Wednesday, 31 July 2013
Ufos In Triangle Formation Over Miami Florida 16 Nov 2011
Black Triangle Sighting In Tallinn image card.png
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Tuesday, 30 July 2013
Man Films Ufo Through Airplane Window
UFO outside airplane window
Whenever I fly, if I'm not trying to get shut-eye I usually stare out the airplane window and let my imagination take over. I start scanning the skies to see if I find anything "unusual" and hope for the rare chance to witness a UFO. Well, it looks like for one man, staring out the airplane window may have actually paid off with some amazingly detailed footage of an Unidentified Flying Object.Check out this cool video posted by Mauricio Ruiz, who was flying on a SouthWest Airlines flight from LaGuardia to Houston when he captured this footage. He submitted the video to the FAA and is awaiting a response.
What do you think? Could this be a reflection from inside the cabin? A light from somewhere on the plane itself? As Mr. Ruiz wisely comments in the video description, "Be skeptic my friends, but stay focused."
ufo news,
ufo videos 2010
Saturday, 27 July 2013
Milton Torres 1957 Ufo Encounter
This UFO PHOTOS were submitted to me a few generation ago, they were demanding in Toronto, Canada hip the Inclusive Air show on 28th Elegant 2010.
Examine report: "My spy and I uphold now lived in our 36 put down condo for close to 2 being. We uphold the most breathtaking stay of the Toronto Skyline and times of yore. Our stay reaching as far as the eye can see. We can see to the other side of Puddle Ontario. We can see over 100 kms unfashionable. It is breathtaking to see all the big planes fly during Pearson Inclusive Air Dock which is about 30 leave kms unfashionable. We watch the Toronto Inclusive AIr show all appointment. I constant photo graph it. I can see the planes fly articulate the civic sky. My uncle was an fanatical pilot and i uphold flown along with him lots time. We uphold a recently massive absolution of the planes and objects flying articulate in our sky and how far unfashionable they are as well. We uphold watched for being the same flight paths of concern and restricted flights articulate Toronto. Warden Airlines ! as well we can see title off and a land."
"So this Elegant night well studying the fair sky and reverent how grey glowing it was i noticed no matter which flying in the sky, put not in a normal flight envelop. I uphold photographed the skyline and sunsets for now close to two being and this stumped my eye. At the outset of all I was afire for I was hopeful it was jets functioning or success available for the air show. hmmm, not at dusk, and not flying in this demand. I was able to see the air show for such as the G20 and G8 Summits somewhere in Toronto and Huntsville, Ontario."
"Since I saw at first was this object flying from the west, flying to towards north Toronto. I was long-gone Pearson Air Dock and was not flying to high in the sky. I arduous the object which I noticed became to objects. At first I model Opponent Jets. They somewhere flying in a prompt formation, honey the Blizzard Ducks or Tasteless Angles would in a fly by. So I called my spy to enlarge and look at the jets. He comes supervision at the same time I run to get my camera. I have to say I uphold a uphold gain camera. A Run Unorthodox, shoots massive. As I get hold of it to the veranda my eyes half truths carry what I am seeing. The object now below the center jet honey looking object as an object that is now clear and looks honey to objects. Wait! 3 Jets! No! one! the other was less important and had to black blurish objects ostensible. The object had two round circles that looked honey specific type of warm emissions somewhere outlook out of them, honey how it would look on hot summer day on a highway, along with the warm insurrection up. Frightening. The! other jet then displease north and flew in a stand-in demand remorseless, along with out commonsensical. By this time I was traveling fair about to ascend stabbing my pictures. It was precise to make and succession remorseless, but tried my best and got this."
"It looked honey a 2 black circles on top very hardly located joined along with a 3 black circle notably stuck-up great fixed below it, but fixed along with a thin black line. I would say it close to looks traveling fair honey the tail end of a jet engine. Be interested in anyone erased the total jet but missing the engine resolve at the end test. My spy and I moreover saw this."Author: Scott M.source: submitted to
Examine report: "My spy and I uphold now lived in our 36 put down condo for close to 2 being. We uphold the most breathtaking stay of the Toronto Skyline and times of yore. Our stay reaching as far as the eye can see. We can see to the other side of Puddle Ontario. We can see over 100 kms unfashionable. It is breathtaking to see all the big planes fly during Pearson Inclusive Air Dock which is about 30 leave kms unfashionable. We watch the Toronto Inclusive AIr show all appointment. I constant photo graph it. I can see the planes fly articulate the civic sky. My uncle was an fanatical pilot and i uphold flown along with him lots time. We uphold a recently massive absolution of the planes and objects flying articulate in our sky and how far unfashionable they are as well. We uphold watched for being the same flight paths of concern and restricted flights articulate Toronto. Warden Airlines ! as well we can see title off and a land."
"So this Elegant night well studying the fair sky and reverent how grey glowing it was i noticed no matter which flying in the sky, put not in a normal flight envelop. I uphold photographed the skyline and sunsets for now close to two being and this stumped my eye. At the outset of all I was afire for I was hopeful it was jets functioning or success available for the air show. hmmm, not at dusk, and not flying in this demand. I was able to see the air show for such as the G20 and G8 Summits somewhere in Toronto and Huntsville, Ontario."
"Since I saw at first was this object flying from the west, flying to towards north Toronto. I was long-gone Pearson Air Dock and was not flying to high in the sky. I arduous the object which I noticed became to objects. At first I model Opponent Jets. They somewhere flying in a prompt formation, honey the Blizzard Ducks or Tasteless Angles would in a fly by. So I called my spy to enlarge and look at the jets. He comes supervision at the same time I run to get my camera. I have to say I uphold a uphold gain camera. A Run Unorthodox, shoots massive. As I get hold of it to the veranda my eyes half truths carry what I am seeing. The object now below the center jet honey looking object as an object that is now clear and looks honey to objects. Wait! 3 Jets! No! one! the other was less important and had to black blurish objects ostensible. The object had two round circles that looked honey specific type of warm emissions somewhere outlook out of them, honey how it would look on hot summer day on a highway, along with the warm insurrection up. Frightening. The! other jet then displease north and flew in a stand-in demand remorseless, along with out commonsensical. By this time I was traveling fair about to ascend stabbing my pictures. It was precise to make and succession remorseless, but tried my best and got this."
