Monday 18 May 2009

Alex Jones Disavows Extraterrestrial Cover Up At Bilderberg Protest

Alex Jones Disavows Extraterrestrial Cover Up At Bilderberg Protest
The BBC sent a reporter to cover protests at the annual Bilderberg meeting held near Watford, Britain. In a video segment made available online, the BBC reporter approached Alex Jones who was described as "King of the conspiracy theorists." When asked if there was any conspiracy theory that he rejected, Jones replied that it was the idea of an extraterrestrial cover-up. More important, according to Jones, are the globalist policies designed and orchestrated by the Bilderberg group that he wants to expose. Jones declaration was no big surprise for any that have followed his expos'es on or Jones dismissal of an extraterrestrial cover-up, while protesting at a Bilderberg meeting is ironic since that may well be the very reason why the annual Bilderberg meeting was created in the first place.

First, let's begin with what Jones actually said. The BBC reporter approached him and asked: "Are there conspiracy theories out there that you think are too nuts, are just too extreme."
Jones replied: "Yes, I don't personally believe there are extraterrestrials or anything like some people say."

In the full BBC video report, Jones went on to describe a litany of globalist policies that have been orchestrated by the Bilderberg group, completely unaware of the irony of his initial response to the reporter's question. Jones was essentially claiming that there was no connection between the annual Bilderberg meeting and conspiracy theories of an extraterrestrial cover up. Historic events and evidence, however, suggest otherwise.
The first Bilderberg meeting in 1954 had multiple reasons to convene. The public justification was that it was held to promote political and economic cooperation between Europe and North America as the best defense to what was now perceived as the long term threat of communism. To that end, prominent business and political leaders have been regularly invited to Bilderberg Group on an annual basis to discuss ways of coordinating national policies and anticipating global trends.

Key personnel and agencies involved in the formation of the Bilderberg Group reveal that its hidden purpose was to encourage global cooperation in response to a perceived long term threat known to Bilderberg's creators: the Central Intelligence Agency (CIA); the Rockefeller brothers and Prince Bernhard of the Netherlands. This long term threat was only shared on a need-to-know basis, and emanated from World War II events involving Nazi Germany's advanced technology programs. Events which Nelson Rockefeller, and the CIA and find out why, surprise, surprise, they lied to him.

(c) Copyright 2013. Michael E. Salla, Ph.D.

This article is copyright (c) and should not be added in its entirety on other websites or email lists. Permission is granted to include an extract (e.g., introductory paragraph) of this article on website or email lists with a link to the original.

Further Reading

* Will Obama China meeting usher in world government & alien disclosure

* Bilderberg Group mystery - international banking & otherworldly interests

* Alex Jones has a problem - global elite belief in extraterrestrial creator gods

* Prometheus - are humanity's creators set to return & destroy us?

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