Monday, 28 June 2010

Ufo Seen Over Clovis In October 2012

Ufo Seen Over Clovis In October 2012
I proposal I would derivation inverse into UFO sightings for a bit, very what the murky trap of Fresno has been sensitive as of late. I deep to relate out the Helpful UFO Network's (MUFON) website as they list sightings by region and see if they had whatsoever informative. And as kismet would embrace it everything odd was reported in Clovis on October 21, 2012. Here's the report as it was filed between MUFON:I traditional a earpiece ring tonight from my Blood relation surrounding 9:30 PM revealing me about the UFO that her and my Father a short time ago saw. My parents were important in their car, invention my Dad the driver and my Blood relation the passenger. As they were title WEST on the streets of Eighth and Pollasky my Blood relation told me she noticed a clear-cut orange snowflake/star fashioned UFO controlled surrounding higher a Catholic church(Our Lady of Persistent Alleviate Cathedral). She told me this occurred surrounding 9:10pm or so. These streets are to be found in a occupant so being they came to a stop sign my Mom high-pitched the UFO out to my Father who then looked and saw the precise clear-cut orange UFO who he likewise described as being clear-cut orange above all being opposed to the night sky. My Mom alleged the object was a short time ago controlled over the church for a little bit. But my Father became frightened and rucksack a little down the line of attack aways from the object. My Blood relation was not frightened but intrigued by the sighting and told my Father to stop on the side of the line of attack. She told me they were whichever looking at the object from taking part in the car pulled over on the side of the line of attack. As soon as they were parked looking at the object my Blood relation alleged the UFO started slothfully dignity towards their car and then became dim in color but was calm carefully noticeable between a optional extra light brown of orange. My Mom detached her eyes on the object as she alleged it started vigorous to the left in the turn around peacefulness of the moon (East). At the time they were the distinct ones important on the footstep but then not the same wiliness turned on the line of attack from Minnewawa onto eighth and being this happened my Blood relation alleged the UFO finished. As soon as the UFO was noticeable my Blood relation likewise tried to tell my Father to endure a photo between his cell earpiece but my Mom alleged he was so bemused he couldnt sum up the mettle. Both my parents are devoted Christians and to get this earpiece ring from my Mom justly took me by carry on thats why I felt I had to report this face-to-face because my parents arent mechanically susceptible as me between through computers. I was bummed though that they didnt get a picture.My first bias was to embrace that this was not the same Chinese lantern copied for more than a few organization of aerial craft. But the sketch of the UFO is mixed than the life that a Chinese lantern portrays; the lanterns naturally blunder up slothfully as they are carried aloft by the cover currents. This hovered over a church and then stirred towards the witnesses' car earlier last. Lanterns don't dignity, good hands me, seeing that I've seen one face-to-face (and misidentified it as a UFO). So what was seen over Clovis that October night? Possibly Fresno is the UFO hotspot that more than a few maintain it to be.


Triangle Ufo Witnessed Over Gardner Massachusetts

Triangle Ufo Witnessed Over Gardner Massachusetts
Date: A still converse (?)Time: 8:00 p.m. to 12:00 a.m. Specify of witnesses: 2Number of Objects: 1Shape of Objects: Triangle. "Fit to bust Sticky tag OF EVENT/SIGHTING:" My chum and I were bodyguard converse to his house, following we turned onto his transmit and we bundle for about 10 - 15 seconds and we both learn by heart looking up and seeing this balanced craft. It was clearly triangle twisted, amongst one light which was sickly on each situation, not sure about any other lights. We are both extremely popular paranormal substance, so I refuse to eat pulled onto the side of the transmit and tie up my lights off and at about the time the craft stable took off. It was misplaced in about 10 seconds.

If you desire I essence get him to converse up the story, and honestly it command stow been a government vehicle, but it was not a hint I have/had seen before/since. If you stow seen at all type this in the exceedingly area comply with be considerate enough to contact Brian Vike at: "" amongst the details of your sighting. "All ancestors information is diffident surprise."

" website:"

Sunday, 27 June 2010

Un Nuevo Crop Circle Ilustra La Salida De Venus De La Constelacion De Tauro

Un Nuevo Crop Circle Ilustra La Salida De Venus De La Constelacion De Tauro
Durante este a~no, hemos visto dise~nos muy interesantes en el fen'omeno de los circulos de las cosechas, que nos han ense~nado los movimientos del planeta Venus en su posicionamiento en la constelaci'on de Tauro. Estos dise~nos se han presentado en una secuencia de comunicaci'on que iba ilustrando poco a poco las caracter'isticas de visibilidad de este planeta desde La Tierra, y el desplazamiento en nuestra b'oveda celeste durante varios dias determinados del calendario. El motivo elegido por la inteligencia que est'a detr'as del mayor enigma del siglo XXI es una especie de serpiente que se mueve y fluye por los campos, como met'afora del elegante desplazamiento de Venus, y como una nueva menci'on del dios quetzalcoatl representado como una serpiente emplumada por el pueblo maya. Vamos a ver las caracter'isticas de esta secuencia de comunicaci'on.

1. Este dise~no que vamos a ver a continuaci'on apareci'o el dia 9 de Junio en Woodborogh Hill, Wiltshire.

2.Mostraba exactamente los dias que pasaban hasta que Venus volv'ia a ser visibleen el horizonte tras el tr'ansito delante del sol del pasado 6 de Junio, y lo hac'ia con el simbolismo de los dias de nuestro calendario como c'irculos, utilizando las marcas de los carriles del terreno para ilustrar como emerg'ia Venus en el horizonte el d'ia 10 de Junio.

3. Poco despu'es, el d'ia 25 de Junio en Milk Hill, Inglaterra apareci'o el siguiente paso de esta comunicaci'on: un calendario similar al anterior donde se ve'ia c'omo Venus entraba en la constelaci'on de Tauro el dia 8 de Julio, mostrando el detalle de las seis estrellas de Tauro en la punta de la sinuosa serpiente.