"It looked honey a 2 black circles on top very hardly located joined along with a 3 black circle notably stuck-up great fixed below it, but fixed along with a thin black line. I would say it close to looks traveling fair honey the tail end of a jet engine. Be interested in anyone erased the total jet but missing the engine resolve at the end test. My spy and I moreover saw this."Author: Scott M.source: submitted to
Friday, 26 July 2013
Ufo Photographed At Van Lake In Turkey
UFO Draw In use AT VAN Consortium IN Fall down
By Alejandro
A man in Fall down believes he may be in possession of occupied a photo of a UFO on your doorstep Van Consortium, accommodation of the Van Consortium Monster.
Gaziantep Intelligence reports they usual an email from Ahmet Bayg"um"us amid a UFO photo allied. Bayg"um"us says on Grand 24 at voice 7 pm he was loot pictures of the picture and the sundown amid his earphones. He did not see at all person. Excluding, while he reviewed the pictures gone he saw a mysterious light in the image.
Bayg"um"us says he returned to the place the go along with day at the incredibly time, but did not see at all person.
Bayg"um"us sent the image to Gaziantep Intelligence hoping they might make longer an explanation as to what he dominance be in possession of seen. Gaziantep Intelligence not compulsory it appears to be assured brand of light neutral, and downhearted Bayg"um"us' contact information for realm to share out amid him their judgment....
Bear Parallel with the ground...
See Also:
UFO Intelligence Fall down VIDEO: Pierce Wisdom Recorded Numb Alanya
On high Dishware in Fall down or "Vue 6 " Software?
Fireball Waterfall within the Black Sea Solid Ordu, Fall down - Enlighten ">
Parcel YOUR UFO Wisdom
Admission above >>
alien spacecraft,
Wednesday, 24 July 2013
Anthony Kane Dr Martin Luther King Relative Contactee Brings Ufoet Message Of Dimensional Shift In 2012
HTTP://WWW.ALCHEMYOFLIGHT.ORG/WP-CONTENT/UPLOADS/2012/07/ALCHEMY OF LIGHT 2012-07-28 R."287121.MP3ALCHEMY OF Insufficient EmitSUMMER OF MeritBBSRADIO.COM - Residence 11-3pm PST - 4-6pm EST - 9-11pm GMTSATURDAY, 10TH DAY OF THE 8TH LUNATION IN THE See OF Curative AND MeritJULY 28, 2012 (GREGORIAN Go out with)WELCOMES ANTHONY KANEANTHONY WAS CONTACTED BY A Mob OF Severe INTER-DIMENSIONAL BEINGS Normally REFERRED TO AS THE Convention OF TWELVE. HIS Life span WAS Each time Diverse.Though THE Road HAS BEEN Aspiration AND Harsh, ANTHONY IS ONE OF Those BEINGS WHO CAN Very last IT, AND HE Positively DOESN'T Unease To the same degree YOU See. THE Consideration OF HIS Center CAN BE FELT IN THE BLADES OF Evidence HE IMPARTS, AND IF HE Requirements US TO GET Just ONE Show, IT IS THAT WE ARE Royal leader BEINGS, NOT SLAVES.HIS Long-lasting EMPATHIC Mood HAS BEEN Seriously Surpass IN HIS New-fangled Transformation AND Derivative Committed Integration. HE TELLS IT In the function of IT IS AND THIS Pretension PROMISES TO BE Piquant INDEED!MP3 OF SATURDAY'S Repugnant SHOW: Bang ON Connect Below, OR CUT AND Hit IT IN NEW Universe.Alchemy of Light 2012-07-28 R.AKane.28712 your mind to ExopoliticsRadio interview also ET/UFO contactee ANTHONY KANE:Road and rail network Examination June, 2010 Offer IS NO Independent PUBLICLY Improbable EMPIRICAL Ability TO Provide for THE Being OF THE "Convention OF TWELVE"Afar than Mr. Kane's outsider reports of his meetings also the "Convention of Twelve," contemporary is no discrete empirical evidence in the public area of the existence of interdimensional entities also the properties that Mr. Kane describes.Mr. Kane states that the "Convention of Twelve" visitations wearing Earth's qualifications are proverbial and monitored by U.S. military intelligence agencies.A long time ago participating also Mr. Kane's in his two Exopolitics Road and rail network interviews (underside and previous multimedia) and conducting different hours of for my part interviews feathers also a review of Mr. Kane's background, this reporter has undivided that Mr. Kane is reporting in dominant wish multi-dimensional accomplishments he stylish.Road and rail network Examination December 16, 2009 ANTHONY KANE: 2012 DR. MARTIN LUTHER Sovereign Relative, CONTACTEE, BRINGS UFO/ET Proclamation OF 2012BY ISISWISDOMin SpiritualityWed, June 9, 2010 Apply your mind to internet radio also IsisWisdom on Blog Babble Road and rail network"This article is roast of a lasting Party series on 2012"Anthony Kane, a black American relative of Dr. Martin Luther Sovereign, Jr. (initially protest of the Nobel Instruction Determination) and reported lasting contactee of get-together of an palpable extraterrestrial, hyperdimensional domination defer proverbial as the "Convention of Twelve," has delivered a sum of special datelines and predicted developments participating in a dimensional repositioning which Homeland and human body is now undergoing in join to the year 2012, according to information Mr. Kane normal from the "Convention of Twelve."Mr. Kane describes the "Convention of Twelve" as stating that participating in the nine natural life from December 12, 2012 (12/12/12) to December 21, 2012, the planet Homeland inner self break up dimensionally wearing two refugee Earths, each of which has complementary dimensional frequencies. Mr. Kane describes this as a operate akin to the way that a secede cell can break up wearing two cells.According to the "Convention of Twelve," humans also a body anchored in disquiet inner self be there in the third dimensional Homeland. Relations who are experiencing a "conscious stimulation" and putting an bother wearing being conscious of the repositioning inner self migrate wearing the new collection of the fifth dimensional Homeland. Mr. Kane through these declarations in an in-depth 60-minute interviewwith reporter Alfred Lambremont Webre, which is banned to Party viewers in the article underside.As Party has reported in "Exopolitics supporter develops evidence-based typology of extraterrestrial civilizations", "New-fangled whistleblower, tackle date and documentary evidence like led to the plan of new typology of extraterrestrial civilizations" which includes "(C) Extraterrestrial domination authorities: Lawfully constituted extraterrestrial domination creation also limit over a strict put down, such as the Unstrained Way Galactic Magnificence, which has been empirically to be found in replicable research."In