Friday 8 May 2009

The First Time I Met My Husband With Help

The First Time I Met My Husband With Help
During my talk with Mike C.-- I realized there "was "another memory from my teens that I never shared regarding alien abductions. Possibly because I dont recall seeing any aliens. However, given the circumstances, I dont see how aliens could not have been involved.

It was about the first time I met Gerick.

Technically, he and I met face to face (when he was 20 and I 21) here in Oregon when he came to see me for 2 weeks in 1991. However! We shared photos months before that and recognized one another from an incident during our teens.

I was 15 years old, it was the summer of 1985, and my sister was at her part-time job. Normally my cousin Lisa stayed with me during the day, but she was at computer camp or band camp or something that week-- so I had the day free and to myself while my father traveled and my mother worked. This particular morning I heard a knock at the door and I went to answer it...

... and saw a tall, skinny teenaged boy with curly hair standing there. I was puzzled but opened the door to find out who he was and what he wanted. As soon as I opened the door, things started to get-- well, I started feeling really wonderful and affectionate (like someone slipped me ecstasy). I smiled broadly with genuine good humor.

The boy said, "You probably dont know who I am, but Im your brother." Those were his exact words, which-- had I been in my right mind would have stopped me cold and made me close the door again, but in actuality I felt that I knew JUST what he meant.

I said, "Im so happy to meet you, then!" I remember feeling so thrilled to discover I had a brother. I just believed him completely without question, which is not like me-- and therefore suspiciously like an alien-influenced encounter.

There my memory ends abruptly-- only coming back later to find myself in a wide clearing area with grass, and a small house by a tiny brook in this hollow in a deciduous forest. Which is strange, because where I live the forests are all coniferous. The boy and I were laughing, talking, walking around-- just hanging out and then later even goofing off a little. I remembered us going to the top of this little hill and rolling down the side just laughing our asses off. We were enjoying one anothers company immensely.

The next thing I knew, I was back at home in bed! I was very confused because I KNEW I had been awake to answer the door, but then what happened? How could I just abruptly black out standing up and talking to someone? And what about my memories of running around outside somewhere with this boy? It never made any sense. I chalked it up to a dream, although that didnt make sense either-- until I saw the photo of that same boy 5 years older. He remembered me as well. It was Gerick, no question.

His take on the experience-? He had just become a Pentacostal Christian (a fundie branch of Protestantism) in an effort to explain and protect himself from the frightening alien encounters. His parents actually joined that church after their son did. He even went to the church school for 3 years. During that time, people in the church referred to one another as "Brother" and "Sister." Hence how he introduced himself to me. And he, too, was home alone during most of the summer while both of his parents worked.

He remembered far more of what he and I did later-- because that whole day we spent on the property around his house-- in OHIO. Somehow he met me at my place in Oregon in the morning, we went to his place (which I saw later and could confirm with my own memory) for the entire afternoon and still made it back to my place before my sister came home at 4:30 pm. He recalled some of what we talked about, and where we went in great detail, and even that it rained hard and one point and he and I ran to find shelter under a cliff overhang-- and shared a kiss. It was like a romantic set-up date by the aliens. Just the one, though!

Years later after we met properly-- pretty much being set up by Linda Cortile of the book "Witnessed"-- we wondered about that little interlude. We had both shared our separate memories of this event with other people who we both spoke to later, confirming the reality of this particular memory, so its one of the best ones to confirm the event as totally physical-- traveling thousands of miles in a single day back and forth. The next day, Gerick even went out to several areas he and I had been to AFTER it rained and saw our footprints in the mud by the cliff-face and by the small brook by his house. There was no doubt that I had physically been present in Ohio that day.

Turns out a lot of abductees meet this way. It doesnt seem to matter if they live across the country, or for that matter-- across the world-- from one another, either. If they speak the same language, the aliens can hook them up. Later, somehow, they often (though not always) find one another and usually end up moving in together, having a sexual relationship, getting married, breeding and so forth.

I had several such set ups with another boy (the one I called "Douglas") from the time I was 11 until I was 17 years old-- the same one I ended up writing on the diner window to that one time-- so why I ended up with the guy I saw only one time Ill never know. It just ended up that way.


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