4. Aunque tendr'iamos que mencionar la aparici'on de un extra~no dise~no el pasado 29 de Junio, el cual analizaremos esta semana, vamos a centrar nuestra atenci'on en la tercera etapa de esta secuencia, aparecida como dec'iamos el pasado 9 de Julio en Picked Hill, Wilcot.

El dise~no fue fotografiado por el m'aximo experto en crop circles del mundo, el Dr. Horace R. Drew al d'ia siguiente desde una colina cercana, siendo imposible distinguir exactamente el dise~no. Una vez mas, una figura para verse exclusivamente desde el aire.

5. En las tres etapas, observamos la misma forma de serpiente realizada con circunferencias con la misma terminaci'on que ha sido identificada por Venus desde su primera aparicion en 2003. Vamos a ver la interpretaci'on de este crop circle:

6. El dia 19 de Julio, Venus estar'a saliendo de la constelaci'on de Tauro y habr'a dejado atr'as a las cuatro estrellas exteriores de la constelaci'on.

7. Esto podemos comprobarlo con la posici'on astron'omica exacta del planeta en un planisferio celeste del dia 19 de Julio con Venus abandonando la constelaci'on de Tauro.

8. Esta figura est'a llena de misterios siendo m'ultiples las interpretaciones. La media luna interior con forma de ojo, tambi'en puede ser interpretado como una menci'on a la nebulosa h'elice -NGC7293-, tambi'en llamada, "el ojo de Dios".

9. Lo interesante de esta interpretaci'on podr'ia ser que se se~nalar'ia a un lugar muy determinado del cosmos, la constelaci'on de Acuario.

Otras interpretaciones como la de Pavcova Z. publicada en cropcircleconnector expone una semejanza con el cometa C/2011 L4 en su paso por el cosmos, por la 'orbita similar a la que proyecta el crop circle

Esta es la primera fotograf'ia que se logr'o sacar de aquel cometa el dia 6 de Junio del a~no pasado.

Queda tambi'en como curiosidad la aparici'on de plantas impolutas en el centro de la figura, como una nueva muestra de la autenticidad del dise~no, en una casu'istica que se repite sin cesar a~no a a~no en el fen'omeno.

Lo mas destacado:

-Tercera comunicaci'on directa del movimiento de Venus en lo que va de a~no, usando de nuevo la simbolog'ia de la media luna y el ojo.

-La obsesiva representaci'on de este planeta y su relaci'on directa con el dios maya quetzalcoatl.

-Centros de las circunferencias sin tocar.

-Imposibilidad de ver el dise~no sino es desde el aire.

-Las multiples interpretaciones que se est'an estudiando hasta el momento.

Lo menos destacado:

-La sensaci'on de no saber por qu'e la inteligencia que est'a detr'as de este fen'omeno nos est'a contando esto.

Ufopolis.NET 2012.

Si te ha gustado el reportaje puedes pinchar en los enlaces de publicidad para apoyar a la p'agina en sus pr'oximos art'iculos. Gracias.

Wednesday, 23 June 2010

Gedling Village Uk Two Objects Glowing Orange

Gedling Village Uk Two Objects Glowing Orange
Posted: Splendid 24, 2008Date: Splendid 24, 2008Time: 10:30 p.m.Unbending of Sighting: Gedling.Picture of witnesses: 2Picture of objects: 2Deceit of objects: Lick up.Unbroken Categorization of event/sighting: My mum was clear of bringing the washing in and she shouted me clear of. She was pointing at two round objects in the sky, presently to the right one above than the other. They seemed to resist a acceptably ocher colour, they stimulated very intentionally close to what's more other for about a taciturn then stimulated assistance not on and disappeared. It by a long shot wasn't a plane in the role of put forward was one emotionally involved by flying over them and you may perhaps see the splendid lights on what's more wing. Following the two ocher objects resist disappeared put forward was a blue light that was elevating more or less pithily over but the other two were, we first think about it was a shattering star but it was elevating to dreamy to be one. Tremendously ironic !Thank you to the spectator for their report.Brian Vike, Guide HBCC UFO Electioneer and mass of the Vike Story UFO Bystander radio show. email: Website:,, HBCC UFO Electioneer International: Simply superfluous, the Vike Story Telephone system List Blog. You can examine the blog out for archived radio shows and all the new and upcoming programs I do. UFO Electioneer, Box 1091 Houston, British Columbia, Canada - VOJ 1ZO

Ufos Appearing At Night Over West Texas Says Tv News Nov 2012

Ufos Appearing At Night Over West Texas Says Tv News Nov 2012
Incite of sighting: November 2012Location of sighting: West Texas, USAReport States (recite):NewsWest 9 - MIDLAND - A man is age group an extraordinary fasten that he's seen UFO's fly over the Cavity. The eccentric NewsWest 9 interviewed refreshing to go to the bottom unrevealed and he's connected once the Laredo Sinister Learning Society."The facts are condescending our skies in the Permian Cavity. We are seeing the lights, we are seeing stars, we are seeing crafts. My presupposition is that they're transporting everything or faction, and depending on how in dimness you would worship to affable Pandora's box, we're thinking of course, they're aliens," the man thought.He thought the lights that he's been seeing leave-taking across the sky are stakeout both other at patent altitudes and he's able to do that once a special type of night vision binoculars that the military uses."To the same degree do you say to folks kingdom who say you're crazy?" NewsWest 9 asked."Seeing is believing, but if you don't assign that's ok. We're not out indoors to win anyone, win someone over and strengthen to someone doesn't matter what. It is what it is. There's plenty facts, there's plenty proof out near that we run into that they're near, we don't run into what they desire. We run into that the government is covering all of this up," he thought.Source:

Tuesday, 22 June 2010

Origional Ufos

Origional Ufos

They stabilized images to correct for camera movement, and then aligned multiple frames in a sequence. One thing that showed them was that the object appeared to move slightly with respect to the moon, because of parallax brought about by slight camera motions and the nearness of the object to the camera.The investigators also combined several frames in a sequence, to give them higher resolution and greater contrast than individual frames. The combinations showed them more clearly a "linear feature" attached to one side of the object. They also looked at archived images from other Apollo missions.Bottom line: "All of the evidence in this analysis is consistent with the conclusion that the object in the Apollo 16 film was the EVA [spacewalk] floodlight/boom. There is no evidence in the photographic record to suggest otherwise."


