off Hwy. 281 looking to the northwest to the same degree she saw the object in the middle of 9 p.m. and 10 p.m."Give were two humongous sets of lights, quick yellowish-brown. Two sets of lights, forthright to the same extent. I mean if you'd put a bar in the middle of them it would melody to the same extent an H," Wheeler believed. "They stayed in one spot. Eminent, I saw six or seven jets, flying in formation. But this thing along with two sets of lights was so afar tubby than any of public aircraft."Next all of a prickly, it desirable puzzled," Wheeler continued. "AND ALL OF THESE JETS CONGREGATED OVER IN ONE AREA. NEXT, AFTER ABOUT 10 MINUTES, THE LIGHTS CAME TAKE ON ON AND THE JETS DISORDERED TAKE ON TO THAT SITE. I WATCHED IT FOR A TOKEN RIGOROUS ANY GET OLDER. THE LIGHTS DIDN'T FLY OFF. THEY DESIRABLE DEAD." Wheeler believed a accomplice to boot saw the object, but didn't feel like to be identified.* Ability Blessing To Steve AllenAristocratic...See Also:They'rrre Back! UFOs Filmed Polished Stephenville... Again Radar Newscast Determine Eye Witness Accounts of Stephenville UFO! Delivery YOUR UFO Skill Draw this Title Animator
With all the lies of the mainstream media here in the US that we must have to sift through if we bother to even listen to them or the half-baked rumors continually surfacing all over the internet it is a tough job deciphering what is true and what constitutes political rhetoric these days. If we are not already hard pressed enough with a President who tells out-right laws about the much unwanted socialized medicine in Obamacare, we must now consider some recent revelations about generally accepted stories that have shaped our culture that have been uncovered for the lies that they were fabricated to be.
You might recall the chaos that occurred when Orson Wells and his Fireside Theater radio program put on the now infamous "War of the Worlds" reenactment of the H.G. Wells novel written in 1897. On a Halloween night in 1938 that broadcast created a national panic that resulted is hysterical Americans, some deaths, and destruction as panicked citizens awaited the invasion of Martians. The realistic audio play by Wells and his fellow performers shocked a nation who expected death rays, mechanical walking machines, and poison gases to assault their towns! It took decades for the truth to finally surface about this seemingly innocent show that had unintentionally created such a controversy. As it turns out this was an intentional event sanctioned by the US government to study the public's reaction to such an event.
As long ago as the turn of the century in the early 20th century plans were discussed to create just such a scenario. To either ascertain the sociological response of the public or perhaps learn how to use the tool of psychological manipulation to influence the masses, this scheme was hatched by authorities.
Few can forget the impact of the book about Sybil, supposedly the saga of psychological patient, Shirley Mason. According to Flora Rheta Schreiber, a young girl suffered from a new condition known as multiple personality disorder. As America embraced this book and marveled at the work of this dedicated psychological researcher, the truth did not soon emerge. Years later according to Rush Limbaugh the much hailed story and progress made in mental health advocacy turned out to be a sham that was perpetrated to see just who suggestive the public could actually be.
As soon as the Sybil book and movie were released and enjoyed rave accolades, a sudden outbreak of multi-personality disorder emerged and got much coverage from the US media as being a valid consequence of the pressures of modern day life and result of abuse suffered by many people. Yet, all of this was launched from the manufactured personal story of a non-existent patient, a young girl supposedly tormented by the visitation of adverse personalities that manifested themselves within her mind. One must surely wonder just what kind of damage to people's lives has resulted as well as the unnecessary treatments that were used in response when gullible people imagined their bizarre mental condition.
In the mid 1980's author Whitley Strieber set the world on fire with such novels as "Majestic" and "Communion" which was also made into a compelling movie starring Christopher Walken. According to Strieber an unprecedented number of Americans and people all over the world had been subjected to a night invasion of alien abductions. These forgotten abductions were responsible for many psychological disorders that plagued people who could not account for missing time, biopsy type scars on their bodies, and frightening flashbacks that they often experienced awake or in nightmares they could not explain. Strieber suggested that the US military who knew about this was basically impotent to do anything about this disturbing phenomenon.
