Tuesday 12 May 2009

The Nice Alien

The Nice Alien
The wizard lived atop the high hill in The House.

There came a time when he built a tent out on the lawn, and slept within it at night.

We could hear him snoring thru the First Dawn Light.

Or, what sounded like snoring.

Word says the noise may have been something else.

He built some kind of disk shaped ship outside The House.

In the tent.

And he used it to travel the speed of light

And beyond the speed of light

And that sound of him sleeping is the sound of breaking the barrier of the speed of light

Kinda like breaking the sound barrier, but he broke the light barrier

And because he also kept a lantern outside his tent at Night

They called him the Light Bearer.

When he travelled in his ship

He entered into a space with some being from Zeta Reticuli

The being told him that a tragic error had been made in the universe

That the very fabric of creation was in jeopardy and slowly unravelling

Coming to an end

And a teardrop fell from the aliens eye

And the wizard and the alien shared in a moment of great peace and compassion

Knowing the end was upon us

Knowing that all things involved were in the Same Boat

And although the teardrop contained sadness

It also contained great Love & Peace

Because there was no reason to fight anymore

No reason to be greedy

No reason to do anything but to weep in bliss at what once was

So beautiful and so good

So goes the story of the nice alien

Traversing Light

posted in
Alien Abductions
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