Beginning their return from the moon to an April 27, 1972, splashdown, Astronauts John Young, Thomas Mattingly and Charles Duke captured about four seconds of video footage of an object that seemed to look a lot like Hollywood's version of a spacecraft from another world.

The thing was described as "a saucer-shaped object with a dome on top." The images were captured with a 16mm motion picture camera shooting at 12 frames per second from a command/service module window. The object appears momentarily near the moon. As the camera pans, it moves out of the field of view. It reappears as the camera pans back. It appeared in about 50 frames.Some very bright people recently worked hard to analyze that footage. Their conclusion was that the object wasn't at all what some observers thought it seemed to be. There is no indication the Apollo 16 crew ever thought the film showed anything special.A group headed by Gregory Byrne of Johnson Space Center's Image Science and Analysis Group completed a report on its investigation earlier this year. They used a video copy of the film initially, then did a high-resolution digital scan of the original film for detailed analysis.

Saturday, 19 June 2010

Ufo Hunters Underwater Area 51 Bermuda Triangle

Ufo Hunters Underwater Area 51 Bermuda Triangle
UFO Hunters episodes about "Ufo activity in the BERMUDA TRIANGLE vicinity of the Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center (AUTEC)" which is said to be used by the U.S. Navy for weapons testing and underwater research.Everyone's heard of AREA 51 - GROOM LAKE, Nevada. However, 2,500 miles away there's an underwater facility that's also highly secretive. Perched on the cusp of The Bermuda Triangle, it's called AUTEC. The Atlantic Undersea Test and Evaluation Center is a laboratory said to be used by the U.S. Navy for weapons testing and underwater research. UFO and USO activity in and around AUTEC fuels speculation that the U.S. government is secretly working with extraterrestrials; engineering and testing alien technology. The team heads here to speak with former base employees and to search the waters around one of America's most top-secret facilities.


Wednesday, 16 June 2010

Pure White Ufo Slightly Rounded And Elongated Seen Flying Over Burnaby British Columbia

Date: October 20, 2012

Time: 10:08 a.m.

Location: Canada Way and Willingdon Avenue Burnaby B.C.

Duration of sighting: 15 seconds.

The object was view in this mentioned location and was appearing as absolutely pure white in colour. The object was slightly rounded and elongated also.

It looked like it dipped down slightly behind the clouds and then continued north. No wings, no sound also quite high up, but so high up that it didn't catch my attention.

Heading south the north.

Video clip of approximately 15 seconds taken somewhat unsteady footage when I zoomed in to get a better look.

If you have seen anything like this in the same area please be kind enough to contact Brian Vike at: with the details of your sighting. All personal information is kept confidential.

Also, please feel free to send in your sightings that have happened years ago. So many of these older sightings are nothing short of amazing.

The Vike Factor (Brian Vike)

The Vike Factor 2 (Brian Vike)

Monday, 14 June 2010

Citizens Hearing On Disclosure 3

Citizens Hearing On Disclosure 3
"The truth was too difficult to report publicly"Gary Heseltine Testifies about Police and UFO Incidents in England and around the globeDr. Robert Wood says that to help most accurately explain UFO and Extra Terrestrial phenomena, he has tried to dedicate his exploration to authenticating important (and in some cases Classified) documents that hold direct proof of incidents. Here's Wood's explanations of at least one major document he has studied Former UK Police Office Gary Heseltine now spends his time tracking and compiling the reports of law enforcement officials across the UK in regards to UFOs, extra terrestrial activities and unexplained phenomena. Heseltine says that the caliber of his witnesses should bring more prominence to the stories of the incidents he is tracking. Grant Cameron testifies before the committee describing and reading from a Top Secret memo from the Canadian government that is certified and acknowledged adn the memo say"The subject is the most highly classified subject in the United States"Grant Cameron Testifies about Barry Goldwater's UFO InterestsCongressman Roscoe G Bartlett's statement on disclosure. Brilliant questioning of the lack of press........ "The truth is out there....why isn't it being reported?" Antonio Huneeus, a Chilean-American science journalist stopped to speak about the global nature of unexplained phenomena around the world and how UFOs and Extra Terrestrial encounters have been addressed in other countries around the world like Chile, France and Russia Rep Darlene Hooley (D-OR) weighed-in on the fourth day of testimony at the Citizen's Hearing on Disclosure. Congresswoman Hooley noted the disturbing nature of one account where supposed extra terrestrials "attacked" an area of the Amazon in Brazil, she also weighed in on the idea of a global governing body like the UN looking into these issues. Canadian researcher and activist Grant Cameron says the documents he has obtained from the Canadian government are undisputed and that they cut right to the point of truth. "They admit that document is legitimate. It says flying saucers are real...and the US knows"ANIMAL MUTILATION ">


Saturday, 12 June 2010

Ex Norad Officer Predicts Tentative Worldwide Ufo Display On Oct13

Ex Norad Officer Predicts Tentative Worldwide Ufo Display On Oct13
"JUST BEFORE HE [WERNHER VON BRAUN] died, he gave an interview to Carol Rosin, in which he basically said that in order to sustain the military-industrial complex that first a false threat of terrorists would be created and used on the public and then asteroids and finally a false alien threat."FROM NEW WORLD ORDER REPORT: A NEWLY-PUBLISHED BOOK BY A RETIRED NORAD OFFICER PREDICTS OCTOBER 13, 2010 AS THE TENTATIVE DATE FOR A FLEET OF EXTRATERRESTRIAL VEHICLES TO HOVER FOR HOURS OVER THE EARTH'S PRINCIPAL CITIES. Author says the event to be the first in a series intended to avert a planetary catastrophe resulting from increasing levels of carbon-dioxide in the earth's atmosphere dangerously approaching a "CRITICAL MASS."

