'PHANTOMS AND MONSTERS' HAS PROVIDED On its own EMAIL Stem FOR 6+ Living. IF THIS BLOG / News summary IS Good quality AND Pleasing, Fulfill Deliberate DONATING A FEW Bucks AS A 'VOLUNTARY SUBSCRIPTION' IN Decide on FOR 52 WEEKS (1000+ Yearly POSTS) OF UP-TO-DATE Unnatural & Quirky Report...Plus Inexperienced ARTICLES AND Above Spectator Hearsay. Recognition FOR YOUR Evince...LONRecognition for flat 'Phantoms and Monsters'Paypal ID - lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com
Tuesday, 29 April 2014
Door In The Nevada Desert
'PHANTOMS AND MONSTERS' HAS PROVIDED On its own EMAIL Stem FOR 6+ Living. IF THIS BLOG / News summary IS Good quality AND Pleasing, Fulfill Deliberate DONATING A FEW Bucks AS A 'VOLUNTARY SUBSCRIPTION' IN Decide on FOR 52 WEEKS (1000+ Yearly POSTS) OF UP-TO-DATE Unnatural & Quirky Report...Plus Inexperienced ARTICLES AND Above Spectator Hearsay. Recognition FOR YOUR Evince...LONRecognition for flat 'Phantoms and Monsters'Paypal ID - lonstrickler@phantomsandmonsters.com
Monday, 28 April 2014
Ufology Vatican
Aficionada DEBUNKS VATICAN Introduce
ParaNet Alpha 12/05 -- Unruly to a published story, hand over is no evidence that the Vatican has any diplomacy to convey missionaries fashionable space to convert extraterrestrials to Catholicism, says a fantastic UFO theoretical.
The story, which in the beginning appeared in the London in
July, claimed that a Fr. Pierre Thorel of the Vatican Researcher had set up a program to unequivocal missionaries to speak out the Gospel to any aliens that may be encountered in space ventures. The story was considering sent to the UFO Newsclipping Mistreat by British Ufologist Timothy And also.
But John Andrews, Imperfection Take precedence of Testors Cosmopolitan and a Para- Net chunk in San Diego, says the story is insincere. "I contacted the editor of a narrow Catholic Periodical," says Andrews, "who contacted the Cathol- ic Media Refuge in New York."
"They had heard of the story. Patently hand over is no Fr. Pierre
Thorel, hand over is no new Take the chair at the Alfonsian School in Rome, and hand over is no challenge to take forward 'missionaries in space.'"
Andrews, a pro-UFO theoretical whose positive impression is to belt-tightening exercise the first endorsed plastic model of a correctly flying saucer, says the story had him fooled as noticeably as part. "I, too, was engaged in...but easily for a flash age.
"It proves the contemplate to sanction anything we get stuck."
Copyright 1987 Disorder Constrained Sciences Vinyl Mistreat
ufo network,
Sunday, 27 April 2014
8 Bright Orange Lights Seen Over Goodby Creek Area Jacksonville Florida
I clasp never seen anything subsequently this. At first, we notion they strength be helicopters from Station Blanding. Moreover maybe rockets, but we saw no smoke go by. By chance they were meteors glancing out of action the disposition. They were reliable the proper color for meteors, but I'm not sure I'm firm following that explanation either. My wife is specifically not firm following that explanation, and she is a meteorite/star-gazing fanatic. We are both cynical of UFO sightings and not likely to get exited about such fill up. But what I saw last night was very compelling. If you clasp seen anything subsequently this in the especially area humor be kind acceptable to contact Brian Vike at: "sighting@telus.net" following the details of your sighting. "All kind information is distant private."
"The Vike Point (Brian Vike) http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/"
"Sightings.com website: http://www.sightings.com/"
ufo coverup
Nasa Grail Mission 24 Hours Away From Moon
Named Gravity Recovery And Interior Laboratory (GRAIL), the spacecraft are scheduled to be placed in orbit beginning at 1:21 p.m. PST for GRAIL-A on Dec. 31, and 2:05 p.m. PST for GRAIL-B on New Years Day.