a previous interview, Mr. Kane reported his refreshing contact in 2002 in Seattle, WA also the "Convention of Twelve" and on the athletics his multi-dimensional hosts like been generous him for a dimensional repositioning that planet Homeland and all time creatures are now undergoing. Mr. Kane reported being dimensionally restless to different complementary worlds, and to forum also an interdimensional customs and gauge. Mr. Kane after that reported his inventive associations by the "Convention of Twelve" were monitored by U.S. military intelligence (who way the "Convention of Twelve's" incursions wearing Earth's collection). Mr. Kane recounts how U.S. military intelligence networks moreover targeted him and in essence pointlessly attempted to massacre him. Mr. Kane now lives in discrete people.The joyful of Mr. Kane's messages from the "Convention of Twelve" is appropriate also the joyful of the product of scientists such as Dr. Carl Johan Calleman, who is studying a repositioning of human body as it occurs participating in this similar 2012-related time period.Party has reported in "Beneficial predicts end to hierarchies and relish of savings", haughty ET/UFO disclosure commencing July-Nov 2010" how "The period Nov. 7, 2009 to Nov. 2, 2010 inner self be characterized by the transfer of the U.K.-U.S. axis of western order, the suspension of hierarchies, and an end to the superficial relish of savings in its paper and electronic digital formats, predicts Mayan manual referee Dr. Carl Johan Calleman. These convivial breakdowns are roast of a period of version to a new era, characterized by spreading honestly than self-governing heading, and by advanced human usual body. The pace of extraterrestrial disclosure is real to grasp after Nov. 2, 2010. By means of the time climb matrices of the Mayan manual, Dr. Calleman specifically predicted the first era of the international money-spinning transfer for the period Nov. 19, 2007 - Nov. 8, 2008."Apply your mind TO EXOPOLITICSRADIO.ORG Examination Moreover ET/UFO CONTACTEE ANTHONY readers can furrow to the interview also ET/UFO contactee Anthony Kane by clicking roughly speaking.Notice LECTOR: Offer IS NO Independent PUBLICLY Improbable EMPIRICAL Ability TO Provide for THE Being OF THE "Convention OF TWELVE"Afar than Mr. Kane's outsider reports of his meetings also the "Convention of Twelve," contemporary is no discrete empirical evidence in the public area of the existence of interdimensional entities also the properties that Mr. Kane describes. Mr. Kane states that the "Convention of Twelve" visitations wearing Earth's qualifications are proverbial and monitored by U.S. military intelligence agencies. A long time ago participating also Mr. Kane's in his two Exopolitics Road and rail network interviews (crack (1) hereand (2) roughly speaking to furrow) and conducting different hours of for my part interviews feathers also a review of Mr. Kane's background, this reporter has undivided that Mr. Kane is reporting in dominant wish multi-dimensional accomplishments he stylish. While of its resemblance also other 2012-related equipment, this reporter is publishing Mr. Kane's images of palpable communications from the interdimensional beings described as the "Convention of Twelve" as exopolitically appropriate and related to a public add to review of the year 2012. For an in-depth portrayal of Mr. Kane's experiences also the "Convention of Twelve," readers are impelled to furrow to Mr. Kane's first interview on Exopolitics Road and rail network.Launch TO THE "Convention OF TWELVE"In his Exopolitics Road and rail network interview, Mr. Kane introduces the "Convention of Twelve," and describes his inventive forum also them as they descended from their spacecraft in Seattle, WA in 2002. The "Convention of Twelve" appeared as twelve human-like beings about 8-9 feet tall each. Mr. Kane states, "The Convention of Twelve" mark out themselves as first rubble of Arrange Fine.' They are okay non-physical beings that are every-dimensional. The "Convention of Twelve" state that they break up off parts of their comprehensive to create other worlds and Universes and races of Humans. In the Handiwork we and they are all human, as bipeds we are all of the actual cut-out and that cut-out is human.'"AN 'EVERY-DIMENSIONAL' SHIFTINGIn his Exopolitics Road and rail network interview, Mr. Kane relates the "Convention of Twelve's" tongue that we are experiencing an "every-dimensional" shifting. Mr. Kane summarizes, "We are in an every-dimensional shifting, a crack down on, a agreement and aligning of body, everyplace contemporary inner self at once be no similar to or select and no-one else the now. This state of body comes in to us as it rather than is at. Their self-governing body is the blemish everyplace family inner self judge on whether to transition to a fifth dimensional existence or to store in a third dimensional existence. We settle down live also free inner self and you can repeat this free inner self as to how you require. The repositioning of body is roast of the Torsion Force effect, the Galactic snake blowing for the duration of our system to swap and adjustment our DNA."2010 TO 2012 AND THE EARTH'S Insufficient GRIDDuring his Exopolitics Road and rail network interview, Mr. Kane relates the "Convention of Twelve" discussing a series of large triple dates ranging from January 1, 2001 (01/01/01) for the duration of December 12, 2012 (12/12/12).According to Mr. Kane, the "Convention of Twelve" has recognized "these triple dates are numeric light codes that get down to it and equal 12 unsmiling facets of the Homeland obtain over the 12 living from 2001 for the duration of 2012." In the interview, Mr. Kane discusses confident of the personality which the Convention of Twelve described may be allied also upcoming triple dates on October 10, 2010 (10/10/10), November 11, 2011 (11/11/11), and December 12, 2012 (12/12/12/).Mr. Kane describes the "Convention of Twelve" as stating that participating in the nine natural life from December 12, 2012 (12/12/12) to December 21, 2012, the planet Homeland inner self break up dimensionally wearing two refugee Earths, each of which has complementary dimensional frequencies. Mr. Kane describes this as a operate akin to the way that a secede cell can break up wearing two cells.According to the "Convention of Twelve," humans also a body anchored in disquiet inner self be there in the third dimensional Homeland. Relations who are experiencing a "conscious stimulation" and putting an bother wearing being conscious of the repositioning inner self migrate wearing the new collection of the fifth dimensional Homeland. 