WINNIPEG, MB (PRWEB) SEPTEMBER 13, 2010 -- A newly-published 352-page book by a retired Air Force officer, Stanley A. Fulham, tentatively predicts October 13, 2010 as the date for a massive UFO display over the world's principal cities. ACCORDING TO THE AUTHOR, THE ALIENS WILL NEITHER LAND NOR COMMUNICATE ON THAT DATE; THEY ARE AWARE FROM EONS OF EXPERIENCE WITH OTHER PLANETS IN SIMILAR CONDITIONS THEIR SUDDEN INTERVENTION WOULD CAUSE FEAR AND PANIC.

The book, CHALLENGES OF CHANGE (3rd ed.), reports THIS EVENT WILL BE THE INITIAL INTERACTION IN A PROCESS LEADING TO MANKIND'S ACCEPTANCE OF THE ALIEN REALITY and technologies for the removal of poisonous gases from the earth's atmosphere in 2015, if not sooner.



national press club conference on ufo interference with nukes*

video: US nuclear weapons compromised by ufo's?*

jupiter at its closest in 50yrs*

odds of life on newfound earth-size planet '100%,' astronomer says*

Friday, 11 June 2010

Ufology Brazilian Ufo Crash The Varginhincident

Ufology Brazilian Ufo Crash The Varginhincident
In January, 1996, in the town of Varginha, Brazil, a build of 'aliens' were so it is said sighted, captured or killed by locals and turned over to US setting up. As many as six aliens were supposed to fix crashed in the area, and were described as 3 to 4 feet tall humanoids, bearing in mind dismal suntanned plain silver screen, big triangular heads bearing in mind three down 'horns' and solar red eyes. It sounds have a fairytale, but submit were advance than a hundred finish witnesses who profess to what they saw. We talk to the leading responders' on the fight of the crash, the finish Sign Mass, as well as the finish defense force who assisted in the draw. We moreover talk to the finish hospital function who in fact fight that they 'treated' the present creatures. And we talk to the girls who first saw the aliens and the dozens of viewer who saw them in the town. Plod delusion? Too a great deal tequila? The evidence is poor.

Us Government Setting Up A New Department To Run Alien Affairs July 25 2013

Us Government Setting Up A New Department To Run Alien Affairs July 25 2013
According to well-informed sources the US Government is set to announce a new department or office that would run extraterrestrial affairs.

Today, in his latest installment in the popular Veterans Today website about an undeclared space war, Dr Preston James argues that an internal decision is about to be reached by a secret "exopolitics" committee that manages extraterrestrial affairs.

They are on the verge of deciding that the time has arrived to go public - full disclosure of an extraterrestrial presence. The Secret Committee is called Majestic 12 or MJ-12 according to Dr James, and it is about to approve the creation of a formal Department or Office of Exopolitics.

Its job would be to formally conduct relations with extraterrestrial life in the same way that the Department of State manages US relations with international governments. Dr James claims several "esteemed" individuals are under consideration to run the first Department/Office of Exopolitics.

Dr James begins with reports he has received from unnamed sources about the deliberations of the secret exopolitics committee called MJ-12 that has run extraterrestrial affairs since 1947. He writes that the decision to go public is being driven largely by younger members:

Some reports have suggested that there has been a deep internal split in this group, with younger members pushing hard for complete USG public disclosure followed by the setting up of an official USG Department of Exopolitics".

Younger members of MJ-12 want complete public disclosure as soon as possible, within 2013 and have actually been providing leaks for over twenty years, helping Hollywood writers and producers by supplying information so that movies can be made and the public can be conditioned in small baby steps to accept the idea of alien visitation.

How credible is Dr James and his unnamed sources? Veterans Today is a highly respected website which has key individuals in its editorial board with deep connections to the world of military intelligence.

If Dr James' sources are correct then not only can we expect a formal government disclosure of extraterrestrial life in the near future, but the creation of a US Government Office or Department of Exopolitics to follow soon after. View full articles at and

Thursday, 10 June 2010

Earth An Alien Enterprise

Earth An Alien Enterprise
One of the failures of the technologically tending ufologists of the 1950s and 60s was neglecting to in actuality analyze and document the first measure contactees and their experiences: George Adamski, Daniel Fry, Orfeo Angelucci, George Van Tassel, Howard Menger a.o. By dismissing them as charlatans and mystics lots of exciting data was lost. Focus minded contactee research was not regarded as technologically first-rate by organizations equivalence APRO and NICAP. This ideological in thing began to in tears in the 1970s next to the books and theories of Jacques Vallee and John Keel. Based on get-up-and-go of field investigation they ended that the contactee confidential was far supervisor complex and captivating than a neutral black and silver multinational.

In venom of the research of Keel and Vallee at hand were no stale hard work to bring a in addition esteem at the definitive contactees. The first ufologists to appreciate the try was Timothy Unlimited who in 1984, together next to Lou Zinsstag, published "George Adamski - the Profound Fib". This book existing lots of new data and reopened the Adamski case. Since next Timothy Unlimited has continued his investigations of contactee cases, momentous in bestsellers equivalence "Distant Stagger" (1998).

"Opinion - An Distant Company" is the in a minute published book by Timothy Unlimited, a huge tome of 466 pages. In section this is a sequel to "Distant Stagger" next to make a note of contactee cases sum up next to scores of chapters detailing the claims of assorted bring in blowers in the midst of slightly trendy sources from the intelligence family. Chapter eleven, the Overlords, is a follow-up of the Richard H"oglund case which I pride yourself on acclaimed in my book "Fr"amlingar pa var jord. Ufokontakter i Sverige" (Aliens On Opinion. UFO Radio in Sweden).

Several of the contactee cases mentioned pride yourself on been published by means of but Timothy Unlimited add distant new exciting information, smoothly from ancestors interviews and correspondence. One such paradigm is the Leo Dworshak case. Timothy visited Leo and his ensemble in their kingdom in Montana in 2004. Noticeably supervisor troublesome are the chapters documenting the common rumours and stories stuck between family members and liason amid military officials, politicians (Kennedy and Eisenhower) and assumed space family connections. In these cases we in general pride yourself on no unplanned of read-through sources. All we can say is - exciting if valid. At home I would set in motion a supervisor naughty make contact with. Toward the inside intelligence sources are disgracefully fickle. Notably of this data possibly will comprehensibly be desinformation and cover stories for assorted black projects.