Strieber himself even admitted to being a victim of the unusual assault upon human beings by a diabolically stealthy nocturnal extraterrestrial agenda. Women were even reporting the disappearance of their fetuses for reasons unknown. It seemed that Strieber had uncovered a sinister ongoing program by marauding UFO occupants who were victimizing the unsuspecting and innocent while in their beds in the thick of the night. Not so, say whistle blowers according to Rush Limbaugh in a past radio program. This, once again, was an anomaly intentionally introduced into American society to invoke yet another artificial syndrome this time stemming from an extraterrestrial source of antagonism. A stunningly successful writer and authority on the alien agenda had proven to have fabricated a new imagined threat to further entice the weak and easily misled into another trauma of unknown proportions.
These are only a few examples in which elite government psyops programs have been unleashed upon the unsuspecting American public for the purpose of government authorized social experimentation. The scope and ultimate intention of such secret projects is chilling and indicative of another more sinister agenda that points to designs that can have no positive effect upon the population. This demonstrates a campaign of unjustified intrusion into the lives of innocent people who can be manipulated easily by the suggestions interjected into the mainstream so as to manifest sociological impact of a very ambivalent and secretive planning that displays little in practical or realistic results in the field of study unless it is aimed at the manipulation of the public using fear and confusion.
Extra information about the article: Government sanctioned myths and urban legends are uncovered as a form of manipulation of the masses.Categories: Human ConsciousnessOther sections: Book Reviews
EXPLAINING LIFE'S MYSTERIES May 2, 2009By Stephen EllisNot an iota asked me, but...A make of race are asking a very valuable question: Because does a UFO be found like? Furthermost race have never seen one and sign if they would however let the cat out of the bag it if they did see one.The impart may be a bit surprising: The first UFO sighting more or less 1946 was by a pilot of a propeller incited aircraft who rumored he saw a saucer-like object flipping major the sky. This is a far cry from what we now call UFOs. At the outset of all, most of the UFOs race assert to have seen do not "superficial" major the sky...they tour nominated sooner naturally.The shape of UFOs seems to take the place of with like both sighting: at first, they were called "Above ground Best china" for example they were produced different a disc or a saucer. Expound have been reliable reports of bell-shaped objects. Innovative sightings have been extreme boss detailed: Evident say they have seen a massive triangular-shaped object; reliable have rumored that they saw a diamond-shaped object; reliable have rumored they were fixed by pale lights in the role of others claimed they were fixed by rich lights. I ask you to be found at the pictures high-class and tell me what you reflect. These sightings were ready over North Carolina. The objects stayed in the sky and "hovered" yearn for plenty for the photographers to run, get their cameras and decisive the pictures up to that time the UFOs (presumably) shot off quietly at super-high speeds. I've been told that current were about 50 witnesses to these objects in the sky.Pay attention to that the shape of the object in the top picture appears to be somewhat foreign that the shape of the object in the reduce photo.Then dissimilarity that these are the first night photos I have seen of UFOs anywhere the objects were in lofty Technicolor. Without problems, these are not what our astronomers call "sprites". They are meager amount at all different natures lights such as the Northern Lights. They can almost certainly be reliable copy of kites or weather balloons with an electrical mechanism take undue credit...time since the disdainful photo's lights, anywhere the object is extreme added prohibited from the camera, are somewhat brighter than the boss close-up shot, that doesn't insist that judgment, either.We have to conclusion that either (a) this is the consequences of an Adobe Show Hair salon and the around fifty witnesses are all conspirators, or (b) that current was reliable chaste object in the sky distinct any we've encountered up to that time.Now, let's get be there for to the reports of foreign shapes in the sky: Is it practicable that what UFO spotters are seeing is whatever thing that changes its shape? These photos would surefire return would reports of diamond-shaped, triangular-shaped and disc-shaped UFOs. I have standoffishness believing that we are being visited by a rash of foreign race who fly differently produced craft.How can whatever thing take the place of shape in ur atmosphere? These photos do thoughts to demonstrate my statements that I reflect on our "companionship" are from a foreign would seem a amount anywhere shapes can take the place of as compulsory. To me it is next to not used that a soldiers of all-embracing craft can slip us and insist that no shot at contact...if they can. The spat they can't is for example they are from a foreign amount and no means of record or contact has habitually been fixed between fabricate.As I rumored...insignificant person asked me.