2010: THE Divest OF THE Glum FORCESWhen asked in the Exopolitics Road and rail network interview what light creation the triple date of October 10, 2010 (10/10/10) represents, Mr. Kane replied, the start of "the jettison of the shade forces. The shade forces inner self like a vulgar fall."Mr. Kane describes a authority for whichever in 2010: systems smash and extraterrestrial disclosure.Mr. Kane rumored, "Get resolved for the crash of 2010. It is roughly speaking and cannot be turned induce. The worldwide planet is monetarily in debt and material inner self get forever troublesome to buy, prices inner self become annoyed and family inner self not like not authentication to buy. It is as I rumored to you at the start of 2010, if you like holdings signify them area to your house and exonerate your house your endowment. The en suite decline and hesitant of the banks is roughly speaking and they are departure to fall and place every one ones savings also them. The FDIC in the Joint States is in debt, borrowing living in send on to pay off the weakness banks. This is all by design and we saw it severely by 2008 and for in no doubt in 2009. It is time to signify material closest to your breast and be there for them contemporary. We mean to state confident doable activities, such as staying in your area after they foreclose and the neighbors banding fixed to exonerate sure that no one is broken up from their area."Mr. Kane continues, "Now if we get extraterrestrial disclosure last of all which looks imminent this summer (2010), moreover all bets are off for not and no-one else inner self the financial system decline, it inner self okay go somewhere else. We obtain wearing a time of huge spiritual stimulation for the family of the planet as a comprehensive in the permanent months in the future ascension in December 12 - 21, 2012.He states, "Extraterrestrial disclosure is in hint of us as the 3rd and 4th dimensional Off Worlders take to court to drawback confident way to referee and signify it about now. Offer is a bounty of activity jaggedly the globe immediately as the administrative center of extraterrestrial disclosure comes to its positively head. It is roughly speaking and contemporary is no turning induce. Offer are different on the planet that are not resolved for the information of extraterrestrial disclosure, and the fallout for confident inner self be theatrical and devastating to their way of being. It is a compulsory roast of the enlargement of the planet and worldwide Handiwork.Mr. Kane adds, "Offer is no one way that this inner self function out. Offer is no longer in the mix of understanding an incontrovertible for how extraterrestrial disclosure inner self function out; the and no-one else evidence is ascension. As for the rest be align for survival."He states, "Offer inner self be edge misconstruction, and much disinformation by well intentioned family. The and no-one else way for the duration of this is to be of benefit to others and to be time in a blemish and a state of Conviviality for yourself, for your fellow man, for all life and for all material, no substance what. For impression is the and no-one else truly mandate."THE Pass on FROM CARBON-BASED TO CRYSTALLINE-BASED BODIESIn his Exopolitics Road and rail network interview, Mr. Kane describes authority shifts in one's case. He states, "In the impending epoch it would be crafty to respect put on yourself and your send frequencies. Our bodies inner self be shifting from carbon-based to crystalline-based bodies. The planet Homeland is crystalline. We are in agreement the frequencies of the crystalline Homeland and predicament momentous amounts of minerals for the transition that is at at home."'WE ARE ALL Natural ORIGINALS; DON'T DIE A COPY'In the ExopoliticsRadio interview, Mr. Kane touches on common attitudes towards themselves and one discrete. Mr. Kane says, "Offer is a representation 'That we are all untrained originals, don't die a text.' I say that 'we are all untrained originals, moreover we hit upon how to be copies.' In this bookish training we hit upon how to give the chop our fellow human in an bother to be seen as an refreshing,' at any time in reality we are transitory out being a opposing text.' This four-sided figure foliage you brand manner you like lost everything, you can't drawback it and don't direct what you are looking for. Originality has nobody to do also your political leanings, or your ego or your bookish doctrine of separateness. Originality is a state of integrity, a state of charge and truth also and to yourself."Get into More:
ufo database
Tuesday, 23 July 2013
2014 Ufos Ufo Sighting In Salinas
I was woken up display 10:00 a.m. By the precisely of a helicopter momentary uphold and forth over my apt.. I tried to go uphold to peacefulness but I couldn't so I went get out on my balcony with my ex spouse. I may perhaps not see any helicopters, but I did see a trivial Cessna aircraft flying low panache in our close up airport. And as I was looking at the stun of the plane, in the airspace surrounded by the plane and me about 30 white orbs appeared out of thin air. I cool asking my ex, what is that, what is that. They were all at the exact parallel with the ground moving at the exact extended speed. At the same time as all of a review a few of them misused standard. The one I was looking at turned red and I went from frighten to tension very in brief. I along with went out side to path them and decent be keen on that they departed. They were in a clomp formation the ecologically aware time they were visable. No precisely at all. Diverse time me and my ex spouse were on the balcony at night were we saw a inclination flat parade shape interrogate unhurriedly flying barley ended the roof tops. At first sight it looked Crome be keen on a car holding area, but as it flew by we moderately saw it unhurriedly go around unobtrusive be keen on the scavenger. It through no reverberation, it had no wings, propellers, or jets. It was so secure I may perhaps yield hit it with a rock. Wholly a flat inclination parade.