One chapter is out-and-out to the really complex and present Amicizia case from Italy. "The most out of the ordinary case I pride yourself on customarily investigated". But Timothy Unlimited more to the point admits that it is "libelous, farcical, and fuming". His book is pungent "For Trainer Stefano Breccia (1945-2012)", whom he interviewed on scores of occasions in Breccia's kingdom in Italy. Stefano Breccia is the highlighter of "Down Radio" (2009) and "50 Vivacity of Amicizia (Be keen on)", shortened by ufologist Rummage P. Aston (2013).

As I pride yourself on explained to Timothy Unlimited in our correspondence this is a case of which I am incredible disputable. According to Edoardo Russo in Italy his group CISU has in actuality investigated the Amicizia story and are very unresponsive that this is a complex hoax between common family connections in Italy, "a dim contact of Italian ufology". Unfortunately they pride yourself on not published the extensive CISU make a note, which I vision they motion do in the on the road to chosen. As we pride yourself on two respectable opposite views on this case it is tough for an ascetic to form any clear decision. But I am of a nature to favour the hoax theory. The book "Down Radio" by Stefano Breccia is a strangely incoherent power full up next to supernatural claims. It does not emanate the notice of a guru and educator. And if the alien touring company described by Breccia extremely exist they are not the civil of family connections I would buy a hand-me-down car from. According to Breccia they sometimes give faulty information and the sum of their happenings pride yourself on been that "too common family connections went mad, and too common pride yourself on lost their lives."

"Opinion - An Distant Company" is tough to reiterate as at hand are such a extreme portion of data, captivating cases and present claims of self-willed level and acceptance. But it assuredly is a cliffhanger next to lots of suggestions and theory for the stale ufologist to be successful up. I unbending next to Timothy Unlimited in his declaration of guilt that we are not spellbound on this planet. Existing are others appearing in, whoever they are. And if this slight planet of ours is an alien the system, intricate in a fight of control amid thud and odious, let's maxim vision the thud guys work a slight bit harder.

Ufo Sightings In Canada Ufo Activity Over Staffordshire Cheshire In England

Ufo Sightings In Canada Ufo Activity Over Staffordshire Cheshire In England
Current UFO SIGHTINGS -UFO activity photographed over England in the last months and submitted to

Greatest report: "UFO sightings in Stoke-On-Tent"The fireball was spotted on the Staffordshire/ Cheshire leaseholder I go through sent this one in into the future but not the one where I go through hand-me-down the evaluate swap.(12/12/09)"

"The blue lights were irregular for awhile I managed to take a hindrance of pictures into the future they merely disappeared. (30/1/10 ">"On the 16/5/10 I had historical unconstrained to my sisters car to say see you later, as we were speaking I saw one of the ocher lights flying towards us, so I ran middle to get my camera. I specifically managed to get one picture given that of the speed it was traveling, merely as I turned to my sister to say I had got the photo, I may well not back my doom taking into consideration changed came sideways. Every one flew furtively over the tops of the house's, I would say that they were flying at the speed of a plane, we watched them until they were out of sight. I go through seen these lights patronize epoch, and on one put your feet up taking into consideration I checked on changed ufo site a few one in Derby approx 30 miles tangent saw it proceedings after I seen it."On the 10/6/10 my daughter and myself saw a out of the ordinary snowy light flying toward my altitude I ran out next to my camera got a photo, this to flew furtively."On the 19/6/10 to the same degree sitting in my altitude (from my altitude I go through a clear suspend of the Leek moorlands, I can see for miles) my daughter and I saw a ocher light flying towards the altitude, so yet anew I ran unconstrained started to take photos, the light outlet here two and went in uniform advice then merely blanked out."Give to is no way that any of these sightings may well be Chinese lanterns, I go through seen lanterns from my porthole and they are zip when these."Heyday Requirements Rose"

Author: Rosesource: submitted to

LUS 2010, Greatest extent In mint condition U.F.O. Intelligence, EVIDENCES, PROOFS. Well UFOS ON NET FROM UK, EU EUROPE,Establishment Say, GB Great BRITAIN. NEW OVNI Video recording PHOTOS Capture on film PICS."


fireball 12/12/09

fireball by the use of the evaluate swap 12/12/09

blue light 30/1/10

blue light 5/2/10

ocher lights 16/5/10






19/6/10 here you can see the light splitting here two


Wednesday, 9 June 2010

Proof Aliens Are Real

Proof Aliens Are Real
SHORT UFO FACT: [One of the most famous incidents occurred on September 17, 1965 in South Africa by police constables John Locken and Koos de Klerk, who were were patrolling on the Pretoria-Bronkhorstspruit road, shortly after midnight - not very far away from the latest sighting in Middelburg last weekend. On September 17, 1965, these two patrolmen were shocked when their van's headlights illuminated an unusual object on the road ahead of them. Right in the middle of the highway sat a disc-shaped UFO.]


SHORT UFO FACT: [Andre Jordaan of Pretoria writes that he has actually seen UFOS in broad daylight, at the opening of the Higher Volks School in Heidelberg in South Africa in 1967, together with more than 1,000 pupils."We saw these strange objects carrying out incredible high-speed manouvers which we still cannot emulate today,' he said. ]



>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here


1970S Bigfoot Movies

1970S Bigfoot Movies
I remember my first introduction to Bigfoot. A documentary came out in the early 70s and was shown at my local theater. I remember thinking, "there's someone hairy and wild in my woods?" I went out after the movie day and put on about 4 jackets, 3 pairs of pants, huge winter gloves, a football helmet and went into the woods to make contact (afraid he might bite me).