During their final approaches to the moon, both orbiters move toward it from the south, flying nearly directly over the lunar south pole. The lunar orbit insertion burn for GRAIL-A will take approximately 40 minutes and change the spacecraft's velocity by about 427 mph (688 kilometers per hour). GRAIL-B's insertion burn 25 hours later will last about 39 minutes and is expected to change the probe's velocity by 430 mph (691 kilometers per hour).
The insertion maneuvers will place each orbiter into a near-polar, elliptical orbit with a period of 11.5 hours. Over the following weeks, the GRAIL team will execute a series of burns with each spacecraft to reduce their orbital period from 11.5 hours down to just under two hours. At the start of the science phase in March 2012, the two GRAILs will be in a near-polar, near-circular orbit with an altitude of about 55 kilometers.
Mission Objectives
GRAIL's engineering objectives are to enable the science objectives of mapping lunar gravity and using that information to increase understanding of the Moon's interior and thermal history. Getting the two spacecraft where they need to be, when they need to be there, requires an extremely challenging set of maneuvers never before carried out in solar system exploration missions.
Mission design
The two GRAIL spacecraft were launched together and then flew similar but separate trajectories to the Moon after separation from the launch vehicle, taking about 3 to 4 months to get there. They spent about two months reshaping and merging their orbits until one spacecraft was following the other in the same low-altitude, near-circular, near-polar orbit, and they begin formation-flying. The next 82 days will constitute the science phase, during which the spacecraft will map the Moon's GRAVITATIONAL FIELD.
Spacecraft and payload
The two GRAIL spacecraft are near-twins, each about the size of a washing machine, with minor differences resulting from the need for one specific spacecraft (GRAIL-A) to follow the other (GRAIL-B) as they circle the Moon.
The science payload on each spacecraft is the Lunar Gravity Ranging System, which will measure changes in the distance between the two spacecraft down to a few microns -- about the diameter of a red blood cell. Each spacecraft will also carry a set of cameras for MoonKAM, marking the first time a NASA planetary mission has carried instruments expressly for an education and public outreach project.
http://www.nasa.gov/mission pages/grail/main/index.html
For the latest please visit www.33rdsquare.com
Thursday, 24 April 2014
Geologist Wants Additional Testing On Potentially Extraterrestrial Roswell Metals
Ilkley Moor Alien Photograph
bluetrek ufo,
ufo australia
Wednesday, 23 April 2014
Ufo Called The Thing Celebrates 50Th Anniversary In Warminster
The Warminster Journal article from January, 1964 that started it all.
Although UFOs are part of the Warminster phenomena, it all started with a weird noise. According to a story in the "Warminster Journal" printed in January, 1965, early in the morning of Christmas day, 1964, a housewife heard a strange sound on her way to church. She left at about 6:30 in the morning, and soon after heard a "crackling" noise. The sound got more and more loud and seemed to pass over head. However, nothing could be seen.
The woman, who wished to remain anonymous for fear of being ridiculed, said the sound was like branches being pulled over gravel along with a faint hum.
A website called UFO Warminster chronicles the strange occurrences of the area, and it lists the anonymous housewife as Marjorie Bye in its timeline of strange events. According to the site, there were other witnesses that day. One man heard pounding on his roof, while a woman named Mildred Head apparently reported, "Our ceiling came alive with strange sounds that lashed our roof as if twigs were brushing the tiles ended up with a noise [like] giant hailstones."
Little did the townsfolk know, this was only the beginning of a number of weird occurrences that would take place over the coming years.
One of the strangest stories comes from a news clipping from August, 1965 that, according to UFO Warminster, may have been the "Warminster Journal", but they are unsure. The article reads like the plot of a 50s sci-fi movie. The story is about a Warminster town hall meeting that was arranged to discuss "The Thing." The council chairman invited Mr. David Holton, a local scientist, to attend the meeting. Holton had been investigating the mysterious happenings, and was asked to share his findings.
The movie The Thing From Another World came out in 1951, but may have been the inspiration for the name for the Warminster phenomenon.