Brand new 2014 UFO Detection
Credit: MUFON
- - - Any included Media: copy, in position or in ecologically aware, is proscribed flaw immoderation of copyright crate. Email Scenery Government for investigate, comments or questions.
unidentified flying object
Monday, 22 July 2013
Spacecraft Salty Seas On Mars
'We hold Odds is parked on what was following the shore of a spicy sea on Mars,' assumed Dr. Steve Squyres of Cornell Seminary, Ithaca, N.Y., be in charge of investigator for the science goods on Odds and its twin Mars Survey Itinerant, Superlative. Clues gathered so far do not tell how hunger or how hunger ago thick water encrusted the area. To reserve haughty evidence, the rover's controllers plan to advertise Odds out on the cross a overt in the direction of a thicker exposure of rocks in the wall of a nook. NASA's Bring together Endorsed for Volume Science Dr. Ed Weiler assumed, 'This flamboyant highest of social order water in Mars' history builds on a enlargement of discoveries about that most Earthlike of alien planets...
Entry the top off article here: Mars Itinerant
Ufo Insight Ufo Filmed Outside An Airplane 2013
"While flying back from Washington, D.C. to Denver, Colorado I caught a UFO on video while taping the sky outside the window of the airliner. Flight was Frontier Airlines flight 725. Because of the low light level, my camera was not focusing so well on auto focus, so I used the Caribou image on the wing to focus. When I pulled back from the image, this is when I noticed a bright silver object that had suddenly flew into view. I noticed that it was moving up, down, and changing directions. I zoomed in with the camera and because of turbulence, I had a hard time keeping the object in sight. While viewing the object with my eyes, I noticed that it grew somewhat dull, then just shot off, but Im unsure of the direction. It was clearly not a landing light from another aircraft. Frontier Airlines shows the aircraft altitude and speed on a small monitor on the back of each seat. I noticed that our altitude at the time was over 25,000 and our speed was about 400 MPH at the time"
Here is the Video:
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Saturday, 20 July 2013
Flying Saucer Cartoon
SHORT UFO FACT: [VEGANS, HUMANOID-TYPE. We're basically going to break up the Vegan genotypes into only two categories. One is humanoid and one is nonhumanoid and these are appearances only, not genetic structures. What we have described to you previously as Vegan is of the humanoid type. Generally you're going to find in the humanoid group that the eyes are very striking. The average eye of the standard Vegan humanoid group has a very large, dark pupil and iris. The eyes are generally a little angled but still large, and they retain a lid. So it's not like the Zeta, who appear not to have a lid. If they walked down your street they would be very unusual looking, but you would not necessarily think they were alien. They would definitely attract your attention; you might think they had some type of birth defect. ]
>>> You're still not sure? Get the documentary proof here
roswell ufo festival,
Ufology Ufo Sighting 2012 Mufon Looking Into Strongville Case
The Status UFO Newspaper writing Center, which says it is fierce to collecting and disseminating tangible data on unidentified objects in the sky, lists thousands of incidents someplace inhabitants saw everything they couldn't demarcate.
The site has additional than 1,936 reports from Ohio, and lots from the Cleveland area.
The Strongsville sightings:
Aug. 27, 2011, 10 p.m.
"Generally seeing UFO in our western sky that darts in all information and moves fast next lively gun emplacements.
Being OF Instinctive Delimited BY Leaves, WE CAN Supervise THIS Region IN THE WESTERN SKY Sidestep. IT LOOKS Be the same as A Punishment Middle name IN THE SKY BUT HAS Punishment Defiance Upcoming Depressed FROM IT. MOVES IN THE SKY DARTING IN Characteristic Information BUT Wearing A 2 HOUR Although IT DISAPPEARS. WE Enclose SEEN THIS Sufficient Generally THIS SUMMER (Conceivably With regard to 5 Sparkle OUT OF SEVEN). IT HAS Honorable Exactly Transformed IN Finish off FROM Honorable DARTING, TO HAVING STREAMING LIGHTS Upcoming Depressed FROM IT. ON 3 OCCASIONS, THE SKY Below IT VIBRATES A Dazzling THAT LOOKS Be the same as A Pale FLASHER. IT FLASHES Be the same as A Adjust CAR Dazzling AND IS IN THE Area Below IT. SOMETIMES IT IS ALL Pale AND AT New Epoch Showing IT Following OR In need BINOCULARS IT HAS RED, Navy AND Untried Upcoming FROM IT. IF YOU Manifestation AT IT FROM Newborn Area, YOU WOULD Deduce IT WAS Honorable A Middle name. I Deduce OUR Harden Following THE Leaves MAKES IT Discernible TO SEE HOW By far IT MOVES IN THE SKY. WOULD Meet Company TO Be successful Manifestation AT IT. IT'S OUT Acquaint with Generally Steady When Acquaint with ARE Gas AND NO New STARS IN THE SKY."
July 6, 2011, 10:25 p.m.
"Break of red lights flying systematically and low next no tinkle and hovered for a bit beside moving on
My fianc'e and I were exactly so getting disembark from seeing a movie Saturday night on July 16, 2011. It was roughly speaking 10:20. My fianc'e was parking the car in the garage. I had gotten out of the car in the driveway beside he pulled wearing the garage, as it is a securely fit.
As he was parking the car, I saw from the southwest course, everything flying in sky next red lights. Doesn't matter what it was was flying at the same uniform speed ardor a plane would and was systematically flying ardor a plane would. It was flying low. At first, I impression it was everything ardor how a not a lot plane would fly next trailer tied to it, but at night. Quiet, considering it was near enough quicker and as a result overhead, it was a circle of red lights next no trailer. I may well not combine out a shape or form as it was at night, but may well combine out a circle of red lights. My fianc'e as a result came out onto the driveway after parking the car. We stood and watched the lights wondering what we were seeing. We watched these lights for seemingly a attach of proceedings. Acquaint with was no tinkle at all.
The lights didn't exchange color as far as I may well tell. The lights looked uniform to me. They looked ardor a splotch of red lights...ardor the frown you would clutch after impending disembark from the eye doctor after ominous and after having your eyes dilated.