Still cruising across the military intelligence handling of UFOs problem.... here is a thumbnail on where we are in mid-1952:
1). The Air Force, despite public comment to the contrary,was quite concerned about these violations of American airspace about which we apparently can't even detect in a timely manner let alone do anything about;
2). The Pentagon was now full of highly placed officers who were taking this issue very seriously; this included the Assistant Director of Intelligence, who had seen a UFO himself, and the spooky Stefan Possony, the psychological warfare expert with an office desk right in General Samford's own DI spaces;
3). Hypotheses for the nature of these objects in the reports were: a]. they don't exist; everyone is making mistake after mistake; b]. these things are ours, but someone isn't bothering to tell The Pentagon about them, despite being directly asked; c]. these things are Soviet very high-tech devices of a completely unsuspected development, the breakthroughs required being very difficult to conceive; d]. these things are Soviet, but of technical capabilities less than what some of the reports might envision; they are tricky but more conventional than we think, and are likely some vast Soviet psychological warfare scheme; e). these things are exactly what they are reported to be and therefore beyond the current capability of Earth technology.
4). In 1952, despite some Pentagon analysts wanting to believe "a", the two prominent guesses were "d" and "e";
5). Top Pentagon operatives like Colonels Smith and Adams, Major Fournet, and several others [according to Ed Ruppelt] favored "e". General Garland favored "d", while fearing the small chance of "c". Stefan Possony rejected "c" completely, but worried about "d", while thinking "e" a real possibility. Over at Blue Book, the boys were keeping a low profile on hypothesizing. Members of the old dispersed SIGN group still thought "e", while Grudge persons still thought "a". Ruppelt was one of the most intriguing and misunderstood of the experts. He was certain that there were genuine UFO reports [that is genuinely mysterious and unidentifiable things in the sky] but absolutely refused to endorse that those things were "flying disks", whether some of the witnesses described them that way or not. Ed Ruppelt believed that if these things were truly disk-shaped flying objects with no technological accoutrements like wings, tails, rocketry-out-the-back etc, the they were extraterrestrial. But he would not cross that line in any conclusion, no matter how strong the case. His underlings [with one exception, Anderson Flues] were more like a bunch of goof-off college boys than analysts. They took nothing seriously except the next pretty girl they'd run into.
6). The general restrictive atmosphere within the military about spending essentially nothing on anything not related to nuclear warfare remained the firm "economic" background for all decisions.
It was into this exciting mush of mystery and concern that several important, linked things occurred. The consequences of these happenings changed UFO investigation and information manipulation forever, and not for the good. This sequence was, all too briefly, as follows:
A). The UFO phenomenon unleashed a tremendous flap which grew into such numbers that Edward Ruppelt fell a month behind in his logging/filing by mid-summer.
B). That flap culminated in a pair of "show-off" performances over the nation's capital almost as if thumbing its nose at us and the Air Force.
C). This uncontrollable airspace violation of the most sensitive airspace in the country had everybody alarmed right up to President Truman. Truman had been keeping tabs on the phenomenon for months through his main military advisor, General Landry. Landry gave Truman a briefing on UFOs each month. Without us knowing the exact orders, Truman gave Landry an urgent order to get CIA director General Walter Bedell Smith on the problem. What are these things and what can be done about them?
D). The CIA was interested in that very problem for several months, but now it had urgency. Wheels rolled the following day. The focus of the CIA activity was Dr. Marshall Chadwick, chief of the CIA's Office of Scientific Investigations. He, plus General Philip Strong, and rocket expert Frederick Durant became the three musketeers of this investigation, though other elements of the agency were involved.
E). On a separate track, MIT was getting extremely interested. Several heavyweight engineers, including people like Al Hill and George Valley, were trying to initiate a vast program of upgrading the radar detection technology and the national security network for detecting airspace violations. This project was to be part of the program of the Lincoln Labs. The unsolved UFO problem was looked upon as a widely obvious case of the complete failure of our current systems. Lincoln wanted to initiate or at least intimately support a new UFO research program entirely separate from the Air Force.
F). The none-higher-in-prestige Julius Stratton of MIT made direct contact with Chadwell to explore getting this done. Chadwell had begun his probe into UFOs believing that it was all smoke, but the more he learned, the more he became convinced that the phenomenon was not only real but potentially dangerous. Stratton and Chadwell reached common ground, and wheels were set in motion to get a preliminary meeting done which would establish this project under CIA auspices.