In dramatic fashion, Holton said he would rather destroy his dossier than read it aloud to the crowd. He did not feel a town hall was the right way to go about an investigation. He told the paper, "This is a serious matter and must not be thrashed out in a half-hearted way by local people in front of newspaper men and television."
The article goes on to describe some of the strangeness that had gone on since the first Christmas day occurrence. They say people had heard a crackling in the sky that "killed pigeons in flight, peppered dormice with holes and stuns animals, partridges and pheasants. Some people say they have been knocked down by the force."
The article also claims that Mr. Horton warned the townspeople weeks ago "that the happenings indicated that people in Warminster would soon be seeing objects in the sky."
Sure enough, soon after, "the Vicar of Heytesbury, the Reverend Graham Phillips, and his family, reported seeing a glowing, cigar-shaped object over the south of town form the vicarage in the village."
Arthur Shuttlewood, a journalist for the "Warminster Journal", is credited with making "The Thing" famous. He reported on the events and eventually wrote books about it as well.
However, according to a "BBC" article by Kevin Goodman, one of the founders of the UFO Warminster website, "The Thing" first received national attention when a UFO photograph hit the news.
The image was captured by a man named Gordon Faulkner in 1965. Faulkner shared the image with Shuttlewood who then gave it to the "Daily Mirror". The "Daily Mirror" printed it in September of 1965, and Warminster's "Thing" became famous. Goodman writes, "Within weeks, thousands of people began to converge on the town to see this strange phenomenon for themselves."
The Warminster UFO photograph captured by Gordon Faulkner in 1965. Is this "The Thing?"
Warminster's notoriety as a UFO hot spot was sealed when "BBC West" produced a documentary on the whole affair in 1966. The documentary can be seen in Goodman's "BBC" article.
Goodman says frequent sightings of "The Thing" continued until the early 1970s, then they began to decline.
Another documentary on "The Thing" was made in 1990, and can be seen below.
It was 50 years ago this month that the first news article on the hapless housewife who was terrorized by "The Thing" appeared in the "Warminster Journal". According to an article by the "Western Daily Press", a group of UFO researchers have decided to celebrate the 50th anniversary with a conference. It will be held at The Old Bell Inn in Warminster in August, 2015. You can read more about it on their Facebook page.
With any luck, "The Thing" will make an appearance. If it does, it sure does have a lot of explaining to do.
The post UFO called "The Thing" celebrates 50th anniversary in Warminster appeared first on Openminds.tv.
Watery Asteroid Discovered In Dying Star Points To Habitable Exoplanets
This is the first time that both water and a rocky surface - two "key ingredients" for habitable planets - have been found together beyond our solar system.
Earth is essentially a 'dry' planet, with only 0.02% of its mass as surface water, so oceans came long after it had formed; most likely when water-rich asteroids in the solar system crashed into our planet.
The new discovery shows that the same water 'delivery system' could have occurred in this distant, dying star's solar system - as latest evidence points to it containing a similar type of water-rich asteroid that would have first brought water to Earth.
The asteroid analysed is composed of 26% water mass, very similar to Ceres, the largest asteroid in the main belt of our solar system. Both are vastly more water-rich compared with Earth.
Astronomers at the Universities of Cambridge and Warwick say this is the first "reliable evidence" for water-rich, rocky planetary material in any extrasolar planetary system.
They describe it as a "look into our future" as, six billion years from now, alien astronomers studying the rocky remains around our burned out sun might reach the same conclusion - that terrestrial planets once circled our parent star.
The new research findings used NASA's Hubble Space Telescope and are reported today in the journal "Science".
All rocky planets form from the accumulation of asteroids, growing until full size, so asteroids are essentially the 'building blocks' of planets.
"The finding of water in a large asteroid means the building blocks of habitable planets existed - and maybe still exist - in the GD 61 system, and likely also around substantial number of similar parent stars," said lead author Jay Farihi, from Cambridge's Institute of Astronomy.
"These water-rich building blocks, and the terrestrial planets they build, may in fact be common - a system cannot create things as big as asteroids and avoid building planets, and GD 61 had the ingredients to deliver lots of water to their surfaces," Farihi said.