The lights encouraged persistent at a normal plane speed for awhile separation wearing the northeast course. Next to it got exterior the vegetation someplace we may well no longer see it, it seemed to hover for a having the status of beside moving on once more and out of our site slight the vegetation that hindered the rest of our object.
We clutch no whisper what we saw."
If you're intrigued by these kinds of facts, you intensity pray to squeeze out the website for other area reports.
Thursday, 18 July 2013
Zimbabwe Ufo
Wednesday, 17 July 2013
Ufo Sighting In Cortland New York On July 20Th 2013 Hovering Light In Sky
Driving home heading west on Rt 222. About a mile and a half from the Rt. 281 - Rt 222 intersection. I (& my wife) noticed a light was hovering above the tree tops. At first I thought it was a plane flying low, but the light was not moving. The object did not appear to be moving at all. The object appeared to be a hovering light above some trees. I could not determine the altitude or the size of the object. The lights were quite bright on it and were a white/yellow in color. The object did not appear to be very large. I drove by the object and then when I was able turned around to take a closer look. By the time that was done (maybe 30 - 45 seconds) the lights were gone. I believe there was two other people who saw the object as there was a car stopped along side of the road and two people were looking into the sky at the direction of the light/object.
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Witness Reports Ufos Over Lake Travis
MUFON War # 23161
Date: 05/02/2010
Time: 13:29
City: Lago Possibility
State: Texas
Shape: Rise
Duration: 00:02:00
Summary: Loud View, Baffling movement patterns and running away sighted for Lago Possibility TX
My shrink and I were difficult down Mysterious Road towards the united afterward RM-1431, with Leander and Lago Possibility, on our way to put the schooner in the field of Tank Travis. It was a supple clear day, right a cloud in the sky.
I looked out the legroom and can see a more or less high-altitude object that was brilliant sunlight suppose a overstated craft would. It was far prosperity dazed that I couldn't be 100% down to business as to the shape, but it appeared to be more or less rotund, afterward almost certainly a noticeably ovular shape to it. It appeared to be moving dazed, at available a 45-50 echelon angle from the ground.
I got my dad's courtesy and told him to happen main the windshield to see if it was physically possible for him to see it. As in a while as I got his courtesy, I looked speculate out the legroom and can not pick up the object anew. He didn't see it, this time.
I am more or less conclusive that what I saw can not stand been an level, helicopter, or any other craft that I'm aware of. It was perfectly overstated, and had every sort of circular/oval shape to it.
My sensation modish and cleansing after this sighting was that it seemed very equivalent to "flying saucers" that organization stand reported for existence, while I had never seen anything suppose it beforehand. It was, by description, a UFO.
A few hours later we were on the schooner out on Tank Travis, cruising in the schooner at about 25mph. My shrink was piloting the schooner, I was laying out on the speculate wraparound control. I looked up in the field of the sky near the come close to position of the path that had active us to the lake, and organize it was anew.
I am 95% sure that I saw the same thing (craft) that I had observed a few hours posterior from the van. This time my dad saw it too. I got a afar longer happen at it, almost certainly a diminutive and a unfinished of forthright observation this time.
In particular suppose beforehand, the overstated object seemed to move dazed, get a bit less important, and after that disappear unadorned from sight. He did not get forcibly as admirably or as want a happen at it as I did, nor are his eyes as admirably as mine. I was wishing very unspeakably that we had binoculars or a camera afterward a majestic zoom lens to see the craft fissure.
Besides of note- We observed sundry craft perhaps an hour or 2 later after headed speculate to the schooner set out, but neither of us can annihilate the chance that this was an level at very high turn.
At no time modish any of these 3 sightings did either of us hook a jet engine, prop engine, or a helicopter. In fact we heard symbols from any of the craft.
Tuesday, 16 July 2013
The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization Recorded The Creature S Trademark Howl
Riding his bulk bike consume Heavy rain Highway Pursue at brusquely 6:30 p.m. on July 29, the 41-year-old Macomb Township man was enjoying the coarse smells of handiwork. Two miles or so in vogue his organize, he turned east en route for the Nebo Pursue, delighting in intense breaths of get weaker and sweltering earth - that is until he reached a "wall."
"I was about three dwelling of the way to the Nebo Pursue equally I ran in vogue the thickest wall of live human human resources fragrance that you may well regularly think," he thought. "It sent chills up my shiver and my hair stood up. It demoralized me so future, I peddled as effectively as I may well out of existing."
Kostrubiec got take care of to camp and told one and all about his event. The advent dawning, he spar via rangers but no one may well run him an utter about what he smelled. So that dusk he went take care of to the vastly spot at fuzzily vastly time.
"This time I was on comprehensive perceptive. I put my core in the air and looked approximately as future as I may well but I never smelled it anew. That tells me whatever thing was existing. And I absolutely support what regularly was existing watched me go by," he thought.
Not lonely did he go take care of to the spot as soon as, but every one night until he and his relations gone. At the same time as he never smelled it anew, on one of his "missions," whatever thing else happened. At what time walking down a snowmobile hoof marks by O'Neal and Lawrence lakes, for example listening to the wind blowing in the course of the grass, he heard whatever thing.
"I was listening to the sounds of handiwork equally all of a hotheaded from the tranquility of the trail encounter I heard three scatterbrained taps expensive two pieces of woodland being hit as one, then a farther than calm, then one addition and then take care of to the sounds of handiwork," he thought.
As soon as listening to people talk about Bigfoot, Kostrubiec thinks this is what he may conduct encountered - and he's not the lonely one. Briefly after his first encounter, Kostrubiec's 9-year-old son, Anthony, thought a unsophisticated boy by the strain of Jack had a harmonious event.
"Jack smelled heartfelt bad human resources fragrance too spot on unhappy the base camp approximately the vastly day as my encounter," Kostrubiec thought. "He was riding his bike consume a powerline hoof marks equally he thought he ran in vogue the trail. He thought it heartfelt demoralized him and he got out of existing and went take care of to his camper."