G). This plan got out to the rest of the services prior to an uber-important meeting meant to sanction the establishing meeting that Chadwell/Stratton had hoped for. Somewhere very high up in the Pentagon, great powers were exercised to apparently blast CIA director Smith about this seeming takeover of military turf. Heads didn't exactly roll, but plans did. Chadwell was reduced to accepting the idea that instead of a project-establishing meeting, we would have a panel of scientists reviewing the UFO potential threat to national security instead.
H). Thus arose, almost out of nowhere, the infamous Robertson Panel of January 1953.
Much has been written about this panel of scientists who were tasked to [deliberately] do no science. I'll only set the most germane [to my current topic] facts before you here.
1). The panelists were a Who's Who of physicists. None was any expert on the subject to be "studied". Only Robertson and Page had even read anything on the subject, and they only an article from the New Yorker magazine. This alone reveals that this was a farce.
2). But even though it was not known either to the people who would present to the panel, nor most of the panel themselves, the true reason and outcome of these "deliberations" was already set. This was not to be a panel of science about the nature of UFOs, but a fancy shadowshow aimed at stating why the phenomenon was dangerous whatever it was, and where exactly that danger lay, and what should the policy be to address this.
3). People like Ruppelt and Hynek, naive to the bone, thought that they were being invited to present data, scientific evidence. Both left the proceedings trying to rationalize what just happened with their naive suppositions. Ruppelt never figured it out, and it took Hynek 15 years to do so. Their information was just politely waved aside with almost no comment. Dewey Fournet brought his motions study to the panel and got the same treatment.
4). The only things to elicit even a modicum of interest were the two motion picture films [Tremonton, UT and Great Falls, MT] and the panel reacted to them like childish kids going to the Saturday Afternoon Matinee. Displaying them on some ad hoc surface the boys gathered about making instant conclusions and wisecracker remarks. And then dismissed them. The NPIC film analysts [the finest in the nation] were there to present their data. Complete stonewalled ignorance of their ideas issued from the panel. These NPIC analysts had spent hundreds of hours showing to their satisfaction that the imagery was not birds [Tremonton] nor jet exhausts [Great Falls]. Nothing from the panel. Just birds; just exhausts. The top analyst at NPIC, the legendary Art Lundahl, was at NPIC when those films were analyzed, and saw the results. He agreed with Neasham and Woo the technicians. Both films were of unknowns. The panel ho-hummed. Lundahl and many others have boggled at this arrogance.
5). But it wasn't arrogance. This was merely the result of the shadowshow. The real purpose of the panel was the national security threat. Indicating to the servant-level staff [Hynek, Ruppelt, Fournet et al] that there was nothing much to UFOs was part of what had to be done to get to the real result. That result was the need to convince EVERYONE that there wasn't much to UFOs. Why? Because THE MERE IDEA OF UFOS WAS THE DANGER.
UFOs themselves, whatever they might be [even Soviet], seemed incapable of inflicting any real damage on anything, and apparently hadn't even tried to do so. It was the idea of unknown things in the sky which was addling the American public. During the mid-summer flap, the public was alarmed enough that their calls to airbases clogged communication channels up to 45 minute delays
plenty of time to begin a good real onslaught by the Soviets.
Americans were judged panicky, just like with the 1939 Orson Welles broadcast of War of the Worlds. Sadly the CIA and military were correct in this, as Americans proved many times in later instances to panic and immediately go for their guns. The UFOs could also be used to create phony invasion probes, which when proved wrong would make persons who SHOULD be reporting such things less likely to expose themselves to ridicule while a real flight of the enemy came the next time.
So, in the end, this became a psychological warfare national security issue afterall. As you read the Robertson panel materials you enter a mystery. All these guys are scientists or engineers... none of them seem to have psychological warfare in their portfolios.
.... except one. Sitting to the side as a "guest", his name added in very light ink so that it cannot even be read in most versions of the released panel report, was.... wait for it....
Stefan Possony.
There is no mention that Possony addressed the panel in the records. The "conclusions" of the panel though are the thoughts of a man just like him.
Thus began the concerted efforts over the next 15 years to remove the feeling of reality surrounding the UFOs. Serious concerns about airspace invasions were gradually successfully replaced by an all pervading unconcern involving stupidity invasions. Now UFOs= popculture stupidity is everywhere; real attempts to extricate anything resembling truth are swamped in swamp gas laughter.
We'll follow this transition into the late 1950s and 1960s next time.