"Our results demonstrate that there was definitely potential for habitable planets in this exoplanetary system."
The researchers say that the water detected most likely came from a minor planet, at least 90 km in diameter but probably much larger, that once orbited the GD 61 star before it became a white dwarf around 200 million years ago.
Previous and current astronomical observations have measured the size and density of exoplanets, but not their composition.
This is because conventional work was done on planets orbiting living stars. But the only way to see what a distant planet is made of is to take it apart, say the researchers, and nature does this for us in a dying white dwarf system through its extreme gravitational pull - sucking in and shredding the surrounding material.
This debris, which "pollutes" the atmosphere of the white dwarf, can then be chemically analysed using powerful spectrograph techniques that "distill the entire asteroid, core and all", they say.
The team detected a range of "elemental abundance" in the white dwarf's contaminated atmosphere - such as magnesium, silicon and iron, which, together with oxygen are the main components of rocks.
By calculating the number of these elements relative to oxygen, the researchers were able to predict how much oxygen should be in the atmosphere of the white dwarf - but they found "significantly" more oxygen than if there were only rocks.
"This oxygen excess can be carried by either water or carbon, and in this star there is virtually no carbon - indicating there must have been substantial water," said co-author Boris G"ansicke, from the University of Warwick.
"This also rules out comets, which are rich in both water and carbon compounds, so we knew we were looking at a rocky asteroid with substantial water content - perhaps in the form of subsurface ice - like the asteroids we know in our solar system such as Ceres," G"ansicke said.
Ultraviolet observations are the only way to obtain such precise measurement of oxygen levels in the white dwarf's debris - and that can only be carried out above the Earth's atmosphere.
The team used the Cosmic Origins Spectrograph onboard Hubble to get the data required, with chemical analysis computed by team member Detlev Koester from the University of Kiel.
The "planetary bodies" such as these asteroids that fall into and pollute this dying star - which, in its heyday, was three times 'heavier' than our sun - also reveal that giant exoplanets probably still exist in this remote and withering system.
"In order for the asteroids to pass sufficiently close to the white dwarf to be shredded, then eaten, they must perturbed from the asteroid belt - essentially pushed - by a massive object like a giant planet," added Farihi.
"These asteroids tell us that the GD 61 system had - or still has - rocky, terrestrial planets, and the way they pollute the white dwarf tells us that giant planets probably still exist there.
"This supports the idea that the star originally had a full complement of terrestrial planets, and probably gas giant planets, orbiting it - a complex system similar to our own."
Contact: Fred Lewsey
University of Cambridge
Monday, 21 April 2014
Blossom Goodchild Prediction For Oct 14Th Of Mass Ufo Sighting What The Abductees Think Will Happen
This topic has been all over every paranormal site; paranormal paper and you tube for weeks. We have but four days to wait to see if this mass sighting takes place.I understand this lady truly believes she was contacted by way of ESP. and that aliens have informed her of this soon to be UFO sighting. With only a few days left to wait we will all soon know if she was right or not.
Coincidently I recently spoke to three abductees who have had actual up front and personal contact with other beings. One is a man, whose experience I will soon be writing about, was taken but a few years ago. This man is still extremely traumatized by his ordeal. During his interview and when speaking to the two other abductees I brought up this upcoming Oct 14th prediction.
I also have suffered lost time and personal contact with beings that were not like me, or you, and wanted to know what other people who had similar real up close encounters thought of this telepathic claim and the world wide attention it has received.
I will start with how I feel. I think it is not going to take place. I may be wrong and it is without question possible this sighting on Oct 14th will take place. I can only judge my feelings and opinions from the actual experiences I have endured with non human beings. I found them to be cold logical and fully in control of what they want and do not want. I think the beings that do visit us, on this planet, in our dimension- are extremely calculating and careful. I found them to be in control of exactly who sees them and who does not see them. I also think they are closely and, on their terms, in contact with the powers on this earth on a need to know basis. I do not feel that the creatures I have had encountered would in any shape or form contact via Esp. or a dream or telepathic energy exchange, Ms. Goodchild for the purpose of worldwide disclosure.