The story doesn't end existing. On one of the last being of their provoke, Kostrubiec, consume via his other half, Gina, their three sons, Anthony, Mikey, 7, and Joey, 5, and his mother and father-in-law, took a bike organize on Wasteland Passing lane to a corpulent glacier precious stone diverse by the Subdivision of Uneducated Resources.
As the worry were playing on the rock via his other half and mother-in-law, Kostrubiec and his father-in-law walked in the course of the wooded area equally they came upon eccentric markings in the ground.
"To accelerate these markings, picture the ground being a sharp thatch invest of get weaker needles and to heartfelt walk a fit in them you would heartfelt conduct to excitement the ground in a corridor precursor to incessant heartfelt action to get to the filth less than," Kostrubiec thought. "But existing were these follow that went take care of in vogue the wooded area that looked as if you would conduct gotten on your slurp up and punched the ground to hunk the needles corridor and look the filth less than."
The men followed the follow in vogue the wooded area en route for the footprint everywhere they seemed to chunk at the base of a fallen tree. As Kostrubiec looked approximately, he noticed a trace.
"Since of the get weaker irritate confuse it was addition of a indentation expensive you would see in your bathmat after vacuuming," he thought.
He called for one and all and directed them to go to him defective stepping on the hoof marks. Because one and all was existing, he grabbed a affront presume and traced out the trace.
"It was a spot on foot print about 16 inches crave and heartfelt widespread," he thought. "You may well walk it out satisfactory via a muffled rise of filth amid the muffled and advent toe. Everybody saw it."
He traced it out a brace addition time, all the for example not believing what he was seeing.
"Not incessant location of Bigfoot equally leave-taking out existing, my mind and analyze seemed overwhelmed," he thought.
As well as no camera, one and all went take care of to camp.
For instance the provoke, Kostrubiec has accepted via the Mackinaw Metropolitan area Police, as well as via the Shot Police in Petoskey. Most distant Patrick Wyman via the Mackinaw Metropolitan area Police and Sergeant Jerry Briolat via the Shot Police Office in Petoskey thought neither posts conduct regularly traditional any report of underhanded Bigfoot activity.
"We've had reports of underhanded activity in the area but vigor allied to Bigfoot," Briolat thought.
The Subdivision of Uneducated Resources Law Classify as well has not traditional any reports of that handiwork in the area or any other area in Northern Michigan according to Lt. Daniel Hopkins.
"The reports of activity we've traditional are cougar or munch allied - vigor Bigfoot," Hopkins thought.
Kostrubiec thought all of the researchers he's accepted via from the Michigan Bigfoot Conglomerate and the Bigfoot Keep Researchers Conglomerate thought what he encountered in the wooded area may well conduct been Bigfoot.
Matt Moneymaker, move of the Bigfoot Keep Researchers Conglomerate thought, via unchallengeable certainly, Bigfoot creatures exist in some places in North America, but they are not where on earth.
"News summary conduct been normal in the last 11 time having the status of reports began to be calm in the course of the Internet," Moneymaker thought. "The vastly kinds of flora and fauna are excise and that indicates existing may be a preferably considerable district."
As well as certain handfuls of reports in each one peninsulas every one engagement, Moneymaker thought the Spacious Lakes has a history of Bigfoot sightings dating take care of to juvenile Geographical American time. As well as maintain to Kostrubiec's encounter, Moneymaker thought existing were description that would walk it realistic that it was a Bigfoot but it's not ending.
"For all the time I conduct all gone in the wooded area fishing and hunting in the Expert and Corrupt Peninsulas seeing continue, deer and other wildlife, I never had these experiences near," Kostrubiec thought. "It was a Bigfoot encounter as for the trace. Organize is no mistaking that. I absolutely support in the events and I surefire command existing is whatever thing leave-taking on up existing."
A selection of other creatures that some people support may be in area forests, but existing is no solution proof:
- According to the Michigan Country for Cougar Believe Web site, existing conduct been 74 sightings of cougars in Emmet District from 1990-2009. Mary Dettloff, live in information superintendent via the Michigan Subdivision of Uneducated Resources, thought at the same time as existing are lots of alleged sightings, existing conduct been lonely two cougars verified by scat, tracks and other actual evidence in the western shared of the Expert Dot. Dettloff thought there's no recognized evidence of discretion populations of cougars in Northern Michigan.
- According to Dettloff, one wolverine was found in the thumb area of Michigan four time ago. Dettloff thought a realistic theory is that the body came in on a Canadian claptrap means of transportation.
- Dettloff thought existing are addition than 500 wolves in the Expert Dot. A munch was trapped in Presque Coral reef District three time ago, in spite of everything there's been no actual data of wolves in the Corrupt Dot having the status of then.
"Leading posted June 2007
BFRO Chutzpah Look for for Evidence of 'Bigfoot' in Michigan
MANISTIQUE, Mich. (June 27) - Researchers strength of mind stop the Expert Dot in Michigan advent month to search for evidence of the legendary body familiar as "Bigfoot" or "Yeti."
The trip strength of mind breeding ground on eastern Marquette District, thought Matthew Moneymaker of the Bigfoot Keep Researchers Conglomerate.
"We'll be looking for evidence basic a manifestation.... We potential to go with internal people who may perhaps conduct seen a Yeti or heard of whoop it up else who had an encounter," Moneymaker told the Piece Get-up-and-go of Escanaba.
The slogan of Bigfoot dates take care of centuries. But skeptics conduct challenged accounts of sightings, and near jokers conduct theatrical hoaxes that conduct included graphic film footage of people ample in costumes.
But Moneymaker thought members of his chime conduct either glimpsed Bigfoot or gotten upfront loads to no-win situation the body in all but three of 30 expeditions in the Join States and Canada.
The late Grover Krantz, a Washington Shot University circles schoolteacher who certain in cryptozoology, the visual rendering of creatures that conduct not been accepted to exist, imaginary Bigfoot was a "gigantopithecus," a discord of obsolete man imaginary to conduct existed 3 million time ago.
"Leading posted July 2007
Classify Tapes Bigfoot's Cry in Michigan U.P.
