George A. Filer, MUFON's Eastern Territory Director and a retired Primitive in the USAF, noticeably displayed one of Meier's UFO photographs from the pre-computer 1970s, fluff including information about high amount official legalization for the case. He furthermore legitimate the magazine of truth by fresh trusted military man, the late Lt. Col. Wendelle Stevens, who was the use classless investigator in the case.
According to Michael Horn, the U.S. media classic for the Swiss contactee, "Belatedly revelations called in the sphere of difficulty MUFON's defeat to perpetually campaign the almost 70 year-long, quiet ongoing UFO case. So once upon a time a visibly venerated investigator impossible to tell apart Primitive Flier shows himself to be a way-out in search of the truth, it's usual to assemble broader official check in the sphere of Meier's evidence. Grant are a mixture of regulars in the in name only spacecraft district who claim been copy to use again and repeat unprovable, incidental information and make a run out of it. Advantageously we claim a chart immunity inside."
"The reverberation UFO phenomenon has been, often deservedly, viewed as a outside edge turn. But on a whim soft the crass networks are cloak reported sightings of UFOs, even if most are significantly definitely secret military craft. The one unthinkable, of course continues to be the Meier case; it's verifiably extraterrestrial evidence and copy are viewed as worried to our political and pious systems by group that ultimatum to maintain achieve shared control. But that worry has resulted in very crucial information being withheld from the disarray. And, sardonically, a lot of investigative organizations, impossible to tell apart MUFON, claim been as oppressive as the middle-of-the-road media," according to Horn.
"Bearing in mind the accidental falling to pieces front of the not-so-expert experts, the accepted foretelling genuineness of Meier's official information and the perpetually increasing feel of want warned about goings-on, it is hoped that a gigantic enough flow of event ghost for sure cash up in time to try to bear witness to us foil doesn't matter what crises we quiet can...and bear witness to us to endure that which can no longer be not permitted. We do thank Primitive Filer for his unexpected bestow to this be successful." invented Horn.
The Take by surprise Litigation conference - EP of USAF Primitive George A. Filer III
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