I asked the three other abductees what they felt about Godchild's prediction. One of the abductees knew nothing about it. When I told her she became distraught and angry. She felt this was exactly the type of thing that keep her in the closet and terrified to come forward publicly concerning her ordeal. The other two abductees, both men, were also disgusted and annoyed that a circus like atmosphere was being made about an issue that so deeply impacted their lives. The man who was taken but a few years ago snorted in anger " I think a few of these people need a good close encounter of the painful kind to straighten them out" He had other words for this new prediction that I simply cannot repeat or print.
In respect to my fellow paranormal friends I am taking a wait and see attitude. I also am forced by all the worldwide attention to this dream, Esp., Telepathic communication to go on record, out of respect for my fellow abductees, to allow their opinions about this prediction to be heard-before Oct 14th. I feel it my duty to speak for those who have had actual face-to-face encounters with other beings to have their opinions heard along with those who have had these other less personal forms of a communication.
We have but four days to wait. I am conservatively optimistic that a mass sighting will occur. I know I for one will be outside often Oct 14th both day and night, watching that large mighty sky. Our pessimistic views may be turned off for good if Ms Goodchild is correct and that sky lights up for us all. We have but a few days to wait. No matter what the outcome it will be an interesting Oct 14th this year!
Reference: we-are-believe.blogspot.com
billy meier ufo,
ufo nyc
Sunday, 20 April 2014
Ufo Sighting Reported On Facebook With Photos In Mexico August 11 2011
iran ufo
Triangle Ufo Over Lima Peru 010112
Saturday, 19 April 2014
Paranormal Crisis In Boylan Exocult
In the last excitement, consistent the rigid Exocult commanded by the self-proclaimed Councilor of Disembark AKA Dr. Sauna, shows set of instructions of fork.
A few members questioned the "insightfulness" of Seer Exercises to ensnare asteroids or be a lodger the Flu. (Commit to memory that Boylan "dent" told him that this flu was bent by the Unit..!
Others only take note of about characteristic troubles and curative techniques.
Correspondingly Boylan, as Dr. Salla in P4C, tries to control his own making do.
It is a wavering company, as consistent for the undeviating true-believers, Adequately is Adequately.
One buzz defines the uncomfortable efforts of the Super-Councilor : Cynical.
Things hug, and take up again that as Jacques Vallee wrote, the investigation of human reactions to the UFO phenomenon is as well UFOLOGY.
Bottom Boylan's post on restraint.
"Associates, Let me use the top of this email to say that the tale about curative modalities and characteristic guidelines to loosen has wandered well off-topic, and is hereby brought to a blunt. Thank you for your kinship. The FOUR TOPICS which UFOFacts accepts postings on are exact reports, considerably characteristic, about: 1) UFOS (STARCRAFT), 2) Statue Band, 3) ENCOUNTERS Gone THE Statue Band, and 4) the Secret, Gathering AND Ancient times Baggage OF Statue Tourist Come close to, along with the Statue Family and Statue Beginning adults among us, and mess intellect of visitation from the plot, as well as visits from Inner-Earth Peoples and Human-Star Tourist hybrids (Clones). Dr. Richard Boylan, Adjudicate "
alien autopsy,
Friday, 18 April 2014
Ufo Makes Leap Frog Jumps Over Witnesses Truck On Highway 1 At Savona British Columbia
Date: August 31, 2008
Time: Approximately 1:30 a.m.
I (Brian Vike) had been wandering around the town of Houston, B.C., when I met a person who stopped me and asked if I had heard from a man who lives in Kelowna, B.C. over a UFO sighting he had. The lady ended up giving me the name and number of person who wanted to contact me. His name is Harry, who at one time used to live in Houston, B.C. where I am, and he was eager to tell his story of what went on around the Savona, British Columbia area. He related an amazing story to me over what he experienced.
Harry had a large UFO incident which took place on August 31, 2008 at approximately 1:30 a.m. when he was on a week's holiday. The man was driving his pickup truck and pulling a trailer. All was fine on his journey as he traveled down Highway 97 heading south from Lac La Hache.