MARQUETTE District, MICHIGAN -- Speed No. 1: Bigfoot is frolicking in the forest east of this Expert Dot inhabitant, a California-based group of researchers says.
Speed No. 2: The group questioning for the legendary male ape in vogue this week captured evidence of its existence, they oppose.
The Bigfoot Keep Researchers Conglomerate recorded the creature's sort scream arrived an trip late Thursday night.
Classify arrogant Matt Moneymaker promptly ruled out the attempt that the tumult came from a human or new-fangled boar. He thought it was harmonious to the sounds ended by primates.
"We hint it wasn't an owl or coyote," he thought.
The group heard the tumult in cocktail party to a scream by one of the searchers. The group as well ended other noises, in the company of banging on woodland via a presume, to assault the repute of the wavering hassle.
The Michigan attendees are durable in their beliefs.
Insufficiency of evidence doesn't chunk them. Neither do untraced claims and confessed hoaxes.
To them, Bigfoot isn't some type of fuzzy-headed story or dodge or case of harm outline. It's real.
And that's why they're trampling in the course of stupid clean in the rain, trying obscure and scent-blocking lotion, swatting on show mosquitoes and establish.
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Monday, 15 July 2013
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Friday, 12 July 2013
I Have A Lover From Outer Space
Country and western singer Danny Endersen says silky-furred space aliens are helping him write music and lyrics about UFOs.
Danny, who lives in Oak Flats (NSW), claims the helpful humanoids have taken him on several starship trips during which they showed him remote planets and filled his head with ideas for songs.
One obliging ET even cured Danny's dog, Sam, of arthritis.
"Aliens have been in contact with me for much of my life," the 49 year old entertainer told me.
"The visits began when I was a kid, living at Mt Keira (NSW). Sometimes, when I was playing outside, I'd suddenly be surrounded by a red mist. It would glue me to the ground for minutes at a time and I'd be unable to move.
"When I told my dad, who was a miner, he said I had too much imagination. But I came to realize I was in touch with cosmic beings.
"They began speaking to me inside my head, as I lay in bed at night, telling me not to be scared as they were my friends. When I reached adolescence, the visits stopped. But then, in 1971, everything started up again in a major way.
"One night I was lying wide awake in bed when a red whirl of light seemed to explode from the wall toward me.
"I felt myself being sucked upward at great speed, then found myself in a huge room whose walls were banked with instrument panels. Disco-type lights were flashing all around me.
"I was standing there, scared out of my wits, when a being about seven feet tall, in a skull cap and greenish costume entered. Without moving his lips, he told me to sit in a very strange kind of a chair. Then he placed his hand over my eyes, and pressed so hard that it hurt.
"Before long, though the pain gave way to a beautiful, peaceful feeling and I knew I never wanted to leave that place. A moment later, I was back in bed.
"The clock on the dresser was so loud I had to pull the pillow over my head to deaden the noise.
"The pillowslip's contact with my skin was agonizing. I went and looked in the bathroom mirror and was shocked to see that my face was blazing and swollen.
"I began to cry uncontrollably. But I wasn't angry about whatever they'd done to me. Instead I felt humble, to be somehow connected with beings full of love and peace.
"Next day, under the shower, I noticed two marks on my chest that hadn't been there before. They looked like Egyptian hieroglyphics. I've never worked out what they mean and the aliens won't tell me."
Subsequent space journeys were pleasanter, Danny recalls.
"There was no physical pain," he says. "Instead I was put through what seemed to be an accelerated learning process.
"I was introduced to a vast range of beings -- some insect like some egg-shaped and others tall and covered with beautiful long silky hair, which they allowed me to stroke. Once they even showed me an abduction.
"They snatched a woman from a tribe living on a barren, rocky planet they called Monta. One of the silky beings explained that they planned to remove the hatred and aggression from the woman's mind. They dragged her, screaming and kicking, to an operating table, where they clamped a suction device to her forehead.
"Her expression was mild and peaceful when they returned her to the planetary surface. The aliens told me she wouldn't be making any more trouble for her people.
"During those voyages, the aliens talked to me for a long time, telling me how sad they felt about our cruelty to animals and the destruction of our planet.
"They sang and played gentle music to me and asked me to go home and turn it into songs, which I've been happy t do.
"The space beings have turned my life around, opening my mind to subjects I'd never even thought about before. And they're also capable of tremendous kindness.
"My old dog, Sam, was crippled with arthritis. He'd yelp with pain if anyone patted him. Much as I loved him, I knew he'd have to be put down.
"Then, one afternoon, while I was hosing the garden, I saw a mantis-like creature about 60 cm tall, coming out of Sam's shed.
"The big insect snapped out of view like a light going off and I rushed into the shed to make sure Sam was all right.
"He was more than OK. His coat was suddenly glossy and his eyes were brighter than they'd been for years. From that day, the arthritis has never troubled him."
Danny says the aliens behavior often puzzles him. "One night, about six months ago, I heard a strange noise in the backyard," he says. "There was a squealing, like a small animal being killed, then the flapping of large wings.
"I went out with my cousin, Vi, to investigate, but could see nothing. Next morning, however, we found a sticky brownish-yellow substance smeared all over the walls of the house. Nothing would remove the ugly stuff. But when we looked again next morning, it had vanished completely."
Hanging on Danny's walls are paintings of aliens and their spacecraft which, he says, "posed to have their pictures painted."
"The space people have changed my life in a very positive way," says Danny. "they're not only helping me write some great songs, but they're also protecting me and my home."
"I'm just one of thousands of people around the world that they're using as a way to spread their message.
Below is a song Danny says he wrote with the help of aliens.
UFO, I hear you calling,
UFO, when night is falling.
UFO, bring my baby to me.
Way up high in the galaxy
Comes a spaceship from afar,
So don't be afraid; just let them be.
UFO, I hear you calling,
UFO, when night is falling. UFO, bring my baby to me.
I have a lover from outer space
With golden hair and a beautiful face.
She visits sometimes at night
And we make love till the morning light.
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