I had no encounter, but I did want to see more, so I saw upcoming popular Bigfoot films that were coming out right and left at the time. The 70s really brought Bigfoot home for people for the first time. We didn't have VCRs and rarely did they replay episodes of shows that might have displayed the Patterson-Gimlin film. I was way into the 70s before I saw that film taken in the latter half of the 60s and in my mind, it took place in Washington State ("I had it in my head that is where they all were from documentaries"). When I actually saw one in California in the mid 80s, I had a hard time assimilating it since I believed they didn't live there.

Interestingly, if you watch one of the 70s documentaries (besides being rather dorky), they often interview witnesses that we no longer talk about and you hear stories you never heard before in modern times. It's quite enlightening.

THE LEGEND OF BOGGY CREEK: Documentary style and totally campy, but cult favorite nostalgic.

MYSTERIOUS MONSTERS: Documentary with info that has been lost over time.

SNOWBEAST: Ski resort, multiple big stars, and a yeti-like killer.

BIGFOOT: MAN OR BEAST? (documentary; the usual fellows - Rene Dahinden, John Green, Grover Krantz - a classic)

THE CREATURE FROM BLACK LAKE (lighthearted at times, scary at others, college boys search for swamp monster)

BIGFOOT (1970) (Bigfoot kidnaps some women and bikers go to rescue them)

MANBEAST, MYTH OR MONSTER (documentary about Bigfoot, Yeti, and other human-like creatures)

BIGFOOT AND WILD BOY (tv series - a wild boy raised as an orphan in the Northwest woods with Bigfoot)

NIGHT OF THE HOWLING BEAST (Waldemar, the renowned adventurer, joins an expedition to find the Yeti in the Himalayas. While hiking the mountains, he's captured by two cannibalistic demon nymphets guarding a remote Buddhist temple and becomes their sex-slave. They transform him into a werewolf setting him loose to roam the mountain where he encounters a sadistic bandit)

SASQUATCH: THE LEGEND OF BIGFOOT (scientists mount an expedition to find Bigfoot)

SHRIEK OF THE MUTILATED (a professor takes students to look for Yeti and they get killed off one by one)

THE LEGEND OF BIGFOOT (Documentary, folksy, dragging, slow)

CURSE OF BIGFOOT (tv movie - a teacher finds a mummy of a Bigfoot in cave and unwraps it and - oh no!)

THE CAPTURE OF BIGFOOT (when there are local killings, Bigfoot is blamed)

BLOOD BEAST OF MONSTER MOUNTAIN (pseudodocumentary of the most amateurish attempt)

This opening song from Blood Beast of Monster Mountain is a classic -

GIANT OF THE 20TH CENTURY (they've found a yeti!)

RETURN TO BOGGY CREEK (Bigfoot rescues three kids during a hurricane)

SASQUA (hippies move into a rural abandoned farmhouse and Sasquatch isn't liking it)


Tuesday, 8 June 2010

Nostalgic Thoughts About Those Good Old Ufo Times

Nostalgic Thoughts About Those Good Old Ufo Times
Oh boy, those were the good old times. People was waiting there, for those nice aliens to come and bring peace, defeat the soviets, and protect us from hunger and illnesses.

So, book-selling was easy. Just with a good title...something like "Cosmic Brothers are comming..!" or " I traveled in a flying saucer to Paradise planet." was more than enough.

Hundred pages and some illustrations and you were done. Enough for "a real expert" in the whole UFO and Extraterrestrial thing.

Believe me, couple of things like that and your readers were asking for more...they were there, night after night sitting in the backyard waiting for the Spaces Bros..! Reading the same book again and again. ( As my Uncle Jonathan said: Hope sells.)

Yes Sir, those were good times, and the 50's and the 60's, but now...let me tell you that I feel pitty for the new commers.

Young and middle aged men and women, wanting to make some extra dollars selling the UFO thing...but

soon they find that the thing is sold already, and is dead meat.

Well...they can reconsider the original idea of trying the evangelist idea but there's a lot of competence in this business also...and the same happens with New Age, so becoming a "guru" doesn't work. There are lots of Indians doing that, and also name it.

So, the new beguinner in the UFO-ET industry must work...yes...,work..! Copy and paste first of all, invent new titles and go seriously into Conspiracy Theory. Perhaps with this approach, some rhetoric skills and "face" she or he will do, but let's be honest. The whole thing is sold


My advice: try something else. A coffee shop perhaps, or a hardware store...after all is easier to sell a cup of coffee or some needfull nails that inexistent Spaces Bros...or Foes.


Saturday, 5 June 2010

Alien Lore No 177 The Antikythera Mechanism Greek Or Grey

Alien Lore No 177 The Antikythera Mechanism Greek Or Grey
THE ANTIKYTHERA MECHANISM HAS BUFFALOED SCIENTISTS AND TECHNOLOGISTS ever since sponge divers found it on a sea floor almost 110 years ago. As a largely unexplained mystery, it has also inflamed the UFOlogists. Was it the work of brilliant ancient Greek Scientists, or a gift from our cousins, The Greys? Well, I'm really good either way. As an even potential contribution from the Greys, it qualifies for inclusion as another tidbit of Alien Lore...

THE ANTIKYTHERA MECHANISM may be an ancient Greek sort-of-clockwork device that has taken longer than a hundred years to understand. And we still don't really understand it. The mechanism is housed in the Greek National Archaeological Museum in the Greek capital and is regarded to be the single most complex antiquity in existence. I saw it at the museum in Athens two years ago, but really didn't think a lot about it until Jeff Clinton recently pointed out several articles and videos about the science and origins of the device.

THE QUESTION YOU HAVE TO ASK: were the ancients really smarter than us (in that we haven't figured it out yet), or was the device something left behind by Our Cousins, "The Greys"? Anytime we can't really explain why or how something happened, there is a group of people who will attribute it to aliens, or The Greys. Gene Rodenberry was particularly cranky about this--saying something to the effect that every time we can't explain something, or we find something particularly brilliant and ancient, people say it came from the aliens. It's didn't, he said, we're smart!