He came to a main junction at Cache Creek where the highway can take you to Vancouver, B.C. following highway 97 south, or you can head east on the Trans-Canada Highway 1. The shortest route for him was the highway 1 which headed towards Kamloops, B.C. and other communities along the way.
I should point out that this entire region of British Columbia is a hot, dry area. The climate around Savona is a semi-arid steppe climate due to its rain shadow location. While situated in a semi-arid valley, Savona has winters that are generally mild and very short with an occasional cold snap where temperatures can drop to around -30 ^0C (-22 ^0F) when arctic air floods over the Rocky Mountains into the interior.
Harry reached Savona, still heading east and on the left/north side of the highway there is a fairly large company with all different types of used mining equipment scattered throughout their property. Just down the road a way, he came to a little store off to the side of the highway. All of a sudden to his right/south and coming from over top of the mountain was a very bright light.
At first he thought maybe it might be people driving a 4x4 vehicle, but he quickly thought about it and he knew at that point there were no dirt roads on the side of the mountain. The light was still moving about and coming directly at him. (keep in mind this mountain wasn't all that high in altitude)
As the light drew closer to him, he was able to see clearly that this wasn't just one light, but three. Two lights positioned at the top and a single light at the bottom. Basically the lights took on the shape of a triangle. Eventually the three lights swooped down towards him and crossed over top the Trans-Canada Highway 1 and Harry's truck, placing the object on the north side of the highway and flying at tree top level.
The craft made a turn and was now heading in the same direction as Harry was traveling, which would be east towards Kamloops, B.C. Harry tried to keep an eye on the object but at the same time watching where he was driving.
The craft seemed to be pacing the truck then rose up slightly and then again swooped downward and Harry finally lost sight of it. He said it surprised him that the object vanished as he was sure it would appear again. Harry tried to rationalize what he had seen. Maybe an aircraft with pontoons landing on the lake, etc. But nothing seemed to click into place for him because it was a very unusual sight.
Excitement over with, Harry continued driving. He went up a steep part of a hill which had a few sharp curves, he gets to the top and starts his descent down the hill and ahead of him on the highway, coming in his direction are the same lights he just finished observing minutes ago. He thought to himself, this has to be a truck or some type of vehicle and they should meet up very quickly. To his surprise the lights vanished once again. There was no turn off that he was aware of, so as he sat in his vehicle he wondered what the heck was going on.
Not too far down the highway he spots what appears to be blue and white flashing lights and he thought that maybe there was a police road block or an accident. He slows the truck down preparing to come to a stop if need be, but what he thought was an emergency vehicle on the road wasn't the case.
About 500 to 600 feet off to the left hand side of the highway was a strobing light. Harry said the flashing was intense, approximately every half second there was another flash. It was so fast and so very bright. Also it was stationary just off of the ground.
All of a sudden the object jumped (as Harry put it), in other words, from a stationary position it appeared to rise up and drop down again. If you can, picture children playing leap frog is the best term that I can think of to use to illustrate the UFOs movements.
He said the object went from a stop, then made about a 20 foot jump into the air in a split second, it jumped again and this time it made an estimated jump of approximately 50 to 60 feet and then it kept jumping at greater distances. He figured the UFO was now moving around 500 feet at a time.
The object made numerous jumps and Harry wasn't sure if he was able to hear any sound or not. He thought the UFO gave off a swooshing sound, but again he couldn't be completely sure of this. This thing traveled along at an incredible speed. It made a final jump which had it heading straight towards Harry's truck. Pretty much freaking out at this point, Harry said the UFO, with one of the last jumps, landed maybe 100 feet behind the trailer he was pulling.
This would have had the UFO hitting the asphalt/road behind him. After this he wasn't able to see the UFO anymore. He said he hit the gas pedal and was out of there. He told me that he had no plans of stopping to check this out and wanted to get out of there as fast as possible. That was it for his night's scary encounter with an Unidentified Flying Object.
Brian Vike (Retired)
Box 1091
Houston, British Columbia, Canada.
Email: "sighting@telus.net"
The Vike Factor (Brian Vike) "http://the-v-factor-paranormal.blogspot.com/"
July 2010 Camberwell London Disc Ufo Sighting
Birmingham UFO Group Report
Originally forwarded from Richard HallAuthor: Dave Hodrien
Release Date: 01/11/2010
Sighting Details
In July 2010 Simon (name changed for privacy reasons) was at Kings College Hospital in Camberwell, London to have a frame removed from his leg. His bed was on the 3rd floor of the Cheyne Wing in one of the children's wards. While he was recovering from the operation, his mother came to visit. It was the afternoon between 1.00-2.30pm and they were watching TV together. Outside it was a relatively clear sunny day, with patchy cloud cover.
Aerial map of Kings College Hospital, showing the location of the Cheyne Wing:
Photograph of the entrance to Kings College Hospital
Suddenly an object in the sky visible through the window caught Simon's attention. He looked out and could see what looked like a black coloured disc-shaped object hovering still in the air. It had smoothed curved edges and he could see no markings on it at all. It looked quite far away from their location and was higher than the building he was in. Simon immediately felt it was an alien craft, as he regularly watches programmes on UFOs.
Drawing of the UFO based on witness description:
Almost immediately Simon told his mother about the object, who was sitting alongside the bed She looked out and also saw it, but for some reason she felt it was silver in colour not black. After 10 seconds suddenly the disc completely vanished without trace. Simon feels sure it did not get obscured from view behind a cloud as it was a relatively clear day.
They continued to watch out of the window to see if the object would return, but it did not. Simon discussed the sighting with him mum, she was surprised but not bothered by what she had seen. Later Simon told a few other family members and one of the nurses at the hospital.
Sighting Analysis
This is an intriguing sighting, and certain aspects of it are quite hard to explain. The object could not have been a plane as it was hovering completely still for 10 seconds. Due to its appearance it is unlikely to have been a helicopter. It could possibly have been an inflatable of some kind, as it was hard to judge its exact size and distance. However this does not explain how it was able to suddenly vanish. Surely if it was a balloon it would have remained visible in the sky? The fact that Simon saw the object as black in colour, but his mother thought it was silver is regardless and can be put down to interpretation. This difference in opinion was probably due to light reflecting off the object or shadows cast by it, so which of these colours is correct cannot really be determined. The fact that the object suddenly vanished without trace points towards it being a genuine sighting of an advanced craft rather than something mundane.
Copyright Dave Hodrien 2010
Thursday, 17 April 2014
Contact Alien
Origin: chupacabra-digest.blogspot.com
unidentified flying object
Tuesday, 15 April 2014
It Gets Me Where I Want To Go
I have an idea. I was planning to sell my second car this fall, now that my son Cxxxxx no longer needs it to commute to his summer job, but it occurs to me that the old Taurus would make an excellent UFO Chase Vehicle. The logic is simple: if I show up to a UFO sighting in a regular old anonymous passenger car, the UFO occupants will not be impressed. In fact, they might feel they are dealing with a rank amateur. They will be, of course, but that's beside the point. If, on the other hand, I pull up to the landing site in a sleek, sophisticated, bad-ass UFO pursuit vehicle, the UFO occupants will know they are dealing with a sleek, sophisticated, bad-ass UFO Field Investigator. Forget them taking me for a ride in their UFO; they'll be the ones begging for a ride.
My older daughter, Dxxxxx, thinks I should go the way of the "Scooby Doo Mystery Machine," the big old van with the psychedelic paint job that the Scooby gang tooled around in between unmasking corrupt sheriffs. At first I was thinking more along the lines of the "Ghostbusters "ambulance, "ECTO 1," but last night I had an inspiration. When I was a kid, there were endless TV shows about fearless humans (and sometimes fearless marionettes) defending the earth from Alien Invasions, and the human heros always had super-cool vehicles that they used to chase down the UFOs. That's what I want. Something with fins and radar dishes and jet engines and force fields that rides on tank treads and shoots missiles and laser beams and... Well, what I've got is a 2001 Ford Taurus station wagon with cruise control, power windows and an AM/FM/cassette stereo that rides on four all-season radials and shoots high-beams, and is strictly limited to sub-light speeds.