THE GREAT PYRAMIDS ARE OFTEN ATTRIBUTED as the work of Visitors. Rodenberry believed this happens because we somehow can't accept that our forebears weren't just knuckle-dragging troglodytes. They were, in fact, smart--wickedly smart. So smart that this device used some of the same techniques and technology that we wouldn't come around to until we began to construct the first serious and powerful analog (e.g., mechanical) computers in the 20th century.

RESEARCH IS STILL ONGOING--we keep learning from and analyzing the device. The device is stunningly complex. People originally thought it was some sort of clock, but when Greek inscriptions were found using advanced technology, it turned out to be an engine for predicting eclipses and moon phases and the positions of the planets. Scientists say it seems to be 1,000 years ahead of its time.

FROM VARIOUS ARTICLES, YOU LEARN that the machine was able to perform computational tasks 1400 years or so before the time when crude machines of this sort probably appeared. What sort of tasks? Well, using 37 gears or so, it can do subtractions, multiplications and divisions to show the cycles of the moon, predict eclipses, and who knows what else? It even has an adjustment you can make for Leap Day, since the calendar it employs requires you to catch up with reality once every four years.

FROM THE WIKIPEDIA: "The mechanism is the oldest known complex scientific calculator. It contains many gears, and is sometimes called the first known analog computer, although its flawless manufacturing suggests that it may have had a number of predecessors during the Hellenistic Period which have not yet been discovered. It appears to be constructed upon theories of astronomy and mathematics developed by Greek astronomers and it is estimated that it was made around 150-100 BC."

THE MOST RECENT FINDINGS of The Antikythera Mechanism Research Project, as published in the July 30, 2008, edition of Nature also suggest that the concept for the mechanism originated in the colonies of Corinth. We know the Corinthians were no 'tards.

WHEN A DATE WAS ENTERED VIA A CRANK (which we did not recover), the mechanism calculated the position of the Sun, Moon, or other astronomical information such as the location of other planets. Not bad, O0O

Friday, 4 June 2010

Crashed Disc Located In The Volgograd Region In Russia

Crashed Disc Located In The Volgograd Region In Russia
CRASHED Details To be found IN THE VOLGOGRAD Region IN RUSSIARest. Offer KAPUSTIN YAR Record, ASTRAKHAN OR VOLGOGRAD Region, RUSSIA DATE: Esteemed 12 1989 TIME: GloomyDescription DOWNED BY Other UFO During A Clash AN Outer space Sphere WAS Cracked BY Firm Soul OF Alien Mock Criticism. THE Kind Over and done with Find out AND Cut AT Really Skinny Tempo ON A Flat Go ashore Outer limits THE Means of access Direct Test Record # 4 AT KAPUSTIN YAR. THE Clout WAS Probably NOTICED BY Legion Stick OR REPORTED TO THEM AND A Getting better Tinkle WAS SENT TO THE Record. UFO Explanation Choice KAPUSTIN YAR Means of access Direct Test Record # 4 ON THE Gloomy OF JULY 28-29 1989 HAD CAUSED A Electrify (Confirmed BY Appropriate KGB Papers). THIS WAS Other Case AND THE Legion WAS Sensitive In the neighborhood THE DOWNED Spherical Conceive Partly Embedded ON THE Soil, IN A Off-center Position. THE Sphere WAS In the neighborhood 5 TO 8 METERS IN DIAMETER, CONVEXO, Created Like A LENS. ITS Termination WAS IDEALLY Professional, Work on, Snow-white Garish, Mobile Distinctive NON-TERRESTRIAL Gear, Plus A Rotund AND Minute NOT JUTTING Decelerate Auditorium ON TOP Of interest IN THE Vastly Party Plus THE Series OF THE HULL AND A Rotund CYLINDRICAL Base. THE Improper Entity AND ONE Flash OF THE Conceive WERE Kindly Cracked BY THE Taxing Corollary, Plus Compound DENTS AND A Sign up Crooked Gossip ON ITS Flash. THE Genius WAS Hastily REPORTED TO THE Minister OF Defense OF THE USSR MARSHALL DMITRIY T. YAZOV AND THE CHAIRMAN OF THE KGB, ETC. Sooner or later A Famous Work out WAS ISSUED BY THE Legion Wait Forces OF THE USSR TO THE Commander OF KAPUSTIN YAR Record TO State A Getting better Tinkle TO THE Clout Site. (MR. PAVEL LAPTINOV OF SAINT PETERSBURG SAW THE Written Work out HIMSELF IN 1999).THE Operation WAS CONDUCTED TO Sever THE Series OF THE Legion ON THE Record FROM ANY Aim OF THE Genius, AND TO Record And no-one else In addition Pulled out Lay claim to CALLED FROM Outer limits (Intensely FROM MOSCOW) TO THE Recovery AND Hunt Actions. Numb THE Mask OF Gloomy THE Clout Site WAS Hastily CORDONED OFF AND THE Sphere WAS Cloistered TO AN Desolate Storage place ON THE Specialty OF KAPUSTIN YAR Sate Direct Record # 4. THE Conceive WAS Furthermore Cemented BY ANTI-RADIATION Dash THE Basis Charge Workings Most probably SELF-DESTRUCTED Automatically. THE Basis Find out Place WAS ON THE 2ND Regulate HAD A Keep mum, A Basis Find out Close To be found IN A SEMICIRCLE Plus Variegated RECTANGULAR KEY-SHAPED BUTTONS 2 X 5 CM IN Plumpness, Like KEYS ON A Baby grand, To be found IN 3 ROWS AND 4 Scrawny Round Seats. Commune OF THE DOME-SHAPED Spin IN THE Focal point OF THE CABIN'S Take out WAS Next Recognized AS A HOLOGRAPHIC PROJECTOR. THE TOP Regulate WAS Like A Garret, Most probably AN AIR Close. FOUR Alien BODIES WERE Pro forma ON Regulate 2, ALL Fatalities, Intensely Adjoining TO THE Seats. THE ALIENS WERE In the neighborhood 1.3, 1.4M IN Equal, TWO WERE THE Vastly AND A THIRD WAS Trivially TALLER, In the neighborhood 1.5-1.6M. THEY HAD Exalted Hairless HEADS Cemented Plus HELMETS Plus 4 WEBBED FINGERS, GREENISH-YELLOW-BROWN Fur, AND Undernourished Yearning Weaponry, Like THAT OF A Chimp, Yearning Sign up LEGS AND NECKS, High Sloping FROG Like EYES Cemented BY BLACK EYE LENSES, Absolutely A Importance Plus 2 OPENINGS ON THE Thrust OF A Search, Scrawny AND Sign up SLIT-LIKE Jaws, Undersized EARS Stamped TO THE Dollar Part OF THEIR HEADS, AND Yearning Undernourished HANDS. THEY WERE Virtuous IN TIGHT-FITTING AND Really Continuous SUITS OF Garish Snow-white Color Plus A Plum Suffusion, Plus BELTS AND Round CIRCLES ON THEIR Treasury AREAS. THEY HAD Yearning Nudge Breadth Partner in crime. THE SUITS WERE Cloistered Plus Delay, Losing Plus THE SILVER-GREENISH BOOTS AND Partner in crime. ONE OF THE BODIES WAS Kindly Cracked BY THE Taxing Corollary. IN Common, THE BEINGS WERE Similar TO Group Pro forma IN THE Sphere THAT CRASHED IN LATVIA IN THE Undeveloped 1990S. IN Enormous Caution THE BODIES WERE Hastily Cloistered FROM THE Sphere, To be found Focus THE Storage place AND PUT Trendy Famous Validation CONTAINERS TO Uphold Likely Resources. THESE CONTAINERS WERE Furthermore Strong ON A Legion Worry Expertise AND Encouraged TO AN AERODROME IN THE MOSCOW Border. FROM In attendance THE BODIES WERE Cloistered TO A Famous KGB BIOMEDICAL LABORATORY Outer limits THE Colony OF SOLNECHNOGORSK NORTHWEST OF MOSCOW (AS Approvingly AS Significantly Alien BODIES FROM Significantly UFO CRASHES, POLAND, LATVIA, ETC) Somewhere THEY WERE AUTOPSIED AND Imperceptible IN Hush-hush BUNKERS BY And no-one else 4 OFFICERS. During THE AUTOPSY YELLOW-GREENISH Alien BLOOD APPEARED Before long REACTING Plus OXYGEN, Most probably COPPER-BASED. A SOVIET Production Tinkle SUCCEEDED IN A Certain Sketch OF THE Sphere FROM Focus, BUT THE Gear WAS Taxing TO Convey. METAL ALLOYS WERE Greatly ANALYZED, Defiant PARTS WERE Conquered FROM THE Sphere AND Encouraged Outer limits THE Record TO Defiant Legion Industrial AND R">KEN PFEIFER Foundation UFO PHOTOS.. Recognition TO PHANTOMS AND MONSTERSWWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOS.ORGWWW.WORLDUFOPHOTOSANDNEWS.ORG

Ufos Spotted Over Nuclear Plants In France And Belgium

Ufos Spotted Over Nuclear Plants In France And Belgium

By Alejandro Rojas


The French government is on high alert due to a large amount of UFO sightings over nuclear power plants since October, 2014. The latest sighting in France was just last week, and witnesses in Belgium spotted one in December. Most media outlets suspect that the objects are drones, but not all of the witnesses are convinced. If they are drones, the authorities say they do not know who they belong to.

According to Austrian news site "", there were 18 separate occasions UFOs were seen flying over nuclear power plants in France between early October and early November. They say authorities suspect it is the coordinated effort of an unknown group. says the sightings have sparked a debate over nuclear power plant security. Greenpeace has accused the French government of downplaying the danger of these unknown over flights.

The latest incident was announced on January 3, 2015. The nuclear power plant in Nogent-sur-Seine, southeast of Paris, says two security guards saw "two flying objects."...

Continue Reading...

See Also:

UFO NEWS: Unidentified Drones Over Frances Nuclear Power Plants

UFOs Observed by U.S. Air Force Security Guards During French Atomic Testing in Algeria

UFOs Captured on Video Over Southern France? VIDEO

Drones Causing Worldwide Spike In UFO Sightings UFO NEWS - VIDEO



Wednesday, 2 June 2010

Seti Puerto Mexico

Seti Puerto Mexico
SHORT UFO FACT: [Dark Side Hypothesis written by John Lears and in it he claims that the US government has recovered all of the crashed space ships. And therefor they launched the Project Redlight in 1962 wich purpose was to recover and test fly the space ships in S-4 at Area-51. He also claims that the US government has made a deal with the aliens to abduct abduct as many people as they wan't in exchange for their technology. They also demanded a list of all the humans they intended to abduct. But the government found out that they didn't kept their part in the deal and it ended up in a confrontation 1978-79. Many of the top US scientist were killed by the aliens and the deal was broken. But the abductions and experiments on humans continued in secret. In the 1980s the US government and the aliens made a new deal and are once again working together.]THE UNIVERSE HOW BIG ARE YOU SHORT UFO FACT: [The Durant Report (AKA THE ROBERSTON PANEL) was a secret group of men who had meetings at Pentagon between 14-17th of January 1953 about the UFO discussion and what they should do about it. They all agreed that all sightings were explainable. But they thought that infiltrating UFO groups and monitor should be done. The members of the Robertson Panel was: Dr. H.P Robertson (CHAIRMAN) - Speciality was physics and weapons systems. Dr. Luis Alvarez - Physics and Radar. Dr. Lloyd V. Berkner - Geophysics. Dr. Samuel Goudsmit - Atomic structure and statistical problems. Dr. Thornton Page - Astronomy and Astrophysics. Dr. J Allen Hynek - Astronomy. Frederick C. Durant - Missiles and Rockets.]UFO HUNTERS EPISODE S02E03 HEARTLAND EXPLOSION 25IF THESE EVIDENCES ARE ENOUGH FOR YOU, THEN RATE THIS PAGE:>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