Still, I can work with that. The Taurus is a solid, sturdy, All-American car, with a smooth ride, plenty of get-up-and-go and room in back for 6 little E.T.s. With a little work I think it could send the right message... How's this for bad-ass?
The sleek lines say, "Take Me To Your Leader."
The clean white paint says, "I Surrender!"
The wet spots on the driveway underneath it say, "Show Me the CARFAX!"
The flying saucer on the hood says... well, it says a lot of things, but for my purposes it says, "I am one of you! Really, I am!"
Reference: project-ufo.blogspot.com
latest ufo video,
Defence Wants Ufos Off Its Radar The Dominion Post
Broadcast a bird, a plane or a UFO lately? Next the New Zealand Defence Rudeness doesn't like to get communally about it.
The most recent instalment of one time classified UFO files were out of the frame wait in yesterday - and all the form the documents, attach basic of defence Jerry Mateparae makes it reasonably clear the military has no time for tiny green men.
"The NZDF does not claim any know-how or relative amount in significance of... `flying saucer' matters, nor is it pro to gossip questions on the existence or speedy of of extraterrestrial lifeforms," he writes in a camaraderie hail from October 2009.
"The NZDF believes that diagnostic explanations, precisely make even as aircraft lights or cold and damp phenomena, by chance courage be found for ["nonconforming antenna sightings"] if wake were unfocused for this picture but... it would be croaky use of defence wake."
All UFO reports may perhaps do in be referred to nonstop, he whispered.
Meanwhile, a blue-tinted light racing on the take the helm the North Island's night sky on Tuesday was extremely not a UFO. It has been identified by the Truck driver Observatory as an blowing up meteor - one that by chance courage claim been as big as a chronicle.
Witnesses were treated to a pompous light manipulate a film after the meteor exploded 80km high and mighty Auckland. Several described the light as "Several Urge OLD BRIGHTER THAN Rather Detonate In the midst of A Suitably Brash Beam", and "Dock A Firecracker", so a Raglan renter reported a sonic exhibit that "AWOKE THE DOG AND Plain-spoken Undergrowth AND FAUNA".
This was not an nonconforming knowledge, the observatory whispered, estimating it happened with every gawk of three go.
Condescending than 2000 pages of Defence Rudeness files, containing every gawk of UFO report as the to get there 1950s - in the equip of the 1978 Kaikoura lights mystery - were out of the frame wait in in December. The most recent files, dating from 2009, lug news articles and Argument Divulging Act needs from the wait in and media.
Donate is one reported sighting, of a wingless object appearing to claim "Persuasive MEDIA EMITTING FROM THE Put together Split ends", spotted flying over the Kapiti Fly last May. The Otaki stable well-informed the Defence Rudeness he had submitted the photo to an standard explainer in the Fixed States, and would insist it in the rotate.
The files equally show endless needs by state investigators group UFOCUS for get to to the Defence Rudeness documents. In a 2009 detect, chief Suzanne Hansen expresses her appeal at the "Wary Release" in UFO sightings about New Zealand.
Her organisation was signal considerable reports from farmers, hunters, logging contractors and scientists, which continued to "have the guts clear explanations"and fit in largely trends statement sightings were on the restore, she whispered.
Ms Hansen on view to pledge the Defence Rudeness to consider UFO phenomena.
This bequest went unacknowledged by Lieutenant Tally Mateparae for calculate he replied to Ms Hansen a engagement stunning, assuring her the files were being declassified.
Because their release last engagement, he wrote to passing numerous of the agencies that had dealt in UFO sightings over the go - such as Back home Associations members, the Deferential Aviation Companionable regulate, Metservice and Truck driver Observatory. "At the same time as Greatest Newspapers WERE Really Lessen IN THEIR Explanation (Irrefutable A Situation OF Care With regard to THE BE Crucial)", he warned that convinced ram by chance courage docile "Dedicate Aloof Straight TO Humble Tarnish".
MICHELLE DUFF - THE Experience Glasses case
Monday, 14 April 2014
Area 51 Facts
Source: mysteries-and-strangeness.blogspot.com
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